Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 381 Brother-in-law Party

After leaving the set, Link drove back to the Woolworth Building apartment, changed his clothes, and took Ivaca to the wealthy villa area on the west side of Central Park, where his uncle Edward Temple lived.

Edward Thompson is Ivaca's eldest brother. He is 30 years old and serves as the vice president of the Thompson Group Real Estate Company. He is an ordinary second-generation rich man.

Link had met each other at a party at the Tomb family's old house, and they were no strangers to each other after meeting.

"Hi Edward, happy birthday."

Link said as he handed over the birthday gift chosen by Evaca.

"Haha, thank you! Link, it's great that you can come. We must have a few more drinks."

Edward Tomp stretched out his arms and gave him a warm hug.

Link smiled softly and patted him on the shoulder. Seeing Tiffany coming, Link asked her what she was doing recently and why she didn't go to Iwaka's place to play.

Tiffany glanced at Ivaca next to her, rolled her eyes and said that she was still a student and had to go to class every day, so how could she have time to go there and play every day? She also said that even if she wanted to go, no one would be welcome, alluding to Ivaca.

Ivaca snorted and said that after she became an internet celebrity, she kept her mobile phone and computer in hand all day long, taking pictures everywhere, and failed three subjects in the semester exam.

In order to prevent her from continuing to fool around like this, her computer was confiscated and her social accounts were strictly monitored. She could only send a maximum of one message a day until she went to college.

"Link, it's up to you to judge. Do you think what Eva did was right? Did it violate my human rights?"

Tiffany pouted her little mouth, with dissatisfaction written on her round fleshy face.

Link glanced at the cold-faced Ivaca and said with a smile: "Your sister is also doing it for your own good."

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

Tiffany waved her hand and said, "I heard Selena say that you are more strict with her, nagging her to go to bed early and get up early to exercise every day, asking her to read and study, and also made her a long list of books, and even more What's too much is that you went on tour to China last month and brought back a hundred SAT mock questions and forced her to do them. Selena said that now she is blinded when she reads books and feels like vomiting when doing test papers. Oh, how pitiful. Selena.”

"Mock test paper? It sounds very good. Is there such a test paper on the Amazon website? I will also buy a hundred copies and let Tiffany do it."

Ivaca asked with interest.

Tiffany's expression changed, her round face wrinkled and she shook her head at Link.

Link nodded cruelly and said yes.

Tiffany glared at the two of them and walked away angrily.

Link smiled softly and pulled Ivaca into the party. The people at the party today were all young people, including many acquaintances.

Including Kunas Jr., Peter Peltz, David Zuckerman, Luther Detzky, Josie Epstein, and sisters Georgia Bloomberg and Amanda Hearst , Hilton sisters, etc., there are many familiar faces, most of them are the second generation, the third and fourth generation, and only Link is the first generation.

"Little Epstein is here too? How come I didn't know he was also your friend?"

Ivaca asked in a calm voice.

"Haha, we had a few drinks together. Little Epstein is a very interesting guy."

Edward smiled.

"I have to say that your taste in making friends is still very poor. You are not a decent person."

Ivaca said coldly.

Edward's eyes twitched and he looked at Link with a wry smile.

Link put his arm around Ivaca's waist and said that today is Edward's birthday, so don't say such words that ruin the atmosphere.

Ivaca glanced at him and did not continue to say anything.

Edward breathed a sigh of relief, blinked at Link gratefully, pointed to a young man next to Little Kunas and said, "Eva, it's not like I haven't made progress. Look who that person is."

Link and Iwaka looked over and saw a young man in a red suit standing opposite Little Kunas. He was twenty-six or seven years old, with short brown-blond hair and a handsome appearance.

Although there were relatively wealthy second-generation people like Kunas Jr. and David Zuckerman in the group, as well as several second-generation New York officials, the young man in the red suit still occupied the C position, surrounded by a crowd of people.

"David Ellison?"

The eldest son of Oracle President Larry Ellison. In early 2010, Larry Ellison ranked sixth on the Forbes list of the world's richest people with a net worth of US$28 billion.

"Haha, yes, I met him at a lingerie, ahem, high fashion show party. He is now the president of Skydance Pictures. He has made hundreds of millions of dollars without relying on his family. He is a very outstanding person. Guys, we get along very well.”

Edward said slightly proudly.

"Hey Link, Mr. Link Baker, nice to see you here, my name is David Ellison and I'm a fan of yours."

While they were chatting, David Ellison in the crowd suddenly glanced this way, and then stepped out of the crowd, stretching his hands towards Link from a distance, with a bit of excitement on his face.

"Hi David, I've heard about you too."

Link stretched out his hand and shook it.

David Ellison held his hand with both hands and said with a smile: "Did you hear that I lost 50 million US dollars on my first play, so I am a prodigal?"

Link smiled lightly, he had heard rumors about this.

It is rumored that David Ellison particularly liked aerial combat films such as "The Hero" and "Pearl Harbor", so he made "Aerial Combat Heroes" as his first movie. He lost 40 to 50 million, which was also the largest loss in recent years. One of the serious film projects.

However, the fact that the other party took the initiative to bring up such an embarrassing matter during the chat also shows that he is a relatively straightforward person.

"No, I have seen the promotion of "True Grit". I heard that it is your new work and the promotional video is of very good quality."

Link said.

"True Grit" is a western adventure film jointly produced by Paramount Pictures and Skydance Pictures, and is expected to be released in December.

It is co-directed by the famous Hollywood directors Coen brothers, and the general producer is Scott Rudin, one of the top ten gold medal producers in Hollywood, and David Ellison is the executive producer.

The male lead is Jeff Bridges, who won the Oscar for Best Actor at the beginning of the year, and the male second is Matt Damon.

From the producer to the director to the leading actors, they are all powerful. You don't need to watch this movie to know that it is a high-quality movie.

David Ellison's experience in such a crew is envied by many people.

"Haha, thank you! I am only responsible for a small part of this movie. Even if the movie is a big hit, my contribution will not be too big. Speaking of movies, "The Scandal Project" produced by your company is a real success. It invested 8 million and the global box office was more than 160 million, which is almost a twenty-fold return.

Link, how did you do it? When I first invested in a movie, I didn't know anything. The first movie lost more than 50 million. You made more than 50 million in the first movie. It's amazing."

David Ellison held Link's hand and kept talking, not even noticing that Edward Thompson next to him was pushed aside.

Evaka smiled with her red lips, walked to Georgia Bloomberg, and chatted with David Ellison's sister Megan Ellison.

Link saw that David Ellison was so enthusiastic and admired him very much, so he didn't brag. He just said modestly that he was only responsible for investment, and the company's producers were responsible for other things. His contribution to the movie was extremely limited.

David Ellison doesn't think so, saying that Link is not only the producer of this movie, but also the supporting actor. If he hadn't starred in it, the box office wouldn't have been so high.

This is also the view of professional magazines such as "Complete Movie" and "Variety". It is also mentioned that during the release period, he made the movie headlines several times through various hypes, which helped the box office of the movie a lot.

In addition to talking about movies, David Ellison is also his boxing fan and music fan, and he knows many of his games like the back of his hand.

He said that he often watched his games with Larry Ellison at home. Every time he watched, his father would explain the tactics and skills used by Link in the game, saying that his father also liked his boxing very much.

When he heard David Ellison talk about those boxing games, Link was sure that he was really his boxing fan.

If he wasn't a boxing fan, he wouldn't remember those things at all, not to mention that if he wasn't really fond of the other party, he wouldn't remember those things on purpose.

Seeing that the other party was a real boxing fan, Link's attitude became more enthusiastic. He took a glass of champagne and invited the other party to sit down and chat.

Not far away, Peter Peltz and Epstein Jr. looked at the two people who were chatting enthusiastically, with unhappy expressions on their faces. Before David Ellison came, they greeted him warmly and took the initiative to talk about many interesting things.

But David Ellison's attitude was very cold, without even a smile, with a very cold attitude.

Originally, everyone thought he would not smile, so they didn't care.

But after Link came, he was like a fanatical fan seeing his idol, flattering and licking him in various ways, and the smile on his face never stopped.

Peter Peltz was very disdainful. Does the son of a billionaire need to flatter Link like this when he sees Link? He is not afraid of losing his father's face.

When little Kunas saw Link coming, everyone was very enthusiastic about him, especially the relatives of the Thompson family, who directly treated him as a family member and Evaka's husband.

This made him very angry. He had enjoyed this treatment briefly before, but after Link appeared, everything changed and he became an outsider.

"You guys said you wanted to teach him a lesson, why haven't you done anything for half a year?"

Kunas asked in a low voice, holding champagne, but the smile on his face was still warm and elegant.

"We have taken action before. We were the ones who caused the online black wave a while ago. You know how serious the situation was at that time. Link was almost defeated by us, but unfortunately, Tesla went public and he became a billionaire, a wealth myth. In addition, he was young and romantic. Those fans not only stopped hating him, but also worshipped him more and were more loyal to him. This bastard is too lucky."

David Zuckerman said helplessly.

Epstein Jr. continued: "Puff Daddy and I also arranged for several young girls to approach him, but he seemed to be uninterested in those girls without fame, and he was very vigilant. We tried several times but failed."

Kunas Jr. was very unhappy to hear this. He glanced at Link, who was talking and laughing in the crowd and was regarded as the focus, and shouted in a low voice: "Is there no way?"

Peter Peltz and Epstein Jr. frowned and thought about it.

Someone mentioned that Link liked to speculate in stocks, so maybe they could introduce a few stocks that would make him fail in his investment. Without money, his aura would be weakened.

Luther Detsch suggested luring him to take drugs. A nouveau riche like Link who succeeded at a very young age must be very empty in spirit, so drugs could be used to control him.

Little Epstein said that Link had no interest in ordinary girls, so maybe they could find a female star to approach him, make him make a mistake, and then try to get hold of him.

Little Kunas nodded and asked them to arrange it as soon as possible. He didn't want to see Link for a moment.

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