Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 382 The woman who attacked at night

At his brother-in-law’s birthday party, in addition to David Ellison, he also met several second and third generations of the Hearst and Bloomberg families.

There were Amanda Hearst’s brothers and sisters, Georgia Bloomberg’s brothers and nephews, as well as Hilton family members and direct descendants of the Mars family.

Several young people of the Hearst family currently hold important positions in the Hearst Newspaper Group, which owns more than 50 daily and weekly newspapers such as the New York News, the San Francisco Examiner, the American, and the Chicago Examiner, more than 300 magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar, Esquire, Marie Claire, and ELLE, as well as cable TV and the Internet such as A+E Networks, ESPN, and Netscape.

The Bloomberg family is both rich and noble in New York, with family assets of billions of dollars and great influence in politics. For example, Georgia’s father served as the head of New York City Hall three times.

Several second and third generations of the Bloomberg family are currently working hard in politics and business.

In the past, at the Thompson family’s party, these people were not very enthusiastic about him and were not even interested in saying hello.

This time, many people came up to greet him, chatted with him, left their contact information, and were much more enthusiastic about him, as if they were accepting him as a member of the upper class.

Link knew that this was caused by his rising value, but he didn't care about it, and he wouldn't act like you ignored me at first, but now I'm out of your reach.

As long as someone came up to greet him, he would patiently chat with them about politics and economy, movies and music.

At this time, Evaka would stand quietly beside him, with a decent smile on her cold face.

The two stayed at Edward's party for more than two hours and drove away in the evening.

"How was your chat with David Ellison just now?"

Evaka asked while driving.

"Not bad, he likes movies and wants to make a career in Hollywood. Seeing that I'm doing well in investing in movies, he said he wanted to establish a partnership with Palm Beach Pictures, and I agreed."

Link leaned on the co-pilot seat. He had just drunk a few glasses of beer and his head was a little dizzy.

"You had a good chat with Megan Ellison. Do you want to pick her up?"

Evaka asked casually.

Megan Ellison is David's sister. She is 24 years old this year and is also preparing to make a big splash in Hollywood.

Link remembered that she was more successful than David in this regard. The movies she invested in, such as "The Assassination of Bin Laden", "The Grandmaster" and "The Master", all achieved good box office results and reputation.

When Megan took the initiative to come up to talk, he also showed enough patience and enthusiasm, hoping to have a chance to work together, but in Evaka's eyes, his enthusiasm was considered to be interested in Megan.

"I don't have that idea. Megan looks neutral and has a strong personality. I only like silly and sweet girls now. I have no interest in strong and independent women like you."

Link said.

Evaka curled the corners of her lips, "The brother and sister are very interested in you."

"Yes, men admire my boxing skills, women like my singing and appearance, I am popular with both men and women."

Link said proudly.


Evaka asked lightly.

Link wanted to say of course, but suddenly he thought of the fact that he had known her for almost two years and had not yet won her over, and he immediately felt a sense of defeat.

He looked at Evaka, who was wearing a light-colored skirt with a bulging front and a curved back, and had no pockets, so he asked her if she had any anti-wolf spray.

Evaka said he could try.

Link stretched out his hand, but decided to wait and find a suitable time to make a move.

He was bored while driving, so he took the initiative to bring up the feud with Weinstein, saying that the other party might retaliate against him and set a trap on the new film project. In order to prevent accidents, he planned to invest with David Ellison to share the risk.

Evaka thought this was a good idea, and said that Weinstein had a deep foundation in Hollywood and had many connections in the political arena, and asked him to be careful and guard against it. At the same time, he also told him not to worry too much, that she could handle it if something happened, and that the Thompson family also had some connections in the political arena.

Hearing her calm and composed tone, Link suddenly felt like hugging a big thick leg, which was quite refreshing, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

When the car arrived at the Woolworth Building, he remembered that Jennifer Lawrence was still at home in Yorkville. Jennifer was here for work and business trip for only two or three days. As his boyfriend, he should spend more time with her.

He apologized to Evaka and said that he would go back to Yorkville tonight.

Evaka rejected his proposal and asked for Jennifer's phone number to invite Jennifer to live here at Woolworth. There were many empty rooms in the apartment anyway.

Link was a little confused. The real girlfriend invited the rumored girlfriend to live at home? This was not a good thing. Jennifer was a strong girl and would not agree to such a ridiculous invitation.

But the result was beyond his expectations. Evaka got out of the car and made a phone call. I don't know what she said. She turned around and got in the car to tell him that Jennifer Lawrence agreed. She had arranged for her assistant to pick her up and would arrive later.

When going upstairs, Evaka ordered a table of food from the hotel downstairs and had a seafood dinner in the apartment tonight.

Link also called Jennifer and asked her if she really wanted to come. If she didn't want to come, she shouldn't force herself. Jennifer said that as long as Evaka didn't mind her presence, she wouldn't mind either.

Link put down the phone and asked what Evaka said to Jennifer and why she agreed?

Ivaca said lightly that women understand what women want and need better than men.

Link asks what is needed?

Ivaca said men.


The elevator door opened and the two returned to the apartment. As soon as they entered the living room, Link heard a tinkling sound of a piano and a sad and low female voice singing "Dancing With Your Ghost".

Yelling at the sky

Shouting to the sky

Screaming at the world

Looking around and crying

Baby, why'd you go away?

Baby, why did you leave me?

I’m still your girl

I'm still your girl

I stay up all night

I can't sleep all night

Tell myself I'm alright

Lie to yourself that everything is fine

Baby, you're just harder to see than most

This song is poignant and sad, ethereal and lonely, like a ghost singing in the desolate Palace of Versailles. It is very stunning.

Link listened to it again and found that the song was better than his own and more appealing than the original version.

Walking into the living room No. 3, a woman with long curly hair sat in front of the Steinway piano, playing and singing.

Her long hair is thick and spreads down like a waterfall, revealing only her delicate white shoulders. Her clothes are also very cool, including a white bra and silk shorts. The size of her breasts and buttocks is not much worse than that of Ivaca.

"When did Lana come?"

Link looked at Ivaca beside him.

"She came at noon. She was sleeping in the bedroom when I came."

Ivaca took off her shoes and said.

"Her singing voice is too negative, close to depression. You are her best friend and leader, so you have never thought of helping her?"

"Only a man can help her with this kind of thing, why don't you try?"

Ivaca encouraged.

Link shook his head. He had also heard about Lana's situation.

When Lana was 18 or 19 years old, she had a boyfriend who was a speedster. She had an accident while racing and her head was severed by a wheel. She received psychological counseling for a year afterwards.

At the age of twenty-two, she finally got over the haze of her previous relationship and found a like-minded boyfriend who was a singer. Within a year, her second boyfriend died in a car accident again. She witnessed it with her own eyes, and the psychological shadow was even more severe, leading to She is sensitive to, even fearful of, words such as boyfriend and car.

The successive blows caused her to feel depressed, and the songs she sang and the songs she wrote seemed like funeral songs.

In the second album "Born To Die", except for two of Link's 14 songs, the other 12 were all composed by herself, and each one is more disappointing than the last.

With the addition of Dancing With Your Ghost, if you play her album at a funeral, you won’t have to change songs from beginning to end.

"Hey Lana, can I request a song?"

Link shouted.

Lana looked back at him, fanned her long eyelashes, and smiled: "What song do you want to listen to?"

"How about "Here With You?"

This song is one of the hits of his third album. Due to its cheerful melody and positive lyrics, it has many similarities with the lyrics of "Young and Beautiful" and is considered to be a cheerful version of this song.

Link hoped the song would affect Lana's emotions.


Lana adjusted it, and then started singing while playing.

To all my friends

To all my friends

The night is young

Ye Weiyang

the music's loud

melodious singing

They play our song

They are immersed in our songs

Nowhere else that I belong

Link listened to it again and couldn't help but blush. It was such a happy song, but when it came out of Lana's mouth, it still had the atmosphere of a funeral song.

Ivaca smiled slightly, reminding him that Jennifer Lawrence had arrived.

Link and Evaka met Jennifer at the elevator.

When the two girls met, Ivaca took the initiative to say hello to Jennifer, and Jennifer responded politely with a smile and looked at Link.

The atmosphere between the two was not awkward.

The most embarrassing thing was Link. When the two of them were walking side by side in front, he had no idea where he should stand. Whether it was in front or behind, it seemed a bit redundant. It would be good to hold one hand in the middle, but the atmosphere was not in place. , just like there are no steps to go upstairs. If you rush up, you will easily hit your head.

When the three of them came to the living room, Lana was a little surprised when she saw Jennifer, and looked at Link with a wicked smile.

Link also came to his senses at this time and felt that inviting Jennifer here was not a good idea.

After Jennifer arrived, the order-made seafood dinner was also delivered to the table by the waiters.

Four people sat at the long table to eat.

Link sat in the main seat, while Evaka, Jennifer and Lana sat on both sides. During the meal, the three women chatted about movies, music and fashion. Link had no chance to interrupt. Once when they talked about movies, he interrupted, and the three women stopped talking and listened to him alone.

Link had never been the head of a family, and it was difficult for him to adapt to the new position when someone suddenly pushed him to this position.

In order to avoid embarrassment, he never spoke again after that, and ate seafood quietly, thinking that Jennifer and Evaka were there, and something might happen at night, so he ate more abalone, oysters and geoduck.

But when he really went to bed at night, everything was different from what he thought. Evaka and Lana could not sleep with him, and Jennifer did not plan to sleep with him, so he had to sleep alone tonight.

This situation reminded him of a saying of his ancestors: one monk carries water to eat, two monks carry water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat.

Link was a bald monk without water to drink. Seeing the three people go back to their rooms, Link could only suppress the surging anger in his body and sleep.

But he slept until midnight.

He dreamed that his legs were stuck in a cold and wet swamp.

He kept lifting his legs, but he sank deeper and deeper.

He gradually woke up, but found that there was a woman in his arms.

Thick long curly hair, with a cold fragrance.

Full figure.

A little inferior to Evaka, but more mature and full than Jennifer.

He was stunned for a moment.

Just as he was about to speak, the other party kissed him.

Whispered in his ear, I'm sorry, I really like you.

With shy sobs.

Link retracted his hand that pushed away, and completely fell into the bottomless swamp in his dream.

But when he woke up the next day, his arms were empty, and he was still the only one in the bed.

The swamp last night seemed to exist only in dreams.

The next day, he ran and trained as usual for filming. After Jennifer finished her work here, she returned to Los Angeles to continue filming "X-Men 4".

The only change was that Link was more careful when driving.

Because on his way to the crew, a black man suddenly rushed out of the alley, which scared him. When he stopped to avoid him, he was hit by the car behind him. The front of the car hit the fire hydrant on the side of the road, and the car and himself were sprayed with water.

When the car crashed, he couldn't help but think of the swamp with abundant rainfall in his mind, and felt that the woman last night was a bit mysterious.

"Link, look here, the shooting has started, cheer up."

"Captain America" ​​crew, director Johnston shouted.


Link rubbed his face and said.

"14th scene 2 shots 2 times, Action!"

"Captain America" ​​continued to shoot, and Captain Steve Smith finally joined the US military with the help of Dr. Erskine and participated in the ongoing super soldier program.

After using the "Super Soldier Formula", his body changed dramatically, becoming tall and strong, with top-notch physical fitness, speed, reaction and intelligence.

"Steve, how do you feel?"

In the laboratory, Dr. Erkins asked.

Link was lying in the experimental chamber and smiled, "It feels good."

"This is penicillin!"

Dr. Erkins patted him on the shoulder, and the staff announced the start of the experiment.

Link looked at Agent Carter's back, and a trace of determination flashed in his blue eyes.

"Five, four, three, two, one! Start!"

The staff took the syringe and started to inject, and the syringe in the experimental chamber also pushed forward at the same time. Link suddenly opened his eyes wide, bit his teeth hard, and groaned from his mouth. The lights in the laboratory began to flicker.


"Keep this one, and do another one!"

"Link, you're about to transform, put in more effort, I believe you can do better."

Director Joe Johnston shouted.


Link lay on the bed, took a deep breath, and cheered up to continue the performance.

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