Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 383 Meeting with Harvey

In the original Captain America comics, Captain America becomes a super soldier after being injected with serum.

But becoming stronger through injections is associated with drug use, causing some negative social effects, so in this movie, Captain America needs to undergo some physical training first, and then take oral medications, inject serum, and irradiate Vita rays to stimulate muscle growth and complete the transformation.

In the script, irradiating Vita rays is described as a very painful thing. The stronger the energy of the rays, the higher the pain, and ordinary people can't bear it at all, so during the filming, Link needs to let out a painful roar.

"Turn it off! Turn it off!"

In the studio laboratory, Agent Carter heard Steve screaming in pain in the experimental cabin.

"Turn back, Mr. Stark, turn back, turn it off!"

Dr. Erkins shouted.

Howard Stark, Iron Man's father, held the control valve, ready to reduce the intensity of the Vita ray.

"No! Don't turn it off! I can hold on!"

In the experimental cabin, Link gritted his teeth and shouted.

Stark continued to rotate the energy valve to adjust the intensity of the Vita ray to 100%


A series of explosions occurred in the laboratory, and even the light in the experimental cabin became dim, and a puff of white smoke came out.

Just when everyone thought the experiment had failed, the hatch opened, and Link lay in the experimental cabin with his upper body naked, and all the muscles on his body bulged up.

The strong pectoralis major, eight chocolate abdominal muscles, solid deltoids and scapula muscles, like a python awakening, all lurked under the skin. When he moved his body, the muscle groups under the skin began to slide, giving people an extremely strong feeling, very visual impact.


"Link's body is so strong!"

"The real Captain America is probably like this."

The crew members looked at Link's body, the men envied, and the women's eyes were hot.

Director Johnston nodded with satisfaction. This was exactly the effect he wanted. When selecting actors, body shape was also an important consideration.

Among all the audition actors, Link's muscles were not the largest, but he was the most symmetrical, with the most beautiful muscle lines, and he looked the most powerful.

But for better visual effects, he specifically told Link to gain some more muscle some time before the shooting. Afterwards, Link gained more than ten pounds, and now the effect looks very good.

"Link, how do you feel."

Agent Carter rushed over and asked. As soon as she finished her line, she slapped her lips and smiled embarrassedly.


"One more time!"

"Steve, how do you feel?"

Agent Carter looked at his strong and sexy muscles with burning eyes, stretched out his fingers to touch the two hot pectoral muscles, and stopped halfway.

"Grown taller."

Link stood up and panted.

"Looks taller."

Agent Carter took out a piece of clothing and handed it to him.


"Next one!"

The crew filmed in New York for more than ten days and came to Universal Studios in Los Angeles in late October. Link also followed the crew and talked to Harvey about cooperation.

He met Harvey Weinstein in an Italian cafe on Hollywood Boulevard. In addition to delicious Italian coffee, there are also various desserts, such as tiramisu cheesecake, golden bread, pigeon cake, Italian custard cup, etc., which taste very good.

When Link and Broadbent, the production director of Palm Beach Pictures, came to the coffee shop, Harvey had already arrived and was chatting with director David Russell in the booth.

Seeing him coming, he looked at him a few times, his eyes were cold and deep, but this state lasted less than a second. Harvey suddenly laughed, stretched out his arms and shouted to Link: "Link, you are younger and more handsome in person than in the photo."

Link smiled lightly and said thank you. Seeing the other party stretched out his hand, with a big belly, posing as if he wanted to hug.

He quickly stretched out his hand and shook the other party's right hand, saying that he liked the movies he made very much, praising him as the leader and godfather of modern movies, and also flattering the other party a few words.

Harvey laughed and praised him for his youth and potential, and mentioned all his titles.

The atmosphere when the two met was more harmonious than Link expected, which made him more alert.

Harvey was not a good person. He was shrewd and cunning, did not follow the rules, and had no bottom line. He was notorious in the film industry. He often used almost fraudulent methods at international film festivals to buy a lot of film sources, and then distributed them in North America after editing to make money.

A large number of the deceived filmmakers were from China.

A Chinese director named Feng once publicly scolded him, saying that after Harvey saw a movie at a film festival, he would offer a very high price to buy the North American copyright, such as 10 million US dollars and pay a deposit of 200,000 US dollars. Other film producers saw that Harvey's bid was high and withdrew from the competition.

Without competitors, Harvey started to play dirty and delay the deal. After the filmmakers repeatedly urged him, he started to bargain, from the initial 10 million to 1 million, or even lower, and used the "Oscar Award" as bait.

At that time, the filmmakers could not find a suitable distributor, and were eager to cash in the film, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree, bearing huge economic losses.

Harvey was so cunning, but he smiled at him, so Link had to be extremely careful to deal with the next conversation.

After Link sat down, he handed the cooperation to producer Broadbent to discuss.

Producer Bent is a gold medal producer that Link spent a lot of money to dig out from Warner Pictures. He is 50 years old this year. He entered the production field in the early 1990s and participated in the production of more than 40 films. His representative works include "Becoming Jane Austen", "The Killer Takes No Holidays", "Wind Kill", etc.

The other party is also one of the producers of "The Scandal Project" and serves as the production director of Palm Beach Pictures. He is very good at making movies.

While Link was chatting with director David Russell, Director Russell seemed to be unaware of the conflict between him and Harvey. After meeting, he explained to him why he did not seek cooperation with him.

The script idea of ​​"Silver Linings Playbook" was provided by Bradley Cooper. Bradley thought it was good and found him to ask for cooperation.

Bradley Cooper is a famous actor. He has starred in several TV series with good ratings, such as "Sex and the City 2" and "Alias ​​1, 2, and 3". In 2009, he became a first-line movie star with "The Hangover". He also worked with Link in "Valentine's Day".

Link nodded to show his understanding. He was not very interested in the leading actor of this movie. He had four or five movies on hand and was completely busy. He didn't want to add more burden to himself.

In addition, as his net worth rises, he plans to take only one or two better dramas every year after finishing these movies next year. The rest of the time will be spent on training, managing Link Music, investing in movies or making other investments, striving to earn more capital in these years.

"Broad, it's settled. I believe this will be a very pleasant cooperation."

Harvey, with a big belly, stretched out his hand to shake hands with producer Bent.

"Yes, we also look forward to working with you."

Producer Bent smiled.

"Link, how about it, any comments?"

Harvey grinned, looked at Link, and said meaningfully.

Link shook his head and said that he didn't understand movies, so he just paid the money. He asked him, producer Bent, and director Russell to take care of the rest, hoping to make more money through this movie.

Harvey laughed and said that he would definitely do it. He also pulled him to the side and asked quietly when he could return the information to him.

Link stared at Harvey's greasy face and tentatively said that the information had been completely destroyed. Even if someone exposed it in the future, it would not be his problem. After all, he got the information from others and did not collect it intentionally.

Originally, he thought Harvey would change his face on the spot and ask to end the cooperation, but he didn't.

Harvey just narrowed his eyes and smiled and said that it didn't matter. Compared with that insignificant information, he valued this cooperation more.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Link became more alert.

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