Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 388: A Man Who Fears Marriage

In March, in Miami, on the blue sea, a white yacht drifted with the waves. From a distance, it looked like a white water bird flying between the blue sea and the blue sky.

Link was lying on the deck of the yacht, his upper body exposed, wearing only a pair of beach pants and a pair of sunglasses. His skin glowed with a metallic luster in the sun, and his muscles were like cast iron, solid and powerful.

Sitting opposite was James, who had just boarded the boat. He was wearing a baseball cap and no shirt, revealing a plump white body. The waist of his pants was tightly tied around his belly, and the meat on his belly was almost overflowing onto the deck.

"Link, I have decided to go to Los Angeles with you, or New York."

"It's too late. I don't want to take you there now."

"Why? If I continue to stay here, I will be here for the rest of my life. It's scary to think about it. I want to go to New York and Los Angeles to see the outside world."

"The outside world is just like that. There is nothing to see. It's not as beautiful as Miami Beach."

Under the awning, Link flipped through a magazine and said without raising his head.

James scratched his fat face, hesitated for a while, and slumped in the armchair like he was giving up.

"Link, I don't want to get married. I have no plans to get married at all."

"It's too late. Lillian is pregnant with your child. You say you don't want to get married now. What did you do before?"

Link raised the corner of his mouth.

More than ten days ago, he returned to Miami with fatigue and prepared to rest here for a while.

But I heard that James had a new girlfriend named Lillian, a Latina girl, who was a little fat and not beautiful, but not ugly, more than enough for James.

Lillian was an employee James recruited to the store last year. She worked hard and was quick and nimble. She could manage the diving shop in an orderly manner by herself.

The two worked together for three or four months and slept together naturally.

Less than two months later, Lillian was pregnant and asked James what to do?

James was scared and ran to Daniel's store to hide.

Lillian found James' mother Cathy again and told her about it.

Aunt Cathy knew Lillian and was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law. She was practical, capable, good-natured, and had attended community college for two years. She was much better than the girls James had known before.

She told Lillian that she hoped she would give birth to the baby and said that she would let James marry her.

Afterwards, Aunt Cathy found James in Daniel's store and asked him to marry Lillian.

James refused to obey. His ideal wife was a hot and beautiful woman, definitely not a girl like Lillian who looked average and had a fat body.

Hesitantly, he asked Cathy if he could take Lillian to have an abortion?

Cathy slapped him in the face and told him that it was impossible. If he didn't like Lillian before, why did he sleep with her? Now that she was pregnant, he didn't want to take responsibility. She asked him who he learned this from.

Cathy pulled his ears and went home. She also let Lillian live at home to take care of the baby. At the same time, she began to prepare for their wedding, which would be married in two months.

As the wedding date approached, James was in a state of panic. When he saw Link coming back, he came to harass him every day, wanting to go to Los Angeles and New York with him.

Link heard the whole story from Cathy, and naturally he would not follow James' temper. If he really took him to Los Angeles, Cathy would really think that James learned bad things from him.

Lillian and the unborn child would blame him in the future, and he didn't want to be the bad guy.

"Let's get married first. After the child is born, I welcome you to Los Angeles or New York."

Link took a sip of lemonade to moisten his dry lips.

"I don't want to get married. I'm only 24 years old. I haven't had enough fun. And that child, I'm not ready to be a father at all."

James said with his hands spread out.

Link glanced at him. If he didn't have a store and American citizenship, people like him would only be single in other countries. How could anyone chase him to marry him and give birth to his children?

"There are still two months before the wedding, so it's not too late to start preparing now. In addition, Cathy is going to open a small cafe in the city and let you and Lillian take care of it. In the future, you will have a wife, children, and a small cafe, and life will be very good."

"Don't you think this is terrible? I have grown up and have never been to places other than Miami. Now I am going to get married and become a father, and I have to spend my whole life guarding a cafe. It's terrible. I can see the end of such a life at a glance. I regret it. I should have gone to Los Angeles with you earlier."

James said.

"What's wrong with going to Los Angeles? Although the parties are lively, you can't go to parties every day. Universal Studios, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, Sunset Boulevard, although these places are beautiful and prosperous, you will get tired of them after a long time.

And those bars, dance halls and clubs are just places where bored people spend time. If you go there too much, you will become more bored. Staying in Miami, staying in the place you like, is not a bad thing."

"You didn't say this before. You often encouraged me to go out before."

"You didn't have children before."

Link said.

It's not just because of the children, but also because of James' personality. For someone like him who is cowardly, it would be more uncomfortable to go to a big city, so it's better to stay in Miami, the comfort zone.

As for the idea that surviving in a big city will be tempered and become mature and tough, it doesn't apply to everyone.

Some people are born with a strong foundation and will become gold after tempering, but more people will become slag. James is obviously not the former.

In addition, Link has lived in New York and Los Angeles for more than two years, and his feelings about the places have changed from the initial yearning to a bit of fatigue now.

These two cities give him the feeling of two bottomless quagmires, in which there are treasure chests with labels such as wealth, reputation, status, and lust. The more he gets, the heavier his body becomes, and the deeper he sinks.

Link believes that he was not a lustful and greedy person in the past. His previous goals were two or three beautiful women and a deposit of 700 to 800 million.

However, after seeing the materialistic desires of Hollywood and the extravagant prosperity of Manhattan, one's personality will be subtly affected, his three views will be distorted, his own desires will be infinitely magnified, and people will gradually become greedy, lustful, and vain.

Although Link resisted and fought, after leaving the two quagmires and returning to Miami, he looked at what he had done in the past year and found that all the struggles were in vain.

Everyone becomes part of the quagmire after entering it, even if his body is floating on the sea of ​​Miami at this moment.

Another social attribute of him is still in New York and Los Angeles, and newspapers, TV and networks are still broadcasting what he did in New York and Los Angeles.

It's like he never left.

People like him who are considered strong can't keep their true colors after entering the metropolis, let alone James.

"Link, I heard about your child with Taylor."

"Don't say it."

Link said.

"Oh, okay!"

James scratched his face helplessly.

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