Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 389 Worth 2 Billion (710)

Chapter 389 Worth 2 Billion (7/10)

After James left in the boat, Link lay on the sofa and flipped through a magazine.

By March, "The Expendables" had been released in theaters in North America, with a North American box office of $130.3 million and a global box office of $2.97. There are still many countries and regions overseas that have not yet finished showing.

This movie ranked 18th on the 2010 North American box office list.

And "The Scandal Project," produced by Palm Beach Pictures, had a North American box office of $71.41 million and a global box office of $122 million, ranking 38th on the North American annual box office list. Although it is not ranked high, it is considered the biggest box office dark horse in 2010.

Palm Beach Pictures also earned more than 48 million US dollars from the box office share of the movie and the share of DVDs, home entertainment, and cable TV, which is nearly 12 times the cost.

More importantly, the heroine Emma Stone also became a big star in the entertainment industry with this movie, and her fame is no less than that of the four little flowers.

Since Link has starred in both films, plus Valentine's Day, which was released at the beginning of the year, he has three films that have grossed over 100 million yuan worldwide this year, and the media believes that he has extremely high box office appeal.

The first three months of each year are the awards season in the entertainment industry. Link has been nominated or received invitations to more than a dozen awards, including the Golden Globe Awards, Grammy Awards, Oscars, People's Choice Awards, Teen Choice Awards, and American Critics' Choice Awards.

But he had too many personal matters in these two months, so he only attended the Grammy Awards ceremony.

This year, he led all singers with 12 nominations at the Grammy Awards, and finally won three Grammys, including Song of the Year, Album of the Year, and Best Male Pop Singer, becoming the biggest winner of this year's Grammy Awards.

In addition to the Grammys, he also won the People's Choice Award-Most Popular Action Movie Actor (The Expendables), the Teen Choice Award-Best Movie Scene Stealer (The Expendables)-Best Kiss Actor Award (Valentine's Day vs. Taylor), the American Critics' Choice Award-Best Actor in an Action Movie and other awards (The Expendables), etc.

It can be said that he has won many awards.

There are also singers under Link Music and actors under Palm Bay Management Company, who also reaped great rewards at major music/film award ceremonies at the beginning of the year, winning more than 20 awards of varying sizes.

In addition to the news about the awards ceremony, he looked at the latest data from Billboard.

In November last year, Darlei released her second album "Born to Die", and the main singles "Dancing with your ghost" and "Born to Die" successively topped the Billboard singles chart, with the former being the top of the singles chart for three consecutive weeks.

The sales of this album were also unexpectedly popular, with 224,000 copies sold in the United States in the first week, ranking first in the album chart. Currently, the sales in the United States have reached 1.137 million copies, which is Lana's second platinum album.

In addition, the sales of this album overseas are better than in the United States.

After its release, it won the album charts in nine countries including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, and Australia.

By March, the cumulative sales in eleven countries exceeded 500,000 copies, with Australia having the highest sales of two million copies.

Currently, "Born to die" has accumulated 8.37 million copies worldwide, and it is just around the corner to break the diamond record.

Lana is also considered to be the well-deserved number one in link music.

Following Lana, Bruno Mars also released his second studio album "Doo-Wops \u0026 Hooligans" in early February.

The first promotional single "Grenade" was released in mid-January and topped the Billboard Hot 100 for three consecutive weeks, becoming Mars' third champion single after "Nothin' on You" and "lighters".

In mid-February, the second promotional single "Just the Way You Are" was released with the album.

As soon as this song was released, it attracted fans' pursuit. The online and offline sales on the first day reached 860,000 copies, and it topped the singles chart for six consecutive weeks. As of this week, no one can take away the championship throne of this song.

The sales of the two promotional singles were good, which also made the album famous. The first week sales in the United States were 341,000 copies, and the Billboard Album Chart Top 200 sales champion, and it was the champion for three consecutive weeks.

At present, the album has sold 924,000 copies in the United States, and it is just around the corner to surpass Lana. However, in terms of overseas sales, Mars' second album is a little worse than Lana's.

When the two albums of Sister Lei and Brother Mars were selling well, neither fans nor the media forgot him, the man standing behind the scenes.

The main singles of these two albums were all written by him, and they were a huge success in the market.

Now, no matter fans, peers, record companies, or media, all regard him as a musical genius, master, and godfather.

It is said that any song he writes can top the singles chart, and whoever sings his songs will become popular.

It is also said that his songs are the vane of the market. If you want to sell an album, you only need to follow his song style or imitate the style of the new album of the singers under Link Music, and you will never go astray.

The media speaks of him as a god.

Singers who want to join Link Music are like crucian carp crossing the river. They receive hundreds of song demos every week, hoping to be noticed by him and become the next Sister Lei, Brother Mars, and Wiz Khalifa.

Link Music's market value also broke through 600 million US dollars after the two albums sold well, and the latest valuation is between 620 million and 650 million.

Because of his great influence on the American music and pop culture circles last year and his high popularity, Time magazine once again listed him as the "100 People of the Year", "Idol of the Times", and "No. 1 in the Top Ten Popular People in Online News".

People Weekly also once again named him the "Sexiest Man of the Year", "No. 1 Influencer of American Pop Culture", and "Music Superstar".

In the annual music power list published by Rolling Stone Magazine, he ranked only after the presidents of record companies such as Universal Music, Sony Music, and Warner Music, ranking sixth, and Eva Ka ranked ninth.

Because Link was too popular recently, he didn't want to deal with the media, so he came to Miami to rest.

"Link, I made some iced black tea. Would you like to try it?"

Sasaki Nozomi came out of the cabin with a silver tray. She was only wearing a bikini. She was tall, had pencil legs, and a bun. Her face was delicate and sweet. She looked fresh and cute, like a woman from a Japanese manga.

Nozomi came to Miami to accompany him on vacation more than ten days ago. She would take the initiative to avoid him when there were outsiders. She would come out when he was alone, make tea, chat, or lean on his arms and let him do whatever he wanted.

Link took a sip of the iced black tea. It was English black tea. It tasted cool and slightly astringent, with a mellow aftertaste and a strong tea aroma.

"It tastes good."

Nozomi knelt beside him, smiled sweetly at him, and snuggled into his arms.

She had just come out of the cabin. Her skin was smooth and cool. It felt good to hold her.

"How are the sales of underwear?"

"The new brand of underwear was launched at the end of last year. At the beginning of the year, the sales in Tokyo, Yokohama and Osaka were more than 68,500 pieces, with a profit of 32 million yen. There is information on my laptop. Do you want to see it?"

Nozomi Sasaki asked as she stood up.

Link waved his hand. 45 million yen is only 200,000 US dollars, but it is not bad for a new brand to sell this amount right after it was launched.

"Are you still filming?"

"Well, I said goodbye to the entertainment industry in September and I don't appear in front of the media."

Nozomi Sasaki said.

Link stroked her smooth cheek, "Will you feel uncomfortable if you don't go out for public activities?"

"No, I like it now. The Japanese media has reported our relationship. Now everyone knows that I am your family member. They respect me very much. Every time I attend a business meeting, I will be invited to sit in the main seat, which is much better than before."

Nozomi Sasaki looked up at him with admiration in her eyes.

Link smiled gently. The Japanese people have a strong psychological admiration for the strong.

After their relationship was exposed by Japanese media in September last year, many Japanese fans called him a scumbag and asked him to get out of Japan. Later, as Tesla went public, his net worth soared and he became a billionaire, and the voices criticizing him in the media decreased.

In the past six months, as Tesla's stock price has grown steadily, its market value has once again reached 6 billion US dollars, Twitter's third round of financing has reached 4.5 billion US dollars, and Link Music's market value has exceeded 600 million.

Based on these three parts alone, the Wall Street Journal estimates that his net worth is about 1.8 billion US dollars.

Including income from global tours and boxing matches, the Wall Street Journal estimates that his net worth is around 2.2 billion.

In early March, Forbes estimated that his net worth was 2.45 billion US dollars, mainly including shares of the above three companies, Dynasty Sports shares, Amazon shares, and investments and income in music, boxing, film and television, advertising, real estate, etc.

The final figure is 2.45 billion US dollars, ranking 398th on the Forbes Global Rich List, nearly ten times higher than last year.

As his value rises, negative reports about him in the US and international media have gradually decreased. Most of the news is about his attendance at public events, and his scandals are rarely mentioned.

The same is true in Japan. The media no longer reports on his scandal with Nozomi Sasaki, but instead reports on their business activities.

Nozomi Sasaki also received several honorary titles at the beginning of the year, such as the most beautiful female CEO, vice president of the Tokyo Federation of Underwear Brands, and vice president of the Tokyo Love Association.

Nozomi Sasaki has undergone a major transformation in her identity, from an exploited artist to a respected woman. Naturally, she will no longer miss her past career.

Link kissed her cherry-like lips and pushed aside the straps under her. As the yacht swayed, the two of them were like big fish wriggling on the deck.

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