Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 390 The Life and Death of a Child

On the sea, Ms. Anna, holding a folder, waited for a while on the lower deck. She saw the Japanese woman slowly coming down the escalator, bowed with her hand on her belly, and whispered, "Mr. Baker, please go up."

Ms. Anna thanked politely, took off her hat and sunglasses and handed them to her assistant, and followed Nozomi Sasaki to the second deck.

Link saw Anna coming up, put on a shirt, poured a glass of sparkling water and handed it over, and asked Anna what she wanted to do and why she had to go to the sea.

Ms. Anna is now his agent, mainly responsible for contacting Link Music, Palm Bay Agency, and other work, which is equivalent to a housekeeper in entertainment work.

Anna said she had three things to report.

First, several movies he shot last year sold well and were considered to have high box office appeal.

Palm Bay Agency has recently received many script invitations, and there are eight scripts with a salary of more than 10 million, all of which are annual productions of the six major film studios.

There are "The Impossible", "The Hobbit", "Les Miserables", etc. Some are protagonists, some are major supporting roles, and the roles are all very good.

Link thought about it and rejected them all.

These movies are all commercial films. The purpose of actors making commercial films is to make money, and what he lacks the least now is money.

A movie pays 10 or 20 million, which is just a few minutes of competition for him, and it takes two or three months or more to shoot a movie.

His time and energy are very limited now, and he can't spend all of it on making movies.

He told Anna that he would have no more than two movies a year in the future, and there are still four movies to be shot this year. He doesn't need to take other scripts for the time being. If he wants to act, he will take the initiative to find roles that interest him.

Ms. Anna said she understood. The second thing is that Harvey Weinstein's secretary just called and Weinstein Pictures is going to hold a celebration party on the weekend and invite Link to attend.

At the 83rd Academy Awards that just ended, the film "The King's Speech" produced and distributed by Weinstein Pictures received 12 nominations and finally won four awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Original Screenplay, becoming the biggest winner of this year's Academy Awards.

Harvey Weinstein was also thanked by many winners and became one of the most watched figures at this year's Oscars.

"The King's Speech" not only has a good reputation and won many awards, but also has good box office results. It was released on December 25 last year, and the current North American box office results have reached 108 million US dollars, and the overseas box office has exceeded 220 million US dollars.

The cost of making the film was only 15 million.

Weinstein Pictures also made a lot of money with this film, getting rid of last year's decline and financial crisis, and once again became the leader in the field of independent production.

In the Hollywood Power List published by The Hollywood Reporter at the beginning of the year, Harvey also surpassed Disney President Robert Iger, Fox Film boss Murdoch, Paramount Pictures boss Redstone, as well as Director Spielberg, George Lucas, Tom Cruise, etc., becoming the first person on the Hollywood Power List.

Link thought about it and decided to accept the invitation.

From the end of last year to the beginning of the year, Harvey called him twice to invite him to the party, but he refused both times on the pretext that he was too busy to attend.

Now the media reported that he was on vacation in Miami, so he obviously had time. Refusing again would make Harvey feel embarrassed and affect the cooperation on the Silver Linings Playbook project.

"Anna, is there anything else?"

Link asked.

Anna hesitated, "Boss, the detective sent a message that Taylor didn't seem to be in premature labor and the baby didn't die."

Link frowned, "Is the news reliable?"

"Not sure, the place where Taylor gave birth was a private hospital with a very high confidentiality level. All the doctors and nurses who participated in the reception had signed a confidentiality agreement in advance and were not allowed to disclose any work content to the outside world, resulting in us and the media not gaining anything during the investigation.

The private detective was not doing well during the investigation, but a few days ago he met an obstetric nurse in a bar and got some information from her, but there were no photos and accurate information, so I couldn't be sure that the detective's information was correct."

Ms. Anna said.

Link pinched his forehead.

In February, before Taylor's due date, he took the initiative to end all his work and rushed to Nashville to accompany Taylor, but was rejected by Taylor and was not allowed to meet him once, no matter what he said.

By early February, he returned to Los Angeles to participate in the Grammy Awards, won three trophies, and became the biggest winner of this year's Grammy Awards.

Before he had time to be happy, he received a call from Anna in Nashville that night, saying that Taylor accidentally slipped on the snow during the pregnancy test and unexpectedly gave birth prematurely.

When he rushed to Nashville, Taylor's assistant Emily told him that due to the lack of timely treatment, an accident occurred during the delivery process, and the child was gone, and asked him to mourn.

Link was very upset when he heard the news and asked for the exact situation. Emily said that she was not there at the time and was not very clear.

Considering Taylor's situation, he did not ask any more questions.

Then he followed Emily into the ward and saw Taylor sleeping on the bed with a pale face. He put aside the matter of the child and took the initiative to take care of Taylor.

After a week of care, Taylor's physical condition gradually improved and he could walk on the grass. Suddenly one day Taylor asked him if he wanted to know how the child was gone.

Link did not want to mention it and was ready to change the subject.

Taylor told him that it was her who took the initiative to fall to the ground and caused the accident.

If the child was there, he would keep pestering her and controlling her life like he is now, and he could also use the excuse of visiting the child to intrude into her life at will and make her inseparable from him.

She hated this, so she made up her mind and took the initiative to end the child's life.

When Taylor spoke, he clenched his snow-white fists and his expression became cold.

Link was shocked and suspicious, but he did not ask whether it was true or not. After sending Taylor back to the ward, he also left Nashville.

Because whether it was true or not, Taylor's words revealed that he did not want to be disturbed by him, and he had no reason to stay.

However, after calming down, he felt that Taylor's words should be angry words. If she was really so cruel, she would have had an abortion in the first few months of pregnancy and would not have waited until now.

If Taylor did not do it on purpose, the child's death was an accident, or there was no premature birth at all, and it was a trick played by Taylor to get rid of him.

Considering this, he arranged for detectives to investigate the relevant situation, but Taylor and the hospital did a good job of keeping it confidential.

Whether it was his people who investigated or the media who interviewed, they all said that Taylor had an accident a few days before the due date, and the child unfortunately died.

Now the detective has received some news that Taylor did not give birth prematurely and the child is fine.

I don't know if this news is true or not.

If it is true, it would be great.

He thought about it and said to Anna that there is no need to investigate anymore because it is meaningless.

If the child is not there, it is useless to find out these groundless news, which may cause secondary harm to Taylor.

The child is still there, and Taylor, as a mother, can't just abandon it and ignore it.

With her net worth of tens of millions of dollars, she can definitely take good care of the child.

If the child is still there, it is not a good thing to be found by the detective or known by the media.

Since Taylor wants to hide everything, it's up to her.

Anna said she knew, asked him when he would return to Los Angeles, and booked a flight for him in advance.

After seeing Anna off, Link stood on the deck, looking at the blue sea, thinking of the child whose life and death was unknown, and couldn't help sighing.

If time could go back three years, he probably wouldn't provoke Taylor.

This woman is beautiful, smart, independent, tall, talented, and famous at a young age.

Before she was 30, she was worth hundreds of millions of dollars, a world-class superstar, and a female music queen.

If I hadn't appeared, she would have had many big-name boyfriends.

Money, beauty, fame, status, and mansions, all available.

This woman is no different from the lucky child in the cool novel.

It's too difficult for me to win against her if I meet her.

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