After seeing off Ms. Anna, Link jumped from the deck and swam in the sea.

Nozomi Sasaki watched from the deck for a while, exclaimed softly, and jumped down as well.

She had good swimming skills, long legs, and looked very pretty when swimming, but her physical strength was limited. She ran out of energy after swimming for a while. Link took her to the bottom of the sea, trying to learn the action of ML in the movie.

After trying a few times, the experience was not good, so he returned to the yacht.

After staying on the sea for a few days, most of the troubles in his mind were evaporated by the sun, and the whole person recovered some spirit.

In late March, he flew back to New York.

Nozomi still stayed in Miami. In early March, a magnitude 9 earthquake occurred in the northeastern Pacific region of Japan, causing radioactive materials from the two nuclear power plants in Fukushima to leak to the outside, causing panic among the Japanese people.

At this stage, the crisis has not been resolved, and the surrounding areas are seriously polluted. It is safer for Nozomi to live here.

As soon as Link returned to New York, he received good news from Ms. Cathie Wood. State Street Capital, the fourth largest shareholder of Nvidia, agreed to transfer 3.72% of its shares, and the offer price was 550 million US dollars.

State Street Capital also proposed a transaction method to exchange his Twitter shares.

The current market value of Twitter is less than 5 billion US dollars, about one-third of Nvidia, so he needs to exchange about 12.7% of Twitter shares.

After the third round of financing, Link only had 14.5% of Twitter shares.

If the transaction is agreed, his Twitter shares will drop below 3%.

Link asked Cathy to continue negotiating with them.

Nvidia's market value is currently higher than Twitter, but Twitter's development speed is much faster than Nvidia. At the beginning of last year, its market value just exceeded 1 billion, and in August it exceeded 2 billion. At the beginning of the year, the three rounds of financing were successful, exceeding 4 billion, and it is expected to reach 10 billion US dollars by the end of the year.

Twitter plans to go public next year. Will this company become the next Facebook and become a 100 billion company?

Many investment banks on Wall Street gave a positive answer.

Professional media such as the Wall Street Journal also expressed great affirmation of Twitter's development, believing that Twitter is playing a great role in the social field. Link has more than 80 million followers on Twitter and is also the celebrity with the most followers on major social platforms.

This also shows that Twitter has great potential.

This also aroused the enthusiasm of investors. Since the third round of Twitter financing, many consortiums and investors have wanted to buy Twitter shares, resulting in a continuous increase in Twitter's market value.

The shares held by Link, the second largest shareholder, have also become a hot commodity in the eyes of the consortium.

According to the current situation, it is inappropriate to exchange Nvidia shares at normal market prices.

After several rounds of negotiations, State Street Capital proposed 11.3% of Twitter shares in exchange, which is their bottom line.

After thinking about it, Link chose to trade, using 9.3% of Twitter shares and 80 million in cash and securities to exchange for 3.72% of Nvidia shares held by State Street Capital.

Although Twitter's market value once exceeded 200 billion US dollars after its listing, it has made poor progress in promotion and advertising profits, and has gradually fallen behind in competition with platforms such as Facebook, ins, and Weibo, with a deficit of hundreds of millions of US dollars for many years.

This has also led to a large reduction in Twitter users and a sharp drop in market value.

Musk's investment of 44 billion US dollars to acquire Twitter in 2022 is also related to Twitter's poor management.

Nvidia's market value successfully exceeded one trillion in 2023, becoming the fifth American Internet technology giant to enter the "trillion club" after Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. Its market value exceeded two trillion in 24 years, and its potential is greater than Twitter.

After the transaction was completed, Link held a total of 5.3% of Nvidia's shares.

Among them, 1.6% of the shares were bought by Ms. Cathy and the investment team from the stock market and other shareholders, and he spent more than 200 million in cash reserves.

After taking 5.3% of Nvidia's shares, Link became the sixth largest shareholder of Nvidia.

The first is Pioneer Asset Management, which holds about 13.31% of the shares. The second is Bellite Investment Company, which holds about 12.1%. The third is Fidelity Management and Research Company, which holds 8.6%. The fourth is Jason Huang, the founder of Nvidia, who holds 8.2%. The fifth is State Street Capital, which holds 5.8%.

When trading, Link did not hold Nvidia shares in his personal name. He used the name of Golden Shell Investment Management Company.

The company was established in early December last year and manages the stocks of all American companies under Link, including 16.2% of Tesla shares, 5.3% of Nvidia shares, 5.2% of Twitter shares, and 0.004% of Amazon shares, with a total market value of about 1.9 billion US dollars.

Link serves as the chairman of Golden Shell Investment Company and holds 98% of the shares.

Ms. Cathie Wood holds 1%, and other management of the company holds about 1%.

The company's main businesses include financial and tax consulting, investment consulting, financial and tax agency, asset custody, industrial investment, investment information consulting, etc. It also accepts investments from other customers, with an entry standard of 10 million US dollars.

"I have 30 million in my account. How about giving it to Golden Shell Capital?"

At the table, Evaka asked, forking a strawberry.

"Investment is risky. You need to be prepared to lose money before you exit."

Link said while eating bread.

"It doesn't matter. With Link Music, I don't have to worry about having no money to spend. The Wall Street Journal praised you for your extremely keen vision and insight in investment. I believe in you."

Evaka said.

Link smiled softly.

Some time ago, the exchange of shares between Golden Shell Investment Company and State Street Capital attracted the attention of many people on Wall Street.

Although a transaction worth nearly one billion US dollars is not a large number on Wall Street, because it involves a celebrity like him, it has become hot news.

Also because Twitter has good development prospects, it is a popular stock.

NVIDIA has been listed since 1999, and its market value once exceeded 20 billion in 2003. In 2005, due to the failure of market decision-making, it fell to 15 billion US dollars. By the financial crisis in 2008, it fell below 10 billion US dollars. It has recovered slightly in the past two years. However, it failed to enter the mobile phone field last year, and its market value fell again. Its current market value is less than 15 billion US dollars, making it an unpopular stock.

Trading popular items for unpopular items is obviously inappropriate.

At the time of the transaction, most media believed that it was a wrong decision for Jin Beike to exchange a company stock with unlimited potential for an unpopular stock. They said that Link would definitely regret it after Twitter went public, and would also regret this transaction. He suffered a big loss and became a Waterloo in his life.

However, a few media outlets supported his decision.

For example, the Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. stock market has experienced two financial crises caused by the virtual economy in the past decade, resulting in high risks and uncertainties in the virtual economy.

Link's shift of investment from the Internet field to the physical chip manufacturer Nvidia is a good way to avoid risks.

He does not explain external comments, good or bad.

After owning a large amount of Tesla and a large amount of Nvidia shares, he feels much more at ease. Now he only needs to hold on to these two stocks and not operate randomly. In ten years, his net worth will be at least tens of billions.

With a net worth of tens of billions, he is considered to be at the top of the pyramid in the United States. The only thing left is to live a stable life, marry a capable and virtuous wife, and give birth to a bunch of heirs, and his life will be complete.

Link looked at the cold and dignified Miss Iwaka with blond hair opposite her, and suddenly felt that marrying her was a good choice.

"Any questions?"

Ivaca touched the corners of her lower lips with her fingers to see if there was any jam on her face.

"If we get married, will you change your name to Evaca Baker?"

Link laughed.

Ivaca looked at him in surprise and said expressionlessly: "Yes, provided you propose to me first."

"How many children are you willing to have after marriage?"

Link continued to ask.

"How many do you want?"

"How about ten?"


Ivaca frowned and said calmly: "As long as you don't find it annoying, I have no problem."

Link smiled softly and continued eating breakfast.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Ivaca asked, staring at him.

"Can we have children first and then get married?"

"Absolutely impossible, don't even think about it."

Ivaca said coldly.

Link nodded and decided not to take the risk and suffered a bloody loss from Taylor.

If you meet the equally strong and independent Ivaca and do this again, you will probably be the one who suffers in the end.

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