WMA Brokerage Company currently has 150 brokers and manages the brokerage contracts of more than 500 actors, singers, sports stars and other celebrities.

On average, each manager has four or five artists.

In addition to Daddario, Susan Cobos has three other actors, all of whom are second- or third-tier actors.

The most famous among them is Jessica Chastain, who was originally a TV actress. She entered the big screen in 2006 and successively played important roles in movies such as "Jolina" and "Murder on the Orient Express", and made a name for herself in Hollywood.

Link remembered that in the movie "The Help" produced by Palm Beach Pictures, Jessica Chastain seemed to play a small supporting role in it. Considering that Susan and Catherine were acquaintances, it would be understandable for the other party to get this role.

Ms. Susan introduced her other artists face to face, probably hoping that he would take care of them at his convenience.

Link doesn't mind this either. Jessica Chastain is a capable actress. If Lionsgate has a suitable role, it won't hurt if she takes proper care of her.

When working in Hollywood, connections are very important. Susan is a veteran agent of the WMA agency, so she may be able to establish a good cooperative relationship with WMA.

After chatting for a few words, Ms. Susan took her bag and left.

Link sent the other party to the door, picked up the rose that had been forgotten on the shelf, and inserted it into the vase on the window sill.

The sunset outside the window is brilliant, and the rays of rays are thrown wantonly on the street. Several red roses on the windowsill look even more beautiful against the orange rays of the sun.

"Where's Susan?"

Daddario wiped his hair and walked out of the house, wearing a long suspender skirt that cinched the waist, revealing the full curves of his chest, slender waist, and white and slender calves below the knees.


"What were you just talking about?"

"Of course I'm talking about you."

Link took the towel in her hand and wiped her hair, making her wet hair fluffy, soft and fragrant.

"What are you talking about about me?"

Daddario blinked his big eyes and smiled.

"Susan said you are suitable for acting in suspense movies, and I plan to let you act in more such movies and become the queen of horror movies."

"Queen of Horror Movies? It sounds so ugly, as if I look scary. In fact, I don't like to act in horror movies. If there are good movie roles, I also like to act in beautiful and literary movies.

Like Anne Hathaway's "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Rachel's Wedding", Scarlett Johansson's "Lost in Translation", and several Jennifer Garner movies are also good, but I have never encountered anything like this. Role. "

Daddario shrugged.

"Then you can choose any script you like now, and I will find a way to help you get the role."

Link kissed her soft neck.

"No, after you acquired Lionsgate Pictures, a lot of news said that you would lose a huge US$800 million because of Jennifer. I don't want to be Jennifer's second and make you lose more money."

Daddario combed his long hair and blinked his big eyes slyly.

"Don't worry, Lionsgate Pictures will not go bankrupt. I will make Lionsgate Pictures the seventh largest in Hollywood, even comparable to Warner Universal Pictures."

Link hugged her waist from behind. If he hadn't measured it himself, it would have been hard to imagine that a girl as tall as her, with such full breasts and hips, would have such a slender and flexible waist, and she could still feel her abdomen through the skirt. vest line.

"Yes, I believe you can do it. In my heart, you are the most powerful man in the world."

Daddario touched his chin and smiled.

Link smiled softly and picked her up.

Because Daddario had just arrived in Los Angeles, he couldn't run away after going to bed. He called Bob downstairs and told him that he was staying here tonight. He also called Ms. Anna and told him own whereabouts.

Daddario heard that he was very happy to stay overnight tonight, so he pulled him and said that he wanted to go shopping together.

Link agreed to her suggestion, put on his peaked cap, and under the cover of dusk, took Daddario's hand and came to the bar street in West Hollywood, also called West 41st Street on Hollywood Boulevard.

There are many cafes, bars, restaurants, and several Broadway-style theaters here. It is bustling with entertainment at night, and it is also one of the liveliest neighborhoods in West Hollywood.

The two of them held hands like ordinary couples, holding snacks and drinks, walking and admiring the nearby street scene. Link found that this arrangement was not bad.

During this time, I was busy with the company's affairs. I was busy from morning to night. After returning home, I had to read best-selling books. I haven't been so free for a long time.

It is also a kind of enjoyment to take a beautiful woman and walk around the streets like now.

"Do you rarely go out to walk around the streets?"

Daddario held a glass of cherry juice and held his hand.

"Yes, I spend most of my time training and dealing with company matters every day. When I have free time in the afternoon, I read and practice piano. I rarely go out for shopping."

Link looked at the passers-by walking towards him and remembered that he had not gone shopping much since he came to America.

When Taylor was still there, she would sometimes pull her out to carry bags. Later, as his fame gradually grew, paparazzi would swarm him every time he appeared in public, which was very inconvenient. He simply stayed at home and stopped hanging out.

However, since the Internet craze last year, everyone seems to be tired of his scandals. The scandals about him in the media are decreasing day by day, and even the number of paparazzi around him is decreasing.

This year, he moved to Hollywood and became the boss of Lionsgate. He was too busy with work to have time to make a new girlfriend. The media had no new reporting materials, and there were fewer reports on him.

It felt good.

The two walked across a street, and when the neon lights on the street lit up, they walked into a high-end bar called "Transformer Queen". It is a bar that sells imitation shows and holds one or two imitation shows every week to imitate popular stars.

When the two entered the bar, there was a singer on the stage who was dressed like Adele and sounded like Adele. She was singing the title song of Adele's new album, "Someone like you".

Adele's new album "21" was released in early April. It sold 374,000 copies in the United States in the first week, easily winning the Billboard album chart championship. In the second week, sales were 269,000 copies, with a small drop.

And the first hit single "Someone like you" topped the singles chart for two consecutive weeks and was a big hit in the United States.

Among the hit songs in the world music scene this year, the only one that can be compared with this song is Mars' "Just the way you are". This song has won the singles chart for six consecutive weeks and is very popular.

Fans saw that he wrote the lyrics and music for this song, and there were news reports that he wrote the song for Eva Ka, and they all lamented that he was a scumbag with deep feelings. Many people advised him to have more girlfriends and save more good songs.

"Honey, when will your new album be released?"

In the booth, Daddario listened to the song for a while, looked back and asked him.

"August or September."

"Is there the song "Let her go"?"

"Yes, it's one of the main songs."

Link said, holding her shoulders.

"Alas, I failed the audition again."

"Don't be discouraged, you have good acting skills, but you just haven't met the right role."

"Rami, didn't you just star in Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts' new movie? Things will get better slowly."

"That's not called acting, that's just playing a small role."

"It's good to play a small role in a big crew. Many people don't even have the opportunity to join the crew."

When Link and Daddario were whispering, the sound of three people talking next door came, sounding like a few young actors who are chasing their dreams in the entertainment industry.

"Hollywood's competition is too fierce. I went to audition for the "Hunger Games" crew today. Can you believe it? There are more than 60 people competing for the fifth male role. It's too exaggerated."

The person who sighed and failed the audition said.

"The Hunger Games? Is it a Lionsgate movie?"

"I've heard of this movie, too. I heard that Jennifer Lawrence passed the audition for the leading role but was blocked by Harvey Weinstein. Link was very angry and took out 800 million US dollars on the spot to buy Lionsgate, so that Jennifer Lawrence could be the leading actress again. It's so cool. If I had a boyfriend like this, I could walk sideways in Hollywood."

"Not on the spot, right? I heard that Link traded Twitter stocks and lost hundreds of millions."

"Link is so rich, hundreds of millions are nothing to him."

"I met Jennifer Lawrence on the set before. She was also a small actress at that time. We talked a few words Now that Link is helping her, she has been cast as the heroine in several movies in a row. When we see her in two years, we should call her a big star. "

"Yes, no matter how good her acting skills are, they are not as good as having a good boyfriend."

"Now the competition in the film industry is getting more and more fierce. Singers, models and internet celebrities all come to Hollywood to make movies. It is difficult for people like us to get ahead with our acting skills. I also want to find a boyfriend who is rich and powerful."

"Persist, gold will always shine."

Hearing the discussions of several actors next to him, Link smiled gently. After being a big star for a long time, he sees big stars, multi-millionaires, billionaires every day, and talks about album sales, movie box office, and stock prices.

It seems that I haven't heard others talk about the suffering of the people for a long time.

It's also very interesting to listen to.

He saw Daddario was also listening, and was worried that she would be angry when she heard about Jennifer, so he asked her if she wanted to go back and rest.

"Don't worry, I won't mind."

Daddario pulled him and said softly.


"Yes, I've seen Jennifer Lawrence's movies. She's a great actress. I don't think I can act at her level."

"You're pretty good, too, but you just lack the experience of big plays."

Link pinched her upturned nose.

"Hey, Alex, it's really you."

Suddenly someone in the aisle greeted him.

Daddario quickly sat up and looked at the person who greeted him. The person was a woman in her twenties, wearing a fisherman's hat, a T-shirt and jeans, and dressed very low-key.

But that face was very famous, with charming eyes and flaming red lips. It was Megan Fox, one of the famous Hollywood vase actors.

She was followed by a middle-aged man who looked like her husband, Brian Austin Green, who was also an actor, but not very famous.

"Hi, Megan! Are you listening to music here too?"

Daddario stood up and smiled.

"Yes, come and sit down after filming. Is this your boyfriend?"

Megan Fox kept looking at Link, but the place where Link sat was dark, so she couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Daddario turned around and blinked his big blue eyes at Link, then asked him if he wanted to get to know him.

Link smiled softly, put his arm around Daddario's waist, said hello to Megan Fox, and shook hands with the two of them.

At the premiere of "Transformers 2", he was invited to sing the theme song "Give Me Reason". He met Megan Fox once and was not considered a stranger.

"Link...Mr. Baker?!"

When Megan Fox saw it was him, she screamed in surprise, her eyes kept darting between him and Daddario, and she gave Daddario a narrow smile.

When the four people here were introducing each other, a man with an Egyptian face next door sat down with his eyes wide open and did not dare to confidently sit down. He looked at his companions and asked, "Do you know who I saw?"

"Megan Fox? I just saw her too."

said the companion.

"No, it's Link, Mr. Link Baker."


Others also stood up and took a peek, and found that it was indeed the legendary Link Baker. They all showed surprised expressions. Who would have thought that drinking in a bar would sit next to a billionaire and the boss of Lionsgate Pictures? ?

"Damn, he's sitting next to us. Is it possible that he heard what we were talking about?"

The young man with an Egyptian face asked nervously.

"Lami, it's okay, we didn't say anything bad about him."

The companion consoled him.

The young man named Lamy recalled what he had just said, and it seemed that there was nothing excessive.

He took a sip of his beer and pricked up his ears to listen to what was going on next door. Megan Fox said goodbye shortly after sitting down. After two or three minutes, Link also got up and left the booth with his female companion.

Lamy stared closely at his figure, suddenly clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and bravely walked towards him.

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