Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 407 Domineering Female CEO

Link also didn't expect that he would meet several celebrity actors one after another once in a while.

The first is Megan Fox, the actress who became popular with "Transformers" and "Jennifer's Body". This woman is one of the more famous beautiful faces in Hollywood in recent years.

Megan is also an artist of WMA agency, as is Michael Bay, director of the "Transformers" series.

When filming "Transformers", the crew first selected people within WMA.

Daddario also auditioned but failed because she was too tall and had a large frame, which would make the leading actor Shia LaBeouf appear petite.

The second star I met was an actor named Rami Malek.

At first, seeing the other person's nervousness and looking around, Daddario joked that it was a robber who wanted to rob him, a billionaire?

When the other person came up to say hello and introduce himself, Link heard his name and was not familiar with it, but the other person's appearance had a clear Middle Eastern style, and his face was very recognizable.

He stared at the other person and remembered a relatively famous movie "Bohemian Rhapsody", in which Rami Malek played Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen.

He also won the Oscar for Best Actor for this role, and is also the second Oscar winner born in the 1980s.

Because of his appearance, Lamy was still acting in various major drama groups in his thirties.

Several young actors came to say hello with Rami Malek.

There is Rachel Bilson, an actress who became famous with "Orange Boy", and her boyfriend Hayden Christensen, who plays Anakin Skywalker in the "Star Wars" series of movies.

There's also Rami Malek's friend Greta Gerwig, who plays a supporting actress in the recently released comedy film "Arthur."

These people have served as protagonists in movies and TV series, and are more famous than Rami Malek.

Link chatted with them for a while, asked them about their new play, and then left with Daddario.

When he went out, he met five or six celebrities, and he had to sigh that there were so many actors living in West Hollywood.

It is said that many actors lived in the West Hollywood community before becoming famous. After becoming famous, most of them moved to wealthy areas such as Beverly Hills, Malibu, and the Santa Monica Bay. Therefore, the West Hollywood community is also known as the cradle of stars.' The aircraft carrier's flight deck'.

"Want to go shopping again?"

Link looked at the girl next to him. The sky had darkened, and the neon lights reflected on her fair and delicate cheeks.

Long eyelashes, big bright blue eyes, and red and pink lips make her look even more beautiful.

There are also breasts that are wrapped in the long skirt but are still full of curves.

Link's desire, which had been interrupted by Ms. Susan Worster, was revived.

"Let's walk again. You are too busy and you don't know when our next shopping trip will be."

Daddario held his arm and looked at the neon-lit streets, with a nostalgic look on his beautiful face.

"I have been in Los Angeles during this period. If you want to go shopping, just call me. As long as there is no urgent matter, I will come out and walk with you. In fact, I also like to go shopping like this."

Link said with a shrug.

The darkness is a good cover. At night, the Hollywood paparazzi are off work, and he walks on the street without wearing a hat and sunglasses, looking very free.

He likes it too.

Daddario looked at his handsome side face, smiled slightly, put his arms on the full part of his chest, and hugged him tighter. She knew what parts of her body Link was most fascinated by, and she was very happy that he liked it. .

"Don't you need to go shopping with Jennifer Lawrence? If she and I ask you out at the same time next time, you don't have to worry about me. Just promise her that I won't mind."

Daddario said softly, looking very generous and free.

"Really? Then I'll go shopping with her now."

Link laughed.

Daddario blinked at him, his hands tightening.

Link smiled softly and pinched the tip of her straight nose.

“The relationship between Jennifer and I is not as close as you think, we are more like lovers and partners, and the content of our conversations on every date is related to movies, and we don’t chat casually like we do.

Jennifer and I had never gone shopping while we were in the United States, except for a few times in Paris, and she wouldn't ask me to go shopping. "


"I don't know what Jennifer thinks. She seems a little afraid of me. She always treats me as a big shot, a superior to be precise, rather than a friend. When we get along, we only talk about work. She rarely talks about love and intimacy like us. "No time."

Link said as he put his arm around Daddario's shoulders.

He wasn't deceiving Daddario by saying this, it was the truth.

The two have known each other since filming "Midnight in Paris" last year, and Jennifer Lawrence has kept a distance from him.

Even though the two slept together in a Paris hotel and lived together for more than ten days, Jennifer did not dare to get too close to him.

Usually, unless he calls, she rarely bothers him. She seems to be a little afraid of him, and treats him cautiously and with a sense of propriety.

However, every time they went on a date, Jennifer was very enthusiastic, did whatever he wanted, was obedient, and tried her best to meet all his requests.

If he hadn't been sure that Jennifer liked him too, he would have thought that the other party was compromising.

This is where Jennifer and Daddario differ.

"Sounds like Jennifer is a little pathetic?"

Daddario smiled.


"Yes, Jennifer is a small actress, and you are the big boss of the film company. When you are together, it feels like you, the big boss, are taking advantage of her."

Daddario smiled while covering his red lips.

Link smiled lightly, thought about it, and it seemed a bit like that.

The two walked for a long time on the streets with neon lights, until the sky was full of stars, and they walked out of the sweat, and then returned to Daddario's small apartment.

Shower, kiss, ML.

Do all the things you love.

In the morning, they ran together on the streets of West Hollywood. At around nine o'clock, he drove Daddario to the company, ended the date, and returned to Lionsgate.


After returning to the office, he continued to read the materials he had not finished reading yesterday, mainly Lionsgate's film plan for the second half of the year.

Originally, Lionsgate had 180 million foreign debts. After delisting, it lost a financing platform and was even more short of funds.

He plans to cut several projects with high investment, concentrate funds on shooting low-cost horror films, low-cost art films, and developing more valuable series of films such as "The Hunger Games".

The company will control the number of film projects per year to about ten, so as to save costs.

For this purpose, he invited Vice Chairman Jon Felmer and Executive President Steven Bewkes to have a face-to-face chat and ask for their opinions.

After all, before March, the company's development plan was formulated by Jon and several senior executives. Listening to their opinions on this matter can also make it more smoothly.

Jon Felmer agreed with his proposal to cut several film projects to maintain a smooth transition of the company.

Because now the company has been delisted, it is no longer like before, through stock market financing, profit dividends for everyone, loss risk flattening.

There is no extra funds, cutting a few projects and maintaining the stability of other projects is a must.

But how many projects to cut, how many projects to keep, and which film projects to keep still need to be carefully discussed.

Link nodded in agreement. He plans to go to the production department in person when he has time to find a few box office movies that he has heard of.

Try not to have big-ticket movies like "Waterworld", "Cutthroat Island" and "Windtalkers".

However, Fehlermay expressed different opinions on the issue of developing new series of movies.

Such movies have high investment, long payback period and relatively high risk. The existing "Hunger Games" is enough to keep the company's production department busy for a few years. Other series of movies will be discussed after the company's financial situation improves.

Link thought about it and agreed with his proposal.

The company has no money now, and it is already struggling to maintain the existing several film projects. Developing another one will affect other projects.

However, not having money to develop now does not mean that there will be no money in the future.

He plans to continue reading bestsellers and try to find a few novels with change value and buy the copyright first.

In the future, he will develop when he has money. Even if he doesn't have money, it is better to hold it in his hand than to let competitors make money from it.

The total box office revenue of North American movies is about 10 billion each year. If the competitor earns 100 million more, Lionsgate will earn 100 million less, and the pressure on them will be a little greater.

This is the law of the jungle in Hollywood. When there is an opportunity to create difficulties for the opponent, you must act immediately and not tolerate any mercy.

While Link was chatting with Jon Felmer, his secretary came to report that Ryan Kavanaugh, president of Relativity Media, came to visit him.

The headquarters of Relativity Pictures is also in the Santa Monica area, not far from 102nd Street next door.

The company was founded in 2004. The president is Ryan Kavanaugh, who came from Wall Street. In 2004, he raised nearly $1 billion from hedge fund management company Elliott Management to invest in Hollywood movies.

At first, he participated in many film projects mainly controlled by Universal and Sony, made a lot of money, became a new upstart in the film industry, and is also a relatively successful film company in the field of independent production in recent years.

For example, "The Forbidden Kingdom", "Fast and Furious 3", "The Pursuit of Happyness", "The Mummy 3", "Public Enemies", "Season of the Witch", "The Social Network", etc.

There are also the upcoming "Limitless" starring Bradley Cooper, "Now You See Me" starring Henry Cavill and Mickey Rourke, and "The Strike Back" directed by Steven Soderbergh, all of which are relatively famous film projects.

The current market value is between 180 million and 200 million, nearly doubled from 2009, and is known as the ninth largest in Hollywood.

Because of its good performance last year, President Ryan Kavanaugh was called "Billion Dollar Producer" and "Movie Person of the Year" by "Movie Variety" magazine at the beginning of the year.

However, Link remembers that Relativity Pictures did not have a few years of pride.

Because the company is backed by a Wall Street hedge fund company, Wall Street capital is more profit-seeking and eager for quick success, while film is an art that emphasizes slow work and fine work.

After 2009, Relativity Pictures raised hundreds of millions of dollars each year to invest in film production, and launched more film projects than old independent film companies such as Lionsgate, New Line, and Weinstein Films.

By 2015, due to too many investment projects, too much financing, and too slow capital recovery, the capital chain was broken and the company went bankrupt. This is also a classic case of Wall Street capital failing in Hollywood.

"Haha, Mr. Link Baker, I finally see you in person. I am your fan."

Ryan Kavanaugh is a fat man in his thirties with short copper-colored hair and stubble, wearing a gray suit, and stretched out his hand to him from a distance.

"Mr. Kavanaugh, welcome to Lions Gate."

Link shook hands with the other party in the aisle in front of the door. Since last year, Lionsgate Pictures has been responsible for distributing movies produced by Relativity Pictures. The two parties have become a partnership.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?"

Jon Feremei greeted from the side.

"Haha, Jon, this sentence should be me asking you, you have sold the company, why are you still here?"

laughed Ryan Kavanaugh.

"I'm going back to Lions Gate to retire."

Flemé said with a shrug.

"Haha, Mr. Baker, it is definitely a wise choice for you to invite Jon back. Originally, I wanted to ask him to be the president of Relativity Pictures, but unfortunately I didn't have this opportunity."

Ryan Kavanaugh pointed at Jon and smiled.

"Yeah, my job will be a lot easier with Jon here."

Link smiled softly and invited Kavanaugh to sit in the living room.

President Ryan Kavanaugh came here mainly to strengthen his relationship with him, the new head of Lionsgate Pictures.

It is hoped that the two companies will cooperate more on films and work together to increase the share of independent films in the North American film market.

Kavanaugh also complained about Harvey Weinstein in person, saying that Harvey is a Hollywood bully who likes to use the resources at his disposal to exclude outsiders.

Link smiled softly. He didn't know if the other party really had a grudge against Harvey, but he had heard about the conflict between Ryan Kavanaugh and Harvey.

At the Academy Awards at the beginning of the year, "The Social Network" produced by Relativity Pictures competed with "The King's Speech" produced by Weinstein Pictures.

The former received 9 nominations, and the latter received 12 nominations. Both have a high chance of winning Oscars such as Best Picture and Best Director.

At the beginning of the awards ceremony, mainstream media were more optimistic about "The Social Network" and believed that the film was more innovative and creative than "The King's Speech."

In the voting of major movie websites, "The Social Network" has far higher reputation and popularity than "The King's Speech" and is considered the best movie of 2010.

However, during the awards selection period, a lot of negative information about "The Social Network" was revealed in the media, and minor flaws in the movie were used to hype it up.

The public relations department of "The King's Speech" stepped up its public relations and invited many British history experts to praise the film.

During the judges' voting period, the Weinstein Films also sent out many DVDs, small gifts, movie viewing parties and other means to win a lot of votes from more than 5,000 Oscar judges.

One after another, "The King's Speech" finally won four awards at the Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Original Screenplay.

"The Social Network" only won three insignificant awards: Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Original Score, and Best Editing.

When the two films were released late last year, their box office results were evenly matched.

But after the Academy Awards, the global box office of "The King's Speech" is close to 300 million US dollars, and "The Social Network" has just exceeded 180 million US dollars.

If the Academy Awards were a boxing match.

Harvey Weinstein used old-fashioned but very practical punches in the ring to beat Ryan Kavanaugh until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, leaving him unable to fight back.

Ryan Kavanaugh criticized Harvey in person, probably because he heard that he and Harvey were not getting along, and wanted to use this to work more closely with him.

Link didn't object to this either.

Ryan Kavanaugh is backed by Elliott Fund Company and has no shortage of money.

There are also rumors that when making movies, the production department of Relativity Pictures likes to use Wall Street's purely mathematical methods to study movie investment, that is, using "big data" to study whether movies are profitable to reduce investment risks.

Judging from the past few movies, this algorithm has some use.

If there are suitable projects, we can also collaborate on one or two.

However, considering that this company ended up bankrupt due to too much financing, too many creditors, and ultimately insolvency, you should pay attention to the scale when cooperating to prevent yourself from being covered in ashes when the other party collapses.

"Link, do you think it's more important to win awards or make money when making a movie?"

Ryan Kavanaugh suddenly asked with a smile.

"Make money! Without funds, the company cannot survive."

Link said affirmatively.

"It's true. I care more about whether a movie is profitable than the art of the movie. The big data method used by our company to estimate whether a project is profitable is also the most scientific and accurate film production method in the current film industry. It has been proven many times over the past few years.

Link, if you are interested, we can study and invest together. "

Cavanaugh said.

"Sounds good. I'll go to Relativity Pictures to study when I have time."

Link nodded and said.

"Haha, welcome, Link. Compared to Harvey and the old guys at Seven Films, we are all of the younger generation and have more common topics and hobbies. I hope the same is true in movies."

Ryan Kavanaugh raised the corners of his mouth and said affectionately.

After chatting for a while, Kavanaugh said goodbye. Before leaving, he invited him to attend the company's new movie project party. He hinted that there were many actresses at the party and asked him to help select a heroine. He also praised him for his good vision.

Link didn't refuse directly. After asking about the time, he said he would attend when he was free.

After Kavanaugh left, film companies with cooperative relationships such as Warner Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Blue Sky Film Studio, Focus Features, Summit Entertainment, and Anchor Bay Entertainment all sent people to contact him.

The Ellison brothers and sisters also visited Lionsgate Studios in person to discuss the possibility of cooperation.

Link had been busy for a week to deal with these things. Every day there were greetings and intrigues. It felt more difficult than playing the game against Aragon in 2008.

Fortunately, when he was almost unable to bear it anymore, Miss Ivaca finished handling the work of Link Music, flew from New York to Los Angeles, and began to take over Lionsgate Pictures.

"I can take over Lions Gate, but there's one requirement."

Evaka strode down the aisle at Lionsgate Studios in women's business attire and high heels.

Not far behind the two men followed four incoming executives and four assistant secretaries in suits, menacing and full of style.


Link asked.

"First of all, we must make it clear that Lionsgate is a career, not a place for you to hunt for sex. From now on, you are not allowed to randomly add actresses to the crew, nor are you allowed to have sex with actresses who have cooperated with Lionsgate. Improper relationship.”

Ivaca said without stopping.

"Are you talking about Jennifer and Alexandra? I knew them before joining Lions Gate. It just so happened that the company had roles suitable for them, so it's not an unspoken rule."

Link explained.

"Except for the two of them, if the company has roles suitable for them, I will arrange them without your intervention.

I am referring to other actresses. Our work must be mainly based on movies, finding suitable actors to participate in our movies, not beautiful actresses, let alone making anyone famous. "

Ivaca suddenly stopped and stared at him with her blue eyes.

"I understand what you mean, and I will never make this mistake, because the purpose of buying Lionsgate Pictures is to make money with this company, not to pick up girls. In this kind of thing, I will not lose the big for the small. ”

"I hope you will do what you say."

Ivaca glanced at him and strode into the conference room, leaving a charming fragrance behind.

Link looked at her back and shook his head. This woman's aura was getting stronger and stronger. When talking to her, he would often fall into a disadvantage unconsciously and become cautious.

If this continues, it is very likely that he will not be able to suppress her after marriage.

This is definitely not a good thing.

Link sighed.


On the day Ivaka took office at Lionsgate Pictures, she announced an expanded meeting of Lionsgate management.

Executives from nine departments including the film production department, TV series production department, distribution department, brand marketing department, legal department, finance department, public relations department, and international film department are required to participate.

There are 38 people in total.

At the meeting, Ivaca named and criticized six executives above the director level, including executive president Steven Bewkes, vice president Michael Burns, and the original director of production.

The reason for the criticism is simple. The project "The Hunger Games" was independently produced by Lionsgate Pictures, but during the production process, outsiders were allowed to intervene in the casting and appointment of actors for the film.

The lack of responsibility and courage of the executives of major film companies led to the current changes that Lionsgate Pictures encountered.

It also directly affected the work of the crew, with losses reaching millions of dollars or even more.

This is because the losses caused by the negligence of several senior executives cannot be fully borne by the company.

Ivaca announced on the spot that 50% of President Steven Bewkes's year-end performance award would be deducted, and the other five executives would be deducted 30% to 10%.

For managers who are unwilling to accept punishment, they can submit their resignation, and she will sign on the spot and receive 18 months of back pay.

President Steven Bewkes and others listened and secretly wiped their sweat below.

After Link took over Lions Gate, they thought that the incident was over, but no one expected that Miss Ivaca would come out midway and criticize several of them by name at the conference, which put a sudden increase in pressure on them. .

As for resigning, they will naturally not do it.

Although there are many Hollywood film companies, it is very difficult to become a senior executive of the company. After resigning, unless you are lucky enough to work in one of the six major film companies, going to other small production companies will definitely not be as good as the treatment at Lionsgate Pictures.

Ivaca sat in the chairperson's position at the conference table and glanced at the dozens of managers present without expression, her beautiful face becoming cold and serious.

Seeing that no one said goodbye, she continued to announce that in view of the current financial situation of the company, the company will eliminate some employees with poor performance and low work efficiency before the end of the year. The rate is about 20%.


Hearing her say this, there was a commotion in the conference room.

Lionsgate Pictures is in poor operating condition. It has more than 180 million in debt. In the first three months of this year, the company suffered a loss of 37.36 million U.S. dollars. It does have some financial pressure.

But in 2009, the company experienced a layoff. Originally, the total number of people in various departments of the company was 425, but now there are only 312 people left. If we lay off another 20%, I am afraid that many positions will be unavailable.

But they had to keep their mouths shut when they saw the four new executives across the conference table, two of whom Steven Bewkes knew.

One is Geoff Jones, 51 years old this year. He was once a senior director of the content development department of Warner Pictures. He has participated in the development of dozens of film projects such as "Suicide Squad" and "Batman". He has experience in the film industry. Very rich.

One is Stacey Snyder, who served as head of distribution at New Line Cinema from 1999 to 2007.

After New Line was acquired by Warner Bros. in 2007, she joined DreamWorks as the main person in charge of marketing. She participated in the production and distribution of films such as "The Donor" and "WikiLeaks". She is a very capable woman.

The remaining two also look very smart and capable professional elites.

With these experienced people, even if all the people in Lionsgate leave now, they can recruit the required employees in a very short time.

Thinking of this, Steven Bewkes and others are under more pressure.

Evaka's doing this is clearly to rectify the internal workplace of Lionsgate, put some pressure on the original executives, and openly force everyone to work hard. If they don't work hard, they will lose their jobs.

President Bewkes sighed secretly, and couldn't help but miss the days when Link was the chairman. There was no pressure and the work was easy. Unfortunately, after Link stepped down, those days would probably be gone forever.

"Is anyone going to resign?"

No one responded.

Evaka then issued several new appointments, arranging Jeff Jones, Stacey Schneider and four others into key departments of Lionsgate.

"Any questions?"


"President Bewkes, please take the four new executives to familiarize themselves with the working environment of Lionsgate."

"Okay, Chairman!"

President Steven Bewkes stood up and said.

"The meeting is adjourned!"

Evaka glanced at it, picked up the laptop on the table and stood up to leave.

After she left, the others looked at each other and hurriedly left the meeting room, much faster than Link left when the meeting was adjourned.

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