While playing in Singapore, Chrissy Liu and Jennifer Shu flew from the capital to see him.

The three of them originally planned to go on a date in Hong Kong, but due to the temporary change of competition venue, the date was changed to Singapore.

Therefore, he stayed in Singapore for three more days and handled some affairs of Hong Kong Island Golden Shell Investment Company.

Return to the United States in late April.

During this overseas competition, he earned US$78 million.

It sounds like a lot, but when he acquired Lionsgate Pictures, he took out three loans of US$360 million.

Including the liabilities of Lionsgate Pictures, the debts related to him at this stage are as high as 540 million U.S. dollars. He is also a real billionaire.

However, when borrowing from the bank, he also discovered an advantage. As long as you are brave enough and believe you can afford it, you can have a large amount of cash.

Link consulted with the investment department of Morgan Bank. Based on his current assets and income level, he could borrow more than 1 billion US dollars.

Originally, he wanted to borrow several hundred million more to buy Nvidia shares and increase his Nvidia shares to more than 10%.

But when I checked NVIDIA's company information, I found that NVIDIA's stock price fell one after another in April after experiencing two waves of rising prices at the beginning of the year.

It fell from US$18.5 per share to US$13.7, and its market value also dropped from US$13.8 billion to US$10.5 billion, and it continues to fall, with a high chance of falling below 10 billion.

When the Wall Street Journal reported this incident, it also mentioned Link in passing, mocking him for buying Nvidia when its stock price was at its highest, exchanging popular stocks for junk stocks, and losing hundreds of millions of dollars in just over a month.

He also joked that if investors don’t know how to trade stocks, they can just follow Link.

Whichever stock Link buys, he must not buy or short it. Whichever stock Link gives up, he should take over it immediately and buy as much as he has.

The reason is very simple. Link is a layman and does not understand the stock market. You will almost never lose money if you follow him in the opposite direction.

The Wall Street Journal is accustomed to praising the high and undermining the low. When Tesla went public last year, it hyped Link as an investment genius. Now that Nvidia's market value has plummeted, it treats him as an investment idiot.

Link was also helpless when he saw Nvidia's situation.

He originally thought that after 2010, Nvidia's market value would soar in the future, growing by 10 billion a year and exceeding 100 billion in ten years. However, he did not expect that there would be so many twists and turns, and it might fall below 10 billion.

Since the current market situation is unclear, it is difficult for him to take out a loan to buy Nvidia at this time. Even if he wants to do so, Ms. Cathy and others will advise him.

After thinking about it, I decided to return the bonus I earned to the bank first.

After-tax income is about 56 million, and his debt in the bank has also dropped from 360 million to 310 million.

As for borrowing money to buy NVIDIA shares, let's take a look at the situation first. As long as NVIDIA's market value does not exceed 20 billion, it is a good opportunity to enter the market.

"Link, stop speculating in the stock market. My father said, I would rather gamble and take drugs than touch stocks. No matter how much money you have, they will make you lose nothing if you go to Wall Street. It is safest to concentrate on making movies, even if you lose money. , and only lost tens of millions.”

On the deck of the cruise ship, David Ellison said while holding a champagne glass.

"It makes sense. The stock market risk is indeed very high. One or two billion US dollars placed in the stock market can disappear in the blink of an eye."

Link chuckled softly.

This time, NVIDIA stocks did cost him more than 100 million US dollars, and the losses continued. The market value of 5.3% of NVIDIA shares in his hand fell to just over 500 million US dollars.

But this is not all bad. The decline in Nvidia stock price also gives him more opportunities to buy. When he makes money in the second half of the year, he can buy some Nvidia shares.

"Link, are you completely handing over Lionsgate Films to Evaca now?"

Megan Ellison asked.

"Yes, she is better at this than me. If I were to manage Lions Gate, it would probably go bankrupt. However, I will also be involved in some film investment work. If there is a suitable project, we can work together."

Link said, shaking his champagne glass.

"Hey Link, David, Megan, welcome to my party."

While they were talking, Relativity Pictures President Ryan Kavanaugh walked towards the three of them in the deck aisle with outstretched hands and shouted very enthusiastically.

This is a three-story luxury cruise ship on the coast of the Western Pacific. The sky is blue without a single white cloud. The sea is also an endless blue. There are only a few raised reefs in the distance, showing that it is not far away from the coast of the Western Pacific. Far.

On the sea, a white cruise ship more than fifty meters long was cruising around. At this time, a celebration party for the movie "Never Ending" was being held on the cruise ship.

This movie was produced by Relativity Pictures with an investment cost of 23 million. It was released in mid-March. The current global box office has exceeded 100 million US dollars, which is considered a blockbuster.

Ryan Kavanaugh, the boss of Relativity Pictures, has a habit of inviting partners and film industry investors to a party every time his movie box office exceeds 100 million US dollars.

On the one hand, it is used to win over partners.

On the other hand, it can also give investors confidence and prepare for the next project financing.

Brother and sister Link and Ellison were also invited guests.

"Ryan, congratulations. Several films from Relativity Pictures have performed well at the box office this year. There may be hope of overtaking Paramount and 20th Century Fox in the annual total box office."

David Ellison laughed.

Link and Megan Ellison also congratulated each other. At the beginning of this year and at the end of last year, Relativity Pictures released six movies, including "The Agent Next Door," "Bugs," "Season of the Witch," and "Never Ending," etc. Four films have grossed over 100 million in global box office.

This result is temporarily better than the data of Paramount Pictures among the six major Hollywood studios, and is comparable to that of 20th Century Fox.

That's better than Lionsgate and independent studios like Weinstein, New Line, and Summit Entertainment.

"Haha, it sounds like good news, but at this stage our goal is to catch up with Lionsgate. Lionsgate is the leader in our independent production field."

Ryan Cavanaugh raised his glass and signaled to Link.

"Then I'll try my best to prevent you from catching up so quickly."

Link laughed.

"Haha, Link, Miss Thompson should work hard. She is now the helmsman of Lions Gate, but I still prefer to deal with you than Miss Thompson. We don't have much in common with Miss Thompson. "

Ryan Kavanaugh said with a shrug.

"I have too many things on my hands to take care of Lionsgate Pictures. Now I can only trouble her."

Link said.

"Yes, I almost forgot to congratulate you for once again defending the boxing championship of the four major organizations. It's amazing. You earned 40 to 50 million US dollars in one game, which is more than we earn in one movie. If only I had such a stable cash flow , and with my big data movie investment technology, I will definitely be able to make the theory of relativity bigger and stronger.”

Ryan Kavanaugh marveled.

"The Theory of Relativity is also good now. Two movies in a row have exceeded 100 million yuan, and the momentum is very strong."

Link laughed.

"Haha, I have said before that using big data algorithms to invest in movies will make 100% profit. Do you believe it now?"

Kavanaugh smiled ostentatiously.

Link nodded. He had also heard of Kavanaugh's big data statistical experiment method.

This is a risk management strategy originated from Wall Street that uses data from thousands of movies to predict the box office performance of any particular movie after its release, taking into account parameters such as budget, director, actors, release date, film type, etc. .

Kavanaugh has a famous saying, "Even if I agree to shoot, it doesn't matter if the data model disagrees." He is a data-only film investor.

After chatting for a while, Ryan Kavanaugh hugged his female companion and left to greet other guests.

"Link, do you think the big data model investment technology mentioned by Kavanaugh is useful?"

David Ellison looked at Kavanaugh's back and said.

"It is useful, otherwise Relativity Pictures would not have the current scale. However, the market is changing and there are too many uncertainties in the film industry. It will definitely not work based on big data. I think this method can be used as an investment." The movie reference is more appropriate.”

Link said thoughtfully.

"I agree with Link's opinion. Even the best technology requires people to execute it. People will make mistakes. This is inevitable. I think making movies based on experience is more reliable than big data. If the two are combined , maybe it can be done well.”

Megan Ellison said, crossing her arms.

Link nodded in agreement.

After the party started, the three sat together and chatted about their respective companies' new film projects.

Link mentioned a good current script from Palm Beach Pictures, "The Master", a new work from the famous editor and director Paul Thomas Anderson.

Director Anderson is a well-known Hollywood director of artistic films, with representative works such as "Boogie Nights", "There Will Be Blood", and "Magnolia".

In 2008, he won the Silver Bear Award for Best Director at the Berlin Film Festival for "There Will Be Blood" and was also nominated for the Academy Award and Golden Globe Award for Best Director.

His films are all of high quality, but their box office results are mediocre. The film "The Master" was also shelved due to investment issues until Joaquin Phoenix came to Link with the script.

Link didn't know how much the movie would make at the box office. He decided to take over the movie out of his trust in director Anderson and his recognition of Joaquin's acting skills.

It's just that the production cost of this movie is as high as 32 million US dollars, which is somewhat beyond the current investment capacity of Palm Beach Pictures.

Link asked Megan and David if they were interested in investing.

When David Ellison heard that it was an art film, he expressed no interest. Compared with art films, he prefers to invest in large-scale action films with relatively intense scenes.

Megan expressed some interest and needed to read the script before making a decision. At the same time, she also mentioned that she also had a new project in her hand, "Promise Land", which tells the story of three brothers who in the process of selling illegal liquor, lead a criminal gang to grow stronger and stronger. story.

Ask him if he is interested in collaborating.

Link had never heard of this movie and said he wanted to read the script before making a decision.

Currently, Palm Beach Pictures does not have sufficient funds, and Lionsgate Pictures has also encountered this problem, so it needs to be more cautious in reinvesting.

However, the films produced by Meghan's Annapurna Pictures are of good quality, including "The Hunt for Bin Laden", "The Grandmaster", "Phantom Thread", and "The Gucci Family" starring Lady Gaga, all of which have achieved good reputations. .

If the company has sufficient funds, it would also be good to deepen its cooperation with Megan.

"Link, I'm going to pick up a girl, do you want to come with me?"

David Ellison stood up and laughed.

Link glanced at the party on the cruise ship.

In addition to filmmakers like them, there are also many investors worth tens of billions, as well as brightly dressed male and female celebrities, and coolly dressed models. There are more than 200 people here, and at a glance there are several acquaintances.

"Never Ending" stars Bradley Cooper, the heroine Abby Cornish, and several supporting actresses, including Nicolas Cage, George Clooney, and Will Smith who have collaborated with The Theory of Relativity. , Angelina Jolie, Sofia Coppola, Amanda Severis, Anne Hathaway, Anna Friel, Jama Mays, Justin Timberlake, etc.

He also saw Amber Heard in the crowd, and there were several familiar faces among the models.

"I'm not going, I'm not interested!"

Link waved his hand and said.

"Are you kidding me? You are the most famous playboy in the world, but you see so many beautiful women and say you are not interested?"

David Ellison asked.

"If you want to go, just go. Why are you holding Link back?"

Megan Ellison raised her foot and kicked him. David Ellison laughed, straightened his shirt collar, touched his hair, and walked into the lively party with a champagne glass.

Link smiled softly and leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking at the blue sky above his head, the seabirds flying by, and the undulating sea under the cruise ship. The warm sea breeze blew gently by his ears.

This feeling at this time is more comfortable than holding two beauties in my arms.

"Link, you are such a strange person."

Megan Ellison looked at his profile and smiled.

"Why is it weird?"

"Before I met you, I had heard of your reputation as a playboy, but when I saw you in person, I found that you don't look like a playboy."

"Really? There are many types of playboys."

"Yes, I have seen many playboys, oily, lustful, greedy, perverted, all types. No matter how they hide it, they always have a complex temperament on them, and you look very clean, both in temperament and taste. , very different from those playboys, how did you do it?”

Megan Ellison asked, pointing at him and laughing.

"That brings me to the question. Maybe you've discovered a new breed of playboy."

"Haha, sometimes I really envy you boys. You can pick up girls at will, four or five at a time, but we girls can't do this. Especially famous women, once they fall in love with more than two men at the same time, they will Slut-shamed by public opinion.”

Megan Ellison said.

Link shook his head and looked at Megan, who had short hair and a casual suit: "You probably didn't notice how the media and netizens scolded me last September, what a scumbag, playboy, hypocrite, during that time I've received more criticism than the average person will receive in 100 lifetimes.

The media criticizes philandering women as sluts and bitches, and criticizes philandering men as scumbags and scum, which feels the same way. "

"It's much different. When I hear those people calling a cheating woman a slut, it feels like I'm back in the Middle Ages. In ancient times, no one would criticize a philandering man as a scumbag."

Megan smiled while holding the wine glass.

Link thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. In ancient times, the wealthy men who were carefree were called 'officials', and the poor men were called lewd thieves.

"Hey Link, you're here too."

Amber Heard came over to say hello with a smile on her face, still with a not-so-smart smile on her face.

In addition to Amber, Amanda Severis, Lindsay Lohan, Anne Hathaway and others also came to say hello.

Link got up to deal with one or two. Now he is the boss of the seventh or eighth largest film studio in Hollywood. He has a lot of resources in his hands. Just like a person standing on the shore with bait in his hand, he will become like this. The object of entertainment stars' pursuit.

This is what power does.

Even so, he would not do this. If he takes the benefits of these women, he needs to exchange them with corresponding resources.

A salary of hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions for a role is not a cost-effective deal, and it may even be taken advantage of by these shrewd women.

And when he chatted with them in a serious manner and without any desire, they would be like canaries, vying to show off their beautiful feathers and graceful bodies, and give him many benefits for free.

After dealing with it for a while, Link broke out in a fragrant sweat. Well, the sweat is his own, and the fragrance belongs to others.

"Link, how does it feel to be surrounded by a group of women?"

Megan Ellison looked at him coming back and asked teasingly with a smile.

"Not bad, they are all excellent actors."

Link shrugged and smiled.

Meghan laughed, "Since you stepped in to buy Lionsgate Pictures for Jennifer Lawrence last month, every actress doesn't envy Jennifer and hopes to have a boyfriend like you. You should be the most popular man in Hollywood now." .

If you want to pick up girls, no matter whether the women on this boat are married or not, no one can resist your charm. "

"That's a bit exaggerated. I'm a playboy, and not everyone likes my type."

Link laughed.

Megan shook her head, looking at his clean and handsome face, his gentle and elegant smile, and his strong body that was always displayed, as well as his worth, reputation, and power. What a man like him has to do with the group of female stars in Hollywood who like to cling to him. Like a drug, it is extremely lethal.

"Hey, Megan, come to your senses, why are you staring at Link? God, no way, you fell in love with Link just after I left for a while?"

As soon as David Ellison finished speaking, Megan kicked him over. David Ellison took a step back and almost fell to the ground, but was supported by two models beside him.

"I'm just joking, is it necessary to move your feet?"

David Ellison said, slapping his knee.

"To talk to you, using your feet is most effective."

Megan hummed with a sullen face.

"Oh, it turns out that all sisters are the same. They are no longer fun when they grow up. Do you know what happened over there just now?"

David Ellison sat down and pointed to the middle of his nail plate.

The protagonist of this party, Ryan Kavanaugh, was there, along with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Will Smith. They seemed to be chatting about something.

David Ellison said that just now Brad Pitt took out a script and asked Kavanaugh to evaluate whether it had investment value.

The script was called "Moneyball," adapted from Michael Lewis's "Moneyball: The Wisdom of Winning in Adversity."

It is about Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Green Caps, who used unique management methods to break all conventional rules and successfully create a baseball team with strong combat effectiveness.

This is a sports movie. In 2009, there was a sports-themed movie "Weakness". After its release, it cost more than 30 million yuan and earned more than 250 million yuan at the box office. The heroine Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for the movie. Movie queen.

"Weakness" has achieved both good reputation and box office success, which has also led to the proliferation of sports movies in the past two years.

Including "The Fighter", "The Warrior", "Soul Surfer", "Iron Fist" starring Link, and even "Black Swan".

This "Moneyball" is also a relatively inspirational movie. Brad Pitt found Ryan Cavanola to invest in it.

Kavanaugh immediately asked someone to build a big data model to evaluate the investment value of the film.

When he learned that the film's production cost was more than 50 million, Cavanaugh said that although the film was expected to win some film awards, the box office performance would not be very good and it might lose money. This kind of project does not comply with the theory of relativity. industry investment standards.

"Link, this script is good, and Brad Pitt has good box office appeal. I think we can give it a try. Do you want to join us?"

David Ellison said.

Link thought about it for a moment. He had also seen the movie "Moneyball". It was of good quality. It had been nominated for an Oscar and the box office seemed to have exceeded 100 million.

Looks like a good project.

It's just that the production cost of 50 million is too high, and neither Lionsgate Pictures nor Palm Beach Pictures can afford it.

"How do I know if the movie is good or not if I haven't read the script?"

"I'm going to get the script."

David Ellison got up and left, soon returning with the script and Brad Pitt.

"Hi, Link!"

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie walked over together.

The man is handsome and masculine in a suit and leather shoes, and the woman is in a red dress and has a voluptuous figure. The two are considered the most famous couple in Hollywood.

However, most couples in the entertainment industry end up in an awkward situation, and their marriages have been in constant trouble in the news recently.

Link stood up and chatted with the two.

"Link, I heard that you want to invest in this movie?"

Ryan Kavanaugh also came over and asked.

"I have this idea. Brad is one of my favorite actors. I want to work with him once. But now the company's production plan is full and there is not much production funds left. Whether to invest in this movie depends on Look at the investment amount first before making a decision.”

Link said with a shrug.

"Link, this is definitely a film project worth investing in."

Brad Pitt raised his glass and laughed, and explained that he had already received 20 million investment from Scott Rudin Production Company. He himself invested in the shares with his salary. After the film was released, he received 10% of the North American box office, leaving 2,500. million investment gap.

Hearing that gold medal producer Scott Rudin was also involved in this film project, David Ellison no longer hesitated and said on the spot that Skydance Pictures could invest 10 million.

Ryan Kavanaugh said that the production cost of this movie is still too high, and if it can be controlled below 35 million, he will definitely invest.

Brad Pitt said that the original production cost was 80 million, which has been reduced several times. 50 million is the minimum cost. Any further compression will affect the quality of the film.

"Link, what do you think?"

Angelina Jolie pursed her flaming red lips, leaned next to him and smiled.

Link looked through the script, but did not express his position on the spot, saying that he needed to take it back to the company and let the production department study it before making an answer.

When several people were discussing movie investment, everyone on the deck came over, and more people said hello to Link.

Link also had to brace himself to deal with it, and he broke into a fragrant sweat again.

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