The first half of Ryan Kavanaugh's party was relatively normal, but the second half gradually became debauched.

Wine, drugs, striptease performances, and money thrown on the spot.

Kavanaugh also personally introduced two actresses to Link, suggesting that he could do whatever he wanted on this ship.

Link refused.

After dating several girlfriends, his aesthetic level has also been improved a lot. Ordinary beautiful actresses have no appeal in his eyes. On the contrary, when he sees unfamiliar women, he will automatically keep a distance to prevent misunderstandings.

Link and the Ellison brothers and sisters watched the performance for a while, and when the cruise ship approached the dock, they took the initiative to say goodbye.

David Ellison originally wanted to spend the night on the ship, but was kicked off the ship by Megan.


"How was the party today?"

"Not bad!"

When it was time to get off work, Link just had time to drive to the Lionsgate office building to pick up President Eva Ka after get off work.

President Ivaka wore a navy blue women's shirt and tucked the hem into a straight skirt, showing her full and sexy body curves. With her cold and intellectual face and temperament, Link only took one look at her and felt that she could beat all the women on the cruise ship.

"Cavanaugh is not a decent person. You'd better not get too close to him."

Ivaka pressed her plump buttocks on the seat, untied her long golden hair in front of the mirror and draped it on her shoulders, and the air was filled with the fragrance of her hair.

"I know!"

Link nodded. He had also read some gossip about Ryan Kavanaugh in the newspaper.

Kavanaugh changed girlfriends frequently. It was said that he often had group sex in the office. Just now on the cruise ship, he offered a reward of 200,000 US dollars on the spot to ask several female models and actresses to undress. He was a standard player in the entertainment industry.

Although Link was also greedy and lustful, he didn't play that way.

"How is the company doing?"

"Not bad, much better than I thought."

Evaka smiled and told him about the company's situation.

Evaka did not interfere too much with the company's projects after taking office, but spent more than half a month to find out the company's situation.

Including the production department, distribution department, TV series department, international department, etc., as well as the company's debts and losses in the last quarter.

When Link was in office, he also wanted to find out, but the workload was too large, and it took a lot of time, effort and brainpower to do it, so he handed it over to Evaka.

Evaka said that Lionsgate's situation was not bad. Since 2000, Lionsgate has successively acquired many production and distribution companies, and also bought the copyrights of movies and TV series under the production companies.

Now Lionsgate has more than 120 million film and television copyrights in its film library, which is similar to the album copyrights of music companies.

Every year, relying on the copyright fees of these films and TV networks and other channels, it can get hundreds of millions of US dollars in cash flow.

After Lionsgate acquired the distribution channel of MGM, its film distribution capacity has been greatly improved, not much worse than Paramount.

Lionsgate's TV department is still filming the fifth season of "Mad Men", the third season of "Nurse Jackie", and three other TV series. The ratings of the first two TV series are good, and the annual income from TV series and advertising is about 30 million.

The film production department also has good production capacity. Last year, 22 films were produced, 16 of which were released in theaters and 6 were released through DVD videotapes.

Although most of them are low-cost films and the box office is generally not high, the production capacity is one of the best in the field of independent production.

The only problem now is the lack of money.

This year, Lionsgate's film profits are not much, and it has a debt of 180 million US dollars. The monthly interest and wages are also a large expense.

The remaining funds that can be used for film and TV production are less than 160 million US dollars, and the production cost of "The Hunger Games" is as high as 85 million US dollars. The remaining funds can only produce four or five low-cost films.

Including the four films that have already been put into production, Lionsgate will only have ten films released next year, which is more than half less than in 2010.

Link thought about it and thought that ten films would not matter. As long as "The Hunger Games" is well made, and there are "The Conjuring" and "The Invasion of the Mother", the box office data of Lionsgate will not be bad next year.

"If you encounter a film project with more potential, don't let it go. If you lack money, you can continue to borrow money. The debt of 180 million is not a big pressure for me."

Link said.

Evaka smiled with her red lips bent, "We have just entered the film industry and don't understand many things here. It is better to be cautious in the initial investment and not take too big steps."

"You are right."

Link pulled the back of her hand and kissed it.

Evaka looked at him and smiled, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

After the celebration party of "Limitless", Link accepted Paul Walker's invitation to attend the celebration party of "Fast and Furious 5".

The film was released on April 29th, and earned $82.6 million in North America over the three-day weekend, setting a new record for the same period.

It earned $300 million in the world in ten days, becoming the first film in this summer season to earn more than $300 million worldwide.

Paul Walker also became a global star with this film, and now his salary for a single commercial film is close to 10 million.

Link was happy for Paul, so he beat him up while racing.

When Fast \u0026 Furious 5 was released, films such as Bridesmaids, Thor, and The Dark Knight also began intensive publicity before their release.

Because Link also participated in the film and had his character on the poster, he had to attend several events with the promotion team.

"Mr. Baker, based on your psychological expectations, how much do you estimate the box office of this movie will be?"

The host asked during a TV interview.

"I estimate there should be four to five billion!"

Link thought for a moment and said.

"Four to five billion?!"

The host was so scared that Kazilan's eyes widened a little.

The crew members of "Bridesmaids" were stunned when they heard this data and looked at him in surprise.

The production and promotion cost of this movie was 32.5 million U.S. dollars, and the distribution department expected a box office of up to 80 million U.S. dollars. Everyone originally thought that 80 million U.S. dollars was not bad, but now Link directly shouted out a box office of 40 to 50 million U.S. dollars, which is too scary.

"Boss, please keep a low profile."

Emma Stone's expression remained unchanged and she moved the corners of her mouth.

"I have seen this movie, and the quality is no less than the "Hangover" series. It is also the best of its kind. Four to five billion is a very appropriate number."

Link laughed.

"Mr. Baker, I hope you are right. In addition, there are many entertainment news reports. There has been competition between "Bridesmaids" and "Avenging My Father" at the same time since the promotion. Are you confident about this competition?"

Starz TV Movie Channel host Rose asked.

"I have also read relevant news, but the two movies have different themes and different fan markets, so there is no competition.

I think the competitors of "Bridesmaids" at the same time should be "Fast and Furious 5" and "Thor". I hope that the box office performance of "Bridesmaids" can catch up with them. "

Link said as he spread his hands.

Next to her, Emma Stone lowered her head and kept tapping the soles of her shoes with her toes. It was so embarrassing.

The production costs of "Fast 5" and "Thor" are more than 100 million U.S. dollars, and the global box office is expected to be more than 300 million U.S. dollars. "Fast 5" has already been released. According to the current situation, it may be able to sell 600 to 700 million U.S. dollars.

"Bridesmaids" is just a low-budget comedy movie. How can it catch up with "Fast 5"? The boss is really a "talker".

After an interview to promote the movie, Emma Stone walked beside him and complained that he spoke too loudly and that it was awkward to do the interview with him.

"This is publicity, you know? The purpose of publicity is to create hype. How can we hype it up if we don't create a topic?"

Link said nonchalantly.

"But the estimated box office of our movie is only 80 million. There are so many blockbusters released in the same period. It is difficult to sell 100 million, but you asked for 400 to 500 million. The difference is too far, won't you be embarrassed? "

Emma Stone asked, blinking her turquoise eyes.

"No, all the things that embarrass you are because you think too much. I always only consider the current effect when I speak, and I don't worry about whether it will be embarrassing afterwards. Why should I worry about what happens afterwards?"

Link said.

Emma Stone looked at him helplessly, secretly envious that it would be great if she could be as thick-skinned as him.

You don’t have to worry about embarrassment, you don’t have to be afraid of social death, you can do whatever you want, say whatever you want, that’s cool.

"Boss, let me ask you a piece of gossip. Many people say that you bought Lionsgate Pictures for Jennifer. Is this true? I have always wanted to verify it with you in person, but unfortunately you are too busy to have the chance."

Emma Stone caught up with him and asked with a smile.

Link stopped in front of the car, turned around and looked at her with a smile: "Have you heard of a rumor that Harvey Weinstein has issued a message that he will not only ban me, but also ban the artists of the Palm Bay Agency?" ”

Emma Stone thought for a moment and nodded. She had indeed heard about this rumor in March and was still a little anxious at the time. Later, after Link bought Lions Gate, her anxiety suddenly disappeared.

Every time she thinks that her boss is the owner of the eighth largest film company in Hollywood and has too many movies to finish, she wants to walk sideways.

Also, after Link bought Lions Gate, her treatment in the crew became better, and her interpersonal relationships became simpler. Everyone would smile when they saw her.

Unlike in early March when Harvey announced that he would ban Link and his artists, everyone's attitude towards her was very complicated.

"So I bought Lionsgate not only for Jennifer, but also for you. Come on Emma, ​​help me get three Oscars for Best Actress. I believe you can do it."

Link clenched his fists and smiled.

"No problem, I can definitely do it."

Emma Stone smiled slightly and touched him with her little fist.

After touching it, she suddenly remembered that Link's request was three Oscars for Best Actress, and she suddenly became embarrassed.

Generally, it would be good for an actress to win a Best Supporting Actress trophy.

Link wants her to win three Best Actress awards, which is really embarrassing.

"Get in the car, don't be stunned, there is an interview below."

"All right!"

Emma Stone rolled her eyes and got into the car.

After the interview was broadcast, many comments became hot news and were listed on two Yahoo hot searches.

Including 'Link made a bold claim that "Bridesmaids" is the best comedy movie of the summer and is expected to be as good as "The Hangover" at the global box office.' 'Link said that 'Avenge My Father' is not a rival to 'Bridesmaids', and 'The Speed ​​​​and Furious 5" and "Thor" are the ones. "Link openly talked about the purpose of acquiring Lionsgate Pictures on the show and admitted that it was related to several rumors in the entertainment industry."

There are also "Link said that he will not give up acting after becoming the boss of Lionsgate, and is preparing for a new film", "Link claimed that the fourth album is being recorded and is expected to be released in August or September", "Link refused to talk about Taylor publicly", etc.

Emma Stone saw these news headlines on the Internet and TV, and secretly admired Link's fame and hype ability.

Just a few words can become hot news on major media and major news websites, and even become a hot search. His one publicity is better than ten of the crew members. It's amazing.

Emma asked her executive agent Ms. Peggy if she could learn Link's hype method.

Ms. Peggy said no, Link dared to say this because he is worth more than 2 billion, spent 800 million to buy Lionsgate, and made 40 to 50 million in a boxing match.

He estimated that the box office of the movie was 400 to 500 million US dollars. Even if he was wrong, others would think that he was too ambitious and looked down on tens of millions of small money. Ordinary people can't do that.

Emma thought about it and it was indeed the case.

After more than a month of promotion, on Friday, May 8, "Bridesmaids" was released in 2,520 theaters in North America, ranking fifth in the same period, and earned $20.37 million in the three days of the weekend.

The box office ranked third in the same period, and the box office champion was "Thor" co-produced by Paramount Pictures and Marvel, which was released in 3,644 theaters and earned $66 million in the first week.

The second place was "Fast and Furious 5" produced by Universal Pictures, with a box office of $32.52 million in the second week and a cumulative box office of $139 million, a large drop compared to last week. The film cost 125 million to produce and has now recovered its investment, which fully shows that the film has a good box office performance.

Ranked fourth is the comedy "Wedding Fight" released by Columbia Pictures, which is a movie of the same type as "Bridesmaids" and has a box office performance of 13.7 million.

Ranked fifth is the animated film "Rio", which has been released for four weeks, with a box office of 8.2 million this week and a cumulative box office of 115 million in North America.

The sixth place is "The Revenge of My Father" released by Weinstein Films, with a box office of 6.8 million US dollars in the first week, which is not bad compared to the production cost of 23 million.

Among the top ten box office this week, there is another movie that also caught Link's attention.

This movie is the comedy movie "The Happy Family of Mad Black Woman" produced and released by Lionsgate Films. In the third week of its release, it received a box office of 3.9 million, ranking eighth in the same period, and the cumulative box office in North America was 46.81 million US dollars, while the production cost was only 15 million.

The North American box office is expected to be more than 60 million, with a revenue ratio of 4:1, which is considered a hit.

Seeing that the movie is selling well, the production department immediately launched the sequel plan, which is a routine operation for all hit movies. It is not bad to make money while taking advantage of the popularity of their own movies.

After the box office rankings were released this week, the box office performance of "Bridesmaids" also caused heated discussions in the media.

This is just a slightly innovative follow-up movie, but it has broken through the siege among many blockbusters in the summer season and ranked third.

This result is very good.

It also made the producer of "Bridesmaids", Palm Beach Pictures, popular.

This small company made a movie "The Scandal Project" last year, which cost less than 10 million US dollars and sold 160 million US dollars worldwide.

Only half a year later, another comedy movie with good box office performance made many peers envious.

Two of the top ten movies are related to Link, which also made many people sigh Link's good luck.

If "Bridesmaids" sold well, it was because his producers had good vision, and "Black Pink" sold well, it was completely luck. This movie was completed and ready for release before he bought Lionsgate.

Link picked up money completely.

In addition, "Father's Revenge", which was originally going to compete with "Bridesmaids" in the promotion, only had a box office of 6.8 million in the first week, which also disappointed many people who were eating melons. They thought it was a fight between dragons and tigers, but the result was decided in the first week, which made people feel unsatisfied.

But more people want to know how Harvey Weinstein feels at this time.

Harvey is a big shot in the film industry, the number one on the power list, and he had previously challenged Link to compete with his new film.

Now he was defeated in the first round by Link, a newcomer, and I don’t know if he will feel embarrassed or become more hostile to Link.

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