Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 411 Revenge and Audition

The movie didn’t do well at the box office, so Harvey was of course very angry, very angry. He smashed two more ashtrays, three floor tiles, and was scratched on the forehead by a piece of debris that popped up, which made him even angrier.

Harvey sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, letting his big-chested secretary bandage his forehead.

Until his brother Bob came in, he continued to scold Link. Link’s investment in “Bridesmaids” was a low-cost follow-up film, with no big stars to help, and it didn’t have much advantage over several wedding comedies of the same period.

But it got 20.37 million US dollars in the three days of the weekend, and it will be recovered in the next month, which made him angry.

And “Father’s Revenge” produced by Weinstein Films was thought to achieve a good result in the summer season with the influence and box office appeal of the best actor Sean Penn and the best actress Frances McDormand.

Even if it is bad, it should be better than Link’s rubbish movie.

But reality slapped him in the face.

"Bitch, you hurt me."

Harvey pushed away the secretary who was disinfecting his wound, picked up a band-aid, and slapped it directly on his greasy forehead.

Bob helped the secretary up and pinched her butt secretly, asking her to go out first.

The secretary limped away with her medicine box.

Bob saw Harvey mess up the office again and shook his head helplessly. In fact, before the movie was released, he did not agree to adjust the schedule to compete with Link's new movie.

The reason is simple. "Revenge for My Father" is an art film, which is relatively niche. The audience is mostly adults over 30 years old, and there are fans of Sean Penn and Francis.

"Bridesmaids" is a comedy movie, and the audience is over 13 years old. It is suitable for all people. It follows the theme of "The Hangover" and is more popular.

There is not much comparison between the two movies.

Bob knows that with Harvey's many years of experience in distributing movies, he must know this, but he still does it.

First, he underestimated Link and the quality of "Bridesmaids".

The second is that he was blinded by anger and only thought about doing something to embarrass Link, not thinking about the consequences of losing.

In the end, he was the one who was embarrassed.

"Harvey, you don't need to be angry about this. The screening rate of "Revenge for My Father" is lower than that of "Bridesmaids". It is normal for the box office performance to be lower at the beginning. In addition, the box office of comedy movies has dropped more sharply, and art films have more stamina. We may not lose."

Bob comforted.

Harvey took a few breaths greedily, and his neck and belly swelled up. With his greasy face, he looked more like a tree frog in the swamp.

"I know this, but it is also true that "Bridesmaids" will not lose money. This bastard has two consecutive movies that can be sold out. This is too lucky.

This will make people feel that investing in movies is not a difficult thing, and it will also make people feel that we old-fashioned filmmakers are incompetent, and it will also make Link, the bastard, very powerful. We have become his foil, understand?"

Harvey shouted angrily, his saliva almost sprayed on Bob's face.

Bob took a half step back and nodded.

He understood Harvey's idea. Link practiced boxing and sang every day, and only gave a sum of money to Catherine for investment. He did nothing else. Then the movies he invested in sold out one after another. He was really lucky.

"Harvey, the big hit of Bridesmaids is the credit of Catherine Baker, Broadbent and other executives. It has nothing to do with Link, and we are not his foil."

Bob persuaded.

"That Catherine Baker is an outsider. The operation of Palm Beach Pictures mainly relies on Broadbent and other veteran producers. Can Broadbent be poached?"

Harvey asked with a sullen face.

Bob shook his head and didn't think it was a good idea.

Broadbent was originally the deputy director of the art film production group of Warner Pictures Production Company. His production level was not at the first level, and his strength and achievements were much worse than those of several gold medal producers.

Let's not talk about whether the other party is willing to poach him. Even if he can be poached, there is no guarantee that his next movie will sell well.

The work of making movies mainly depends on vision, experience, luck, the strength of the work team and other factors, not just an experienced producer.

If having a group of gold medal producers can guarantee that every movie will sell well, the movie market would have been monopolized by the six major studios long ago.

"Harvey, you are a top producer. No matter how good Broadbent is, he can't compare to you. There is no point in digging him over."

Bob said.

Harvey frowned and accidentally pulled his wound. The stinging pain from his forehead made him hate Link again.

"I asked you to lay mines for Palm Beach Pictures and Lionsgate. How are you doing?"

"Progress is slow. Palm Beach Pictures has limited funds and will not make high-cost movies for the time being.

There are also informants reporting that what specific movies Palm Beach Pictures will make depends mainly on Katherine Baker's opinion, not other producers. The projects we sent out were not approved by Katherine Baker.

Lionsgate is the same. Originally, there were 22 film production plans this year. After Link and Eva Ka took office, they directly cut ten of them, and the projects we arranged were also among them."

Bob said helplessly.

Harvey gritted his teeth in hatred, feeling extremely unhappy.

He has been in Hollywood for decades and has had opponents.

On the contrary, he was able to reach this point by defeating powerful opponents one by one, stepping on their shoulders and ascending to the throne of the most powerful person in Hollywood.

As a veteran who had fought many battles, he thought he could easily defeat the newcomer Link Baker.

As a result, after two rounds of competition, one was a draw and the other was a loss, which made him very unhappy.

"How are the other plans going? I really, really don't want to see Link stay in Hollywood right now."

".Not smooth."

Bob explained helplessly.

After fighting Link in March, he used various methods to send women to Link, hoping to use this method to trick Link.

It's a pity that Link, a playboy, doesn't accept the offer at all. When he meets a beautiful woman he doesn't know, he doesn't even look at her. There's no chance of misunderstanding with him.

The same goes for Little Epstein and Diddy. Link doesn't go to bars or attend messy parties, so there's no chance of dragging him into trouble.

"That means we can't deal with him at all?!"

Harvey's blood pressure soared as he looked at Bob with a look of trash.

"Harvey, don't be too anxious about this kind of thing. The more frequently you attack, the more vigilant Link will be, and the lower the probability of success. Let's take our time and find the right opportunity before we attack. As long as Link is still in the entertainment industry, there will always be a chance. Trick him."

Bob persuaded.

"Take your time? You put it simply. Do you know how many people are watching my jokes now? As long as Link is still in Hollywood, those people will continue to laugh at me, saying that I am a Hollywood tycoon and Link is a little kid." Even the newcomers in the film industry can’t deal with it. This is a great shame and a great shame for me, do you understand?”

Harvey yelled with his face flushed red.

The muscles at the corners of Bob's eyes twitched.

Harvey was stunned by the media and people around him. Others said he was a Hollywood tycoon, but he really regarded himself as a tycoon.

And Link is no small figure. He is worth more than 2 billion U.S. dollars and is the boss of Lionsgate Pictures.

Lionsgate is the eighth, sometimes seventh, largest company in the film industry, with a market capitalization and production capabilities that are stronger than Weinstein Pictures.

When dealing with such a person, it is normal to not be able to defeat him easily.

"Harvey, don't worry. I've been thinking about ways to deal with Link during this period. After thinking for a long time, I finally discovered a weakness in Link. If we start from this aspect, we might have a chance to defeat him."

Bob sat on the sofa, crossed his fat legs and lit a cigarette.




"Yes, Iwaka is Link's weakness. Link's current worth and fame are largely due to her.

Without her, Link Music would not be as big as it is now. Without her, Lionsgate would not be as stable as it is now. Without her and the connections of the Thompson family, Link would not have the momentum it has now. He couldn't withstand the attack of Little Kunas and the others. "

Bob shook his fist and said with emphasis.

Harvey heard his words and touched his big belly thoughtfully.

"So I suggest that we make a fuss about the relationship between the two people and find ways to break up their relationship. Without Ivaca to manage Link Music and Lionsgate Pictures, the two companies will definitely fall into chaos. Without the protection of the Thompson family's connections, Link is just a simple billionaire and will be easier to deal with.”

Bob said with a firm voice.

Harvey nodded in agreement, reached out and patted Bob on the back, laughing and saying: "Dear Bob, I leave this matter to you."

"No problem, don't worry while I do the work."

Bob flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said calmly.

"In addition, the box office of "Bridesmaids" is a bit high. Let's find some professional film critics to review it and find a way to bring it down. Didn't Link predict that the box office of this movie will be 4 to 5 billion? I want it to be 4 to 5 million. Ten thousand."

Harvey grinned and sneered.

Bob thought for a moment and nodded.

"Bridesmaids" grossed more than 20 million in three days over the weekend. I found someone to write some negative reviews of "Bridesmaids" and pushed the movie's second-week box office to less than 10 million. The maximum box office in North America was only 40 to 50 million. This is right. It's not difficult for him to do.


“How is Rami Malek’s acting?”

In the Palm Beach Studios office building, Link asked as he looked at Rami Malek leaving the audition office.

"Not bad. He takes acting very seriously. He is a real actor."

Joaquin Phoenix said.

Link nodded, this is the audition scene for the movie "The Master".

After Megan Ellison read the script, she felt that the story was very good, and the quality of several films directed by director Paul Anderson in the past were very good. The male protagonist Joaquin is also a very good actor. After thinking about it, he agreed invest.

The production cost of this film is 32 million US dollars, with Palm Beach Pictures investing 12 million, Lionsgate Pictures investing 10 million, and Annapurna Pictures investing 10 million.

After the funds were in place, the production crew that had been suspended resumed operations and began the first round of film auditions to select other major roles except the male protagonist.

Link read the script and found that there was a male lead role that suited Rami Malek's image very well. Considering that he had good acting skills, he gave him an audition invitation through the crew.

If Rami can get this role, he will be signed to the Palm Bay Agency for training, hoping that he will win the Oscar for Best Actor in the future.

When he thought about the Oscar for Best Actor, Link was a little speechless.

When he was still a boxing champion and singer, the media commented that he was too successful in boxing and music, and that he was too handsome and wealthy. Out of jealousy and rejection of outsiders, it was almost impossible for the thousands of Oscar Academy judges to cast their votes. give him.

He also has almost no chance of getting a statuette.

Since he bought Lionsgate Pictures and became the boss of the eighth largest production company in the film industry, the media has deleted almost all of the original text and republished it, saying that he has 100% no chance of winning the Oscar, even if he works hard. Not until the age of one hundred.

Compare Chaplin, the top star of the silent film era and the founder of United Artists, the original eighth film company in Hollywood. He made many classic movies but never won the Oscar for Best Actor.

Link is even more unlikely.

After seeing too many similar news, Link also began to wonder if his goal of winning the Oscar for Best Actor was a bit unrealistic.

Despite his doubts, he remained committed to this goal.

From now on, I will make one or two relatively good movies every year and become a top actor. Whether I can win an award or not, I will give it a try first.

"Link, there is a supporting role in this play that suits you. Do you want to try it?"

Joaquin smoked a cigarette and smiled.

Link thought for a moment and refused, mainly because he didn't have time.

He currently has three dramas on his hands: "Rust and Bone", "Buried Alive", and "The Avengers".

In the first week after "Thor" was released, Ms. Anna received a call from Marvel Entertainment, saying that "Avengers" was being prepared and that Captain America would be included in the film.

The specific number of scenes will have to wait until the box office results of "Captain America" ​​in July.

Marvel wanted him to arrange the schedule in advance and expected to start filming at the end of the year.

The performance contract he signed with Marvel Studios last year included a clause for producing a sequel, and he cannot turn down this role.

There is also "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins". He was quite busy at the beginning of the year and worked on the set for more than ten days intermittently, barely finishing the scenes.

Now that the crew has entered the post-production stage, director Zhang Da called and said that some scenes needed to be reshot. Please take the time to go back. It only takes two or three days.

Originally there was also "Friends with Me". After he bought Lionsgate Pictures, Screen Treasures planned to continue the cooperation and let him continue to be the leading actor and give him a salary increase, but Link refused.

"Are you still a singer now?"

Link looked at Jacques and asked. This guy announced in 2009 that he would quit the entertainment industry to become a rapper. He worked for more than half a year, but there was no improvement. He was also scolded by the audience for being late for the performance. Jacques scolded the audience. , causing quite a stir.

"No, it's too difficult to be a singer. I admire you very much now. You turned from a boxer into a singer and became the top star in the music industry in just two years. This is amazing."

Joaquin Phoenix praised repeatedly.

Link smiled softly. It was indeed not easy to be a singer. If he didn't have those music stocks, he wouldn't have the momentum he has now.

"Hi, Link, and Joaquin, are you here too?"

The two were chatting in the coffee room, and Amy Adams came from the backlight carrying a small satchel.

Wearing an off-white dress, long burgundy curly hair draped over her left shoulder, a gentle smile appeared on her fair and round cheeks. When she said "You are here too", her blue eyes looked at Link, and there was more of a smile on the corner of her mouth. Some strange flavors.

"Amy, are you coming to audition too?"

Link greeted.

"Yes, I have read the script. The role of the heroine suits me very well, so I came here to give it a try."

Amy Adams laughed.

"I wish you good luck! Director Anderson has very strict requirements on actors."

"I will work hard."

Amy Adams brushed her hair around her ears, smiled slightly, turned around and walked back to the audition office.

Link looked at her swaying back. This woman was more mature and more flavorful than before.

"I'll go to the office and have a look."

Joaquin threw down his cigarette butt and went to the audition office.

After a while, Ms. Mandy walked into the coffee room and said that both the casting director and Director Anderson thought Amy Adams was a better heroine than Emma Stone.

The temperament of Amy Adams is more similar to the heroine Mary, while Emma Stone is too young and immature.

Link said that according to the directors' wishes, he would not interfere in the crew's choices.

After all, his purpose in investing in this movie was to make money, not to promote his artists.

"Mandy, for Palm Bay's artists, we provide her with as many audition opportunities as possible and help them get roles while ensuring fairness, but we don't let them be too spoiled and let them go through more training. It can also help them make progress.”

Now the Palm Bay Agency not only has Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone, but also signed five actors and actresses with good acting skills.

There are Octavia Spencer and Chris O'Dowd, these two are cast members of "The Help" and "Bridesmaids". The former is a black actress, the latter is the male protagonist of "Bridesmaids", and the rest The three are also actors signed from the crews of "Scandal Project", "Bridesmaids" and "The Help".

These actors are all very capable and can be arranged to play supporting roles in films produced by Lionsgate and Palm Beach Pictures, and help the companies make money when they become famous.

"Okay, recently I have taken a fancy to two good young actors and plan to sign them. What do you think?"

Ms. Mandy laughed.

"You are the president of Palm Bay Agency and you have the final say, but you should pay more attention to Selena when you have time and don't let her become a wild child."

"I see."

Ms. Mandy chuckled softly.

Link stayed at Palm Beach Pictures for half a day. In addition to visiting the audition work of "The Master", he also chatted with Catherine about Palm Beach's movies this year and next year.

In addition to The Help, which is currently being scheduled, there are Silver Linings Playbook, The Master, and Beasts of the Southern Wild.

There is also a movie called Hometown of Hope recommended by Megan Ellison, which is adapted from a novel about gangster legends by the famous writer Matt Bondurant. It tells the story of a family of three who sold bootleg liquor after the end of World War I, established a family gang and grew stronger.

This movie is somewhat similar to a movie called Lawless that Link had seen. It is of good quality and the production cost is only 26 million US dollars, so he agreed to cooperate with Megan.

The investment share of Palm Beach Pictures in these four movies totaled 35.2 million US dollars, which is completely affordable. When the box office funds of Bridesmaids are recovered, there will be more funds to invest in the latest film project.

Ding Dong!

When he drove home, he received a thank-you message from Amy Adams.

Link replied that you are welcome and she is very suitable for the role of Mary.

Ding Dong!

Amy Adams suddenly sent a photo of her and a baby. The child was about one year old, with black hair, blue eyes, and a chubby face.

"This is my son Chris. Is he cute?"

"A very beautiful little guy."

"Thank you!"

Link continued to look at the photo, not quite understanding why the other party sent the photo.

Could it be that Amy Adams was hinting that the child was related to him?

He had never met Amy Adams' husband, so he didn't know if he had black hair. Amy Adams was also a descendant of Italian immigrants, and her ancestors also had black hair, blue pupils, and fair skin.

From the photo alone, he couldn't tell if the child looked like him.

In addition, Amy Adams gave birth to her child before the Oscars. The date seemed to be related to him, but he couldn't be sure.

"Amy, when is the child's birthday?"

Link thought for a while and asked.

"Are you going to Chris's birthday party? I'll invite you to his birthday next time."

Amy Adams said.

Link replied "OK" and didn't ask any more questions.

As long as Amy Adams doesn't say the child is his, just pretend it's nothing, so as to avoid misunderstandings and bring bad influence to the other family, and also avoid showing wrong courtesy.

Ding Dong Dong!

On the way back to the Bay Villa, Eva Ka called and said that she had to work overtime for half an hour today to deal with urgent matters, and asked him to eat first and not wait for her.

Link asked what was going on.

Eva Ka said that a lot of negative comments about "Bridesmaids" appeared in newspapers and on the Internet yesterday afternoon, which directly led to a 35% drop in today's box office performance compared to yesterday, exceeding the normal drop of 60%. This data is very abnormal.

Lionsgate Films is also involved in the distribution of this film. Now the distribution department is contacting Warner Distribution Company to jointly resolve this matter.

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