Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 430 Two women face to face

In June, Link's movies included Bridesmaids and Mr. Tree, and Midnight in Paris, in which he starred.

This movie was produced and distributed by Sony Pictures. It was screened on May 20. In the first week, it earned 1.12 million in 8 theaters in the United States, and the average daily attendance rate of a single theater reached 82%. The data is very good and the reputation is also very good.

The media's comprehensive review is 76 points, and the Rotten Tomatoes website scored 86% freshness, with 32 people supporting and 12 opposing; Yahoo's film critics scored A-.

The New York Times called this movie a love poem written by director Woody Allen to Paris, and Link's performance added a lot of luster to the movie. Link's emotional scenes with Marion Cotillard and Jennifer Lawrence in the film also made the media talk about it.

In the second week, Midnight in Paris earned 4.74 million US dollars in 72 theaters.

The early preview results were good, and the number of theaters where the movie was released in the third week expanded to 1,274.

The box office for three days over the weekend was 16.56 million US dollars, ranking fourth in the same period.

The box office champion was the science fiction blockbuster "Super 8" released at the same time, with a weekend box office of 35.48 million. The runner-up was "Transformers 3" which was released for two weeks with 25.81 million. The third place was "X-Men: First Class" which was released for ten days with 23.19 million US dollars.

"Midnight in Paris", an art film, was able to break out of the siege of blockbusters such as "Kung Fu Panda 2", "The Hangover 3" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" in the lively summer season and rushed to the fourth place. It was rated by the media as a clear stream in the summer season.

This week is also the fifth week of "Bridesmaids". After experiencing the box office theft incident, the box office performance of "Bridesmaids" has also become the focus of many media attention.

This week, it received a box office of 14.45 million US dollars in North America, and the cumulative box office reached 85.15 million US dollars. What surprised the media was that the box office of the movie fell by less than 20% for five consecutive weeks, indicating that the quality of this movie is very good.

At the current rate, it is expected that the North American box office will exceed 100 million in ten days.

The overseas box office of "Bridesmaids" has accumulated 182 million US dollars.

The global box office is 267 million US dollars.

Because the overseas box office of "Bridesmaids" is much higher than that of North America, the rumor that "Warner Bros. stole the box office" circulating on the Internet has also been accepted by many people.

Many people have discussed how much box office Warner Bros. stole. Some people guessed that it was close to 100 million US dollars. The original North American box office was comparable to the overseas box office. Some people said 60 to 70 million, 40 to 50 million.

No matter how much was stolen, the actual box office data of "Bridesmaids" will be higher than it is now.

Some people also remembered what Link said in the program promotion.

At that time, Link predicted that the global box office of "Bridesmaids" would be 400 to 500 million US dollars.

After the program was broadcast, many people teased him that "Mr. Mouth Cannon" was online. Now it seems that it is only a matter of time before the global box office of "Bridesmaids" exceeds 300 million. "The Hollywood Reporter" expects the total box office to be around 350 million.

Including the stolen box office, the global box office is likely to exceed 400 million US dollars.

"Link is not bragging" has also become the title of an article in "Complete Movie" magazine.

The editor of the magazine explained in detail the reaction of many American media after Link shouted "400-500 million" on the show, and also reprinted reports from many large media.

At that time, almost all media did not believe that the box office of this movie would be as much as 400-500 million, and thought that Link was shouting nonsense to create a gimmick to promote the movie.

Now the movie has reached 267 million worldwide, which is still a long way from 400 million, but it is not impossible to achieve.

The editor of "Complete Movie" magazine called Link a box office prophet, and almost all his predictions can be realized. If they are not realized, "it will only be the problem of the distribution company", in order to allude to the rumors that Warner Pictures stole the box office.

At the end of the article, the magazine raised a question. The Marvel blockbuster "Captain America" ​​starring Link has been scheduled and will meet with global audiences on July 22. What is Link's prediction this time?

"Captain America?"

In the afternoon, when Link finished training and returned to Lionsgate from Muscle Beach, he met a reporter under the company building. The other party caught up with him with a microphone and asked him how much he predicted the global box office of "Captain America" ​​would be.

Link smiled softly, standing on the steps and looking back at the sweaty reporter.

"Sorry! So far, I haven't seen the Captain America movie, so I can't make a judgment. I think it won't be less than the box office of Bridesmaids."

"Mr. Baker, do you think the global box office of Captain America can exceed 1 billion?"

The reporter asked.

"I hope so."

Link waved his hand and walked into the Lionsgate Films building.

The Lionsgate Building is located on East 12th Street in Santa Monica, not far from the famous Santa Monica Square and shopping mall.

There are many film companies nearby, including Relativity Pictures, Sony Animation Division, 20th Century Fox Film Los Angeles Branch, and Netflix, Google and other company branches are also nearby.

The building has five floors and a total area of ​​120,000 square feet. It was designed by Gensler, a top American architectural firm. It was originally the headquarters of Trimark Films. After the company was acquired, the building also became an asset of Lionsgate Films.

In 2000, Lionsgate Films also moved its headquarters from Canada to here.

Link walked into the company building and heard that Andrew Kramer, the head of the international operations department, and four employees were fired. Andrew also became the first senior executive to be optimized after Lionsgate changed its ownership.

"I heard that Andrew Kramer was fired?"

Link walked into Evaka's office and asked.

Ivaca stood next to the bookshelf, holding a movie magazine in her hand and flipping through it.

Wearing a light-colored straight skirt, her curves are convex and her hips are like ripe peaches. She likes to wear flat shoes when she is in the office, but she is 181 centimeters tall and has slender and round legs. Even with flat shoes, she still feels comfortable. A tall and graceful visual experience.

Her long golden hair was pulled back on her head, revealing her white swan neck.

While she was reading the magazine, a strand of golden hair fell onto the page, like a golden crescent moon falling from the horizon onto a calm lake, fishing out paragraphs of poetic text.

"You came."

Ivaca held up her golden hair with her slender fingers, rolled up the magazine and walked to the small bar. She poured a cup of herbal tea and handed it to him.

"The decision to fire Andrew Kramer was made during the meeting at noon. I originally planned to tell you in the evening."

"It's okay, I'm just curious."

Link pulled her and sat on the chair in front of the bar.

After handing over the management of Lionsgate Pictures to Evaka, she has the final say on all matters of the company, including personnel, investment, acquisitions, etc. He usually only puts forward personal opinions on film projects.

Ivaca told him that there were three reasons for firing Andrew Kramer and others.

The main reason is that he has been with Lionsgate Pictures for more than three years and has performed poorly in handling the company's international business. He introduced fifteen movies in three years, half of which lost money, and the remaining movies had average box office. Also, in terms of international marketing, Not good enough either.

In short, his business ability is not worthy of the treatment he currently enjoys.

The second reason is that during the release of "Far Cry" and "Mr. Tree", there were rumors in the circle that Link personally ordered the purchase of this movie.

The box office was not good at the time, and many people used this incident to mock Link, which greatly affected Link's personal reputation and reputation, as well as the company's interests.

Afterwards, Ivaca sent people to investigate who disclosed the information to the outside world.

Although it was not found, this matter must be related to the International Department, because the purchase of the movie rights was directly given by Link to Andrew Kramer over the phone.

Regardless of whether Andrew himself told the media about this matter, or whether Andrew first told others and then others revealed it to the media, the root cause lies with Andrew.

He failed to keep his mouth shut and failed to take his responsibility. He blamed the boss, Link, for the box office failure. This was his biggest mistake.

The third reason is that according to French entertainment tabloids, Andrew and others have been immoral in their private lives during the Cannes Film Festival, not just this year.

In 2009, one of his assistants was taken away for questioning by the local police on suspicion of sexual harassment during the Rotterdam International Film Festival. Although the matter was settled by Andrew, such an incident happened during their business trip, which affected the company's international image. , must be severely punished.

"This is a good way to handle it. I heard that Andrew had worked under Harvey for several years. I didn't trust him at first."

Link said.

"Yes, this is also the reason why I fired him. People who do not trust us, even if they have a little suspicion, must be dealt with as soon as possible. The higher the status of such people in the company, the greater the harm, and it will also affect our work mood. "

Ivaca crossed her legs and said calmly.

Link looked at her and saw her cold expression, calm tone, and resolute work style. If he were not her boyfriend, but an ordinary employee, he would have been kicked out by her long ago.

But every time he saw her with a cold face, like an inviolable strong woman, he always wanted to do something to break her state.

So he stood up, walked behind Ivaca, and gently held her fragrant shoulders and smooth, fragrant skin.

"Did you help Kristine apply any medicine today?"

Ivaca smiled softly against his chest.

"No, the muscle strain is not serious, just rest for two days and it will be fine."

Link said.

After helping Kristine apply the medicine last time, she came again the next day at the end of his training, saying that the assistant was not there and asked him to help apply the medicine.

Link could only agree.

Before applying the medicine, Kristen would ask him if he would bully her while she was injured. Link said no. Kristen said that she believed in him and hoped that he would not let her down.

Link helped her apply the medicine again, just like the first time, except that the range of movement of his palms was wider, from arms to shoulders, from back to ribs, lower edge of chest, calves to hips and waist.

While applying the ointment and massaging, he didn't speak, and Kristen didn't speak either, as if they were playing a game of whoever speaks first loses.

After applying the ointment, he went to the bathroom to wash his hands in his pocket. When he came out, Christine left first, and there were some water stains on the sofa where she lay down.

Kristen came again today and seemed to be addicted to taking medicine. However, Emma Roberts also came to train later and it was not convenient to apply medicine. Kristen exercised in the training ground for more than an hour and then left with Emma.

Link had no objection to the two of them coming to the training ground to exercise, but De La Hoya looked very unhappy.

He said nothing when Emma and Christine were around.

After the two left, Hoya found him and used a very sour tone to ridicule him, saying that he lived a prosperous life and brought two beautiful celebrities with him to practice boxing.

Link said that they came here voluntarily, not by invitation.

De La Hoya didn't believe it and asked him if he wanted an extra bed in the locker room so he could rest.

Link said that he would persuade Emma and Christine not to come to Muscle Beach to exercise in the future.

Hoya immediately objected, claiming that if the two wanted to come to train, they could come, and there was no need to stop them. With two beautiful women around, everyone would train more actively.

It is said that several boxers regard the two as goddesses, and the most anticipated thing every day is to see them in the training ground.

Link asked him why he was still talking nonsense since he did not object to Emma and Christine coming here to train?

Hoya snorted coldly and did not speak.

Morales said behind the barbell rack that Hoya was jealous. He could not pick up beautiful stars like Emma and Christine, so he deliberately came to find fault and tried to find a balance in this way.

Hoya was furious when he heard it, and he raised his fist and hit Morales on the head.


"Chairman, Miss Daddario is here."

Ivaka's secretary Vivian Jones said at the door of the office.

"Got it, please let Miss Daddario in."

Ivaka stood up slowly.

Link was stunned for a moment, "Ms. Daddario?"

"Yes, you don't have to think too much. It's a work matter. The production department said that Daddario participated in the casting of two Lionsgate films. She performed very well and passed the audition smoothly. Later, for some reason, she turned down two roles. I called her to come over just to talk about the movie. I won't cause you any trouble."

Evaka smiled.

Link raised his eyebrows.

He knew that Daddario participated in the audition of Lionsgate's movies. He didn't interfere. Daddario got the two roles completely based on his strength.

But later Daddario told him that she would not act, saying that the two roles were not obtained by her strength. Other actresses were more suitable than her, and she didn't want to take the back door.

Link said that he didn't interfere. She got the role based on her strength.

Daddario said that the people at Lionsgate knew their relationship and gave her special care during the audition. She was worried that doing so would affect the performance of the movie and felt too much pressure.

After thinking about it, she decided not to act.

Link couldn't persuade her, so he had to call Daddario's agent, Ms. Susan Cobos, and asked her to help find a few roles suitable for Daddario that could show his face and figure, but preferably without any intimate scenes, and promised to take care of her actors.

Susan Cobos agreed.

He thought the matter was over, but he didn't expect Evaka to personally invite Daddario to Lionsgate to chat.

Generally speaking, rivals will try to avoid meeting each other when they know each other exists, so as to avoid Shura field.

But Evaka never seemed to worry about this. She took the initiative to meet Taylor, Jennifer Lawrence, and now Daddario.

Thinking that he came to the company early today, and came later, he might not know about the meeting between the two.

Considering this, he couldn't help but wonder if Evaka had met all the women he had a relationship with, including Emma Watson, Beyonce, Marion Cotillard, etc.

"Hi, Eva, Link? Are you here too?"

Before Link could figure it out, Alexandra Daddario came to the office.

Wearing a black women's suit with white lining and a knee-length skirt, she showed off her tall figure, full chest arc, flat belly, straight and round calves, sexy, fresh and healthy.

Her long golden brown hair was scattered on her shoulders, and the ends of her hair seemed to have just been trimmed, neat and tidy, very textured. On her beautiful face that was carefully decorated, a pair of big blue eyes blinked at her, and her red lips were slightly pursed, with some surprise.

When she and Evaka stood together, the visual impact was as big as the arc of their chests.

"Alex, welcome! Link didn't know about our date. He came here early today. Link, Alex and I are going to talk about work. Do you want to listen here?"

Evaka stood beside Daddario and looked at him with a smile.

Link pulled the corner of his mouth. He didn't know what Evaka wanted to do, but since things had come to this point, he couldn't stop it.

He walked over and hugged Daddario gently, kissed her cheek, hugged Evaka again, and quietly pinched her plump buttocks.

This woman has too many advantages and disadvantages, the most prominent of which is that she has too many things to do. Other wives will generally turn a blind eye and pretend to know nothing after knowing that their husbands have affairs. If they can't live with each other, they will break up.

But Evaka is not like this. She will take the initiative to talk to a few people, as if she treats this kind of thing as work.

Link didn't know what her purpose was, so he could only follow her for the time being.



Outside the office door, Link looked back at the closed door, scratched his forehead, took out a lollipop from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

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