Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 431: Inside and Outside the Door (410)

Chapter 431 Inside and outside the door (4/10)

"Alex, you're even more beautiful in person than on the screen."

In the office, Ivaca looked at Alexandra Daddario and praised her.

"Eva, you are truly beautiful."

Daddario also looked at Miss Ivaca opposite.

As a native of New York City, she had already heard about the eldest daughter of the Thompson family. She heard that she was not only beautiful, but also a smart, capable and knowledgeable business woman.

After meeting her in person, Daddario had a clearer understanding of her. She had a cool and elegant appearance, a dignified temperament, and a kind of elegance and nobility that ordinary girls did not have.

And her figure. Daddario used to be most proud of her figure. She was tall and sexy, with full breasts and a slender waist.

After meeting Ivaca, I found that Ivaca's figure was not inferior to mine at all.

She is two or three inches taller than herself, and the curvature and shape of her breasts and hips are close to perfect. Even a girl finds her sexy, let alone a boy.

What she admires most about Ivaca is her elegant, confident, and generous temperament. She looks like a strong woman from the inside out.

"Alex, let's sit down and talk."

Ivaca pointed to the chair next to the coffee table.

Daddario put down his small satchel, brushed his skirt and sat down on the opposite side, crossing his calves.


"Chairman, would you like to sit down first?"

Outside the office door, he heard Vivian shouting. Link looked back at the chair, shook his head, stood in the aisle with his arms folded, and continued to look at the cars and pedestrians on Street 12 downstairs.

It was sunny outside, but it had only been in the sun for a day. The palm leaves on the roadside were slightly curled, and the asphalt road was filled with green smoke. Even through the glass, he could feel the temperature outside the window.

At this time, the temperature in his heart was no lower than outside, and he was a little anxious.

He couldn't guess what the two would talk about, and he didn't know what the outcome would be. No matter what the outcome was, it would be of little benefit to him. When it came to emotional issues, he preferred to settle for the status quo, and it was best not to change anything.

"Chairman, would you like some water?"

Vivian walked to him holding a bottle of mineral water.

Link said thank you, opened the bottle cap and took a sip, then continued to look out the window.

Secretary Vivian returned to her desk and sat down. Sheena, the office assistant next to her, pointed at Link, imitated his frown, and sighed softly.

Vivian covered her mouth and chuckled.

"He deserves it. With a beautiful woman like our boss still randomly picking up girls outside, he should be allowed to experience things like this a few more times."

Round-faced Xina covered her mouth with her hand and muttered softly.

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!"

Vivian raised her index finger and glanced at Link's back. Seeing Link turning his head just now, she suspected that Link heard Xina's murmur.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Although Link is very powerful, our boss is also super outstanding, so beautiful, so capable, and I don't think he is too philandering. Our boss is definitely the best and best woman in the world."

Xina whispered.


Vivian typed a few words on the document, turned the screen towards Xina, and the screen said Link had good hearing, be careful if you are heard, and you will be fired.

Xina stuck out her tongue and returned to her seat to continue sorting the documents.

Link glanced at the round-faced assistant, who was probably born in the 1990s and was as talkative as Selina.

He couldn't continue to stand in the aisle, picked up a movie magazine, and sat on a chair to read.


While reading the review of "Midnight in Paris", the head of the production department, Jon Feremey, came from the aisle with his assistant and said that he had something to report to Ivaca, and it was about the movie.

Link said that Eva was busy and asked what movie it was.

Fillemei sat down opposite and reported to him the discussion of "Escape from Tehran".

In view of the good box office performance of Ben Affleck's last movie, this script is also good and has certain market potential. The production department also agreed to invest 15 million to participate in the production of this movie.

I just have no money temporarily, to be more precise, I will have no money within the year.

Most of the company's existing funds are spent on the two blockbusters "The Hunger Games" and "The Expendables 2", as well as the newly added "The Vow", with an investment of 30 million US dollars.

The remaining money is barely enough to make a few small-budget horror movies, and there is no extra money to invest in new film projects.

The production department suggested that filming of "Escape from Tehran" should not start until next year, so the pressure on the company will be less.

Link thought for a moment and suggested going to the bank for another loan.

Lionsgate Pictures has good assets of up to 4.5 billion, and currently has 180 million in foreign debt. It will not be a problem to borrow another 200 to 300 million yuan.

Feremei hesitated, saying that there were currently too many investment projects and a lot of debt, which had led to a significant reduction in the company's ability to withstand risks.

If "The Hunger Games" and "The Expendables 2" don't do well at the box office next year, the company's situation will be even worse, just like "Cutthroat Island" is produced by Carlock Pictures and "Windtalkers" is produced by MGM Pictures.

In fact, the reason that led to MGM's bankruptcy was not that "Windtalker" was too poor at the box office, but that before Windtalker was made, MGM had nearly $5 billion in debt, and MGM Pictures' market value at the time was only 4.1 billion.

MGM wanted to win back its reputation with "Windtalker," but it didn't want it to be too poor at the box office and become the straw that broke the camel's back.

There is also a similar problem with Carlock Films.

Link understood his concerns. They had no foresight and didn't know whether movies like "The Hunger Games" would be a hit, or whether the company's situation would improve next year.

When executing these plans, they were like a group of people walking with their eyes blindfolded. They needed to carefully grope forward in the dark to avoid falling into a pit.

Link knew that "The Hunger Games" would be a big hit. As long as movies like "The Oath", "Moneyball" and "Invasion of the Evil" were shot according to the original, the box office would not be bad. "The Expendables 2" had a lot of changes, so it was uncertain whether it could be a big hit.

He had some foresight about the box office of these movies, and his mentality was relatively positive and optimistic, so he would take bigger steps when walking.

Felmer and others did not have this advantage, so he would lead these people forward.

He told Felmer to do it boldly. If the box office of these movies was lower than expected, he would consider additional investment in Lionsgate to help the company through the difficulties.

Felmer was relieved after hearing his assurance.

Link asked about the recent movie distribution.

In addition to "Bridesmaids" and "Mr. Tree", the company has four more films lined up for release, "Boxing Warrior" and "The Devil's Double", as well as the action movie "The Escape" starring Taylor Lautner and Lily Collins, and "The Help" produced solely by Palm Beach Pictures.

The first three films received average reviews during the internal previews, and the box office expectations were not high, and there was a possibility of loss.

The preview of "The Help" was good. This movie talks about racial discrimination, the quality of the film is very high, and it has certain box office potential. The company will also increase its publicity and promotion efforts when it is released.

"Eva, it's settled. Let's go shopping together when we have time."

As they were chatting, the office door opened from the inside, and Alexandra Daddario walked out of the room and said goodbye to Evaka, carrying a small shoulder bag, with a sweet smile on her rosy cheeks.

"Okay, Annie."

Evaka smiled lightly, hugged Daddario, looked at Link and said, "Link, do you have time to go and see Annie off."

Link felt his scalp tighten when he heard her call Annie all the time.

Although Evaka has a better relationship with Daddario and others, and she has fewer troubles, it is not good for women to be too close to each other. It seems that there are some unknown risks hidden in it.

"No need, I drove here."

Daddario said with his big eyes blinking.

"I'll take you downstairs."

Link pulled Daddario and turned a corner into his office.

Evaka saw the backs of the two at the door, pursed her lips gently, and suddenly noticed that Jon Felmer was there. She sat down where Link sat, drank a sip of the water left by Link, and asked Felmer what work he had.


"Yani, what were you talking about just now?"

Click, Link closed the office door and looked at Daddario, who was wearing a women's suit, knee-length skirt, and sexy figure.

"I won't tell you."

Daddario smiled slightly, turned his head to look at the environment of the office, and said that his office was very large.

"Girls' secrets?"

"No, it's just the secrets between Eva and me. We talked about some of our own things, mainly about work."

Daddario smiled.

Link saw that the innocent Daddario also started to play tricks, and was worried that she was being led astray by Evaka, so he had to correct her in time.

He walked over and put his arm around Daddario's slender waist, looked into her big eyes, and kissed her on the tip of her upturned nose.

"Yani, I don't mean anything else, I'm just worried that you will be wronged."

"Don't worry, I'm not wronged. Evaka is a great girl, very good at communication, and we get along very well."

Daddario also put his arm around his waist and said softly.

Link secretly cried out in dismay. With Taylor's strong and stubborn personality, after talking to Evaka, he also praised Evaka as a great woman. Last time Jennifer Lawrence went to Evaka's apartment, she also said that Evaka was cool and wanted to learn from her.

Now Daddario has met her and is full of praise for her.

This situation doesn't seem like he is opening a harem, but Evaka is opening one.

"Is that so? I'm glad you guys had a good chat."

Link hugged Daddario's waist and leaned against the solid wood desk, lowered his head and kissed her red lips, his palms slid into the lining, gently stroking the girl's waist and hips

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