Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 433 Romance and Jealousy

After the proposal was successful, Link and Evaka slept together as an engaged couple.

Link also devoured Evaka's innocent body as he wished.

Although he had heard Evaka say beforehand that she had never had such an experience, he had also guessed it, but he never dared to believe that such a thing was true.

Until he saw the peach blossoms of that color on the bed sheet again, as well as the familiar tension and oppression.

He was sure that it was true. Maybe this was a parallel world, a butterfly effect. No matter what the reason, she also cherished Evaka more.

Afterwards, when Evaka mentioned it, he remembered that day was also the first anniversary of the two people's agreement to be lovers.

On that day last year, Evaka came to Miami Beach, walked into the diving shop, and established an agreement with him.

And on this day this year, the two were together.

The word fate, coincidence.


"Stop touching me, you look very lewd."

"Okay, continue to rest, I won't disturb you."

Link took back the back of his hand that was patted, smelled the fresh smell on his fingertips, and couldn't help but curl up his lips.


While he and Eva Ka lived shamelessly in the villa, the dismissal of Andrew Kramer, the former international business operations officer of Lionsgate, caused a lot of discussion in the circle.

Andrew is a veteran Hollywood filmmaker. He started as a director and became a producer. He joined Miramax in his thirties and became Harvey's right-hand man. He worked in Miramax for more than ten years and had good work performance.

He was later introduced to Lionsgate as a special talent. He worked at Lionsgate for four or five years and gradually became the head of the international business department. Not long ago, he helped Lionsgate get the copyrights of several foreign films at the Cannes Film Festival.

But no one thought that less than a month after the film festival, Andrew and his four staff members were kicked out by Lionsgate.

This incident has also become a hot topic among people in the film industry recently.

Everyone is talking about Lionsgate, or more precisely, about the specific reasons why Link and Eva Ka fired Andrew.

Some people think that Andrew was fired because of his poor work ability.

After he took charge of Lionsgate's international department, the results have not been very good, and no popular foreign movies have been released. Lionsgate's overseas expansion has been slow.

Eva Ka looked down on his work ability, and at the same time, there were more suitable candidates under her, so it was reasonable to fire him.

This is the first guess, and it is also the least recognized guess.

Because this guess seems too simple, not thrilling enough, not dramatic, and not conspiracy-like.

People in the film industry are in the play and have seen too many dramas. They are psychologically more inclined to complex guesses.

Among them, the most recognized guess is that Lionsgate's firing of Andrew is extremely closely related to Harvey Weinstein.

Since March, Link and Harvey Weinstein have not gotten along, which is no longer a secret in the circle.

Harvey had eliminated two of Link's movies, two leading roles, and almost eliminated Jennifer Lawrence's leading role. He also repeatedly published comments in the circle to ban Link, making it more difficult for Link to get roles.

Link's revenge on Harvey was mainly to spend 800 million to buy Lionsgate, so that Harvey could not ban him in Hollywood.

The second thing was to slap Harvey hard in the box office.

In early April, "Bridesmaids" announced that it would be released on May 8, and Weinstein Films also announced that the release date of the new movie "Revenge for My Father" would be adjusted to the same day as "Bridesmaids", seemingly preparing to use this movie to suppress "Bridesmaids" and make Palm Beach Pictures lose money.

As a result, the global box office of "Bridesmaids" is about to exceed 300 million US dollars, and "Revenge for My Father" has just exceeded 30 million US dollars, which is almost a tenfold difference.

Harvey became a clown.

It is said that because of this incident, Harvey hated Link deeply and would curse as soon as he heard Link's name.

The relationship between the two became worse.

Until recently, Dimension Pictures announced that it would invest in the film "The Master" led by Palm Beach Pictures.

Originally, everyone thought that the relationship between the two would ease, but in fact it did not.

The relationship between Link and Bob Weinstein eased, while Harvey Weinstein still often released arguments that he hated Link. He also mocked Link harshly on the two film projects "Far Cry" and "Mr. Tree", saying that Link did not understand movies at all.

Perhaps in return, Link fired Andrew, who had worked under Harvey, and used this method to express his disgust for Harvey.

In addition to the two guesses with the highest and lowest recognition, there are several more popular guesses.

Some say it is related to the two movies "Far Cry" and "Mr. Tree". Originally, Link asked Andrew to buy two other movies, but Andrew misheard and bought these two back, causing Lionsgate to lose money.

Some speculate that Andrew is in Lionsgate, but his heart is in Weinstein Films. He revealed the inside information of Lionsgate to Harvey, and Link fired him after knowing it.

There are also reports that Andrew picked up girls during his stay in Cannes, but asked Link to stay at the hotel alone at night, which made Link angry and fired him.

Various speculations and discussions have made this matter a hot news in Hollywood recently, and even newspapers and magazines such as Variety and The Hollywood Reporter have reported it.

The media also believes that this matter is related to Harvey, because Andrew is the only person in the senior management of Lionsgate who came from Miramax Films.

Based on this point, no one believes that it has nothing to do with it.

Including Harvey.

Harvey was furious when he heard that Andrew was fired by Lionsgate. Everyone knew that Andrew came from Miramax and was his former subordinate, but Link was the first to fire Andrew. This was obviously a slap in his face.

If he didn't retaliate, how could he, the No. 1 tycoon in Hollywood's power list, have any face?

Harvey called Bob, who was on a business trip, and asked him to find a way to kill Link as soon as possible.

Bob felt helpless and asked him to take out 2.8 billion US dollars first, and he would definitely help kill Link.

Harvey was furious and asked him why he wanted so much money, whether he didn't want to do it and was deliberately making things difficult for him.

Bob said that Link had 2.8 billion, and there was Lionsgate. Link and Eva Ka joined forces. No matter in terms of wealth, power, connections, fame, etc., they were no weaker than their brothers. How could it be so easy to deal with such a person?

Harvey became even more angry when he heard it, and happened to see two staff members on the set laughing and talking, as if they had encountered something happy.

Harvey was very upset. He pointed at the two people's noses and cursed them. All kinds of unpleasant words poured out. In the end, he asked the director team to fire the two people, saying that he didn't want to see them on the crew for a moment.

The assistant director in charge of the set couldn't afford to offend him, so he had to follow the instructions and kick the two out of the crew.

After venting his anger, Harvey felt much better. He called Bob again and asked if there was any progress on the side of Kunas Jr., and why he hadn't found any handle on Link in the past three or four months?

Bob said that there was nothing he could do on the side of Kunas Jr. Link didn't evade taxes, didn't do anything illegal, didn't mess around with women, and didn't get angry easily.

Even the people who worked around him couldn't find any problems with him, saying that he was a very, very good person. Who could have a good way to deal with such a person who had no problems except being a little philandering?

Bob persuaded Harvey not to think too much. Harvey was a Hollywood tycoon. Hollywood meant the film industry, not other circles. On Wall Street, in the music industry, and in the sports industry, his influence was far less than Link's.

So if you want to deal with Link, it's best to hit Link in Hollywood through industry competition and make Lionsgate go bankrupt earlier. No other way will work.

Bob persuaded Harvey to focus more on film production.

If Weinstein's films can crush Lionsgate's films at the box office and win a few more Golden Globe Awards and Oscars, he can then ridicule Link in front of him for not understanding movies and leave Link speechless.

It's really cool to defeat Link in this way.

Harvey really feels good when he thinks of that scene, but it's impossible for the time being.

Among the films produced by Weinstein this year, the best box office performance is "The King's Speech", which won the Academy Award for Best Picture at the beginning of the year. The production cost was 15 million and the current global box office is 380 million US dollars.

It looks good, but Link, that bastard, didn't do badly either.

"Bridesmaids", produced by Palm Beach Pictures, currently has a box office of nearly 300 million US dollars.

Although the box office results were a little worse, they were not much worse. Using this to mock Link did not seem to have any effect, and the outside world would not recognize that he was more successful than Link in the film this year.

If he could not hit Link this year, he would have to wait until next year. When he thought about having to endure Link for another year, he stared and scanned the set, wanting to find another person to get angry with, but unfortunately, the crew saw him here and all walked around him.

Harvey asked Bob if there was any other way.

Bob said no, either endure or choose to forgive. In fact, he and Link did not have any deep hatred, so there was no need to stare at Link all day long. He could reconcile with Link.

Bob also said that Link was a businessman who attached more importance to making money. If Harvey chose to reconcile, he could be the middleman, and Link would definitely not refuse. The two companies would join forces and their strength would not be worse than the six major studios.

Harvey asked him to shut up. Link had just fired an old man from Miramax Films. Now he reconciled with him. How would others view him as a Hollywood tycoon?

Bob said that Andrew was a low-class person who liked to play unspoken rules in the crew, had poor work ability, and often embezzled the company's money. It was because of this that when they founded Weinstein Films, they did not keep Andrew, but recommended him to Lionsgate.

Now Link and Evaka saw his problems and kicked him out of the company, which was completely reasonable, and it was definitely not directed at him.

Harvey shouted to shut up and asked Bob to give him the contact information of Little Kunas. He wanted to contact Little Kunas in person and ask them why they had not taken any action after keeping an eye on Link for half a year? Too incompetent.

Bob had no choice but to give him the contact information of Little Kunas, and called Little Kunas in advance, saying that Harvey wanted to ask him about Link, and that Harvey had high blood pressure, bad temper, and was prone to temper, and asked him to forgive him if Harvey suddenly got angry.

On the other end of the phone, Little Kunas agreed with a gloomy face.

When Bob called, he was browsing the life photos posted by Evaka on MySpace in his New York office.

The first photo shows two injured ring fingers, and the second photo shows two band-aids with red hearts on the two ring fingers.

In the third photo, Eva Ka's fair and slender ring finger has an exquisite diamond ring, but her finger is covered with a band-aid and the ring is on the fingertip.

From these three photos, it can be concluded that the two have confirmed their relationship, from boyfriend and girlfriend to engaged couple.

In the photo comment area, all the messages are blessings.

The two dated for a year and finally got together. They were a perfect match made in heaven.

They said that Ivaka was the sexiest woman in the world and Link was the sexiest man in the world. The combination of the two was the sexiest and happiest couple in the world.

Georgia Bloomberg asked Ivaka when she would get married and have children.

Ivaka replied that it would be soon.

Seeing this, little Kunas felt sour, itchy and painful in his heart. There was a sour liquid rushing to the root of his nose and eye sockets. He clenched his teeth tightly and held it back.

He fell in love with Ivaka when he first met her in his early twenties. At that time, he had a girl with him, but for Ivaka, he broke up without hesitation and began to pursue Ivaka.

The contact was relatively smooth at the beginning.

It was just that Ivaka was a bit cold and didn't like to do intimate actions. She also proposed to go to bed after marriage.

Although he was not happy in his heart, he gritted his teeth and agreed to it when he saw such a beautiful and noble Ivaka.

Later, when he was messing around with other women, Ivaka found out and proposed to break up with her, with a very firm attitude.

He couldn't save the relationship, so he could only accept it reluctantly.

But he was unwilling to fail. Every time he heard that Ivaka had a new relationship, he would find ways to destroy it, expose the other party's black materials, and do everything he could to ruin Ivaka's new relationship.

This situation continued until 2008, when the Thompson family company encountered a financial crisis and many industries were at risk of bankruptcy.

Little Kunas took the initiative to find old Thompson and expressed his willingness to lend a hand, just hoping to date Ivaka again, and promised to marry Ivaka immediately.

Old Thompson agreed and expressed his willingness to match him with Ivanka.

But at this time, Linkbeck appeared. At that time, Link was just a boxer and singer, with some money, but not much, and a girlfriend.

At that time, he did not regard Link as a competitor, nor did he take Link seriously.

Until later, Evaka brought Link to the party at Thompson's house, with an intimate attitude, but knowing Evaka's rules, they must get married before going to bed, he was just jealous and did not give up. At that time, Link and Taylor had not broken up, and he had not become a "scumbag Link".

For this reason, he contacted Taylor specifically and sent her a few photos, asking her to control her boyfriend.

Later, he was confused for a while and bought a copy of Link's black material from the UK. He originally wanted to use this to hit Link's album sales. Later, after hearing Scooter's explanation, he realized that this was not a good way to do it, which could easily cause Link and Taylor to break up.

But when he was about to destroy the video, the video was accidentally exposed again, causing Link and Taylor to break up, and then Link and Evaka naturally got together.

Every time he thought of that video, little Kunas regretted it.

Later, Link and Evaka became boyfriend and girlfriend, and at the same time, Link's identity as a scumbag was exposed by the media and became notorious. He also spent a lot of money hyping Link's cheating and firmly labeled Link as a "scumbag".

Thinking back to when he was dating Ivaka, he was sentenced to death by Ivaka for cheating once, and Link has dozens of girlfriends all over the world. How could Ivaka tolerate such a thing?

He thought Ivaka would break up with Link, but it didn't happen. Ivaka treated Link better than before, thinking about him everywhere, and even left her palace-like luxury apartment and moved to Link's small villa in Los Angeles.

Little Kunas was very angry when he heard the news, and called Ivaka to ask why this happened.

He was cruelly broken up with after cheating only once, but now Link has cheated so many times and has so many rumored girlfriends, why can she still tolerate him, she has double standards.

Ivaka said that because he is Link, the best, most handsome and most powerful man in the world, because he is so good, she is willing to tolerate all his shortcomings and is willing to give everything to manage this relationship.

Little Kunas gritted his teeth and said that Link was fickle and fickle, and dating a man like Link would never have a good result.

Ivaka said that this was a matter between her and Link, and he didn't need to worry about it. She also said that she didn't want Link to misunderstand her, so she was sorry to block all his contact information and would not contact him again.

Little Kunas was so angry that he smashed the exhibition stand in the office.

Link was a beach boy, and his ancestors for three generations were fishermen and smugglers. How could such a person be worthy of the beautiful and noble Ivaka?

For this reason, he spent a lot of money again to let the media hype that Link was a scumbag, saying that Link was going to form a United Nations girlfriend group, and cooperated with Bob to discredit Link in the newspaper, saying that without Ivaka, he was shit.

He wanted to use this method to break up Ivaka and Link.

Unfortunately, no matter how much hype, no matter how Link was discredited, saying that he had dozens or hundreds of girlfriends.

Ivaka seemed to be welded to Link, and no matter how bad Link was, his attitude towards him did not change at all.

This situation made Little Kunas feel desperate.

He even thought of hiring a killer to kill Link, but thinking of how obsessed Ivaka was with Link, he might not be able to get her even if he killed Link, which made him even more desperate.

Ding Dong!

In the computer, Ivaka's MySpace suddenly updated.

Little Kunas came back to his senses and looked at the photos that Ivaka had reposted. They were some photos of Ivaka's daily life.

In the photo, Evaka is wearing loose casual clothes and almost no makeup on her face, but her cheeks are still so beautiful and cool, her skin is slightly flushed, round and smooth, like a blooming rose, with crystal dew on the rose petals.

And her figure, even in loose casual clothes, is still graceful, sexy and full, as if she is more sexy than before, a lazy and relaxed feeling, and her complexion and condition are much better than before, like a computer system update and upgrade.

Seeing Evaka in this state, little Kunas secretly thought it was not good, he keenly felt what happened to Evaka.

After Evaka posted a new photo, the comment area was quickly occupied by messages.

The comments were all praising her for being more beautiful, her skin was tender and smooth, and looked more moisturized than before, and asked what skin care products she used.

Amanda Hearst said that this must be Link's credit, and said that she envied her for having a boyfriend as strong as Link, and asked how many times a day they did it?

Paris Hilton said that Evaka looked like she had indulged herself too much, and asked her to take care of her body. Although Link was good, she should not eat too much.


Seeing this, little Kunas slammed his fist on the table. What he suspected just now was confirmed. Evaka and Link definitely slept together, and Evaka was possessed by Link.

Thinking of Link, that bastard, using his bronze body with stinky sweat to press on Evaka's crystal white and plump peach-like body, little Kunas could not help but roar. He had an impulse to kill. He wanted to kill Link, kill Evaka, and kill everyone.

"Eva! Eva! You should have been my woman, my wife! Why did you degenerate and lie under Link, that bastard?!"

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth tightly, and looked at Evaka's rosy and beautiful cheeks in the photo. The sour liquid in his eyes could no longer be held back.

He really loved Evaka and wanted to marry her, especially after knowing that Evaka required that they could only go to bed after marriage, he loved Evaka even more.

Because he was Jewish and believed in the religion of the Middle East, countries like Iran and Afghanistan attach great importance to the chastity of women, even more than life.

He also attached great importance to the chastity of his partner, and felt that Evaka, a beautiful and noble woman who valued first time, was the best partner specially arranged and given to him by God, a saint.

Originally, he thought that he and Evaka were a destined couple, and no matter whether they broke up or encountered any setbacks, they would eventually come together under the guidance of God.

He also believed that he could get Evaka's fair, graceful, chaste and sacred body.

He believed in fate, believed in the Lord, and believed in Evaka.

But now Evaka had failed his trust. She slept with him before she married Link. She broke her promise, she became unclean, she was no longer a saint, she became a self-degrading, dirty woman.

"Oh my God! Why is this happening?!"

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Little Kunas looked up at the ceiling and yelled.

Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!

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