Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 434 Impotent Rage (510)

Chapter 434 Impotent Rage (5/10)

Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!

On the desk, the phone rang. Little Kunas was immersed in sadness and pain and couldn't extricate himself. He didn't feel like answering the phone.

But the piercing phone ring rang again and again. It was an unfamiliar number.

Little Kunas picked up the phone and cursed.

"Fuck, who the hell are you? What the hell do you want to do?"


Click! The person on the other end hung up the phone without saying anything.

Little Kunas threw down his phone, slumped in his office chair, pulled off his tie with force, took a few deep breaths, and the anger in his heart was also released a little.

Just looking up, he saw the enlarged photo of Evaka on the computer screen. Evaka was wearing a silk T-shirt and loose and textured casual pants. The outline of her plump breasts and peach-like buttocks was faintly visible under her clothes.

Her long golden hair was casually draped over her shoulders, her cold and beautiful face was filled with a gentle smile, and her red lips were blooming like rose petals.

Little Kunas looked at her photo over and over again, unable to move his eyes away.

Such a beautiful woman should have belonged to him, and was the lifelong partner given to him by the Lord God.

But now she has become Link's woman, and she gave the beauty and body given to her by the Lord God to Link, that bastard, to be defiled.

"Ivaka, you disappoint me so much. You actually gave Link, that bastard, something that should have belonged to me. I will never let you two dogs go easily, absolutely not."

Little Kunas clenched his fists tightly and thought with gritted teeth.

Suddenly, there was a stinging pain on the back of his hand, and he realized that he had a wound on the back of his hand at some point, and red liquid dripped onto the floor.

This was the injury that Ivaka and Link brought to him. It was all their fault, and they had to pay it back.

Little Kunas had a gloomy face, and he was thinking about a plan to retaliate against Link in his mind.

He wanted Link to pay for what he did, and also wanted Evaka to regret the wrong choice she made.


Link was worth a lot, had a great reputation, and had never done anything illegal, so he could not be dealt with by legal and administrative means.

And ordinary means could not affect people of his status at all.

What to do?

Little Kunas suddenly wanted to live in the Middle Ages. At that time, if you wanted to destroy a person, you could use countless means, all kinds of cruel means were possible, but not now, this is a modern civilized society that emphasizes democracy and the rule of law.

Although everything seems hypocritical, rich people here can indeed enjoy the benefits of modern civilization.

This benefit also wrongly protects some bad people, such as Link.

Little Kunas thought hard for a while, but couldn't think of a good way to destroy Link. He sighed in disappointment and picked up the phone to call his ally Bob in Hollywood.

At present, Link is hanging out in Hollywood, and the Weinstein brothers are Hollywood tycoons and the first on the power list. There must be a way to destroy Link.

After the call was connected, Kunas talked about Link and asked Bob if he had any evidence against Link. He was willing to pay a high price to buy it.

Bob said no helplessly and asked him what happened and why he was so urgent.

Kunas looked at the photo of Ivaka on the computer screen and didn't tell Bob what happened. He just said that he wanted to discredit Link and destroy Link. It would be best if Link disappeared.

Bob said no and told Kunas that he was on a business trip and had a lot of things to do. He didn't have time to keep an eye on Link. He asked him to call Harvey. They must have a lot of common topics.

Kunas reluctantly agreed.

Ding Dong!

The phone received Harvey's business card forwarded by Bob, with Harvey's phone number on it.

Kunas looked at it and suddenly felt that the number was familiar. He took out his phone and took a look. He found that the number was the same as the harassing call just now.

In other words, the call was made by Harvey, and he inadvertently scolded Harvey.

Little Kunas's face changed, and after thinking for a moment, he called back.

He called twice but the call didn't go through. When he was about to hang up the second time, the call was connected.

Harvey on the other end didn't speak, but his breathing was very heavy, giving people a feeling of depression.

"Mr. Weinstein, this is Ryan, I apologize to you, I just encountered a very bad thing, and I was in a very bad mood. When I saw an unfamiliar number, I couldn't help but curse a few words. I didn't expect it to be you. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Harvey on the other end of the phone was panting, like a sleeping wild boar. After two or three seconds of awkward silence, Harvey's low and depressed voice appeared in the receiver.

"It's okay, you don't know I don't blame you."

"Mr. Weinstein, thank you for your understanding, it was very bad for me to speak like that just now"

"Anything else?"

Harvey interrupted him and asked.

Little Kunas could tell that Harvey was still angry, but it was understandable. Harvey was a Hollywood tycoon, used to being flattered and praised by others. It was very embarrassing to be scolded by others, so it was reasonable for him to be angry.

Little Kunas thought about it and thought that if he hung up the phone, the relationship between the two would become more strained.

Considering that Harvey also hated Link very much, he took the initiative to talk about Evaka, saying that he loved Evaka very much and regarded her as his life, his faith, and a light in his life.

But now this light was occupied by that bastard Link.

He scolded Link angrily on the phone, even more harshly than he had just scolded Harvey. He hoped to use this method to arouse Harvey's shared hatred and forgive him first, and then work together to find a way to deal with Link.

On the other end of the phone.

Harvey was sitting in the infirmary with a blood pressure bandage wrapped around his hand. When he heard little Kunas yelling on the phone, he just felt funny.

Women, no matter how beautiful they are, in his eyes are just tools for making money in movies and tools for venting. He will never pay too much attention to them, nor will he have any respect for them.

But I never expected that one day in real life, I would hear a man say that he regards a woman as life, faith, and light.

That's ridiculous.

What's even more ridiculous is that the person who said this is a second-generation rich man from a wealthy family, a member of his own race.

If it weren't for little Kunas' identity and his fragile self-esteem, Harvey would have liked to say that he was too young and naive.

A man like him who attaches too much importance to women and takes love too seriously is doomed to have little potential and will not accomplish anything big in the future. He is simply called a 'waste'.

At this time, this loser was cursing Link, calling him a scumbag and so on.

Harvey wanted to laugh even more when he heard this. In fact, when it came to women, he admired Link's approach more. He was romantic and sentimental, treating feelings as the spice of life instead of life goals and dreams. The most important thing for a man is his career.

In his case, before he became a Hollywood mogul, no woman had ever wanted to date him.

After becoming a Hollywood mogul, the women who were touted as goddesses by the media would pounce on him like madmen.

What he needs to do is to choose one or two lucky ones in the middle to meet his physical and psychological needs.

He has seen too many women, and women are insignificant in his heart.

When he heard little Kunas repeatedly talking about the sadness of being abandoned by a woman, he felt very bored and wanted to end the topic as soon as possible.

"Ryan, I get it. Link is hateful. He shamelessly took away the person you loved and deserved to die ten thousand times. So is there any way you can take revenge?"

Harvey asked, interrupting young Kunas.

Little Kunas said no and asked him if he had. He was a Hollywood tycoon and he must have a way to destroy Link.

Hearing the flattery from little Kunas, Harvey was not only not happy, but also angry in his heart, and his blood pressure meter also beeped.

The doctor from the studio's infirmary heard the sound and rushed over, adjusted the blood pressure monitor, gave him a few words and then left.

Harvey told young Kunas sullenly that there was nothing he could do.

If he had his way, he would not have called Kunas before, nor would he have been scolded for no reason, nor would he have been so angry that he felt dizzy and had to be sent to the infirmary for injections by his assistant.

There was a sigh from Little Kunas, saying that if he could bring down Link and make Ivaca regret it, he would be willing to pay a million or ten million.

Harvey secretly pouted. If he could destroy Link, a bastard, with millions and tens of millions, he would be willing to spend it, but no, Link is not that easy to deal with.

Harvey thought for a moment and told little Kunas to discuss with little Epstein more. As long as we work together, we will definitely be able to come up with a good way to deal with Link.

He also told him that Link was occupying Iwaka. In two years, the two might get married and have children, Link's children. It would be useless to attack Link at that time, so it was best to solve the problem as soon as possible. There is no need to worry about any means to get rid of Link.

As long as Link is gone, his family property belongs to Iwaka, and Iwaka belongs to him.

Harvey followed suit and asked Kunas to think about it seriously.

Little Kunas said he understood and hoped that Harvey would find a way to deal with Link soon. If you need help, please remember to contact him.


Harvey hung up the phone with a sullen face, feeling that little Kunas, a good-for-nothing second generation, was not very reliable.

He leaned on the hospital bed and thought for a while, then called Bob.

He said that he planned to transfer the investment share of "The Master" to other production companies, and continued to block Link in the circle, saying that anyone who cooperates with Link will lose the qualification to cooperate with the Weinstein Films.

Harvey asked Bob if this plan was feasible.

He felt that Bob was more proficient in performing machinations.

Bob was almost annoyed to death by Harvey and Little Kunas. He didn't understand why these two people had so much time to plot against Link. Why didn't they use it to make money? As long as they had more money and were worth more than Link, they could then deal with Lin. Gram will become very simple.

But these two people don't do this. They are angry with Link all day long, curse Link, and come up with some useless ways to deal with Link. The final result is that Link is not affected, and they gain one after another. bad mood.

Bob tells Harvey that this plan won't work.

First of all, now that everyone knows that their company Dimension Pictures participated in the investment in "The Master", suddenly transferring the share is unnecessary and not in the interests of the company.

The second point is that everyone should make a choice between Lionsgate and Weinstein Films.

This approach is very stupid. The biggest advantage of Weinstein Films over other film companies is that it can help actors win awards in terms of public relations for the Oscars.

But not all actors want to win Oscars. Nowadays, the younger generation of actors are unwilling to praise the old men at the Academy. Rather than winning awards, they hope to be famous and become big stars.

"In terms of star-making ability, we have no advantage over Link. Don't forget that Link is a world superstar, with many A-list singers under him, and the resources of the company. Lionsgate is the seventh largest studio in Hollywood. In the past, It can produce 20 to 30 movies every year, more than Paramount and Sony Pictures.

We mainly make money by acquiring and distributing independent films. We only produce a few movies every year. In terms of resources, we have fewer resources than Lionsgate. If we let those actors choose, most of them would choose Lionsgate.

Only a small number of veteran actors who want to win trophies will consider our company.

In addition, we are only good at publicizing the Oscars and do not have a monopoly on Oscar awards. Other companies also perform well in this award every year. We are not the only choice, and we are not the best choice compared to the six major film studios.

Using this method to deal with Link will only lead the company to a dead end, and I will never agree to it. "

Bob said firmly.

"Okay, if you don't think it's appropriate, forget it."

When Harvey heard what he said, he also felt that the plan was impractical, but other than this method, he had no other way to deal with Link and Lionsgate.

"One more thing, I don't know if you have seen the news. Ben Affleck's "Escape from Tehran" has received investment from Lionsgate Pictures. The two parties have established a cooperative relationship. If we want to continue to deal with Link, many of us are familiar with it. I’m afraid all the actors will choose neutrality.”

Bob reminded.

"Ben went to find Linkla to invest? Is this true?"

Harvey was furious.

"It's true. Many newspapers reported this news in the morning. The meaning of those media is also very obvious. Everyone knows that we have a good relationship with Ben. Now that Ben has taken the initiative to seek cooperation with Link, it shows that our connections are not as solid as imagined."

"Farkle! Farkle! Damn Link! I will never let you go."

Harvey was furious.

Didi didi!

The blood pressure monitor's alarm buzzed again.

The nurse outside the infirmary rushed over after hearing the sound and advised him not to get angry, take a deep breath and calm down.

Harvey pushed the nurse away, and before he could get out of bed, he felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

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