Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 453 Discussing countermeasures

Alfred Cafe is one of the boutique cafes in Beverly Hills. Its decoration style is high-end and elegant, full of artistic atmosphere.

The cafe has all the top coffee beans in the world, as well as exquisite hand-made coffee brewing technology, and is deeply loved by many celebrities in Beverly Hills.

In the afternoon, Los Angeles was sunny, and the windows of the cafe were also bright and clean. The air was filled with rich coffee aroma. Even if you don’t drink coffee, you can experience the taste of various top coffees sitting in the cafe.

Taylor supported his chin with his arm, watching Evaka across from him stirring the coffee elegantly, adding a little coconut milk, and then picking up the cup with slender jade fingers, pursing his rosy red lips and taking a sip gracefully. His movements were natural and smooth, and his expression was quiet and pleasant, neither hurried nor slow.

Her movements, coupled with her appearance and temperament, would make people feel very delicious even if she drank tap water, and they would not be able to help but order a cup of the same one to taste.

Taylor suddenly felt that he was not wronged to lose to her at Link.

Such a woman has almost all the advantages of women. Not to mention that Link, the pervert, will be fascinated. A woman like her will not be able to help but look at her a few more times, and even want to get close to her. This is a very strange feeling.

"Taylor, do you have any questions for me?"

Ivaka put down her coffee cup, fluttered her eyelashes and looked at Taylor opposite.

"There are many, but what I want to know now is, what methods do you have to minimize the negative impact of the matter?"

"What plans do you have?"

"The company's public relations department is in a meeting to discuss a way to quell the impact of this matter, but I have thought about it over and over again. Apart from confessing to the media and publicly admitting mistakes, there is almost no good way. After all, this matter is a serious breach of trust for the public."

Taylor said.

Ivaka nodded slightly, thought about it, and made three suggestions.

First, before being exposed by the media, spread the news first, actively expose the existence of the child, and let the child return to the public eye.

The next step is that she will publicly apologize, cause widespread social debate, and then guide public opinion and divert public attention. After the public vents their negative emotions, the heat of public opinion will gradually decrease.

This is a common method used by celebrities when dealing with crisis events. It is easy to use because it is often used.

The advantage is that you can copy the homework and it is not easy to make big mistakes.

The disadvantage is that it is unpredictable.

At present, she is very popular in the entertainment industry. If she changes her hairstyle, the media will discuss it for several days, not to mention hiding the child.

According to this method, this matter will definitely become the most explosive news in the entertainment industry in 2011. The result may also exceed expectations, and the disadvantages may also be greater than expected.

The second suggestion is to delay. Because of her high popularity and great influence, it will be more gentle to deal with this matter by delaying.

If Taylor is willing, before the child is exposed, she can give the child to others to raise, and take a denial attitude towards the media's doubts. This matter will become a gossip and will not affect her career.

After a few years when her career develops steadily, she will publicly admit her mistakes, and the impact will be smaller.

This suggestion was rejected by Taylor. Hiding the child was her inconsiderateness. Now she has realized the mistake and does not want to let the mistake continue.

In addition, she loves Alexander and Cynthia and will not give the child to others to raise.

"Taylor, you are only 22 years old this year, single and unmarried, but you have two children and a busy career. It is not suitable for you to raise children yourself in your current situation.

The children are young now, so you can leave them to the nanny and maids to take care of them. When the children grow up, can walk and talk, and call mom and dad, you will have more problems to consider.

For example, what if your future boyfriend does not accept the child? The parent-teacher meeting of the child's school will coincide with your concert. What will you choose? As far as I know, you are a very career-oriented person."

Ivaka said slowly.

Taylor frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and still determined his idea that he would never give the child to others to raise.

"Eva, your guess is correct, but it is just an expectation. My mother said that life is not as simple as we think. Every day is actually full of ups and downs. As long as we get used to the wind and waves, we will become stronger and stronger, and have enough confidence to meet every unknown challenge. I am not afraid of challenges."

"You are right. What I mean is that Link and I will raise Alexander and Cynthia. Link is a gentle and delicate person. He cares about children no less than you do.

Although I don't know if I can be a competent mother, I will try my best. We will take care of the children, and you can work and have a boyfriend with peace of mind.

Come and see the children when you have time. You are still the mother of the children. I will not snatch the children from you.

And this matter will also be borne by Link and me. Link and I are not completely in the entertainment industry, so this kind of thing will have less impact on us."

Evaka said.

Taylor looked at her with a strange expression, pursing his thin lips, "Eva, are you really here to help me solve the problem, not to help Link snatch the child?"

Evaka shook her head slightly, covering her belly with her palm, with a special tenderness on her bright and beautiful face.

"I can feel that there is life growing inside my body. Maybe I will have a child in the near future. I don't need to snatch your child. Because of this, I will think more about the child recently.

Taylor, it’s definitely not appropriate to take care of a child like you do. If you leave it to us, the child will be cared for more, what do you think? "

Taylor lowered his head and thought carefully about Ivaca's words. Ivaca's words made sense, and it was also appropriate to leave the child to Link's care.

But doing so also means losing the child, and Link can get two beautiful little angels by doing nothing. More importantly, giving the child to Link, he will lose this game, and go ahead You also need Link's permission to watch the child.

Taylor shook his head decisively, "Eva, you are wrong about one thing. In your consideration, the child will become a burden to me in the future and bring a lot of inconvenience to my life and work, but in my consideration, the child is They are part of my beautiful life and I have taken them into consideration in my future life plan, so they are not my trouble and I don’t want to be separated from them.”

Ivaca nodded and suddenly raised her lips into a smile, "Link said that you are a very, very stubborn person and no one can convince you. I agree with this."

Taylor's delicate cheeks turned red and she snorted. She was very dissatisfied with Link's behavior of speaking ill of people behind their backs. If that bastard was here, he would definitely punch him a few times.

"I just keep doing what I think is right."

"Yes, you are a very brave and independent woman, which is admirable. Now that you have your own plans, are you going to disclose the information and apologize to the public next?"

Ivaca asked.

Taylor nodded silently. This kind of thing is easy to say, but as long as she thinks about the reaction of the media and the fans after knowing the news, she can feel the pressure of public opinion coming towards her.

"Taylor, before the matter is exposed, we have enough time to discuss countermeasures. If necessary, the public relations department of Link Music and Lionsgate Pictures can cooperate with your work.

In addition, people at the Nashville Manor can be arranged to investigate which media reporters are active and how much they know. If they don't know much, they can send people to get rid of those media and buy more time. "

Ivaca said methodically.

Taylor nodded in agreement and gradually calmed down.

After hearing the news about bodyguard Michelle in the past two days, she became nervous and anxious. She spent the whole day thinking about the public's reaction after the matter was exposed and how to solve the matter.

But he didn't think about investigating the identities of those people outside the manor, and whether he could deal with these people first, and then slowly find a way to solve the child's problem, taking the initiative in his own hands, so that he would have more time.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Ivaca opposite. After all, she had been the president and chairman for a long time, so she looked at things from a different perspective and had more comprehensive ideas for dealing with problems.

"Eva, thank you!"

Taylor said as he picked up the coffee cup.

"You're welcome!"

Ivaca smiled slightly and touched her.

The two continued to talk about specific plans.


In the booth not far away, Leonardo turned back, looked at the card table, and asked how many people were betting. James Franco said that only he and Tobey Maguire were left.

"Play cards!"

Leonardo tapped his fingers on the table.

Tobey Maguire smiled with his dimples, and turned out two hearts J and 8. In addition to the five public cards, there is a heart Q, a heart 10, and a heart 9. The largest card is Q, J, 10. , 9, 8 flush.

"Impossible! I just saw the Jack of Hearts in James' hand. How could I come to you?"

Leonardo asked with a dark face.

"Mine is the jack of diamonds."

James Franco put his hands on the back of his chair and smiled.

Tobey Maguire spread his hands and smiled, "Leon, let us see your trump card."

"No need, you win."

Leonardo angrily threw his two hole cards into the deck. He held a K of Hearts and a J of Spades in his hand. The highest card was a straight K, Q, J, 10, 9, which was better than Maguire's. The cards are much smaller.

Although he didn't lose much each time, he often lost, which made him very unhappy. He vowed to win one against Toby today.


"Shut up! Don't make weird noises while playing cards."

Not long after the new round started, Tobey Maguire suddenly let out another sigh while looking at the cards, and looked up behind Leonardo with a surprised expression. Several other people also heard the sound and looked over.

Ivaca and Taylor were seen walking out of the cafe side by side, both smiling, and the atmosphere seemed harmonious.

The other two are both beautiful-looking women who are over 180 centimeters tall.

A cool and domineering president, a refreshing literary goddess.

When the two walked together, they instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the room, and almost all the men paid attention to them.

When the two of them went out, the buzz in the cafe suddenly became louder. Many people began to discuss their relationship. With the addition of Playboy Link, the topic became even more intense.

"What happened? Why did it suddenly become so lively? I heard someone talking about Link. Is it Link who is also here?"

Leonardo asked curiously.

"Nothing, let's continue playing cards."

Tobey Maguire laughed.

"It can't be okay, Tom, what happened?"

Leonardo looked at Tom Hardy diagonally across from him. The two had collaborated in "Inception".

"Miss Tomp left together with Miss Taylor."

"The two of them together?"

Leonardo frowned, but couldn't help but look back, only to find that the two of them had already walked away.

"Evaka and Taylor were walking and talking, and their relationship is much better than the rumors."

James Franco said.

"Yes, maybe there was some misunderstanding before, and now it's resolved."

Woody Harrison said, he has played important roles in movies such as "Indecent Proposal", "Sex Book Tycoon", "No Country for Old Men", "The Messenger", and is also a poker partner of several people.

"Link is not a playboy at all. Being a playboy requires taking time, changing one a year. Like him, he has several at a time, and there are powerful women like Evaka, Taylor, and Marion Cotillard. Believe me, he will fall sooner or later."

Leonardo said confidently.

"It shouldn't happen. Link and Evaka have exchanged rings. I heard that they are going to get engaged."

Tobey Maguire said.

"Marriage may lead to divorce, not to mention that the two are not engaged yet. Okay, stop talking nonsense and continue to deal cards. I will definitely win this time."

Leonardo knocked on the table.

James Franco's girlfriend dealt the fourth public card, which was a 10 of clubs.

Ding Dong!

Leonardo's phone on the table rang. He picked it up and took a look. It was Link's reply, asking him if he had time.

Leonardo asked him if he had time to come over and play Texas Hold'em.

Link said he didn't know how to play and was training in the training room.

Leonardo shook his head and asked why he still needed to train when he was already very good and a super boxing champion.

Link said that the road to strength is endless.

Leonardo pulled the corner of his mouth and thought this guy was very good at pretending.

He originally wanted to tease his ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend about dating, but then he thought it was unnecessary. Maybe this guy knew about it a long time ago, so he sent a message saying that he would pick up girls together when he was free and introduce him to some very beautiful models.

Link replied that it was okay.

Leonardo put down his phone and told a few people that Link was training at home and didn't have time to come over to play cards.

Everyone praised Link for being so hardworking. He was so good and so hardworking. Compared with him, everyone was so decadent.

Influenced by Link, the mood of several people playing cards was greatly affected, and they ended the game early after two rounds.

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