Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 454 Public Opinion Explodes

Bang, bang, bang!

In the villa, Link put down his phone, drank a sip of water, and continued to hit the pear-shaped ball.

While he was training, Taylor and Ivaka were also discussing things in an orderly manner.

The bodyguards in the manor first set up a trap, caught a guy who secretly followed the servants, and used two thousand dollars to pry open his mouth. The news was that someone paid them to come here to get information.

It is said that the manor hides the children of country music queen Taylor Swift. The employer hopes that they can take photos of Taylor appearing in the manor, and it is best to take photos of Taylor and the children, each of which costs thousands to tens of thousands.

However, the manor has surveillance and bodyguards, and the bodyguards are armed. It is not easy for them to force their way in. It is not worth losing their lives or going to jail for a few thousand dollars.

Taylor was relieved after getting the news, but the existence of the child has been exposed, and it is not realistic to continue to conceal it.

The public relations team began to discuss how to gradually solve this problem.

Before they were fully prepared, on July 12, The New York Observer published a heavy news on the front page: The miscarriage of country music queen Taylor Swift in early February was suspected to be fake. It was a fake event deliberately created by Taylor Swift to maintain her pure and sweet idol image. Her child is fine.

The report said that Taylor's child was hidden in a manor near the Great Smoky Mountains in Nashville, less than five kilometers away from Elvis Presley's former residence "Graceland". This manor was bought by Taylor at the end of last year for 2.2 million US dollars and covers an area of ​​more than two hectares.

Six nannies and servants are taking care of the children in the manor, and there are many bodyguards around to guard it, and outsiders cannot enter.

The article mentioned that an eyewitness said that Taylor frequently went to Nashville in the first half of the year and lived in the manor for a period of time.

The report also included several exterior photos of the manor, Taylor's schedule of going to and from Nashville in the first half of the year, and especially a photo of Taylor shopping in a baby products store in Los Angeles, which perfectly proved the authenticity of the news.

The New York Observer is one of the properties of the Kunas Group and is a weekend newspaper.

It is mainly distributed in Manhattan, New York, with a sales volume of about 30,000 copies per issue. The main content of the newspaper is to report recent political, economic and cultural news. Each issue has an interview with a heavyweight celebrity. It is a must-read publication for celebrities, literary and political circles, and has a great influence in Manhattan.

After the news that Taylor concealed her child was exposed, it caused a great sensation in the United States, attracting many large media to reprint and report.

On the same day, large media including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox TV Network also urgently replaced the headlines and reported this news as a key news report. Various news websites also hung this news in the most eye-catching position.

The title of many news websites is "Link and Taylor's child did not die", which is simple and crude, and the title is rendered in large red.

This news also topped the hot search list of websites and social platforms such as Yahoo, Google, Twitter, and Facebook within an hour.

This wave of public opinion came too fast and too fiercely, beyond the expectations of Link and Taylor. No one expected that the media and the public would pay so much attention to this matter, and underestimated the influence of the news jointly created by Link and Taylor.

In the current form of public opinion, unless there is a war, natural disasters or man-made disasters, other news will not be able to affect the popularity of this news.

After major public opinions reported this matter, the media and the public must first clarify one thing: Is the news of the New York Observer true or false, and is Taylor and Link's child really still alive?

For this reason, hundreds of media reporters surrounded the headquarters of Big Machine Records that day and demanded to interview Taylor in person.

There were also dozens of reporters who took a different approach and went to Lionsgate to block Link, hoping to dig out some information from him.

There were also many reporters who went to the manor in Nashville to inquire about the news on the spot.

Taylor and Link remained silent for the time being, and no one stood up to explain, and silence is often a form of expression.

On that day, the discussion of this matter by mainstream public opinion in the United States gradually changed from speculation to a hammer.

Many media outlets released reports on the news in February. At that time, many news outlets speculated on the authenticity of the incident, believing that given Taylor's situation and conditions, the probability of an accident with the child was very small.

Since there was no real evidence, the media shifted their focus after discussing for a while.

Looking back now, the initial speculation was completely correct.

The public began to hold their breath and brew emotions, and everyone was eager to know what Taylor's purpose was.

After the media and the public determined that the news was true, Taylor held a press conference in front of the Nashville Big Machine Records branch at 2 pm the next day.

More than 30 media reporters were invited to attend the press conference, which was hosted by Taylor's executive agent, Ms. Emily. Country music queen Taylor Swift appeared at the press conference and answered questions from reporters.

At the press conference, Taylor personally admitted that the child was indeed still there, very healthy, and no accidents had occurred. At the same time, he told reporters that they were a pair of lovely twins.

At the same time, photos of the children also appeared on Taylor's Facebook account, one boy and one girl, one with short black hair and the other with two small tufts of hair in light golden color. Both children are white and plump, delicate and very cute. There are also several daily photos of Taylor wearing casual clothes with the children.

The pictures are very warm and loving.

When people saw how cute the children were and how gentle and sweet Taylor was, they couldn't say many things they wanted to curse.

When many netizens commented, they changed from cursing to "so cute", "so beautiful", "little angel", "twins, so lucky", "what are their names".

Of course, there were also many netizens who were very angry and cursed.

They thought Taylor shouldn't do this, deceive the media, deceive the public, deceive fans, and was not a good mother, let alone a good idol. They strongly demanded Taylor to quit the circle and go home to take care of the children.

At the press conference, reporters also asked Taylor why she wanted to find an excuse to hide the children, what was the purpose of doing so, and whether she wanted to continue to maintain her pure personality as she said on the Internet.

Taylor denied it, saying that she was too young at the time and was not ready to be a mother. She was confused for a while and did such a thing.

Later, seeing the children grow up day by day, she regretted it very much. She shouldn't hide the children, nor should she deceive the public and fans in this matter. She also felt sorry for the children and was very sorry.

When netizens saw Taylor apologize in public and cry, their negative emotions were mostly dispelled.

Almost no one supported the online claim that Taylor did this to maintain her pure image, because Taylor hid the existence of the children, not the fact that she was pregnant.

Her pure label was almost gone when she attended the MTV Video Awards with a bulging belly last September, and everyone's impression of her changed from a single girl to a single mother.

So her mistakes were mainly deceiving the media and the public, and not being honest.

Everyone was angry because they felt fooled.

Reporters continued to ask Taylor how she was going to raise her children and what plans she had.

Taylor said that she would temporarily withdraw from the music scene for a while, take care of the children with peace of mind, and consider music when the children are older.

When netizens heard her say this, their negative emotions were mostly dispelled.

Only Taylor's fans expressed regret that Taylor's short-term withdrawal would mean that everyone would not be able to hear her new songs in a short period of time.

Many fans asked Taylor not to withdraw for too long, and it would be best if she only took a break for a few weeks or months.

Although Taylor made a reasonable explanation and a sincere apology at the press conference, and also temporarily withdrew from the circle to show his attitude of admitting his mistakes.

But the media makes money by hyping news. How can they easily let go of such a hot and controversial news?

It is not in the interests of the media to let go of such news easily.

After the press conference, many large media came out to discuss the matter.

The mainstream public opinion commented on this matter as "severe disappointment", "condemnation", and "cannot be easily forgiven".

Even the most serious "New York Times" commented that Taylor made a serious mistake in this matter.

To a certain extent, it violated the human rights of the children and the legitimate rights and interests of American citizens, because the two children were born in the United States and are legal citizens of the United States at birth. They have all the basic rights of citizens stipulated in the Constitution.

Taylor's behavior is not a private matter, but an illegal act, and it is not enough to apologize.

The Nashville District Attorney's Office also filed a public prosecution against Taylor, and the court and civil affairs agencies should also reconsider whether Taylor is qualified to continue to raise the two children.

But this is America, and many things can be settled with money. For this reason, Taylor spent more than 400,000 US dollars in deposit to settle the matter.

Just as the media focused their criticism on Taylor, a statement circulated on the Internet and gradually gained support from many people.

The statement said that Taylor was also a victim in this matter, and the culprit should be Link.

If he had not been unfaithful and broke up with Taylor, Taylor would not have to face the difficulties of raising two children alone, and would not have made the decision to conceal the children under impulse.

Now that Taylor is criticized, Link cannot stay out of it.

This statement has also been supported by many media. Many media began to criticize Link, calling him a scumbag and a scumbag father, and asked him to come out and apologize publicly.

At this juncture, Link's representative lawyer Aaron Honaker stood up and publicly stated that he would compete with Taylor for custody of the child and bring the child to raise with him.

"Link, is this a good idea? I'm afraid you will be scolded to death by the media next."

In the office of Palm Beach Pictures, Catherine asked worriedly.

"I can predict it, but no matter what, I can't just sit there and watch Taylor and the child."

Link pinched his brows. The impact of this incident was much greater than he, Taylor, and Eva Ka expected. It was even more powerful than the black tide of public opinion in September last year. Taylor was undoubtedly the one who was most affected.

Under the hard work of many media, just like the criticism of MJ and Britney Spears, Taylor is now almost the second worst singer in the current music industry. The first is of course him, the playboy.

Because of his bad reputation and strong ability to withstand blows, he didn't mind using this method to help Taylor share the firepower.

"Alas, how could Taylor do such a thing at the beginning of the year? It was too inconsiderate."

Catherine sighed.

Link smiled helplessly, and didn't understand what Taylor was thinking at the time. In order to prevent him from seeing the child, he came up with such a brainless method. This woman's desire to win is stronger than his own.

"Does Eva know that you are doing this?"

Catherine suddenly asked.

"We talked about it, and she agreed."

"Eva is such a good woman. She is perfect for you. Don't miss her."

Catherine said.

"I see."

Link nodded.

Jingle Bell!

The mobile phone on the table started to buzz noisily. He glanced at it and saw that it was the call from the little round face.

"Aren't you in Nashville taking care of your children? How come you have time to call me?"

After the child was exposed, Selena angrily approached Taylor and asked why she hid her nieces and nephews and lied to others.

Immediately she got the right to see the children. After seeing the two children, Selena called him excitedly and praised him non-stop, saying how beautiful the children were. She also took many photos and sent them to him.

"Link, how could you do this? Taylor has been scolded miserably by the media. You are still robbing her of the child at this time. You are so bad. You are a big scumbag. No, you are a scumbag father now. I feel strongly about this matter. Support Taylor."

Selina shouted crisply on the phone.

Link smiled and said: "Don't you like Alexander and Cynthia? I snatched the children away and raised them by my side, and you can see them at any time."

"No! Children should stay with their mothers. How can you, a grown man, take care of children? And Taylor can't live without Alexander and Cynthia. Can you withdraw the lawsuit?"

Selena asked.

"No! The children are mine too, and I have the right to fight for their custody."

"You are so angry with me. I want to call on my fans to support Taylor and defeat this big devil like you."

Click! Selena hung up the phone angrily and shouted at Taylor who was reading a magazine, "Link won't agree to withdraw the lawsuit. That's too much. Taylor, don't worry, you gave birth to the child, and the bad guy Link can't take it from you. "

Taylor shook his head and said, "Stop scolding Link. He is also helping me by doing this."

"help you?"

Selena frowned her thin eyebrows, her big eyes filled with confusion.

"Yes, the mainstream media are criticizing me now, and the public has great opinions on me, which makes my situation very bad. At this time, Link strongly proposed to fight for the custody of the child. In this way, I became Vulnerable groups, orphans and widows.

Human nature is to sympathize with the weak, and it is also politically correct to sympathize with the weak in society. If public opinion continues to criticize me, it will become a mistake, and criticizing Link will become a kind of political correctness. In doing so, he is helping me share the pressure and attract people. Media firepower. "

Taylor said slowly.

"Huh? Is he so kind?"

Selina blinked her big round eyes, unable to turn around. She didn't understand how Link, who was adding insult to injury, could be doing good deeds?

"Do you think Link is a bad guy?"

Taylor chuckled.

"No, even though he is so carefree, he often bullies me, forcing me to read books and do questions. He doesn't allow me to go to nightclubs or hang out with random people. He doesn't allow me to drink and stay up late. He doesn't allow me to drive too fast. Sometimes he even teases me. Exercise early, don’t let me eat junk food, and even compete with me for food.”

"Okay, Link is indeed a bad guy."

When Taylor heard her say this, he felt that if he had such a controlling brother, he would probably be driven crazy.

Selena smiled sweetly and said, "No, I can feel that he cares about me very much and always thinks about me. He hopes that I can have good work and rest and eating habits, maintain a healthy body, and have a child." Safe social circle.

He also hopes that I will grow into a better person and a social elite through study. The most important thing is that he often writes me many good songs. It is great to have a brother like him. I don’t know how many people envy me. I. "

Taylor smiled slightly, thinking that Link had a strong desire to control himself in the past. He was not allowed to be too thin, not allowed to wear clothes that were too revealing, not allowed to drink too much in bars, and not allowed to get too close to the opposite sex. He did this Is it also for your own good?

Taylor shook his head, not thinking that was the case.

"Link is so good, and you still say you want to call on fans to defeat him, a big devil?"

Taylor asked, putting his hand on the round-faced shoulder.

"No, I was very angry and felt that what he did was wrong. I hope he would realize his mistake, but I didn't expect that he did this to help you share the pressure." Selena scratched her round face and looked at Taylor He asked weakly, "Should I apologize to him?"

"No, he won't be angry with you."

Taylor laughed.

Selina thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. She had said too much to Link before and had teased him before. He had never been angry, and she would definitely not be angry this time.

"Taylor, let me ask you a question. Link is actually pretty good. Apart from being a little bit of a philanderer, there are no big problems. Why did you insist on breaking up with him last year?"

Selena asked.

Taylor was silent for a few seconds, shook his head and smiled: "Isn't Ivaca good? She is more suitable for Link than me."

"It's fine, but Ivaca is a little serious. I would be nervous and a little reserved when talking to her, and we can't have fun together."

Selina said with a shrug.

Taylor smiled slightly, thinking of the cold and serious domineering president Ivaca, and the quirky Selena, the two of them sitting face to face, almost like a teacher and a student.

Selena was completely suppressed by Ivaca in terms of momentum, so it was strange that she could become more lively.

"Tyler, the tide of public opinion has turned."

Ms. Emily, the agent, walked in with a stack of newspapers and said.


"Boss, the direction of public opinion has changed."

In the office, Ms. Anna hurriedly walked in, holding a stack of newspapers and placing them on her desk.

The top one is from the Los Angeles Times. The headline on the front page is that Link is preparing to fight Taylor for custody of the child. He also said that no matter how much money is spent, he must win the lawsuit and get the child back from Taylor.

The front-page news was accompanied by several photos.

On the left is a photo of Taylor tearfully apologizing to the media.

On the right is a screenshot of a video of Link punching away former WBA light heavyweight champion Beirut Shumenov in the boxing ring.

He exposed his muscular upper body and his muscles were strong and fierce. When he punched hard, he looked a little ferocious.

Beirut, who was punched, fell sideways. In the photo, it looks like he was punched and flew away. His face was severely deformed, and some blood and sweat were splashed in the air.

In the middle of the photo of him and Taylor was a photo of the two cuties with a golden 'VS' written on it.

This set of pictures has obvious contrast and strong visual impact. At a glance, you can tell which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

It's clear Taylor is the underdog.

The "Los Angeles Times" report like this is also asking the public a question: Who will everyone choose to support in this situation? Support the weak or the strong?

According to this situation, most people will choose to support the weak.

First, supporting the weak can easily occupy the moral high ground and gain more recognition when expressing opinions, because 95% of the people in the world are or consider themselves to be disadvantaged groups.

The second is to support the weak without worrying about losing. If the kind-hearted weak loses, it will be a loss of social morality. If the despicable strong loses, it will be a victory for justice.

Supporting the underdog to win the case in the end will also provide you with a greater sense of participation and satisfaction.

In addition to the Los Angeles Times, major media such as "USA Today", "American Express", "New York Post", "Washington Post", and "Hollywood Reporter" have all reported on this matter. Although these media maintain an objective and public attitude on the surface.

However, when introducing the situation of the two people, Link's strength will be exaggerated and Link's current advantages will be hyped.

It will also focus on describing Taylor's current predicament and disadvantages, hyping up the possibility that Taylor will lose.

The purpose of the media in doing this is also very simple.

It causes controversy in public opinion. The more controversies there are, the more intense the arguments will be, the more people will pay attention, the higher the stickiness of readers, and the more popular media news products will be. This is also one of the common means used by the media to manipulate public opinion.

And 95% of the people are mobs, which also provides the necessary conditions for the media to successfully manipulate public opinion.

After the Los Angeles Times and other mainstream media reported the news, the direction of public opinion in American society gradually changed.

While many people were still eating the idea that "Taylor hid the child or would be imprisoned", the waiter named "Media" served everyone another one called "Link is brazenly fighting for the custody of the child. Taylor may be in trouble in his career." A super giant who lost his beloved son and daughter after being hit hard.

The previous one only involved country music queen Taylor, but this one involves world superstars, billionaires Link and Taylor. This is also a family ethics drama. This one is cooked and sweet, and the plot is more exciting than the previous one. One is higher.

Human curiosity can never be satisfied. Even if many people are full and vomit while eating, they will eat another one.

Regarding this controversial incident, people who eat melon will first choose to take sides before starting to eat.

Only by standing in the right team can you eat more, taste better and feel at ease.

Due to the provocation in the mainstream media's reporting, Taylor was classified as the weak side.

Also because of the empathy of the people, many people easily chose to side with Taylor, helping the weaker Taylor and resisting the stronger Link. Everyone united to show the strong the power of unity of the weak.

This situation also led to a rapid change in the direction of public opinion.

A few minutes ago, many netizens were criticizing Taylor for not respecting human rights. The next moment, they were in Taylor's camp, cheering for her and vowing to help her keep her child.

Especially a lot of women's organizations.

One day, he was criticizing Taylor for doing something wrong. The next moment, he was taking Taylor's perspective and discussing the issue of ownership of his girlfriend's pregnancy and childbirth after the boyfriend and girlfriend broke up. He believed that women should have more rights, and both the judiciary and public opinion should support Taylor. Win the case.

Because this issue is not only related to Taylor, but also closely related to their rights.

After the change in public opinion, criticism of Taylor decreased rapidly, and the pressure on Taylor was also greatly reduced.

The media's criticism of Link gradually grew louder, calling him a scumbag. He cheated on her and broke up with Taylor. Taylor was pregnant in ten months and worked hard to give birth to the child. He did nothing, and now he comes to snatch the child. It's too much. .

Also, Taylor is facing huge pressure from public opinion and a career crisis. Not only does his ex-boyfriend not come to help, he also adds insult to injury and snatches the child at this time. What a scumbag.

People who were hostile to him took action at this time, arranging the media to list his evil deeds, calling on the public to block him, boycott his albums and movies, and never give him a chance to be resurrected this time.

Public criticism of him reached a new level.

Jingle Bell!

In the afternoon, while Link was swimming in the pool, he received a call from Taylor.


Taylor said simply and directly on the phone.

This is the first time the two have spoken on the phone since their breakup.

"Thank you for what?"

".I know your purpose for doing this. Thank you for helping me share the pressure."

Taylor said softly.

Link smiled, "Taylor, you misunderstood. The reason I did this is that I think you are not a competent mother. It is not appropriate for Alexander and Cynthia to stay with you. I want to get custody of the children and raise them myself. You are ready to accept it."

"Hmph! Don't even think about it. I will never let you succeed."

Taylor hung up the phone angrily.

Link smiled lightly and put down the phone.

But he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something.


"Fuck! Fuck! What is Link, the bastard, doing? Why did this happen at this time?"

In Paramount Pictures Distribution, Frank Abrams, President of Global Distribution and Marketing, was so angry that he cursed.

Seeing that "Captain America" ​​was about to be released, the male lead Link suddenly broke out about this. Will fans still go to the cinema to support him?

Will anyone accept the great and glorious character Captain America played by him?

This movie has an investment of 140 million yuan. If it is not good, Paramount Pictures will suffer a heavy blow.

It's a pit.

"Contact Link quickly and ask him to withdraw the lawsuit and stop messing around."

"Contact the media under the Viacom Group and tell them to stop scolding Link and promote more positive news about him. This movie is of great importance and must be treated with caution."

Frank Abrams waved his arms and shouted to his subordinates at the desk.


Everyone hurriedly took over the work and tried every means to protect Link's reputation.

Just when Paramount was busy and exhausted, good news came from Dahai City, which quickly reversed the situation and made everything no longer so bad.

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