Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 456 The wind has changed again

"Very good! Just write it like this, continue to criticize Link, and try to guide public opinion in the direction of Link's corrupt character."

In the high-rise office of Building 222, Little Kunas put down the phone, smiled slightly, picked up the newspaper and continued to read the reports criticizing Link.

These reports also have the credit of him and his partners. Although there are not many, they are all the most sharply worded articles, and they are the sharpest spearheads pointing at Link.

This time, Link must be bleed.

Little Kunas thought about it with his fingers on the table, picked up the phone and called Ivaka's father Mr. Thompson. The phone rang a few times and was picked up by Mr. Thompson's secretary, and then transferred to Mr. Thompson's desk.

"Haha, Ryan, what's up?"

Mr. Thompson's loud and clear voice came from the phone, and he sounded in a good mood.

"Uncle Thompson, I haven't played golf with you for a long time. When you play, please remember to call me. I want to learn a few tricks from you."

Little Kunas smiled gently.

"Haha, Ryan, you are good at this. You know to take the initiative to learn golf, unlike Link. He didn't come to New York to learn golf from me when he had nothing to do. He always said he didn't have time. I don't know what he is busy with all day." Mr. Thompson said with dissatisfaction. Little Kunas smiled and said, "Uncle Thompson, have you seen the news these days? The news said Link." "Haha, yes, I saw it. The Wall Street Journal said that Link is worth more than 3 billion US dollars and there is still a lot of room for growth in the future. The old guys in the club all said that he is very good. He is only 22 years old and is worth 3 billion US dollars. In another ten years, he will probably increase to 10 billion or 30 billion. He can make more money than us old guys. Haha, Ryan, you also saw the news. What do you think of Link?" Mr. Thompson asked happily. Little Kunas's eyes twitched. He didn't want to ask about this matter, nor did he want to hear old Thompson praise Link. "Well, I've seen it too. Link does have some luck in investment, Uncle Thompson, I'm talking about..."

"Luck? It's not just luck, Ryan. Link has Lionsgate and Link Music under his name. The total market value of these two companies has reached 1.4 billion US dollars, not to mention that he also has shares in Dynasty Promotion Company, and that, that, Golden Shell Investment Management Company, yes, that's it, I heard that the market value is almost 2 billion.

He and Eva have been able to create two large companies with a market value of more than 700 million from scratch in these years. This is not just luck, but more about ability and vision.

Ryan, you are also an excellent young man. When you have time, talk more with Link, Eva and others, and start a business together. Maybe you can create a few more large companies with a market value of hundreds of millions in the future. Old Kunas will probably laugh when he knows about it."

Mr. Thompson laughed.

Little Kunas covered his forehead and said through his back teeth, "Uncle Thompson, I'm talking about the news in the media criticizing Link for taking advantage of his wealth and power to snatch the child from Taylor. Do you think Link's behavior is good?"

"It's good. Link is worth more than 3 billion, and the child is good to him. Those things in the media are nonsense. We know what's going on. Just watch the fun. Haha, Ryan, I got a call. Let's talk next time."

Click, Mr. Thompson hung up the phone.


Little Kunas dropped the phone angrily.

He didn't expect that old Thompson would be so shameless. Just because Link is worth more than 3 billion, he doesn't care about what he did. It's too annoying.

Little Kunas took a few deep breaths, picked up the phone and called Ivaka's office. The informant said that Ivaka was handling work at Link Music Company these two days.

The call was picked up by Ivaka's assistant. Little Kunas gave his name and said he had important work to do with Ivaka.

The assistant said that the chairman was very busy and would be available later, so he made an appointment for him in an hour.

Little Kunas waited in the office for an hour and a half before he heard Evaka's charming and cold voice again on the microphone.

"Ryan, what's the matter? I have a minute to listen to you."

Evaka spoke quickly, her voice was capable, and she was not dragging her feet.

"Eva, you know that Link and Taylor have two illegitimate children, right? He is also planning to take back the custody of the children. If he succeeds, you will become the stepmother of those children. Do you want to have two children before you marry him?"

Little Kunas knew Evaka's style. If she said one minute, it really was only one minute, so he had to speed up his speech and finish it in one breath, so as not to miss the chance.

"What does this have to do with you?"

Evaka asked in a light voice, without any emotion, not even a little anger or dissatisfaction.

"Eva, we are friends. I care about you very much. Link is a playboy. He has many lovers outside and countless illegitimate children. He is not worthy of you. You deserve a better man."

"For example?"

"For example?"

Little Kunas blushed and racked his brains for a few seconds, but couldn't think of any suitable candidate. He wanted to talk about himself, but couldn't open his mouth.

"My Link is the best man in the world. I love him, and I will try to love his illegitimate children and even accept his lovers outside. Ryan, don't call me for this kind of thing in the future."

Click! The phone was hung up, and the time showed exactly one minute.

Little Kunas listened to the response from the microphone, his expression twisted and hideous due to anger.

He didn't expect Ivaka to become like this now. Not only did she not blame Link for having illegitimate children outside, she even accepted that bastard having a lover outside. This was too hypocritical.

And when Ivaka said "my Link", the doting, admiration, pride, attachment, sweetness, and silent tenderness in her tone were more gentle than the softest water in the world.

If this kind of tenderness was for himself, he would feel happy to death, and even his bones would melt in this voice.

That's not it.

Ivaka said "my Link".

"Damn Link, all this should be mine, mine!"

Little Kunas angrily pushed down the notebooks, telephones, folders, and newspapers on the table, and there was a pile of debris on the ground.

After venting his anger, Little Kunas pulled his tie, took a few deep breaths, and gradually calmed down. He picked up the phone and called his assistant, asking them to continue contacting the media.

This time, not only Link was scolded, but also Evaka.

She said that she went for Link's 3 billion. If Link was a pauper, she would never like him. She was just a materialistic, snobbish, superficial and bad woman.

Little Kunas cursed into the phone.

"Boss, the wind direction of public opinion has changed."

Suddenly the assistant reminded.

"The wind direction has changed? How? Where? Do you think this is sailing? The wind direction changes at any time."

Little Kunas shouted angrily.

"Boss, the wind direction has really changed. You can open the Yahoo website and see that many news on it have been withdrawn and replaced with news that is favorable to Link."

The assistant said.

Little Kunas frowned, picked up the almost smashed laptop on the ground, connected the network cable and took a look.

When he opened the Yahoo website, he saw a bold headline at first glance, "Link defeated Phelps and won four gold medals in the championship", followed by a flashing label of "hot".

Clicking on the news, it was a press release from an Associated Press reporter in China.

The 14th World Swimming Championships was held in Dahai City, China from July 16 to 31, 2011.

Link, Phelps, Ryan Lochte and other swimming stars represented the US team in various swimming events of this championship.

In the finals of yesterday and today, Link defeated Brazilian star Cielo, French star Bernal, Korean star Park Hwan-tae and others in the 50/100/200 freestyle events, winning gold medals in three events.

At the same time, in the 4x100 freestyle relay event, he cooperated with teammates such as Phelps to win another gold medal.

In the first three days of this World Swimming Championships, Link won four gold medals, broke three world records, and entered the semifinals and finals in six events.

The Associated Press expects Link to win more than seven gold medals and break more than five world records in this World Championships.

He will also become a seed player of the US swimming team and the first to qualify for the swimming event of the London Olympics next year.


Kunas couldn't help cursing when he saw the news. If it weren't for this news, he would have forgotten about the World Swimming Championships and that Link was still a regular member of the national swimming team.

He switched off the AP news page and continued to browse other news sections on the Yahoo website.

He found that there were many news columns criticizing Link in the morning, but now half of them have been replaced by reports about Link winning four gold medals in the World Championships.

They discussed how good Link was in swimming, why he was so good, what the connection was between boxing and swimming, and there were many video links of the competitions, all of which were very popular.

He looked at social and news platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace and found that the hot searches had also changed.

The news that Link defeated famous players such as Phelps in the championship and led the medal rankings quickly surpassed several news criticizing him and Taylor for snatching the child at a rocket-like speed and became the first on the major hot search lists.

These online media change their faces faster than turning a book.

"Why is this happening?"

"It's just four World Championship gold medals, not the Olympics, why is there so much heat?"

Little Kunas was stunned for a while, and called his assistant to ask them to investigate the reason for the change in the wind direction.

Even if the news that Link won four gold medals in the World Championships was sensational, it couldn't change the wind direction in half a day.

He doesn't have that much influence, it must be that Link's music department spent a lot of money on public relations, deliberately exaggerating the news, trying to change Link's reputation before the release of his new album.

It would be best to find evidence to see how much Link's music department spent, and it would be good if Link could spend more money.

But the assistant told him that he had just communicated with the media, and it was "Captain America" ​​that made the effort.

Captain America is a movie produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures.

And Paramount's parent company is Viacom Media Group, which is also the parent company behind MTV. Its boss Redstone has a great influence in the entertainment and media industry.

The assistant also said that the media under News Corporation are also focusing on reporting this news.

There are also some media under Hearst Newspaper Group.

With the joint efforts of three major media groups, online and television news media were the first to make adjustments.

This has led to a strange phenomenon: while American newspapers and magazines are still discussing the legal and moral issues of Link and Taylor's fight for the child, the Internet and television media have already changed to the news that Link won the gold medal in the World Championship.

This situation also shows that the print media has a serious lag in reporting news.

Other media have seen the change in the wind direction and have also adjusted the focus of their reports to attract audiences and sell news products first.

If this situation continues, it can be expected that starting tomorrow, most media will abandon Link's old news and replace it with Link's latest developments.

Some media may choose to do both, reporting two news at the same time, praising Link on one side and criticizing Link on the other.

This will also make Link himself more controversial.

And this kind of half-good and half-bad public opinion is not a bad thing for a public figure, but will make his influence further.

"Boss, do we still have to spend money to hire someone to write a press release criticizing Link?"

The assistant asked.

Little Kunas' lips trembled, but he couldn't make a sound.

Hiring famous commentators to write articles to continue to criticize Link was his strategy. This method of attack was very useful when the mainstream media were criticizing Link a few days ago, and it could put huge public pressure on Link.

But now the wind has changed, the situation is over, and it is useless to continue criticizing him.

"Wait a minute, maybe there is still a chance."

Little Kunas put down the phone unwillingly.

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