"Fire! Fire me hard. I won't let Link turn around this time."

In the office of the president of Weinstein Films, when Bob pushed open the door with his belly full, he saw Harvey holding a phone and yelling loudly behind the large desk, his cheeks flushed and greasy, and his expression very excited.

Bob knew what was exciting Harvey.

Ever since the conflict with Link, Harvey has been thinking about how to make Link miserable so that he can vent his anger.

But Link is too cunning. He pays careful attention to everything he does. He lives in seclusion on weekdays. Apart from accompanying a few girlfriends, practicing boxing and swimming, he rarely participates in public activities. His behavior is not like a billionaire at all.

Harvey, Kunas Jr. and others had no chance to trick him.

Not only was he unable to trick him, but some good news came from Link from time to time.

The global box office of "Bridesmaids" reached 330 million US dollars.

Why did Link powerfully win the WBA light heavyweight world title? Link was recognized as a 'super boxing champion' by the WBA Board of Directors and was also the youngest super boxing champion in boxing history.

"Mr. Tree", which Link bought for 150,000 yuan, has grossed nearly 8 million US dollars at the box office in North America.

Link and Iwaka successfully joined Lionsgate. With the release of several new movies, Lionsgate Pictures' market value has returned to US$700 million, making it the seventh largest studio in Hollywood.

Tesla’s stock fluctuates and rises, Link’s net worth exceeds 3 billion U.S. dollars, and so on.

This news is a joy worthy of popping the champagne for Link and those who support him.

But for those who hate Link, it is very poisonous to the heart.

Harvey couldn't help but curse and his blood pressure soared every time he saw the news.

What makes Bob helpless is that Harvey also likes to read news about Link. Whenever he sees news with Link's name, he will read it word for word.

After reading it, I cursed!

Things have changed in recent days. Harvey often laughs when watching the news. His eyes narrow when he laughs, and his brown molars are exposed, and he is in a very good mood.

The main reason is that Link is unlucky.

There were many articles criticizing and blaming Link in the newspapers. These articles were undoubtedly the most satisfying articles for Harvey. It felt like the media all over the world had become his mouthpiece, helping him to scold Link.

"Haha, Bob, you're here."

Harvey put down the phone, took a sip from his cigar, and said with a smile, "Do you think Link is stupid for jumping out to fight for the custody of the child at this time? Those media are right, this guy is a big scumbag. , No, they are scum and scum and should be completely banned.”

"Are you contacting the media to continue suppressing Link?"

Bob pulled up a chair and sat down opposite.

"Yes, this time I want to make Link's reputation completely bad. I want no one to watch his movies, no one to buy his albums, and no one to watch his boxing matches. If I can influence Lions Gate Films The box-office performance of the industry’s movies couldn’t be better.”

Harvey said, rubbing his big belly.

"Harvey, this isn't realistic."

Bob reluctantly reminded, “Link is not a small star, he is a world superstar, and his global influence is greater than that of superstars such as Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and Tom Cruise.

The mistake he made this time was not a big one. After he knew that the child was still alive, he announced a fight for custody of the child. Although it seemed a little urgent, it was legitimate and reasonable, and it could also help him establish himself as a good father to the public. Image, if he ignores the child after knowing about it, he will be an irresponsible man.

In addition, Link is not a simple entertainment star. He is the boss of an entertainment company. He owns Lionsgate Pictures, Link Music, and Dynasty Promotions. These are all very important companies in the three fields. He is also worth thirty He is one of the top 600 richest people in the world.

Not to mention that this kind of negative news would affect him, even a second-tier star would not have much impact.

The reason why the media is so busy now is simply because Link is so famous and highly topical, and the media can gain attention by hyping up his news.

It's all bubbles.

When this incident passes, Link will still be Link, a world superstar. Maybe his fame will reach a higher level because of this incident.

Don’t forget that Elvis, MJ and Britney Spears also became globally famous because of too much negative news and their influence.

Link, the bastard, is a master of hype. This time he did it even though he knew he would be scolded. Is he really stupid, or is he just hyping himself up?

I think the latter is more likely. His purpose of doing this is simple, to warm up for his new movie "Captain America" ​​and his fourth album.

If we spend money to scold him at this time, not only will it not affect him, but we will also be used by him to help him promote.

Harvey, stop it! "

Bob sighed earnestly.

Listening to Bob's analysis, Harvey's face became increasingly ugly.

He is a genius. He is definitely at the top of the industry in film production and distribution. His ability to manage Oscars is also among the best among his peers. He is very proficient in such things, but he can't figure it out. This thing seems to be very important to Link. A bad thing, after being dismantled and analyzed by Bob, turns out to be a good thing.

What's even more annoying is that Bob's analysis sounds very reasonable.

"Are you sure? Are you sure this is Link's conspiracy?

If you look at these newspapers, it says that there is only one week until Link's new movie "Captain America" ​​is released. If such negative news breaks out at this time, the box office of "Captain America" ​​will be greatly affected, and it may suffer huge losses.

Are you sure you are hyping? Would anyone do the opposite? Is he crazy! "

Harvey picked up a large pile of newspapers on the table and threw them heavily in front of Bob.

"Harvey, I don't have to read the newspapers to guess what they are talking about. My idea is that this wave of negative news has an impact on the box office of "Captain America", and it is definitely not as big as the media hype.

For people who like Captain America and Link, they will never stop going to the movie just because of some negative news in the newspaper.

Not to mention that Link did not make any mistakes in this matter from a legal or moral perspective. He was just a father who wanted to see his child as soon as possible. Was he wrong?

The public's sympathy for Taylor at this stage is completely caused by the media. Their publicity and hype will undoubtedly make it more topical.

In addition, Link often has a habit of following negative news with positive news.

Just like the year before last when he was competing with the East Coast rap charts and faced hostility from black fans, he turned around and wrote the song "See You Again" in memory of MJ.

After being criticized by the Internet last year, it was immediately revealed that he is an investment genius with a net worth of more than 2 billion.

He hasn't made a move yet, so it would be too early for us to open the champagne. "

Bob spread his hands and said.

The look on Harvey's face turned even worse as he listened to his words.

He had been very angry with Link in the past few months. He wanted to take advantage of Link being scolded to be very happy for once, but after hearing Bob's analysis, he found that it was not worth being happy at all.

If you can't be happy when Link is scolded by the media, then when should you be happy, when the media praises Link?

"Harvey, even if Link has no backup this time, this public opinion crisis will be nothing to him. He is the boss of Lionsgate Pictures, worth more than three billion, and is a powerful capital investor. Both actors and singers For him, work is just a hobby, not the core career that maintains his social status.

So I still think that to deal with Link, we must start with movies, and use movies that have both good reputation and box office success to defeat Lionsgate, defeat Link, and make Link a complete failure in this field. It is best to leave Hollywood in despair.

This is what we are good at, and it is the only place where we can defeat Link. We are really not good at other areas. "

Bob persuaded.

Harvey looked grim.

He knows all these things, but the operation cycle of a movie is very long, and it is measured in years. It often takes more than a year for a movie to go from project establishment to production, from scheduling to release, and then to the end of the release, and it will hit the Golden Globes. Oscar, this will take more than a year.

In other words, if he wants to defeat Link in the movie, he needs to be patient and wait quietly for a year or two or even longer before he can complete his revenge on Link.

But now he couldn't wait to see Link suffer misfortune, and he would probably be suffocated to death after waiting two or three years to let out that bad breath.

Harvey glared at Bob.

"Why do you always speak for Link? I heard that you two worked well together on the "Master" project. You admire him very much?"

"No, I just think that with our current worth, it is almost impossible to be Link's opponent. It is not in the interests of the company for us to have a quarrel with him."

Bob said.

"Profits and interests! You only care about making money, haven't you seen that Link is preparing to take advantage of our reputation to rise to the top? Don't forget how Jay-Z's group was killed by Link in the first place."

Harvey said angrily.

Bob frowned and couldn't help but suspect that Link had planned the conflict with Harvey in advance. He wanted to use the same tactics he used to deal with the East Coast rap gang to continue to deal with them?

If this is the case, Link's thoughts are too deep.

But then he thought again and shook his head. Ever since the conflict between Link and Harvey, Harvey had controlled the direction of the conflict between the two parties.

It was Harvey who first provoked Link's rumored girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence. Later, the two parties briefly reconciled, and Link came to Harvey's party. Later, Harvey suddenly turned against him and threatened to ban Link in Hollywood and cancel Jennifer's movie. Role.

Later, when movies competed for rankings and criticized "Far Cry" released by Link as a bad movie, it was Harvey who took the initiative.

During this period, Link not only did not have any overreaction, but also agreed to co-produce "The Master".

Judging from these things, Link behaves very gently and rationally, and is not a difficult person to deal with. On the contrary, Harvey is so extreme that it makes people desperate.

"In addition, we have allies, Little Kunas, Little Epstein, Diddy, and Jay-Z. Their worth is not much worse than that of Link. We are not as weak as you said, and Link is not as strong as you think. As long as we continue to keep an eye on Link, we will definitely have a chance to defeat him."

Harvey said slowly, smoking a cigar, as if cheering himself up.

Bob was helpless. Harvey was too proud and stubborn, like a dictatorial tyrant, and sometimes couldn't listen to other people's advice.

He thought for a moment and proposed a bet with Harvey.

If Link's scolding is reversed this time and Link still has a backup plan, Harvey should stop thinking about how to deal with him this year and focus more time and energy on film production.

If there is no reversal, he will give Link a good idea to deal with Link.

Harvey frowned and thought for a moment, put out his cigar and agreed.

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