"Hello, good afternoon everyone. I am your old friend Steve. God bless me. Eight months after I left the studio, I finally sit here again. I miss this place and I miss everyone. Thank God."

In the HBO TV studio center, host Steve Mandanda sat in front of a large studio, looking at the camera with excitement on his face, with tears in his eyes, as if he had regained something beloved after losing it. , the excitement was uncontrollable.

"Steve, be careful to control your emotions, otherwise the higher-ups will ask you to continue to be the host outside. Of course, if you want to continue picking up girls outside, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Ms. Tina, the program producer, said through the headset.

Steve quickly suppressed the unnecessary emotions on his face and said with a smile: "I think everyone knows that the Olympic Games ended in Hanking yesterday. The American team won a total of 37 gold medals, 38 silver medals, 36 bronze medals, and 111 medals. , the number of medals ranked first among all participating countries.

Among them, the boxing team won a total of 1 gold and 1 bronze. The gold medal winner was our old acquaintance, super middleweight boxer Link Baker. Wow, I am so familiar with him.

Link and I are friends. I interviewed Link one minute before the final of the Golden Gloves Championship, and his declaration that he would defeat his opponent Andre Berto in five rounds was exactly what he said to me.

At the American Qualifying Tournament in Havana, I still interviewed him in person before the game, and also witnessed him becoming the American Super Middleweight Champion.

It can be said that I have personally witnessed Link’s growth and witnessed him step by step from a rookie boxer to a Golden Gloves Championship champion to an American Qualifying Champion to an Olympic World Champion in less than half a year.

Wow, talking about this process, even as a bystander, I will feel excited and excited for Link's achievements. Ladies and gentlemen before the TV Festival, what do you think of Link's experience in the past six months? Doesn't it look like a very inspirational movie story?

I heard that a Hollywood production company is collecting Link's story and preparing to make a movie based on him. I think it will be a great movie. "

"Don't go too far and get to the point!"

Program producer Ms. Tina said.

"Haha, what I bring to you today is the HBO Olympic special program "Watching Boxing with the Champions." Don't get excited. The champion is not here yet. Please allow me to introduce the guests of this program to you."

Following Steve's words, the live camera pulled back to give a medium shot of the studio.

In the camera, there are two show guests sitting on Steve's left. One is a middle-aged man wearing a black suit and a red tie. Steve introduces him as Doug Fisher, the editor-in-chief of "Ring" magazine. .

The other is a lean old man wearing gray casual clothes and a baseball cap. He is none other than Rafael Varane, editor-in-chief of the Miami Herald.

"Welcome Mr. Fisher, welcome Mr. Varane, and then we will invite the third guest of this show."

"Link! Link!"

Hundreds of spectators in the audience cheered loudly.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Please forgive me. The next guest to enter is not Link, but he is even more famous than Link. He has a large number of fans all over the world. It can be said that anyone who knows boxing knows that Him, then who is he?"

Steve pointed toward the backstage entrance and shouted,

"We invite the heavyweight guest of this show, Mike Tyson!"


A burst of white mist sprayed out, and a strong black man walked out from the backstage with crab steps. He was wearing a black suit and had a tattoo pattern around the left eye of his face. He grinned, revealing two large gold teeth.

"Whoa, Tyson!"

The audience shouted excitedly, clapped and cheered.

Tyson nodded to the audience, and at Steve's invitation, sat down on the right side of the studio.

"Hey, Monopoly, why did you come to this kind of show? Oh, I remembered, you're broke."

Raphael Varane slapped his forehead and said in sudden realization.


The audience burst into laughter.

Everyone knows that Tyson is bankrupt. According to the media, after Tyson retired, he spent money like water and bought many luxury cars and mansions. He also liked gambling, took drugs and alcohol, and had affairs with many women. He was worth as much as 500 million in the past. Recently, it was revealed that he owed money to The debt was 40 million, so Tyson had to make money again.

Tyson swore at Falk, pumped his fist and shouted: "Damn it, Rafael, why are you here? Steve, if you told me he was here, I would never be on this damn show."

"No, no, you will still come, after all, your debt has not been paid yet." Raphael joked.

"Shut your stinky mouth Rafael. When I was a boxer, you often wrote rubbish comments and scolded me. At that time, it was not convenient for me to hit you. Now that I have retired, there is no sports committee to control me. I will finish the recording today." You'd better not be touched by me."

Tyson clenched his fist and waved at Raphael from across the studio.

"End this boring topic."

Ms. Tina, the program producer, intervened.

"Hey, you two, please pay attention."

Steve received the order, quickly grabbed him, and said to the camera: "Let's get to the topic. Today our topic is to watch a boxing match with Olympic champion Mr. Link Baker. Since he has a busy schedule, I want to start with Please share your impressions of Link. Mike, please speak first."

Tyson adjusted his posture and said to the camera: "Link? I have heard about him for a long time. Around the time of the Golden Gloves Championship, I heard that he won the competition by KOing all his opponents. This is an amazing result."

"Mike, have you ever knocked out an opponent in an amateur competition?"

Steve interviewed.

"Of course there are, but the times are very few. Everyone knows that amateur competitions require protective gear and the competition time is very short. It is too difficult to win by KO."

Tyson said while clenching his fists.

"Yes, this also shows that Link is very powerful. It is said that his punch weight is comparable to that of a top heavyweight boxer, which is very impressive. Next is Mr. Varane."

"Wait, I'm not done yet."

Tyson shouted at the camera, "In addition to Link's heavy fists, I admire his style of doing things. He is a smart guy who is very good at making trouble through the media. When he was still participating in the super middleweight amateur competition, he He dared to challenge Chris Bird, James Toney, and Valuev, several heavyweight boxing champions. He was really cool. I wanted to ask him for an autograph when he came."

"You asked him for an autograph? Link once said that his boxing practice was also influenced by you and Roy Jones Jr., and now you ask him for an autograph. This is so funny. Mike, have you finished speaking?"

Steve asked.

"Yeah, but you don't have to ask them two. They are from newspapers and often publish rubbish comments in newspapers and magazines. It's a waste of time to listen to them."

Tyson looked at the two editors opposite him with disdain, Rafael and Doug Fisher. These two guys had bad things to say about him when he was still boxing.

Rafael and Doug Fisher smiled nonchalantly. Their profession is to scold and praise people. Tyson used to be very popular and had many problems. Almost all commentators in the boxing world criticized him, not alone. Both of them.

After Steve's inquiry, the two talked about their impressions and evaluations of Link, and naturally they all had good things to say.

At this time, Link had just become the world champion, the only gold medal winner in the boxing team of the United States, and was very popular. If you spoke ill of him publicly, you would be sprayed to death by his boxing fans.

Moreover, Link has not had any flaws that can be criticized since his debut. If you want to criticize him, there is no target.

"Okay, thank you both for your wonderful comments. I received the news that Link has arrived backstage."

Steve stood up, turned to look at the backstage entrance, and shouted: "Next, let us use warm applause to invite the 29th Summer Olympics boxing middleweight world champion, who is also the youngest world champion in boxing history. Mr. Link Baker!”


A burst of white mist sprayed out. Link, wearing a black suit and a blue tie, strode through the entrance. He was tall and strong, with long and powerful legs. He looked handsome and refreshing.

Bang bang bang!

Steve and hundreds of other spectators stood up and clapped vigorously, shouting Link's name.

"Wow, Link is so handsome in formal clothes. I thought I saw a movie star just now."

Steve clapped his hands and said in an exaggerated voice.

"Really a cool guy, he must have a lot of girlfriends."

Tyson bared his teeth and laughed.

"Hi! Good afternoon everyone!"

Link waved his hand to greet the audience, and then said to Steve: "Why does the entrance ceremony look like "The Man Show"? My agent told me that this is a serious sports talk show."

"Haha, the weather in Los Angeles is too hot. We want to cool you down. How about it? Is it very cool? I've tried it several times before."

Steve shook his hand and smiled.

"Don't forget I'm from Miami and the weather in Los Angeles feels like spring to me, very comfortable."

Link smiled, said hello to two acquaintances, Rafael and Doug Fisher, and then looked at the behemoth in the boxing world, Mike Tyson, feeling a little excited.

Despite Tyson's shortcomings, no one in the world of boxing does not admire Tyson, the king of heavy punches. He became the WBC boxing champion at the age of 20 and is the youngest world boxing champion in history.

At his peak, Tyson defeated almost all the boxing champions at the time and forced many heavyweight boxers to end their careers early.

At that time, there was a saying in the boxing world that the only one who could defeat Tyson was Tyson. Before he experienced the defeat in Tokyo, he had always been a god in the boxing world. His fists were almost the ceiling of human combat effectiveness.

Across the world, he, Air Jordan and movie actor Schwarzenegger are synonymous with strong men.

However, Tyson is much shorter than expected. His real height is about 178 centimeters and his body is very strong. Sitting there, he looks like King Kong in the movie.

"Hey Mike, I'm a fan of yours and it's great to see you here."

Link shouted, holding out his palm.

Tyson laughed, reached out and gave him a high-five and said, "Link, I'm also a fan of yours. Remember to give me your autograph soon."

"no problem!"

Link smiled softly, turned around and waved to the fans who were still standing and applauding, and sat down in the empty seat next to Tyson.

"Ask Link what he thinks of China."

The show's producer said.

Steve pressed the earphones and nodded slightly.

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