"Catherine, come and see, Link is out. Wow, he looks so handsome when he is wearing clothes."

In front of the TV, Selena Gomez was sitting on the sofa, wearing a yellow skirt and stockings, holding a bag of potato chips in her arms, her cheeks bulging with snacks, like a large hamster .

Catherine came out of the study wearing glasses and holding a script in her hand. She looked at the TV showing Link wearing formal clothes, with a handsome and three-dimensional face, always with a handsome smile on his face, and nodded happily, "He is indeed handsome. In addition, he is a world champion, and there is no one better than him among his peers.”

"When I saw him before, he looked like a little gangster. Why has he become so powerful now?" Selina asked in confusion with her face raised.

"Probably because I learned boxing. Boxing makes people stronger."

Catherine also put down her work and sat watching TV programs.

"Link, how does it feel to participate in the Olympics in China?"

In the HBO program recording hall, host Steve looked at Link next to Tyson and asked.

"It's great. I like China. It's a great country."

Link said with admiration.

"Can we talk more?" Steve asked.

"Of course. After China joined the WTO, its economic development rate is the first in the world, and its infrastructure construction is getting better and better. The environment in first-tier cities is no worse than international metropolises such as Los Angeles and Miami."

Link talked eloquently in front of the camera, talking about Chinese economy, Chinese scenery, food, Kung Fu, Peking Opera, Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors, etc., except politics, he talked about everything, and of course he only talked about the good aspects.

"Wow, Link, you only stayed in China for more than ten days and you know so much. It's amazing."

Steve said, clapping his hands.

Link shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I have said that I like China, so during the competition, I made a special effort to learn more about it. I also took the time to travel to Zhangjiajie. I heard that the new movie directed by James Cameron is in The scenery there is really beautiful.”

"It sounds great. I will also go to China to see it when I have time." Steve agreed.

"Cut to Link controlling his weight."

Ms. Tina prompted.

Steve smiled and said: "Link, we just talked about Chinese food. How many kinds of food have you eaten in China? Which one is your favorite?"

Link said regretfully: "I originally weighed 78 kilograms. In order to participate in the middleweight competition, I had to go on a diet to control my weight below 75 kilograms, so during the competition, I almost didn't eat outside. But I I know there are many Chinese delicacies, but my favorite is probably hot pot. This dish is also available in Chinatown. You can try it. ”

"Hot pot? It sounds very good. I will definitely try it when I have time."

Steve received the instructions from the on-site production and changed the question and said, "Link, if you were asked to use one word to describe your Olympic journey, what word would you use?"

Link thought for a moment and smiled: "You can get what you want! Any dream can come true."

"So it's your dream to win the Olympics?"

Steve asked.


Link faced the camera with a meaningful smile.

"Go To Topic!"

Ms. Tina said.

"Okay! Next, let me go into the boxing session with the champion. The next thing to play is the video of Link's preliminary round in this Olympic Games. In the preliminary round, Link faced Irish boxer Darren Sutherland."

Darren Sutherland, 26 years old, is the champion of the Irish Super Middleweight Amateur Boxing Championship. He once won a bronze medal at the World Championships in November 2007. He has an amateur record of 82 fights, 73 wins, 7 losses and 2 draws. He is a very A great boxer.

During Steve's introduction, the large screen in the studio began to play the live video of the Olympic Games. Link was wearing a blue competition suit, blue protective gear, and blue gloves, swinging his fists and attacking his opponent non-stop.

Darren also moved flexibly in the boxing ring and kept dodging, but his speed was not as agile as Link's.

At 112 seconds into the first round, Link hit his opponent in the forehead with a straight punch, knocking him to the ground.


Seeing him knock down his opponent, there was a burst of cheers from the scene.

In the next three rounds, Link knocked down his opponent four times and caused his opponent to count four times, successfully advancing to the quarter-finals.

Link looked at the video on the big screen and couldn't help but think of the situation in the Hanking match. Overall, it went smoothly, but the difficulty of the match was no lower than that of the American Qualifiers. Especially the quarter-finals and semi-finals were more difficult than before. Peters is taller.

After playing the clips of the preliminary round, the picture on the big screen was still, and Steve said: "Link, looking back on your match with Darren Sutherland, how do you evaluate this opponent?"

Link smiled and said: "Darren is a great boxer, his jab is very fierce and tricky, and he is also very difficult. But he has a problem. His left eye has been seriously injured, and he also has some psychological trauma after the game. , causing him to be afraid of his opponent after being knocked down. This is what I learned from talking to him after the game. If he didn’t have these problems, I think it would be difficult to beat him.”

Link talked about the experience of Darren Sutherland. His situation was somewhat similar to that of Cuban boxer Ross Neal, who had old injuries.

Darren played for the Irish team against the Russian B team in 2006 and was hit in the left eye by an opponent, almost causing him to lose his sight.

Later, with the funding of the Irish Boxing Association, the hospital performed a transplant surgery specifically for him, filling some new materials in the eye muscles, which helped him regain some vision, but his vision was still affected to some extent, which was also Darren's shortcoming.

“Darren is a really strong guy.”

Steve nodded, looked at the three Tysons and asked, "What do you think of Link's performance in this round?"

Tyson waved his fist and gestured a few times and said: "It's great. Link's style of competition is as sharp as mine. We both like to use heavy punches to break the opponent's defense and then knock down the opponent with heavy punches. This style is very cool."

"No, I don't think so."

Raphael shook his hand and retorted, "Link's boxing is smarter and more diverse than yours. He not only uses fists in the game, but also uses his brain and tactics. He often defeats the strong with the weak. From him and It can be seen in the games of Peters, Aragon, Altaev, and James Gadel.”

Next to him, Doug Fisher nodded, "I have watched all of Link's game videos during this period. There are two highlights of his games. The first is of course his KO skills. Boxing is the art of knockout. There is no One doesn't want to see a boxer knock out his opponent during a match, and Link does this very well.

The second is his use of boxing tactics in the game. His tactics are different in every game. I asked his coaches West and Ed, and they both said that during the game, Link will formulate his own tactics. They just give advice, which is great. "

"That's very well said."

Host Steve clapped his hands and said to Link, "What do you think of their comments?"

"It's great, but in terms of tactics, Coach West and Coach Ed also helped me a lot during the game. They are old people and have rich game experience. Although I don't play according to their tactics most of the time, I will I made adjustments and modifications to my tactics based on their opinions. I would also like to express my gratitude to the two coaches. My gold medal is also due to their contributions.”

Link said humbly to the camera.

Bang bang bang!

The audience applauded.

"Wow, that's great Link!"

At the West Boxing Gym in Miami, West, Reggie, Mario, Robinson and others sat around in front of the TV, watching Link talk on the TV.

"Link is not only great at boxing, but he is also so humble after becoming a world champion. I wish I could be like him."

Reggie said, looking at the TV longingly.

Jim and other young apprentices also nodded.

"Haha, Link is indeed a good boy. Inviting him to join the boxing gym was the most correct decision in my life."

West grinned, but his eyes were filled with glistening water stains.

"Wait! Why didn't you thank me?"

Mario stood up, pointed at the TV and said dissatisfiedly: "I trained with him for more than two months, got beaten so many times, and was knocked unconscious three times. Don't I have no credit for it? Don't I deserve his thanks? "

"Shut up. Link has four training partners, and you are the only one who has trained with him the least. Do you still want him to thank you?"

Coach West said, glaring at him.

"Mario, Link originally didn't want to use you as a sparring partner. It's because you didn't want to leave. Besides, training with Link will give you more benefits."

Reggie winked and smiled.

Mario opened his mouth, snorted slightly, and turned his head to ignore them.


In the quarter-finals, Link faced Altaev, the middleweight gold medalist at the Athens Olympics.

Altaev is the last champion and the super middleweight champion seed of this Olympics. He has extremely high defense and extremely fierce fists. It is said that he once killed a brown bear with his fists.

After the game started, the two sides began to fight each other. In the first round, Link punched 102 times and hit his opponent 12 times. Altaev punched 96 times and hit Link 8 times. Not knocked down by his opponent.

In the second round, the two sides continued to exchange blows. Link relied on his fierce punches and cunning jabs to hit his opponent 12 times in a row and knock him down once. Altaev only hit him 3 times.

As the score between the two sides widened, Altaev played more conservatively in the third round, focusing on defense and engaging in defensive counterattacks.

However, Link gritted his teeth and continued to attack Altaev. Finally, in the fourth round, he knocked down his opponent three times in a row, causing his opponent to fall to the ground three times for several seconds. Link won the game with difficulty.

"It's really an exciting game, Link. Which one is more difficult than Peters' game?"

Steve asked, clapping his hands after the video finished playing.

Link thought for a moment and said: "For me, both games were difficult. The game against Peters was not long after my debut, so I had less experience in the game, but Peters' defense and resistance ability were extremely high. It's hard to get up.

And Altaev's boxing style is similar to mine. He is also an offensive boxer and moves forward courageously, just like a warrior on the battlefield.

It will be very enjoyable to play against such an opponent. The two of us fought hard in the first two rounds. I had a slight advantage in strength and speed. After the second round, we knew the outcome of this game. So before the start of the third round, Altaev congratulated me and said I had a chance to win the gold medal. "

"It sounds like you have a good relationship privately?"

"Yes, we had coffee together."

Link laughed.

"Wait, Link, I have a question."

Rafael raised his hand and pointed at the big screen and said, "When I was watching the game just now, I heard many people shouting your name at the scene. Do you have many boxing fans in China?"

Steve turned on the big screen again and turned up the sound. When Link and Altayev were fighting, many people in the audience shouted "Link XX! Link XXX!" Because it was in Chinese, everyone only understood the two words "Link".

Steve said to Link: "Link, can you explain it to us?"

Link said: "There was a tidbit before this game. I don't know if you have cut it out."

"Wait a minute, I'll contact the backstage!"

Steve gestured to the production studio.

Ms. Tina immediately contacted the editing studio.

After a while, a tidbit really appeared on TV. It was before the game. After the boxers from both sides entered the scene, in the camera, Link asked the volunteers at the scene for a pen and wrote a sentence on the sign with his name on it - 'Chinese, my name is Link, please cheer for me! ’

When he was writing, the CCTV commentator on the scene shouted in surprise, surprised that an American boxer was writing Chinese characters on the spot, asking the audience to cheer for him.

Link used a mixed pen, not very neat, but wrote large and clear. After writing, he held it high, and the camera on the scene also sent the words on the sign to the big screen. Thousands of viewers on the scene also shouted in surprise, and then shouted to cheer Link on.

Link smiled, pointed to the sign on the screen and said: "This is why they cheer for me."

"Link, why do you write Chinese characters?"

Steve asked in surprise.

Link nodded and smiled, "On the plane to Hanjing, I met a Chinese actress who taught me Chinese. I have a good talent for languages. I learned to write some simple Chinese characters after a few days."

"Wow, that's amazing. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. Even professors in Ivy League universities can't learn it. How many days did it take you to learn it? Link, can you write a few more Chinese characters on the spot?"

"I can try."

Link nodded, and then the staff on the scene brought a white cardboard and a black signature pen. Link wrote a few Chinese characters on it, "sun, moon, star, tree, sea", using a combination of strokes, like using matchsticks to arrange them, at the level of a primary school student, but they are indeed Chinese characters.

Because he can write Chinese characters, in the subsequent competitions, whenever he appeared, the Chinese audience would cheer for him loudly.

After the game, many media reported the news. CCTV reporters also interviewed him, asking him why he knew Chinese and why he wanted to learn Chinese? How much Chinese did he know?

Link naturally praised Chinese characters, saying that Chinese characters are the greatest writing in the world and Chinese is also the greatest language. That night after the interview, his news was on CCTV's evening news.

On the seventh day of the opening of the Olympic Games, he became popular on the Chinese Internet and media with his handsome appearance and interesting stick-shaped Chinese characters, and gained a high reputation in China.

Later, his boxing matches were also paid special attention by Huaxia TV. The audience of each match ranged from more than 1,000 to more than 3,000 people, mostly college students from schools around the Workers' Stadium, who came to cheer him on.

Link also got some home advantage in the quarterfinals, semifinals and finals.

After the news of his brave rescue of a child who fell into the water was exposed, Huaxia TV repeatedly reported the news, saying that it was one of the most touching events in the 29th Olympic Games.

In the final between him and Aragon, more than 10,000 people came to the match at the Hanjing Workers' Stadium and cheered for him loudly.

Seeing so many people cheering for him, Link didn't want to lose the game in front of his hometown people. He became more and more excited. In the first round, he hit 108 full punches, 48 ​​heavy punches, and knocked Aragon to the ground directly. In the second round, he continued to show his strength and knocked Aragon down again, forcing Aragon to give up the game.

Because Aragon would be really injured if he continued to fight, which would affect the battle for the runner-up. In the end, Aragon fought James Gadel again and defeated Gadel with a score of 22:13, winning the silver medal for the second time.

"Mike, look, this is Link's tactic, using language to gain home advantage. If it were you, could you think of this?" Raphael asked, pointing to the whiteboard.

Tyson shook his head and looked at Link as if he was looking at a monster. "Learn a language to win the game? Or the most difficult Chinese? I think no one can do it except Link."

Link smiled lightly. In his previous life, he wanted to represent the country in the Olympics, but unfortunately missed it. He also wanted to do it in this life, but because he was a pure American, he had no chance to naturalize. He could only use this method to fulfill his wishes in two lives. Fortunately, the result was very good.

"Ask Link who the Chinese actor is? He used her."

Ms. Tina asked.

Steve was helpless. How could a good sports program become gossip entertainment news?

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