Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 122: Love, justice, and diplomacy

In a gloomy room, a shrunken shadow leaned against the corner.

There was a wave of shaking, the shadow shook slightly, and then suddenly stretched out, revealing Cadron's daze in the darkness, and then seemed to remember what became a nervous face.

The pain in his head reminded him of his previous experience. He knew that he had been attacked. As for who attacked him, and where he was, he did not know.

But the letter he snatched was still tightly held in his hand, and the letter paper had been squeezed into a long strip, but he refused to relax like a drowning man holding the last straw.

It's very dark here, but through a ray of light through the bright spot above the head, you can vaguely see the outline around.

The room was very dim and the roof was very low. The most important thing was that the whole room seemed to be shaking back and forth while people walking on the top of the head stepped on the "roof" to make the sound of "Dong Dong" made Cardron quickly understand that On a boat.

He was nervous immediately.

Cardron has heard about some slave trafficking. In fact, slave trafficking is not a patent for Europeans. Some courts in the East also require a large number of white slaves. If they are young men and women with outstanding appearances, these are more popular. The origin of the white slaves is mostly the illegal gains of slave traders through various means.

Cardron knew he was beautiful because he was once considered to be the pet of Alexander VI. If he was kidnapped and sold by such a slaver, it would not be a good result to wait for him.

Cardron immediately struggled, and then he found that he was not tied up, and he also noticed the letter clutched in his hand, which suddenly made him have a more terrible guess, which might be a slaver in comparison. Trafficking may be better.

The cabin overhead made a squeaking noise, first a beam of light came in, and then someone went down the narrow wooden ladder into the cabin.

The light is very dark, so when the coming person walks close to him, Cardron only sees the person, but to his disappointment, he doesn't know the person.

"Who are you, why keep me here?"

Although knowing that it is unlikely to get a response, Calderon asked involuntarily, but the other party did not seem to want to answer. This person just looked at him coldly, just when Calderon thought he would not get an answer. People suddenly said: "You'd better be honest, because we have a long way to go, I will not be polite if you cause me trouble."

"Where are we going, where are you going to take me, did that gombre let you do this?" Cardron asked nervously, and he saw the man take a step closer to him, and couldn't help but shrink back He leaned in the corner before he noticed the cup and a few dark-looking dry breads in the man's hand.

"Eating, I don't want you to die like this on the road," when talking about it, the person narrowed his eyes slightly. "You know, you are very valuable."

Cardron dazedly took the food in the man's hand and looked at the man's back when he ignored him again. Cardron was confused.

He began to think that he was hijacked by a slave trader, but then he thought it was in Alexander ’s hands, but now he did n’t know what was going on. He seemed to be sold, but the letter in his hand What happened to the sentence on the letter?

Cardron looked at the letter that had been squeezed by him, and slowly unfolded, and in the dim light, he saw the sentence that made him tremble again: "How does God make people perish?"

Who is this man, where is he going to take him, and what is all this for, Calderon bites the dry bread in a daze, listening to the sailors screaming from above and below, he It gradually became clear that the ship he was in had already left Valencia, and now no one knew where he was, and he did not know what was waiting for him.

The Pope ’s entourage, Pelotto Cardron, disappeared, which was more or less a big deal, and those who heard the news soon began to guess who had hijacked the Pope ’s entourage for what purpose. Did the Pope just When someone arrives in Valencia, someone will have to deal with him, or that the pope has already begun to take some actions to cause any reaction?

Speculations are circulating in Valencia, and people want to know what Alexander VI reacted to. Unexpectedly, the pope seemed to care little about the disappearance of his followers.

On the contrary, the Duchess of Gandino seemed to care about this matter. She sent someone to ask the news, and at the same time reported the matter very seriously to the City Hall, so that the City Hall of Valencia had to send someone to help Looking for the whereabouts of the Pope's entourage, it was just that many people remembered Giovanni's death at the beginning, and then think of Cadron's spoils of many popes, and secretly thought that perhaps the Borgia family had suffered a curse?

When Alexander visited again, Alexander VI was still waiting for him in the rose garden. When he saw Alexander coming, the Pope looked at him far, and he thought about it until he came to the front.

"Did you do Cardron's thing?" The Pope asked, "Because he hindered you?"

"Your Majesty, maybe you already know ..." Alexander looked at the Pope without saying anything.

"It is said that he is Maria's lover, of course I know," Alexander VI said dismissively. "It's no big deal, just like you are a lover of Lucrezia."

"His Majesty."

Hearing Alexander ’s slightly dissatisfied tone, the pope smiled: "I might say that you may be upset. I know that you are a bit too much compared to Cardron, but do you really think he hindered that Tiego ? "

Alexander did not deny that seeing the pope seemed slightly disappointed, he felt that it was still better to talk about it now. After all, Cardron had already been sent away, and I believed that news about him would come before long, by that time There is nothing to hide.

"Your Majesty, can you tell me why I had to leave Cardron in the first place, to know that even his father, Jim, is now useless?"

Alexander's words surprised the Pope. He looked at Alexander unexpectedly, but then slowly let his body lean back, leaning on the pillar of the pavilion.

"Sure enough, yes, and only then can everything be explained," he murmured softly, then looked up at Alexander. "How did you know that I thought no one would pay attention to this matter, You know, even those who paid attention to Jim at first were only paying attention to him. No one would notice the woman who was sent to him, let alone a child who might not even exist. "

"But in spite of this, you still bet on this child. Didn't you think that even a few years later, even Jim himself will no longer be useful?"

"Of course I know, but like your Alfred Sister Alfred, who knows whether she is useful," said the pope and looked at Alexander with a slightly ridiculous look. "And your uncle Modillo." Earl, I do n’t know where he is now, but I believe he must be smiling happily, you probably think he has the ambition to touch the throne of Castile from the beginning, but in fact he may even have the ambition to unite Sicily No, he just wanted to save Naples, and finding trouble for the couple through you may be able to delay Ferdinand's annexation of Naples, which is probably what he wanted to do at first. As for later I can only say people The ambitions are endless. "

"Then Cardron is just an optional chip for you?"

"A chip that may never be useful, but it may also play an unexpected role." The pope corrected Alexander's words, and then he gently spread his hands to Alexander with a gesture that he no longer retains. "Now I will tell you There are no secrets, so I think you can trust me. "

"Hopefully, as you said, Your Majesty, I hope so." Alexander looked at the Pope and nodded slowly, but he knew that it was just the beginning, and what it means to cooperate with Alexander VI is too early to say.

In the "East India Company Valencia Office", Thiego looked at Alexander with a nervous expression. He guessed that the private relationship between him and Maria de Luna would not be hidden for a long time, but he did not think of the Pope. Not only are they well aware of the past events of Maria de Luna and Cardron, they have even guessed his relationship with Maria de Luna in this short period of time.

"So be careful, Tiego, I think you are a little proud now," Alexander reminded. "Never forget who you are dealing with. As long as you are negligent, any of them can tear you away. Into fragments, which even includes your Duchess. "

Tiego wanted to tell, but he did n’t know where to start. He admitted that this time was indeed a bit ecstatic. Sometimes he even had the illusion that he was the king in the dark, but now someone told him that he was Those things that they are proud of are clear to others. Perhaps they do not know his true purpose and details, but only those things that are exposed are enough to deal a fatal blow to him.

This made Thiego have to face the reality seriously, and at the same time began to calm down and reflect on his previous self.

"But don't blame yourself, that Cardron will not come back again, and all you have to do is calm down and continue your mission."

Alexander comforted Tiego properly. He did not want to lose confidence in Tiego because of too much blow. After all, Tiego was the best choice for future colonial affairs in Alexander's mind.

Alexander had a general idea of ​​the future of his men.

The Principality of Rome Thesia has gradually begun to take shape. No matter whether it is willing or not, the pressure is great, and it is necessary to still use the bureaucracy dominated by the old nobility of Montina. It is precisely because he still uses these people that the Principality of Rome Thesia So quickly formed a national framework.

This may sound contradictory, but in fact it is the only way, but this is also the main reason why Alexander would rather take risks and confront the French directly. The establishment of a country is often accompanied by a series of wars. These wars Some are to establish their international status externally, while others are to reassert order and rules internally while taking advantage of the damage caused by war.

Now it seems that the effect he needs is quite good, although the forces represented by the old nobles of Montina are still an important part of the Principality of Rome Thesia, but because of the war, the new military nobles under Alexander are gradually Quickly penetrated into every corner of the Principality in a more acceptable way.

This method was very successful in Rome Thesia, and Alexander was planning to gradually establish the future "Italy Kingdom" rule in this way.

But he did not plan to do the same in Iberia.

Obviously, whether it is Castilla or Aragon, now these two countries have already, because the conflict between the new and old nobility has formed or is in the process of brewing a great conflict, which is why after the establishment of the Spanish kingdom, the Spaniards The reason for looting the resources of the new continent is almost crazy and irrational.

The intelligent people in Spain did not fail to see how this was short-sighted. The destructive plundering of the colony would only cause increasing hostility between the locals and the home country, but the Spanish royal family still supported the nobles in their own way. Go on.

Alexander believed that they did this only to satisfy the greed of the old and new aristocrats to alleviate their wealth and to divert the contradictions between them, and from time to time to join the war of European hegemony can also play the same role.

This method seemed good, and it did play a big role in the beginning, but they did not expect that the rise of the British at sea undermined these calculations, and the powerful hegemony established by the British on the ocean was completely eliminated. The Spanish colonial era.

Alexander did not want to face such a problem when he stepped on the Spanish history stage one day, so he would rather provoke Manuel's ambitions, so that now Portugal will become Spain's rival at sea.

Only in this way can he promote the future of Spain on a path that is very different from history.

The title of the sunless empire is a glorious enough glory, but if this glory is only based on robber-like plundering, then the final result will only become the afterglow of later generations' memories and emotions.

Alexander did not know what the final result of the country he would establish in the future would be, but he could allow himself to avoid those lessons in history, so now Iberia is bound to take a critical step towards the threshold of entering the era of great navigation. Go through a nirvana-like test.

In early August, a messenger who rushed to Valencia with a merchant ship brought several letters from Italy.

These letters were originally intended for Andalusia, but each letter from Italy had to be transferred to Valencia first. How many copies of these letters would be copied and sent to where Alexander might be, According to the regulations made by Alexander himself, the password and decoding index used for each letter are different, so even if these letters fall into the hands of others, there is no need to worry about being deciphered.

People in this era are too ignorant of the importance of keeping secrets, and the secrets in Alexander ’s hands are really sloppy, especially the letters of Ruo Sha. What an uproar.

"Although unwilling to admit, your wife's performance in this war is quite satisfactory, at least it is much better than another woman who is useless except to please men." Seeing this, Alexander rubbed a little. The painful mind continues to read, "There are several different speculations about what the French will do next, and there are also different opinions about the strategy we should take next. But dear brother, although I already knew you before The next plan, but I would like to ask here again, if you have decided to do so, to know that this may mean serious damage to our relationship with allies now, so I hope to be able to get confirmation from you again , After all, this is really too important for us. "

Alexander looked at the letter slightly, and, as the letter from Rusha said, even though the established strategy after the war had been formulated in advance, Alexander still had to seriously consider whether he should continue to carry out the previous plan under the rapidly changing situation today. Under the plan.

The French suffered unexpected and major blows in Central Italy, and the French army, which was almost wiped out including the French king, is now facing a huge problem.

After entering the end of July, all kinds of belated news from the French mainland finally reached Louis XII.

The accidental bombardment of the French coast by a British warship shocked Louis XII.

Even if the British entered the war in Italy, and the supply line against the French at sea did not touch the sensitive nerve of Louis XII, but the British fleet's attack on the French mainland completely shocked him.

The shadow of the Hundred Years' War is still shrouded in the hearts of the French, so the British fleet's actions have stimulated the French even more deeply.

During this time, the riots in France also caused Louis XII to be deeply disturbed. If he has been succeeding for many years, this discomfort will not be so strong, but he has actually succeeded for less than two years. Even he had not entered Paris as a king. At this time, turmoil in all parts of France had to make him uneasy.

It ’s just that the conditions proposed by the Holy Alliance are too harsh, especially because the Naples actually asked the French to dismantle all the fortress artillery between West of Piemonte and Nice, so that Louis XII felt like an invisible hang on his neck. Noose.

And maybe I heard about the conditions of the Neapolitans, and then the Austrians also proposed that France must sell them a certain amount of copper raw materials or copper products at a very low price every year, so Louis XII felt their deep maliciousness. .

Louis XII once sought someone to estimate what would happen if he agreed to these conditions of the Holy Alliance, and concluded that the French army would only maintain the number of artillery that could barely be guaranteed for at least 10 years, but could not Quickly resume artillery production.

This means that for a long period of time, the French army will be very passive on the battlefield because of the lack of powerful offensive weapons.

The reason for the Sacred Alliance to put forward this condition is unusually clear: "This is to ensure that the French army will not become a threat during the armistice."

Such a condition was naturally difficult to accept in Louis XII. The negotiations were at a deadlock, and bad news from home frequently urged Louis XII to get rid of the quagmire of Italy as soon as possible.

The emperor ’s embarrassing situation is very obvious. In the letter, Ruosha even described in detail how Louis XII rebuked his generals, even the powerful people such as Charlene and Bowenken did not. polite.

"So brother, do you really think it is necessary for us to continue with the plan we made before? The French now only want to get out of trouble, which makes me doubt if they still have the courage."

Looking at the doubts in the letter in the letter, Alexander thought about it and took a pen to start replying to the letter: "My sister, I'm so happy that you and your sister-in-law can get along so well. Sometimes I even hope that the war will not end, because it can solve a lot of trouble for us whether it is public or private ... "

Writing here, Alexander stopped to show a smile. He knew that Ruo Sha should be able to understand what he meant. As long as she thought about the expression that she might breathe, Alexander's smile also became gentle.

"As for the future strategy for the French, I think it is necessary to remind you of the purpose of our previous plan ~ ~ We should be soberly aware that the war in Rome is by no means a single war, Man The conflict between Nuer and Isabella is already on the verge, so we need France to play their due role at this time, so we must proceed according to the plan we have made ... "

Alexander had hardly left the "East India Company Valencia Office" for a whole day. He needed to read a lot of letters, and he needed to return more letters.

Then he found that whether it was Russa, Valentia or Lucrezia, they seemed to have the same habit, that is, they like to observe the love and love for him in the serious letters, he did not know Isn't this what they intended to do, but he was also happy with the competition that pleased him.

In August, just as the Holy Alliance faced a stalemate with the French army and the negotiations were at a standstill, Queen Naples Kossa Cosenza Astamara suddenly reached the French King Louis XII in the name of Naples and Rome Thesia protocol.

A new military alliance was born.

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