Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 123: Isabella and Ferdinand

Ferdinand stood sullenly in the hallway, and not far behind him his loyal attendant was bowing his head and waiting for the king to vent his anger.

Queen Isabella once again rejected Ferdinand ’s proposal to build a dam on the upper Ebro River. Not only that, she said to her husband in a very positive tone: "As long as I live, you will not see this The dam was built. "

This was the first time Isabella had spoken to him in this tone, which made Ferdinand uneasy in his anger.

Many years later, the relationship between him and Isabella has already transformed into a political alliance of interdependence and utilization. Even in his spare time, he will think, even if they already have a few Children, maybe they have no feelings but only benefits from the beginning.

Isabella will firmly oppose the establishment of a dam on the upper Ebro River for many reasons, but Ferdinand believes that the main reason is to suppress the development of Aragon.

Although Castilla is obviously much larger than Aragon from the land, Aragon has more fertile land and cultivable plains, which is different from the mountainous and barren land of Castilla A very huge difference is formed.

Castilla receives a lot of food from Aragon every year. These grains can alleviate the embarrassment caused by the mountains and fields, and similarly, Castilla can use its huge nautical career The advantage provides Aragon with numerous business opportunities, which seems fair, but Ferdinand clearly knows that such a result will eventually lead Aragon to gradually become a vassal of Castile.

This is what Ferdinand absolutely does not want to see. Even if the two kingdoms will become a unified country in the future, Ferdinand still hopes that Aragon will have an equal or more important position in this United Kingdom, Isabel The purpose of pulling was too obvious. She only wanted an obedient Aragon, which made Ferdinand angry.

"Your Majesty, the Queen has been a little strange in recent times," the entourage said carefully behind him. The man did not return to Aragon with Ferdinand before, but stayed in Bariaridod, which made Ferdinand in Pakistan. There was one more eye in the Biarridot. "The queen seems to be anxious. This is the case in many things. Although I don't know what happened, I can obviously feel that she seems to be in a hurry."

"What?" Ferdinand turned to look at his men. He wanted to see the answer from the follower's face, but when he saw the man's cautious look, he gave up the plan. "What is she doing, Juana?"

"The princess still kept herself in the castle, and she refused to come out." The entourage replied somewhat helplessly. He was not very optimistic about the princess about to inherit the future kingdom. In fact, it was not just him, the people around Ferdinand. They all doubt whether the princess can become a qualified queen in the future, which makes them put their hopes on the king even more, because they do not want to see a foreigner rule them.

Fortunately, this threat seems to be gone now. The beautiful Philip has become a pile of rotten meat. It is said that the servant must wipe him with clean water every day, and then squeeze the stinking pus from him. Sometimes even use a knife to scrape off the rotten meat of the maggots.

This kind of torture is creepy if you think about it, and what is surprising is that their princess still keeps up with the pile of rotten meat. She stayed by the bed all day and refused to leave. Whenever Philip yelled because of the pain She would kiss the wound on him to relieve his pain.

This affectionate exchange is people's surprise and fear of her behavior. People think that the princess is crazy. At least although there have been all kinds of legends before, her current behavior proves that she has really completely lost her mind. .

Some people have already suggested whether the queen will forcefully break into the Highland Castle to **** the princess out of it, because no one knows whether Philip ’s strange disease will be transmitted to the princess. This means that Castile's throne is likely to fall into the hands of someone they absolutely don't like.

Who will this person be?

Perhaps Ferdinand, or worse, Maria, the wife of Portuguese King Manuel.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the nobles of Castile. Although they also do not like Philip, they are more worried that the throne will fall into the hands of an ambitious person in the future.

It's just that Juana made people block the gate of the castle with large stones, and she even brought scissors to her body, which made people worry that if they broke hard, they would completely anger her and cause terrible results.

Worried about this, Juana still kept herself in the highland castle. Apart from providing food for the castle, people had no way to get in touch with the princess.

This made both Isabella and his wife very annoyed. Ferdinand felt that his daughter was really completely mad. He was planning to give up Juana, but the thought that only Juana had the throne of Castilla Qualifications, and only if she succeeded to the throne is beneficial to him, Ferdinand had to helplessly continue to tolerate the crazy behavior of this daughter that he could not understand.

It's just that Isabella's behavior puzzled him. Although Isabella had such contradictions with him in his early years, he has never been so irritable or impulsive as he is now. This is not like the always deliberate wisdom. queen.

This is actually very bad for her.

They all know that there are still many people in the two countries who oppose reunification, whether out of hatred or profit, these people think that a unified United Kingdom will cause them losses, so even if they hate each other, they can be on this matter But united.

Isabella ’s actions clearly provided these people with good opportunities, which made things more complicated.

What made her suddenly so abnormal, Ferdinand pondered secretly.

It ’s been a few days since I returned to Barrialdod, but he and Isabella did n’t have many chances to meet each other. They were always busy during the day, and at night they slept in their own rooms. They are devout believers, so carefully follow the rules of the canon that couples are multiplied rather than happy, at least they think so.

Maybe I should inquire about what happened. Ferdinand pondered secretly. Although the entourage was very savvy, after all, he was n’t as close to Isabella as he did. The movement of Isabella made him vague. A thought suddenly flashed through his mind, although it was fleeting, but it had made his back cool and dark.

When Ferdinand summoned his entourage, in the Queen's living room, Isabella was receiving a dark green and steaming drink from her Moorish attendant.

Looking at the slightly swelled and broken blisters in the glass, Isabella frowned and looked at the attendant, then squeezed her nose and poured it down.

Spicy, sour, and with a pungent smell of pungent odor, she almost vomited. If it was not for the waiter to put a piece of honey into her mouth in time, she might have spit those things on the floor.

"What's inside?" Isabella asked angrily.

"You won't want to know, Your Majesty." The attendant took the cup and poured the sticky residue that seemed to be inside into a live water pool. The residue would follow the running water to the river outside. So that no one can see that the queen is taking herbs.

I wonder if the potion really worked or it was a pure illusion. Isabella felt better. She stroked her aching shoulder and rocked it a little, feeling that her uncomfortable back, which was about to vomit, was a lot easier. He walked over to the mirror and looked at his face. When he saw that there was still some paleness, he told the maid standing beside to make up for himself.

Only the people closest to her knew she was sick, not even Ferdinand. The makeup, masks, and various red tapes prevailing in the court protected her well, allowing her to hide from her husband. Down.

Sudden illness is obviously not part of Isabella's plan, and Juana's unreasonable behavior is completely beyond her plan.

Isabella is now very worried that she may suddenly fall ill. If you do n’t say that, then the United Kingdom, or even Castilla, may have all kinds of turmoil.

Isabella was too aware of Ferdinand ’s ambitions. It can be said that they were able to combine because of the mutual attraction of the ambitions of the two people. They used this ambition to drive Enrique off the throne, but now she began to worry about this Ambition will make Ferdinand a future threat.

"How is the war in Andalusia?"

Isabella suddenly missed Gonzalo. Her love will be her most trusted soldier. She has been training Gonzalo from a long time ago. She condoned Gonzalo's arrogance and arrogance. Opening eyes and closing eyes when making war and making money, this made Gonzalo not only more unscrupulous, but also gradually became the most unlikely minister to betray the queen among all people.

Because both Gonzalo himself and others knew deeply that no one could admire and indulge him like Queen Isabella, so his only choice was the queen.

"Do you want to know about the war in Andalusia, I'll inform your ministers." Moor Attendant said at once, the man knew exactly what his role was, he could be the secretive and only insider of the Queen, but as a Moore, he must not intervene in even a trace of court affairs. He is a loyal servant. Even with a little of this ambition, what awaits him will be the most terrible end.

"Go and call them. Don Bavey has caused me too much trouble. Now our enemy is Portuguese, so we can't waste too much time on him."

The Moorish attendant didn't seem to hear the queen's words. He asked the servant outside the door to summon the ministers, and then he hid in the room on the other side of the living room.

The ministers were also waiting for the queen's call, and they brought him news that he was good or bad.

"The Pope has arrived in Valencia?" Isabella looked at the few people in front of her unexpectedly. The first thought that flashed in her mind when she heard the news was "Ferdinand did not know this beforehand, or Is he deliberately hiding? "

Then she asked: "Is the Pope coming to attend any major ceremony in Aragon?"

Obviously, although Valencia is the pope's hometown, it is certainly not important enough for the pope himself to visit, so the only explanation is that the Aragon court or the church will hold a major event.

But Ferdinand did not reveal to her at all, which cast a shadow over Isabella's heart.

But in the end she discovered that the ministers showed a strange look. They looked at each other and seemed to discuss how to report to the queen. Just when Isabella was already impatient, a person finally said: "Your Majesty, the Vatican has just A terrible thing happened. The Cardinals believe that the Pope is no longer able to lead the Holy See. They agreed that the Pope should now leave the Vatican to visit the major diocese. As for the specific affairs of the Holy See, it is now the Cardinal led by Cardinal Rovere The presidency. "

Isabella was slightly dumbfounded. She raised her hand and made a gesture that didn't seem to understand, and then slowly lowered it. The room was quiet for a while because no one spoke.

"This is really a terrible situation," said the Queen, and then she suddenly remembered what she was looking at the ministers. "So has the Pope sent messengers?"

Seeing the minister's blank eyes, Isabella already knew the answer.

Obviously for no reason, Alexander VI did not seem to be in a hurry to let the courts of the two countries know of his arrival.

But Isabella did not think that this must be the Pope's meaning.

Ferdinand's figure passed by her heart, she suspected that Ferdinand deliberately concealed the whereabouts of Alexander VI.

But what this is for is still unknown to her for a while.

At the same time, the pope's coming to Iberia without any warning also made her wonder.

Although according to ministers Alexander VI was more like being deposed, Isabella couldn't take it lightly.

The establishment of the Pope's Meridian was very impressive to Isabella's wrists of Alexander VI. Now, because I don't know what kind of changes will be caused by the arrival of the Pope, Isabella can't help but secretly wonder what to do in his heart. Respond to the various changes that may occur with the advent of the pope.

But before that, she has more important things to do.

Andalusia's war has been dragged on for too long. If it is not known that Gonzalo's loyalty, Isabella may have doubted whether he had any attempt.

So she first sent someone a letter of complaint to Gonzalo, and then reminded him to resolve the Andalusian war as soon as possible.

"I do n’t know why the pope should return to Valencia, although it is his hometown, but it ’s still too strange. Since you had publicly disrespected him in Rome, I ca n’t help but doubt the pope ’s This return may not be a good thing, so end the war in Andalusia as soon as many things have not become complicated, because I will soon have another more important war that you need to command. "

Isabella mentioned her concerns directly in the letter, and also expressed dissatisfaction with Gonzalo's delay.

Speaking of this, if other general Isabella would never behave so straightforwardly, she did not need to be so tactful with Gonzalo, because she knew that as she believed Gonzalo would never betray her, Gonza Luo must know how much she trusts him.

Then she sent someone to Valencia to send Alexander VI an invitation.

"We should invite the Pope to Bariari Dode, although we all know that his reputation as archbishop in Valencia was not very good, but this does not prevent us from listening to the Pope spreading the gospel, isn't it?"

While having lunch with Ferdinand, Isabella said to her husband across the long table, seeing Ferdinand greet her with approval, and Isabella smiled and toasted.

But she didn't know that just after leaving the table, Ferdinand immediately summoned his cronies again.

Ferdinand was also surprised by the arrival of the Pope, especially when he heard that Alexander VI had returned directly to Valencia, he could not wait to send someone to investigate.

Although, like the Borgia family, many Aragonese nobles have unshakable influence in the area, the Borgia family has two popes after all.

This gives this family an extraordinary special status not only in Valencia, but also in the Kingdom of Aragon.

But this also made Ferdinand, determined to weaken the power of the nobility, even more scrupulous.

However, after the urge to start, as he heard about the encounter of Alexander VI, Ferdinand suddenly realized that this might be a rare opportunity.

What would be the effect of an expelled and almost deposed pope. This would make Ferdinand excited as long as he thought about it, and he immediately sent his cronies back to Zaragoza to send a letter to the Archbishop of Aragon.

In the letter, Ferdinand asked the Archbishop to immediately send a special trip to Valencia to send an official invitation to the Pope who was visiting him to visit Zaragoza. At the same time, the Archbishop must request that the Pope be in Zaragoza Cathedral Hold a prayer mass.

Ferdinand's actions did not hide Isabella, but he did not care, this was originally a very common thing, and he believed Isabella would not think of what he was going to do for the time being.

Isabella did not care too much about her husband ’s actions, she was too busy, the Andalusian rebellion, the Azores fight, and the on-the-spot situation with the Portuguese made her a little bit burned, and Juana The trouble that caused her caused headaches for Isabella.

So when I heard that Ferdinand sent letters to the Archbishop of Zaragoza to invite the Pope to Zaragoza to preach, Isabella just thought it might just be that her husband wanted to show his piety.

It just makes Isabella feel strange that Ferdinand, who was also annoyed because of Juana ’s mischief, suddenly seemed less interested in her affairs, so that when Isabella once again proposed to send someone into the Highland Castle After thinking of it, Ferdinand first dealt with it in a perfunctory manner, and then simply said "maybe this is better".

Isabella felt strange. She did n’t know why Ferdinand suddenly did n’t care so much about Juana ’s affairs until she heard the news from Zaragoza. She suddenly understood Ferdinand ’s strange transformation. the reason.

In mid-August, Pope Alexander VI visited Zaragoza, where the God of Zaragoza saved the cathedral, and the Pope personally hosted a grand prayer mass.

At this mass, the Zaragoza people noticed two noticeable things.

One ~ ~ is the pope's sermon after the mass ceremony and suddenly mentioned "the devil's temptation and depravity".

The other was a surprising person among the Pope ’s entourage, the Duke of Rome Theseia, Alexander Juliant Gumbre.

With the Pope ’s unexpected sermon, a topic that has been mentioned in the Barrialdold, but no one dared to openly discuss it, was finally challenged by a bold priest in the religious trial. Open to everyone.

"Prince Philip's illness is so strange, and Princess Juana is more like being occupied by a foreign body. Is this the devil's temptation and the soul's depravity?"

When Isabella in the palace heard this question, she finally understood Ferdinand's intention.

At the same time, on the same day, the hard-working Queen Isabela of Castile finally fell into bed because of illness.

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