Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 132: Rebellion or revolution

Traveling on the Mediterranean Sea in the cool weather in August is a very pleasant thing. From the boat to Valencia to Agde in France, it is almost unnecessary to fully open the sails, the cool sea breeze can push the boat along the coastline Its destination.

The weather eased the sailors, and some of the crew simply gathered on the deck to talk and laugh while they were free.

This is a large Clark large-sized paddle sailboat, but now the oars have been put away, and only the sailing ship with a large amount of silk and sugar can be sailed to France.

Uliu sits on a pile of tightly-knitted cables and holds a map in his hand that can't be shaken by the sea breeze. The route on this map can take him directly to the castles in the Loire Valley But before that, he did n’t want to go into the French court so early.

Montpellier is not just a city. As a large parish in the south of France, Montpellier is the southern town after Marseille and Nice. It is also one of the three local jurisdictions that the French royal family dedicated to the Holy See.

Although the Holy See's jurisdiction over these three parishes has long existed, Montpellier still has a close relationship with the halt.

This once made the Montpelliers very proud. They felt that they were no different from the arrogant Parisians. This also made them feel that there was no difference between other parishes and barbarians, but this pride has now become a disaster for Montpellier. In the run-up of Ladia gold coins in France, Montpellier became the biggest disaster area.

Many churches in the entire parish were smashed and looted by angry people. Some clever priests escaped early after hearing the wind, but those who were not smart enough became the punching bags for the angry people to vent their anger.

The priests who used the gold coins of Ladia to get loan sharks were pulled out of the church and hung ropes around their necks to travel around the city, and they were exposed to lack of weight or doping with various base metals when casting gold coins. The priests were completely submerged by the angry crowd. When the angry people retreated like a tide, only the churches that had been ruined and the dead bodies of the priests who were torn by the angry crowd were left. .

The riots in the Parish of Montpellier became the biggest source of unrest in southern France. Even people in other places became tumultuous after hearing that this kind of thing happened, no matter whether they knew what happened or not. Feeling that a terrible storm is brewing, this storm has made anyone unavoidably involved in it.

Whether it is a noble or a civilian, or whether it is in the city or in the countryside, when the Ladia gold coin swept through France, even the French economy that was hit hard was also followed by a huge earthquake-like turmoil.

Food and vegetables have become more expensive because goods that were difficult to transport because of the remote roads have caused the market to become more vulnerable due to the trouble caused by the collapse of the currency credit of Ladia, and all this has caused the price increase. , More is the fear and anxiety caused by panic.

But these are not the best things to fear. The real worry for the French is news from Italy.

When Louis XII's consecutive fiasco in Italy passed back to the French mainland, the impact caused by the bad news followed by other bad news was unexpectedly devastating.

"The king was defeated."

"The king was captured."

"The king died in battle, the French army was annihilated, and the coalition was about to hit France."

"The British are coming again, and their fleet has appeared in the open sea of ​​Le Havre."

"The Holy Alliance has held a meeting and they agreed to dismember France. It is said that the Naples proposed to disarm the entire French army." ...

All kinds of rumors are rampant everywhere, even those who were not so easy to believe the rumors, because of the destruction and turmoil caused by the previous Ladia gold coins, these rumors were doubted, and later even became rumors.

This kind of turmoil is terrible, because no one knows where the rumors are coming from, and it is necessary to punish the person who made these alarmist gossips, because everyone is involved. The scary thing is that although most of these rumors It's all from "reported", but often the result is to prove that some of them are indeed facts, and as long as one point is true, the people often don't doubt the truth of the other nine points.

The result is that no one can determine which are true and which are false.

Uliu landed ashore at Agde in this turbulence. No one paid attention to this Moor who came to France with the cargo ship. The merchants were happy and worried about the full cargo. The sudden change caused many people. The bankruptcy has also made some people make a fortune, at least for those nobles in the castles of the Loire Valley, although the fate of the king makes them worried, but the sugar bowls that are empty on the table because of the price increase and inconvenience of transportation They were very dissatisfied, at least the arrival of this ship may temporarily relieve the demand for sucrose.

As soon as Uliu landed, he felt the strange atmosphere here. The Moors dexterously shuttled on the dock, and by the way, helped several dock workers of the same color carry a few packages, so he swaggered through the patrol. The guards entered the city of Agde.

He did not stay here long afterwards, and set foot on the road to Montpellier.

Uliu is a healthy, lively and lovable Moorish guy. His skin color is not very dark but more similar to a healthy light coffee color. In the bright sunshine his skin will be moistened like sweat The shallow reflections make him look more beautiful and charming.

So Uliu did not suffer much along the way, and even the bold peasant girl was willing to let him ride in his carriage for a while.

This happy trip made the Moorish people feel a little depressed because of their frustration in Iberia, and as they went into France, Uliou also heard all kinds of unfavorable rumors, which proved his previous experience. The work is not in vain to gradually regain confidence.

"It seems that what I did before is not too bad."

Uliu praised himself like this, and then he regained his enthusiasm, and his destination was Montpellier, where a group of French people were doing something that made Alexander all dumbfounded.

Like all cities, Montpellier has a large church. As the capital of the great parish, Montpellier ’s cathedral does not have many of its own characteristics and styles. It is built from local cool-tone limestone as the main material. The cathedral now looks dilapidated.

The two bronze gates have disappeared, and some windows have already been removed and removed. Except for the cross on the top of the church, which has not been violated, many decorations inside the church have been looted.

The body of Archbishop Montpellier, who was originally hung on the railing by angry people, is gone. This is not who kindly collected the body for him, but the stench of the body in the summer is really unbearable.

After the unrest broke out, Montpellier ’s city officials tried to suppress it, but when he found that some of the faces of the unrested people looked so familiar, he immediately chose to sit idly by.

The people punished the archbishop who "stolen their property" and drove the clergy as accomplices out of the church, and then looked at the empty church, and some people began to feel afraid.

Fearing that they might be retaliated against, they suggested whether someone should be sent immediately to explain to the queen everything that happened in Montpellier.

This unsatisfactory errand naturally fell on the city officials, and after a while whispering with the representatives recommended by the mob, the city officials agreed to their demands, but on the condition that the people must promise to stop the atrocities.

The elected officers and little nobles were obviously frightened by what they did, so they immediately agreed to the conditions of the city officials and even offered to help the city officials to appease the people who had become uncontrollable. .

This was originally a good thing. The city official was even considering that he might be able to use the anger of the people to bargain with the big nobles in the castle of the Loire Valley, at least he hoped to get more power from the queen.

And the people seem to be getting tired, they killed the archbishop and robbed the church, but this did not change their bad situation, which made them confused about what they did when they were angry, because people did n’t know What to do next is uneasy, so when I heard that the delegates have reached an agreement with the city officials, many people think that maybe the matter should be over.

The municipal officer is not just making vague promises. He knows that it is terrible for people who do not get a trace of anger to be angry again, so he promised to severely punish those priests or businessmen who used the private coins in the diocese. It is said that with the support of businessmen from northern Augsburg, the city official may be able to exchange Florin and Ladia gold coins.

And with the repeated efforts of the city officials, the German merchants reluctantly set the exchange rate at 1: 11.7, which sounds strange.

"This is the result of our accountant's careful calculation. Below this ratio, we can only give up, because then we not only can't make money but even lose a lot."

At that time, the businessman surnamed Fuguell made an ultimatum to the city officials and the representatives of the people with undoubted tone. His kind of firmness made people not doubt that this was indeed the final price, otherwise the two parties could only shoot Two scattered.

Under the supervision of the city officials and the explanation and even intimidation of the delegates who also hoped that this matter would pass as soon as possible, the tired people gradually calmed down from the beginning, especially when they heard that Ladia gold coins were elsewhere While still plunging at a terrible rate, the Montpelliers began to feel lucky.

The people can exchange with peace of mind, the city officials get a good reputation, and the merchants use this to make a fortune, which seems to be everyone's wish.

But at this time, news of Louis XII's defeat in Italy suddenly came.

All of France became bad all of a sudden.

The result of the Montpellier rebellion reaching the court was that almost no one thought that the mob should be forgiven.

Especially at such times.

Anne of Brittany gave Montpellier officials an order to suppress the riots. From the perspective of the French King, if you compromise with the mob at this time, this will not only damage the dignity of the royal family, but may also make more The place took the Montpellier ’s terrible behavior as an example.

The Queen would never allow this to happen. If there was a possibility of compromise before, as the bad news of Louis XII ’s fiasco came, Anne of Brittany could only use the toughness against the Montpelliers. The attitude shocked those French nobles who were about to move.

When the Queen's order was passed to Montpellier, another order was also sent to the families of nobles, large and small, near Montpellier.

Although many nobles followed Louis XII's expedition to Italy, there were still many nobles left in each territory.

The painful lessons of many family heirs in the Hundred Years War made the French aristocrats much more savvy than before. Although they followed the king's expedition, each family still tried to leave children to their own territory.

Now, with the bad news from Italy, these noble territories have also received orders from the queen in the name of the French Regent.

"Suppress Montpellier's rebellion and quell those mobs."

The nobles who were ordered to put an end to the riots quickly set off towards Montpellier. They believed that even though most of the elite in the territory had already been taken to Italy by the king, it was enough to be able to easily wipe out the mob of Montpellier by the current army .

The Montpellier City Officer obviously thinks so, so when he received the Queen's secret order, he immediately changed his previous plan to support the rioting people.

He immediately summoned the city defense army secretly, and at the same time wrote to the nobles to conspire with them to destroy the mob in the city.

In the eyes of the city officials, although the rebellion is not over, the end of these mobs is already doomed.

However, no one knows what went wrong, or simply because of a trivial error, the action of the city official was discovered.

The bell of warning sounded on the gray bell tower of Montpellier Cathedral. The people walked from the house to the street, and then they saw someone riding a fast horse and shouting along the street: "We are betrayed, the king's army Is coming, go to City Hall! Everyone goes to City Hall! "

The cry shook all the Montpelliers. People were panicked and panicked. Some people who had participated in the riots before took some weapons, some because they were afraid to try to hide in the house, but at this time the cry of the reporters Let everyone hear what worries them the most: "The king's army is coming! They are coming! The queen has ordered them to suppress us, she said that Montpellier has no innocents!"

The people started to feel uneasy, and the initial fear made them want to run away, but as more and more people took up their arms, and at the same time someone shouted "Go to City Hall! Go to City Hall!", The Montpelliers gradually gathered .

Then they began to march towards the city hall.

The city officer who had received the information immediately ordered the blockade of the street, but the soldiers who were ordered to blockade first responded to the opposite people by shouting to each other, and then someone ran from the team and cast it on the other side. More and more came, and then one by one low-ranking officers and little nobles took their men and joined the ranks of the people.

The scale of the riot team is even larger than before. When they gathered from all over the front of the cathedral, it was like a trickle creek, but they had turned into an irresistible torrent when the city hall entered!

The city officer was completely frightened. He had no idea when these mobs had become so powerful and terrible. He ordered the gates of the city hall to be closed and prayed that the army of the nobles would arrive as soon as possible.

But this time, the rioting people did not give him the opportunity to use his sleek means. The people used the temporarily removed beams as a hammer to hit the door of the city hall. The city officer standing at the window on the second floor was too late. When looking for reasons to procrastinate, the angry people had rushed into the city hall, and the guards who were supposed to defend it stood far away from the wall watching them drag the city officer to the square.

What surprised the city officials who thought they were mortal was that the enrollees finally forgave him, but they tied him up, put on the woman ’s skirt, and then threw a donkey cart with a carrot on his head, and then they put The donkey cart hurried outside the city and allowed it to go forward aimlessly.

Then the brains of these rioting people held a brief meeting in the city hall. When they came out, some of them were wearing blue curtains as backgrounds, and a copy of the "Virgin Mary" found in the cathedral. Mercy Map as a logo banner.

"With the right of God to the pious Montpellier, we declare that from now on, Montpellier will no longer be a vassal of the French royal family, and the Montpellier have the right to decide their own destiny and future, any attempt to rule And the actions to suppress the Montpelliers will be regarded as the greatest harm and violation to us. "

When a local aristocrat who was elected read this short declaration aloud, no one would think of what it meant for France.

The Montpelliers were just excited by this declaration. They thought they had shown a clear attitude like the royal family.

It was not the negotiation and compromise they longed for, but the violent attack of the noble army.

Although the feat of the Montpelliers passed to Iberia after a long time, Alexander was also dumbfounded, and even for a time, there seemed to be an illusion that a revolution broke out 300 years in advance, but they obviously did not do it. Ready to fight against the noble army ~ ~ A battle after a battle quickly cost the Montpelliers a great deal, and the bravery and passion they started turned into fear of death and failure.

People don't know when the noble army will break the city, but they have heard that the queen has issued strict orders to punish the entire city.

This allowed the Montpelliers to know that they had no way to retreat, but in the face of a powerful aristocratic army, they were at a loss.

It was at this time that Uliou crossed the ocean from Iberia to France.

He went ashore from the port of Agde, and after a pleasant trip all the way, he arrived at Montpellier on the day of early August.

"This is a good place."

Standing on the high ground outside the city of Montpellier, Uliou had a bird's eye view of the city high in the west and low in the east, the burden on his shoulders lifted up, and then took a big step towards the city of Montpellier .

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