Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 133: People's representatives

Uliu stood on the open space in front of the cathedral and looked up at this building, which had apparently just experienced a catastrophe. Several birds flew out of the open window like an open mouth, fluttering his wings, first hovering over the open space. , And then flew back to land on the windowsill, pecking at some of the wheat grains scattered on it.

On the steps in front of the church, there was also a group of wild birds picking up wheat grains on the ground and eating non-stop. That was when the mob that robbed the church landed on the ground.

Uliu looked at this scene interestingly. He had been to many places, but it was the first time he had seen it like Montpellier.

Obviously, the locals are very disrespectful, or hostile to the church. They even have no respect for the church at least, which makes Uliu feel somewhat surprised.

As a Moor, this scene would not have made him feel any emotion or discomfort, but what happened in Montpellier has somewhat exceeded his imagination and that of Alexander.

This made Ulliu have to consider reconsidering his plan to come to Montpellier, and the unexpectedly tough attitude of Anne of Brittany was somewhat different from their previous thinking, although this did not affect Alexander ’s plan. Liu felt that things might change somewhat.

The disastrous defeat of Louis XII in Italy really surprised the French. Even the most pessimistic people thought that Louis would repeat the mistakes of his predecessor.

And in fact, many people also look forward to such a result.

After the Hundred Years' War, the French royal family's means of containing noble forces have become more and more obvious. Louis XI, with the nickname of spider, cunningly used the castle in the Loire Valley to firmly control the big from Brittany to Nice. Part of the French aristocracy, and his son Charles VIII used the expedition to Italy to encircle the aristocracy around him.

Louis XII apparently intended to go down the path of his predecessor, and these methods were already well known to the French nobles.

So many people hope that the king will not win, so that he can not enjoy the reputation as a conqueror, nor can he buy a lot of nobles with a lot of money and loot, and a failure for the king may therefore have to give up Aristocratic territory is getting more and more severely controlled.

But even so, what people want to see is that the King suffered a setback, but no one wants to see the French defeat.

This is really a huge blow for France, and may even attract strong enemies who had coveted the French land.

So Anne of Brittany's tough attitude was supported by the big nobles around her, but they didn't think about what the Montbrier riots meant.

With a burden on his shoulder like a tramp, Uliu walked toward the town hall. From afar, he could see a large group of people entering and leaving the street in front of the town hall.

It seems that everyone has something to squeeze in, which makes the two guards standing at the door have to use their spears to block the gate, while pushing outwards to block the people who are yelling.

Even if it is far away, Uliu can hear people complaining of dissatisfaction, which is mixed with some curse of local dialects he can't understand.

Uliu saw the opportunity to find the young woman who seemed to speak very well and asked her what was happening here. When she heard the woman say that these people were asking for food from the representatives, Uliu was like this The woman cracked her slightly thick lips, revealing her white teeth

Uliou did not know the situation of the Montpelliers today, but he believed that it would be wonderful. Although the noble troops from all over the world had not yet arrived completely, the road from Montpellier to the outside had been blocked. .

Because the nobles of various territories have ordered the prohibition of doing business with the people of Montpellier, this has put this city, which was an important transportation hub in southern France, into trouble.

Montpellier does not produce grain. This city, which was almost built on a large limestone mountain, used to be a trade route between Gaul and Rome in the early years. Although it gradually declined, it still carried many of the Mediterranean seas in southern France. The connection of coastal cities.

It's just that Montpellier doesn't rely on the sea and there are enough fields, which makes the city likely to be in trouble because of food shortages once it is blocked.

Uliu stood far away and looked at the town hall. He was not eager to go back but seemed to be thinking about something. After a while he whistled slightly and turned and walked steadily along the street.

There are no big rivers near Montpellier. Compared with the cities that have been built on the side of the 5 largest water systems in France, Montpellier ’s water source is not rich, but despite this, there are one or two small rivers running through it. Passing through the city, there is a serpentine river flowing through the southern part of the city and then injected into the Mediterranean.

The river of Seno Dinghe is not wide and the water is not in a hurry, but this small river has formed several rugged bends in the city due to the terrain, separating part of the south of the city from most of Montpellier.

Most of this place is a variety of buying and selling shops, and the merchants spontaneously built a riverside market on the not-so-wide open space on the banks of the Seinuoding River. Many people will take their goods to the market Some stalls are sold here, and some business is negotiated here.

There are two small arch bridges connecting the two banks of the Seno Ding River, and Uliu is now settled in a bridge cave under one of the bridges.

Fortunately, the riverside in August was cool and comfortable. Uliu simply packed up the bridge hole a little, and then took out the dry food from the package and sat in the shade while eating and watching the collection on the opposite river bank not far away city.

From time to time, noises can be heard, that is, the locals and businessmen clash, some people cursed loudly, some argue for reason, and some shouted to bring in the City Self-Defense Forces.

Although the businessmen were worried that it would irritate the locals completely, they refused to sell the food that was not much in their hands at a low price. At this time, Montpellier was already panicked because of the blockade. Those who announced this The people who are free from the king ’s rule in the city obviously do not know what they should do next.

The negotiations they longed for did not come, but came the blockade of the nobles and the subsequent series of failures. Now they can't even provide food for the people in the city. This allows many businessmen to see opportunities, but with the lack of food The phenomenon is getting worse, and even those businessmen are starting to feel uneasy.

Uliu took a bite of jerky, which was taken when he left Valencia. The jerky smoked and dried jerky was dried again, although it did n’t look good, but it was eaten in the mouth. But it is really rare delicious.

A figure flashed from the bright place. Uliu saw two children standing in the bright place outside the bridge hole. They looked at Uriu's dried meat in their eyes with eagerness to drool.

There was a smile on Uliu ’s dark face, and he handed the dried meat in his hand, watching a child **** it and put it in his mouth to chew hard, and then showed an incredible look, the Moors could n’t help laughing. .

"Do you want it?" Uliu took out a few more pieces of dried meat and shook it at another child who didn't grab the dried meat. "Help me to do something and I can give it to you all."

Watching the two children hurried up the river bank, Uliu sat down comfortably and continued to eat, until it was getting dark, he heard someone stepping on the gravel on the river bank down to the river beach.

It was a middle-aged man who looked like a typical businessman. His thin hair wobbled up and down with the evening breeze. When he saw Uliu, the man showed an obvious unexpected look, and then he seemed to remember When something happened, he bent down and walked into the bridge hole and carefully looked at the Moors in front of him.

"Sorry, if I guessed right, you should be ..."

"Yes it's me," Uliu Mali stood up and patted the soil on his body, then said to the middle-aged man with a smile, "I'm Uliu, a servant of the Grand Duke of Thesia, willing to serve you."

For a moment, Uliu saw the other party's complex expression mixed with "as expected" and "unexpected", which made the smile on his face thicker.

The Montpellier City Hall is a typical local-style building. The outer wall with no decorative poles is piled up by local gray limestone. This pile of stone houses looks dull and slightly from a distance. Obviously, this typical southern French building kept the city hall surrounded by a dull atmosphere, just like the feelings of the delegates sitting together now.

At that time, those people who had announced their enthusiasm from the rule of the French King were staring at the barley wine in front of them. These wines were scraped from the city hall in the cellar. At first, no one cared about these barley wines. People preferred to use wine. Celebrating their victory, but now with the shortage of materials in the city, not only has wine disappeared, but these barley wines can only be used by these people's representatives to relieve their worries.

"People in other places are cowards!" Someone suddenly smashed the cup in his hand, and the wine splashed on the table to show the people beside him a pity. "We originally thought they would respond to us, don't they ruin their families?" Or, they do n’t think this kind of unlucky thing will be their turn, but look at what they have done, they call us mobs! "

"The army of the nobility has not yet arrived, but we will not be able to support it for long," said another person. He did not smash the glass, but instead hugged the glass with his hands as if he was afraid of others stealing it. "Why the queen refused to negotiate with us, Just want her forgiveness, as long as you order amnesty, we can go home. "

With a bang, a man wearing a slightly worn robe slammed a punch on the table with anger on his face, and when everyone saw him, his eyes swept across the table. It fell on the face of the person who said to negotiate: "We all know what we did. Do you think that the characteristics can let those noble lords let us go? We executed the archbishop and dropped the king's municipal officer here. On the door frame of a house, do you think the queen will forgive us for this? "

"This was not our original intention, and it was too chaotic at the time. We couldn't stop it at all," another man argued in a panic. He said that while watching the people around him, he wanted to get a response from them, but he What I saw was everyone's unusually ugly face.

Obviously the previous man's words stabbed their weaknesses. They all knew that even if the queen really issued an amnesty order, perhaps the people who followed the riots could escape the punishment, but they obviously faced subsequent troubles.

"We shouldn't stand up. I'm just a painter. My biggest wish is to go to Florence to learn painting. I never thought of going against the king," some of them began to whisper and see others casting With an angry look, the man also glared back angrily. "Isn't it, who thought about this situation when he stood up?"

"Oh, that's too sorry, we all didn't expect it," the man in the old robe said sarcastically. "But I remember that you stood outside the cathedral and told everyone that God would punish those greedy priests, and have suggestions. Is n’t it you who let us use the Virgin Mercy map as our banner? "

The painter's face swelled instantly, he didn't know whether it was because of the excitement or the trembling hands that stretched toward the wine glass on the table, but after getting the glass, he would let go of his hands and lean against the chair with a sigh.

This sigh moved everyone's heart all at once, and the room that was originally angry because of the quarrel was suddenly shrouded in a desperate atmosphere. Everyone was silent, and one even made a low cry.

The door of the room was knocked at this time. The knock on the door seemed to startle a few people in the room. Their eyes turned to the door, and the thought of "what is the bad news?" .

It ’s no wonder that these people ’s representatives are so desperate, because since Montpellier was cut off from contact with the outside world, there has never been any good news. Several consecutive defeats have made Monbilier frightened, if not siege the city. The noble army is still waiting for reinforcements from other places because of too few. Perhaps this time the city of Montpellier has been captured.

"Someone wants to see you, deputies."

Obviously, the guards who had taken the haste did not know how to obey the rules, so the two people who followed immediately after the representatives had responded had come in.

This is a businessman and a young Moor. Under the inexplicable gaze of the delegates, the two of them were very polite to find a chair and sat not far from the table, and then looked at them silently.

"Who are you?" The man in the old robe who was the leader of the representative looked at the two uninvited guests alertly and unpleasantly, while wondering whether they were negotiators sent by the queen, thinking of this man's eyes could not help but reveal A trace of eager desire.

"We are here to do business with you," the businessman with thin hair stood up, bowed, and sat down again. Seeing that the Moors next to him didn't seem to plan to speak, he had to continue, "I want to know if I can supply You have enough food, weapons, and money to hire mercenaries. What can you use to return me? "

The delegates showed a surprised look. They first stood up excitedly, and then looked at the merchant carefully.

"What do you want?" The leader tried to keep himself as quiet as possible, but this was obviously unsuccessful. Later, he simply walked around the table and went to the businessman. "We have nothing now, the priests have robbed us of the last. A little savings, and those greedy exchange merchants who let us go bankrupt. "

The businessman touched his nose slightly embarrassingly, and at the same time reminded himself not to let the other party know that he was one of those greedy redemption merchants, but he saw his encouragement when he glanced over the Moors next to him. Eyes.

"You still have what we want," the businessman slyly persuaded. He actually didn't know what the idea of ​​the imperial officer next to the Principality of Rome Thesia, after all, arranged as a family in Fugur Under Monbilier, their task was to try to get as many Ladia coins as possible, or to buy goods at the cheapest price that could not bear the huge price difference because they were paid with Ladia coins.

In fact, what really matters is these goods. Although they are only the goods intercepted by Montpellier or some French cities in the Mediterranean, this is enough to be an astronomical sound.

Some people think of the cargo hoarding incident that occurred in the port of Amsterdam a few years ago, but which one is more extensive than this time, involving more capital and wealth, but it has not been possible for a while. Compare.

"I can re-arm you, whether it's food weapons or money, you should know that Louis has lost the battle, all I need you to do is finally make the queen willing to negotiate with you."

The businessman looked at the suspicious expression on the faces of these representatives and had to helplessly look at Uliu ~ ~ In fact, he didn't even know why he was doing this at this time.

Feeling a skeptical look, Uliu stood up helplessly. He wanted to tell these people that he was just a servant of the Duke, but looking at their skeptical eyes, he knew that he could still be safe by telling the truth.

"I'm the former official of the Duke of Thesia," Uliou first said, seeing these people's blank faces, he reluctantly admitted that the owner's card now seems to be not big enough, at least these French backcountry Tu Baozi is not familiar with the name of the Duke and Lord. "My host is the elder brother of Queen Naples, and he led other countries that just won your king."

"Oh ~"

A whisper of surprise rang in the room, and everyone's eyes instantly changed.

"So, my master sent me here to ask you, would you like to form an alliance with him?"

Looking at those people, Uliu showed a smile again.

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