Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 134: Summer of france

Many years later, also in Montpellier, a writer wrote annoyedly: "There is nothing in the world that will never die, just like the same big tree in the sky, even after hundreds of years of wind and rain There is a lot of foliage, but after all, it will wither and die one day, and so is a system, which will die when it no longer adapts to the times one day, so France could have welcomed the demise of the old times and the new in a more gentle way. The coming of the times, but the French, just because we are French, we have to end this in such a fierce and special way. "

Of course, Uliou did n’t know that someone would describe the French himself so many years later, but he now clearly understands why the monstrous expression appeared when the old man heard what happened in Montpellier. .

After receiving the promise of Uliou, the Montpelliers immediately became excited, but after reorganizing the City Self-Defense Force, they immediately began a fierce liquidation of those who had previously disseminated defeatist speeches. .

"Montpellier is a great city, so everyone has to defend our hometown as much as possible. If you are not willing to contribute, then you are not eligible to stay here, especially those who encourage us all to surrender to the king, I can hear the smell of conspiracy from their tones. Their eyes and the smell on them all indicate that these people will become our stumbling blocks. "

While saying this, a representative who had previously participated in the meeting was tasting the strong tea made from the tea brought by Uliu.

Although I ’m not very interested in this light drink from the East, I still try to make myself seem to like it as much as possible. After all, this Moorish will bring them enough help, and listen to the well-informed businessmen say It seems that his master, the Duke of Rome Theseia, was really a powerful noble who defeated the king.

This made the representatives of Montpellier seem to see hope. Although the Duke ’s army could not help them according to the Moors, he had promised them that he would create opportunities for negotiations between Montpellier and the nobles. .

The Montpelliers were not stupid. They knew that this was probably part of the intrigue between the duke and the king. The duke apparently chose to help Louis XII in order to contain them.

They also don't care about this. For them, it is the most important thing to be able to be counterattacked by the nobles.

But Uliu's promise was indeed fulfilled very quickly. Just two days later, someone drove a carriage full of food to Montpellier.

But they were blocked by the noble army outside the city, which caused a commotion and panic in the Montpelliers. At this time, Uliou went to the noble army with the merchants of the Fugur family in Montpellier. Camp.

And the reason he gave to the Montpelliers was: "Only in this way can we excuse our demands from those nobles."

Uliu said the truth, but when he was brought to the nobles, his identity changed slightly.

"Businessman from Augsburg," an aristocrat looked at the businessman in front with suspicious eyes, but he didn't even look at Uliu. "What are you doing, don't you know what we are doing Are the mob fighting, you are now sending food to the city and this is helping our enemies. "

"I'm just a businessman. I exchange money for goods and then exchange goods for money. For me, war is sometimes a bad thing, but sometimes there are benefits."

The businessman's disapproval of the annoyance annoyed the nobleman, but he decided to punish the greedy businessman only a little.

"Your goods have been expropriated, and the grain cannot be transported into the city, but I can give you another sale as compensation," the nobleman said like soldiers who intercepted the grain and asked, "You are sure to see their goods Is there sugar? "

"Of course sir, I took a piece of it and tasted it," the soldier said with his finger in his mouth and licked a satisfied smile. "That's a lot of sugar."

"Can you get the sugar?" The nobleman wobbled it with his whip. "If I buy these sugars from you, I hope you can give me a reasonable price."

"It depends on how much you need," the businessman said indifferently. "We have many ways, even if the king's court needs us, we can make you satisfied."

"Don't bragging about businessmen, be careful about losing your head," the nobleman said, he seemed to hesitate, but then he said, "We do need sugar, honey, and other things. I can make your business a queen , But you must ensure that all of your things satisfy the queen. "

"Of course I do this, and I can only make money if I am satisfied with the guests."

The businessman said that he looked casually at Uliu next to his eyes. Only he knew that actually his hands were shaking tremblingly at this time, and the sweat on his spine had soaked his clothes. He even doubted whether the Moorish was I do n’t know what it means to be afraid, because he is standing there now, with a smiling smile on his face.

When there were only two people together, the businessman finally couldn't help but secretly asked: "Aren't we going to help the Montpelliers, but I think you seem to want to deal with these nobles more."

"My friends, just as you never deal with only one business partner in order to prevent the other party from asking too much, I will not make the Montpelliers think they are indispensable." Uliu said while looking at it. The barracks of the noble army, he admits that this scenario would not be possible in the army of the master, because according to the military regulations issued by Alexander, unidentified persons are strictly prohibited from entering the barracks, but here, except for merchants and Prostitutes, there are more civilians who do n’t seem to know what to do. This makes the whole military camp look more like a big market. “It seems that our noble friends are not living well, I think If you help them a little, you might get a good return. "

Uliou's hints brightened the businessmen's eyes. In fact, as a shrewd businessman, he had long seen that this unexpected battle in Montpellier was actually a good opportunity to make a fortune. Montpellier just contained France. Most of the roads in the port cities on the mainland and the Mediterranean coast, it is because of the Montpellier riot that many French people's tables are unlucky, and some remote places can't even eat olives and figs even if they are expensive. Things, for a time, in some places even become hard currency that temporarily replaces currency in exchange for other items.

This businessman was so obedient to take orders from Uliu because of sucrose. As early as the beginning of the year, the Fugger family had heard news that their merchants around the world should try their best to cooperate with those "friends", even according to Jacob · In the original words of Boufugur, he demanded that "even if we sacrifice our interests, we must meet the demands of those people, because this small sacrifice is totally worth it, which will make the Fugurian family another king in Europe. "

Sucrose is the key to let the Fugger family bet again at all costs. Compared with the copper mines in Hungary, the sucrose market does not seem to be a good choice to bring huge wealth, but Jacob Fuguer saw it. The greater benefits behind this sweet and delicious seasoning.

If the copper mines in Hungary allow them to control the entire European copper market, then the spice market based on sucrose can allow them to infiltrate silently into every European palace.

Jacob Fugur is a very smart businessman. He is smarter than his two brothers who are also good at calculations. People in this family will speculate on the minds of others, and they also have hard-to-see eyes. After suffering the fiasco of the Hungarian copper mine and even facing bankruptcy, when Alexander unexpectedly handed out the olive branch, Jacob Fugur did not refuse because of the grudges of both parties.

He calmly analyzed the reasons for his own gains and losses, and also had a detailed understanding of the Roman Duke of Thesia. Then he ignored the fierce opposition in the family due to anger and hatred, but instead Chose to cooperate with this old enemy.

Jacob's two older brothers, as always, supported his decision, and immediately invested in this huge plan that made everyone feel incredible.

For the businessmen of the Fugel family in Montpellier, of course they did not know that sucrose was only a bridge for the cooperation between the two parties, a system formed by various necessities and currencies connected the two sides, and at the same time a huge economic empire It is being built quietly but quickly and effectively, but for them sucrose is now the most important, because the profit it brings to them is enough to allow them to risk breaking any law at all costs.

"Do you think that using silk can allow some people to listen to our suggestions, I mean that you can sell those silks in my hands to them at a very low price." Uliu asked the merchant with humility and asked him to say yes After selling a standard 50-square-foot pack of silk with 30 gold florins, the businessman showed his eyes like an idiot.

"Are you going to give them away in vain? Know that a standard 50-square-foot silk is sold at this price and they will think you are bribing," the businessman said sullenly, and then he lowered his voice and asked "Do you really want to bribe?"

"Of course, is there anything weird?" Uliu shrugged disapprovingly. "Give our silk to those nobles and tell them I only need to relax a little while they are attacking."

The Moors said that they stretched out **** and lightly pinched them. They seemed to feel that they were not expressing enough, so they closed their fingers in the middle.

"Tell them that as long as we agree to our conditions, I can bring them more benefits, which is more cost-effective than winning the loot after winning the Montpelliers."

The businessman ’s eyes were fixed on Uliu ’s two fingers. He knew what this little action meant. Although it might take a lot of risks to do so, the businessman still swallowed the words after thinking of the benefits. He nodded spittingly, but he immediately followed and asked: "Can you tell me what you want to do, at least I have to know what if I lost my head."

"Because I'm going out, I don't want to see the Montpelliers finish like this before, but rest assured, my friend, you won't be in danger, and I assure you that you will make the decision for today Thank you, and soon you wo n’t have to be a hard money changer anymore. Good days are waiting for you. "

Uliu said that he patted a shoulder of a businessman who wondered whether it was a longing or a daze, and then turned his horse.

The noble army's attack on Montpellier started again, and the Montpelliers who had just been excited again fell into panic. They sent people everywhere to find the Moor, but they found that he was no longer there, and they cursed loudly. When this abominable pagan liar, the exchange merchant brought a message that made them suspicious.

The businessmen vowed to those who were discussing whether to surrender now, or to look at the people ’s representatives to say that this attack would not pose a threat to Montpellier, because they had bribed many noble troops, so Montpellier The Egyptians only need to hold their city firmly.

"The rest is up to the Moorish." The businessman deliberately said to the delegates in a confident and slightly proud tone.

While the Montpelliers and the noble army were discussing how to fight a harmonious battle, Ulliu was already carrying his little baggage on the road again.

After all, it takes more than half of France to travel from Montpellier to the Loire Valley, which is an amazing trip for anyone.

"Maybe it will arrive before autumn." Uliou was so elusive that he put on a big but very shabby robe to cover the short sword and two muskets under the robe. France today is not flat, although he It looks like a poor kid with nothing to grab, but this does not guarantee that he will not encounter hungry robbers.

From the beginning of Louis XI, the Loire Valley was used as the palace of the French King. The purpose of this is to deter the aristocracy in the south of France. Compared with the aristocracy in the north who only needs to defend one acre and three cents, the aristocracy in the south It has always been a serious problem for the French royal family.

Although the bold Charlie had already lost his life, the hidden danger to Brittany was still a disease in the hearts of the ancient French kings, so Louis XI moved the palace to the castle in the Loire Valley to deter those French nobles who were always tempted to move.

But even so, it seemed too far away from Montpellier to the Loire Valley, so Uliou carefully took out a few Sue as travel expenses, and then followed the caravan on the road.

Looking at the city of Montpellier that had gone away, Uliou showed his smile that always made people look comfortable.

The Montpelliers will get the food, weapons and funds they need. They can even pay for a group of mercenaries from Catalonia. These people and things are of course made by Thie in Valencia The Valencia office of the East Indies of Gorgoria handles it.

The destination of Uliou is the palace of the French King in the Loire Valley.

Shortly after Uliou left Montpellier, a merchant ship from Naples docked at the port of Agde.

The merchants on this boat are also in the sugar business. The chaos is a disaster for the French, but it is a great opportunity for others.

Selling sucrose at a high price is not the real purpose. Taking advantage of the opportunity to buy a large amount of goods that local merchants smashed into the hands at a very low price from the devaluation of the Ladia gold coin, it is these amazing profits that can be earned The real reason why merchants came to Montpellier at such a great risk.

But these businessmen soon discovered that things were not the same as they thought.

The Montpelliers seem to have been helped by some powerful big men, and the nobles who besieged Montpellier did not need the sugar they had brought so hard. As for them, they wanted to get them from the French. Li's plan to buy goods at a low price has failed because of the appearance of the Fugger family.

The businessmen were frustrated and frustrated. They wanted to bribe the nobles to get some benefits, but the price they offered was obviously not impressed by the French compared to Uliou.

As a result, the only thing they could provide was a little bit of well-informed news. It was also from these merchants that the nobles really learned a little bit about the war in Italy for the first time.

Listening to the merchants describing the battles in a vivid manner, although they knew that they were just hearsay, but this was enough to make the French knights from time to time annoyed and cursed or regretfully sighed because of accidents, surprises, anger and anger.

When the businessmen talked about the fact that the French King had to send a messenger to seek peace with the coalition forces, some masters had already shed tears because of sadness.

This is undoubtedly a fiasco, and what is even worse is that the French discovered that their king was actually defeated by a woman.

"Oh, no, adults would be wrong if you think so," the merchant felt that he finally had a chance to show off. "Quauza of Naples is not a simple woman, because her soldiers never regarded her as a queen, and Treat her as their general. "

"A Joan of Arc ?!"

The French were taken aback, and several people looked at each other with dignified expression.

Perhaps no one in other countries believes this, but for the French, they will never despise any woman who dares to go to the battlefield.

"It's a brave queen and general, just like," the businessman took out a Ladia gold coin and shook the side engraved with the statue of the goddess. When he saw the disgust on the French face, the businessman took the opportunity Say "But now Ladia gold coins are a disaster for you, and the more Ladia you have, the more trouble you have, right?"

"It's really a big trouble," the Frenchman waved impatiently, expressing that he didn't want to mention this terrible thing, and then showed off more carelessly than other people. "At least someone is willing to help me get rich."

The businessman immediately took the opportunity to inquire, but the French were reluctant to mention it again.

Italian merchants who did not take advantage of Montpellier had to continue to go to the interior of France, hoping to have a good luck.

But although they failed to make a fortune, they brought news to the French about the Italian battlefield.

Soon, the French heard a quite unexpected rumor.

Louis XII seems to be pursuing the Queen of Naples.

In the Loire Valley, the summer climate is cool and the scenery is magnificent. The banks of the Loire River that traverse the entire valley are long or majestic or magnificent, or the castles that are beautiful or beautiful are dotted like gems in this central France. People intoxicated on the land.

Chenonte Castle is located on the south bank of the middle of the Loire Valley, because the whole castle is located on a large **** covered by local red roses in the valley. From a distance, it looks like a beauty sleeping in the sea of ​​flowers, so this castle It also has the nickname "Sleeping Castle".

Since its completion, Chenonte has ushered in many big figures. Those princes, nobles, knights and bishops come and go, leaving their own different stories and many unknown secrets in this beautiful castle.

Now the owner of the Château de Schonente is the French King Louis XII and his wife, Anne of Brittany, and the Cardinal is the Paul II who has a history because of the autonomy of the University of Paris.

But now the cardinal is still suffering because of the king ’s current situation, so he has n’t had time to intervene in some trivial matters about theological debate at the University of Paris, and naturally he will not say that his "sunshine shines is God ’s territory, even the campus of the university is no exception ”, so it will not cause the students of the University of Paris to sue collectively, and finally passed the intervention of Louis XII. The emergence of the autonomous system of universities.

Now that Paul II is in full swing, and the queen and many Brittany nobles, he has to persuade the queen patiently, while racking his brain like those Brittany nobles promise "Everything is a rumor, That ridiculous gossip can't believe even a single letter. "

It's no wonder that Cardinal Lord is so anxious and ruined. I don't know when to start. A rumor that the king is pursuing Queen Naples has spread on the French land.

The reason why such a rumor seems to be unreliable is because the twelve people of the French King Louis sent a letter to his queen.

This is the exact news that the French army sent Louis XII to the country for the first time after the defeat of the Siena battle, which made Anne of Brittany ecstatic that she had to marry Louis because she had no children with Charles VIII Twelve, and the French defeat in Italy made her very frightened. Anne of Brittany couldn't figure out what would happen if Louis had another three long and two short, so when you know that the king is safe and unharmed, the queen The joy of the moment is beyond words.

It's just that Anne didn't think that although Louis XII had defeated, in his letter, he praised and admired the Queen of Naples. The admiration made the queen even like a kiss through the stationery. see.

In the letter, the king called the queen "a perfect combination of a great monarch and the Amazonian warrior in Greek mythology, and her beauty could make Venus jealous."

This description naturally aroused the queen's suspicion, and as the weather gradually became colder, more news about Italy also drifted into the castles of the Loire Valley with the Mediterranean monsoon.

Among the news, the most striking is that the French King Louis XII accidentally signed a league agreement with Queen Napoli Cosenza Cosenza Astamala.

The establishment of this new alliance not only surprised other countries of the Holy Alliance, but even the French themselves were blinded by this dazzling change.

The former enemy turned into an ally, while the ally who had fought side by side now became a potential opponent.

Although this is not uncommon, once connected with the rumours that the French King is pursuing Queen Naples, the French court can no longer be calm.

The nobles of Brittany raised solemn protests. They warned that if Louis XII really dared to shake the status of the queen, then Brittany would be separated from the Kingdom of France.

The queen himself also asked the cardinal to tell Louis XII that as a wife and queen she has the right to maintain her marriage and status.

The Cardinal had to exhaust to appease the Brittany nobles who were already reckless, and at the same time, he urgently sent someone to send the King a letter, hoping that the King "will return to the country as soon as possible, or make a clear statement." .

But no matter what he chose, Louis XII did not seem to plan to leave Italy immediately.

No one knows whether he still refuses to be reconciled or is really fascinated by the queen, but just as the queen was about to endure, Louis sent someone to send him a letter from him again.

In this letter, the French king first recalled his gains and losses on the Italian battlefield, and then praised the generosity and vision of Queen Naples. Then, while watching the queen of the letter angry to tear the letter, Louis suddenly turned back. It was written like this: “The multiple contacts made me realize that maybe we are not enemies, at least in many ways we have common interests and appeals, so I have to consider establishing new relationships with Naples and Roma Thesia, especially The Principality of Thesia, I think this new Principality may become a good helper in our confrontation with the emperor in the future. "

The letter from the king made Anne take it seriously. As queen of France, she certainly knew that both her husband and her husband were the opposite of Maximian, which made her realize that the king might not be fascinated by the charm of the young queen. It is indeed fighting for a strong ally.

As for the Principality of Rome Theseia, Anne thought it might be just a bridge used by the king to please the queen.

In short, the queen's emotions gradually calmed down, which finally gave her time to listen to the ministers' reports on the domestic situation.

At this time, the queen knew that the rebellion in Montpellier, which she had thought had long been subdued, was still going on, which made the queen irritated by surprise.

She scolded those local nobles for being cowards and cowards, and even a group of mob holding dung forks could not handle it.

After losing his temper, the queen ordered that the palace send a general to quell the rebellion. Although this obviously violated the rights of the local nobles, the queen thought it was a punishment for their perfunctory ~ ~ The cavalry of the King of the Three Crosses slowly moved along the road in the river valley. Their armor was bright and majestic, and the whole body shone in the bright sunshine.

Seeing such an army, pedestrians on the road gave way, and one of them looked like a Moorish youth who came from afar.

"This is the Wang Jun to judge in Montpellier," some well-informed people explained to the curious earthen buns next to them. It ’s a disaster. "

Uliu, sitting in a carriage, listened to those people talking, but he didn't care about their topics.

When the team commented on a dirt slope, standing at the highest point and looking at the castle under the colorful sea of ​​flowers, Uliu finally breathed a sigh of relief.


He murmured to himself with a voice that no one else could hear, and a broad smile appeared on his face.

Nine Heavens Emperor

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