Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 142: Heir

There are several different routes from Toledo in Valladolid. If you are not so anxious and want to make yourself more comfortable, you can choose to take a boat along the tributaries of the Douro River all the way down. The small town went ashore to catch a land road, and then took the waterway to reach Toledo.

Although there are several trips on the road to change the land and water, fortunately, most of the time you can spend comfortably on the boat.

And the other road is a bit harder. Follow the avenue from Barriado to the old town of Clavilla, and then turn south. This road will pass through Madrid. Many people who want to do business there Will choose this route.

The team of Alexander VI took this path. They first moved southeast along the boulevard, then made a temporary stop in the old town of Clavia, and then the team followed many merchants who had just made a fortune from Madrid to Torre. Move forward.

The Pope ’s choice of this route was carefully discussed with Alexandria, although this route was somewhat difficult, but because all the towns along the way, and the entire route happened to be in the busiest area of ​​Castile, so this Make them a lot safer.

Alexandria does not guarantee that Castillas or Aragons will pay too much respect to the Pope. In fact, this country is the king who controls the church. This is what made Alexander wonder why Protestantism did not appear in Spain. After all, from In terms of the need for rule and the environment, Spain is more suitable for the emergence of local church forces such as Protestantism that can compete with the division of the Holy See.

But the result is that the German princes ca n’t wait to crown their rule with Protestantism, and now think about it, probably they are always under the influence of Eastern civilization and Iberia, and the great wealth brought by the New World makes them completely immersed. Related to the excitement of getting rights easily.

Therefore, Spain arbitrarily squandered this precious opportunity given to them by arbitrarily, until later the English became a strong enemy fighting for their hegemony at sea.

How did Alexander VI's sermon in Zaragoza satisfy Ferdinand and dissatisfy Isabella? At the same time, this sermon also deeply stimulated many nobles who regarded the Castile kingship above all else.

These nobles have new and old, and it is not only Barrialdoud that will hostile to Alexander VI, even people like Toledo are not non-existent, so for safety reasons, they avoided the comfort of Unsafe waterways, after all, in a strange place, it is a very unwise choice to entrust everyone to a ship of unknown origin.

The Pope ’s ranks were warmly welcomed along the way. Ordinary people ’s respect for the Pope was still trustworthy. People in many places along the way respectfully waited by the roadside, waiting for the Pope ’s team to arrive. Then people would kneel down and use the most Respectfully greet God's spokesperson in the world.

Alexander VI somewhat recovered his confidence when he was expelled from the Vatican. He even protruded from the carriage and frequently waved to the believers, and then said to Alexander more than once: "This is a really exciting time for me."

This is actually the reason why they decided to choose land, try to spread the influence of the Pope in Castile, so that they will have more say in the future.

Alexandria did not have the opportunity to see what is now Madrid, they turned south after taking a break from the old town of Clavia, so he could only hear about Madrid from the businessmen who accompanied them.

This future capital of the Kingdom of Spain is now the most prosperous and most important commercial city in central Castile. If it comes to wealth, neither Barriardo nor Zaragoza can compare with Madrid. The entire Iberian peninsula is comparable to only Seville in the south and Lisbon, the capital of Portugal.

Such a rich city certainly attracted the attention of the twin kings. In fact, as soon as they were married, Isabella and Ferdinand had once settled in Madrid for the purpose of heralding the union of the two countries. The Pardo Palace, established in the era of the Third World, had a good day, which also allowed the two countries that had just joined at the time to pass through the worst period of break-in.

Now Madrid, as one of the most lively and wealthy cities in the Iberian Peninsula, has become a place where countless businessmen chase wealth. The developed business activities make Madrid a place where there are opportunities and troubles everywhere. The alternation of failure, the changes of wealth and poverty are staged here almost every day, which can be seen from the joyous and dejected businessmen on the road.

The businessmen were very happy to be able to travel with the Pope ’s team. They already knew that the Pope was going to visit Toledo. This is obviously good news, because many of them will take a break in Toledo temporarily.

From Madrid to Valencia, or to Seville, these are two recognized roads to prosperity on the Iberian Peninsula. Even the merchants in Lisbon must admit that Seville is their An important competitor of the new colony, and Madrid became an important transit point for Sevilla merchants to convert their commodities into wealth in Iberia.

As early as Tiego had just returned to Iberia, Alexander had reminded him to use Made as one of the important hubs of his effective intelligence network, but Tiego obviously cared more about those coastal cities. In Lisbon, Seville and Valencia, a lot of money has been invested to establish relationships, but Madrid has somewhat overlooked it.

Of course, Alexander could not blame him for it. After all, he let Tiego focus on those places. As for Madrid, even Alexander himself still thinks that it is still far away.

If you can't have a crown, then you can't have anything.

Toledo ’s aristocratic parliament has obviously gotten the news of the reddish inspection, so the Pope ’s convoy just passed Madrid to a small city called Alcón, and the representatives sent by the noble parliament were already waiting for them.

Regarding the enthusiasm of the Toledo nobles, Alexander VI showed due restraint. He was kind and generous and only met the representatives kindly, but his attitude was also slightly alienated, which made those noble representatives who were full of enthusiasm. We can't help but be at a loss.

As a result, those people found Alexander in private, and they wanted to know from the Pope ’s son-in-law what Alexander VI was doing with their actions.

"Your Majesty was entrusted by the Queen and King Ferdinand, so before arriving in Toledo to learn the truth, His Majesty's duty was only to visit the local parish." Alexander explained this to those people, which was actually the two sons After a good discussion, since Alexander VI could not easily express his views on what happened in Toledo, the Duke of Rome Theseia, the son-in-law, became the Pope's "semi-official spokesperson."

Such an explanation is naturally difficult to satisfy the Toledo nobles. They know that this time they have almost confronted the Isabella couples. After so many years of mutual temptation and secret dumping, the noble council finally could n’t bear the couple. The erosion of their power decided to show off first.

Now they have two good cards in hand. Two Juanas have given Toledo hope. By now, many of them even think that the idea of ​​admitting Juana in Lisbon as a blood relative of Enrique IV should belong to themselves, because Just a short time ago, Lisbon had sent messengers to send the good news, Manuel has officially submitted a request to the Lisbon Metropolitan to divorce Maria of Aragon.

Re-associate Manuel ’s move to formally invite Juana into the Castle of Saint John, which means that perhaps the daughter of Enrique IV will become Queen of Portugal.

Manuel's attitude is very firm. The way he used to prove this determination is to add more troops on the border between the two countries. This has caused a lot of pressure on Castile. After all, it is dealt with at the same time. Enemies in both north and south directions are a great test for even Castilla and Aragon United and the kingdom with a strong army.

What's more, now Isabella is seriously ill, and the inside of Barriado is already in trouble.

"Maybe the Torreto think they don't need me anymore," the pope suddenly reminded when he heard Alexander describe the situation of the noble representatives. "They may think they can deal with the couple, or maybe they still treat me Seen as Ferdinand's lobbyist, if this is the case, our trip to Toledo may not be very smooth. "

Listening to the Pope ’s analysis, Alexander nodded slightly. He did ignore this possibility before. The Toledo nobles were very likely to do so. This can be seen from the representatives ’eagerness to know the Pope ’s intentions, maybe even Alexander VI was still on their side, but for the Toledo, they might not have welcomed the pope who was clearly here to share their benefits.

"I was careless before," Alexander shook his head a little helplessly, he found that he still underestimated these nobles, they may not realize anything at first, but once they realized that there was an opportunity to take advantage of them, they would rush up and grab the results. The two Juanas were indeed an unexpected gain for them, but who do you think they will ultimately choose? "

"Don't ask me, I'm just a poor old man who was kicked out of the house." Alexander VI rubbed the red jam on the bread and sniffed it under his nose, and picked up a pickled cucumber from the plate. In the bread, and then start eating it bit by bit.

Looking at the pope who seemed to have a temper tantrum, Alexander gave a soft smile, and he walked out of the room and gestured to Sher, who was at the door, to keep him up.

"Send someone a letter to James," Alexander returned to his room and began to write. He pondered the situation today, thinking that perhaps the Columbus brothers who are enjoying leisurely in Malaga should be active. "And go Call the Pope ’s treasurer. "

Since the bankruptcy of Ladia ’s gold coins, Alexander VI disbanded his accounting team. Instead of supporting those people, he believed that they were one of the culprits that caused him to get into trouble, even though all of these were Alexander ’s masterpieces. However, in accordance with the family tradition of the Borgia family always forgiving their loved ones for causing harm, the Pope put all the blame on the accounting team.

And it must be admitted that the large heel on the Ladia gold coin has greatly reduced the pope's small vault, so he really does not need to raise so many idlers.

The financial director of Alexander VI was a very old priest. This man had been with the Pope Rodrigue Borgia since then when he was Archbishop of Valencia, and now even Nomelo left Alexander After VI, the treasurer became the only person beside the pope who still trusted.

The treasurer came very quickly. Although the old man with a few strands of sparse gray hair under the priest's hat was not young, he was still full of spirit and sharp eyes. His attitude and respect for Alexander showed a clear alienation, but he was just hearing After Alexander found the reason for him, the look of the financial director changed.

"You mean to build a villa estate for your majesty at Nao Ni Cape?" The treasurer asked in doubt.

"No, you misunderstood, it's not that the villa estate is a palace," Alexander said to the financial manager, whose face was already unbelievable. "A luxury, enough to allow the most discerning people to live in and be satisfied with the palace you don't want to leave , The best wood, the most precious stone, to ensure that the copper and any useful things needed to build a house, everything is the best. Money is not a problem, the only thing to guarantee is that my father must be satisfied. "

The treasurer looked at the monster with strange eyes. He wanted to ask the good son-in-law who was willing to spend a lot of money to build a house for the old man. "Since you are so filial, why did you pit the old man", but think about this family None seemed normal, and he closed his mouth.

"It ’s important not to let others know that it ’s up to us to spend the money. It ’s best to make people think that this is Ferdinand ’s kindness to the Pope, so I suggest you get to know a businessman named Tiego, Now he is doing business in Valencia, "Speaking of this, Alexander whispered slightly." Maybe you are not strange, he is a good friend of Mrs. Maria de Luna. "

The chief financial officer showed an expression of "I understand". Something about Maria de Luna and her lover has already been spread in Valencia. Some people who do not know the insider think that the one named Thiago has gone. Fortunately, through the relationship of the Duchess, it can be mixed among the nobles.

But how much knows that Tiegoti is fine, but envious of Maria de Luna looking for such a big gold master.

The treasurer knew a little bit about the pope ’s daughter-in-law. Not only that, he also knew that the businessman named Thiegos had made a considerable amount of donations before the pope left Valencia. Probably also the reason why the Pope tacitly approves of his relationship with Maria de Luna.

Although I do n’t know why Alexander arranged it this way, the treasurer did not ask cleverly. He only needs to know that the pope ’s pockets will swell again soon. As for who paid the money, he neither cared nor should he Tube.

When Alexander reported his "filial piety" to the old man, the pope did not immediately show a joyful expression. On the contrary, he stared at his son-in-law carefully and then nodded in agreement, and at the same time he did not forget to warn a little: "Don't blame me for being suspicious, your reputation with me is not so good, I have to stare at your guy so don't play tricks."

Alexander accepted the Lao Zhang's suggestion very modestly, and then he waved his hand over an easel covered with a curtain.

The curtain opened, and the pope froze for a moment, then whispered.

The figure in the painting is a benevolent statue of the Virgin, but with only one glance, you can recognize that the face of the Virgin is Lucrezia.

Slightly different from the past, Lucrezia in the portrait is not holding Estrez, but a lively and healthy boy!

As for Estelles, she turned into a beautiful and innocent little angel, flapping a pair of white wings and lying on her mother's knees, two fat little hands holding the same fat wash, looking up curiously The little boy in his mother's arms.

"This is, when did this happen?" The Pope asked, "Can a boy be right, is it a boy?"

Looking at Alexander VI's agitated expression, Alexander helped him to sit down: "It's a boy, someone sent us just after we left Bariaridot."

"God, Lucrezia gave birth to a son, which is really good news," Alexander VI said excitedly, his hands clasped together, and he asked anxiously, "What's the child's name, you have given him Is it named? "

"Yes, just a good name."

Alexander also looked back at the portrait. If there was anything that worried him the most on the Italian battlefield, it was the child in Lucrezia ’s belly. Even if he knew that Lucrezia in history was a typical high-productive mother, but now Italy The situation makes him have to worry about her safety.

And he must take into account how under the current situation, if Lucrezia gives birth to a boy, what effect will Esteros have on his status, and now, whether from the situation of Pisa or the whole of Italy, he cannot let This kind of thing that may shake Estrez's status occurs.

So, for a long time, Lucrezia once disappeared in front of people. When she had to stand up because of the French invasion and defended the city of Pisa for her daughter in the name of Pisa Regency, no one knew that she was actually in her Zia Palace gave birth to a prince.

In other words, even if they knew it clearly, many people still chose to avoid this fact that they could not hide.

Because at this time ~ ~ whether it is Estelles himself or the pizza, the birth of this child may be too complicated.

But now, Alexander wants him and Lucrezia's son to appear in front of the world.

"What's it? Tell me what name did you give him?" Alexander VI asked with some eagerness. "Whether he has been baptized or not, I will baptize him personally, and I will be his godfather." , Quickly tell me what his name is. "

Listening to the Pope's eager inquiry, Alexander showed a strange expression on his face, and then smiled and answered: "Giovanni, I named the child Giovanni."

"God," a tear gleamed in Alexander VI's eyes. He buried his face in his hands and made a low cry. After a while, he looked up at Alexander. "You know what you should do, Borgia." People at home never feel ashamed of their ambitions, do what you should do, do n’t forget that you promised to give my grandson a kingdom. "

"Yes father," Alexander took the pope's hand and kissed. "We went to Toledo and grabbed our belongings."

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