Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 143: 2 peninsulas

Unlike Barriardo, who is uneasy because of Isabella's ill heart, Lisbon's summer is not only hot, but the atmosphere of the whole city is also very warm.

Once he made up his mind, Manuel's actions were still very fast. In the name of the king, he ordered the nautical firm to recruit a large number of crew members, and ordered all efforts to build new ships.

On the outskirts of Lisbon, large swaths of redwoods were cut down, the bare hills looked ugly, and in return were piles of firs piled up like hills.

The felled new wood cannot be made into shipboards immediately, and the drying process is very long. Some important hull parts need to be built in 1 to 2 years after drying. This process is even longer.

However, Portugal has long had ambitions for the ocean. In addition to the schools that cultivated nautical talents such as nautical firms, the era of Prince Enrique also created a series of long-term Prescribe policies.

This includes the requirement that a certain amount of wood for shipbuilding must be stored every year, so Manuel ordered that the felled trees be prepared more for ships to be built in the future, and now, in the warehouse of the Lisbon shipyard, it was stored in the early years The huge amount of wood is enough for Manuel to quickly implement his plan.

What makes Manuel happy is that the new ships promised by Alexander not only were launched into service as early as the beginning of the year, but also these ships appeared to be quite involved in the conflict between the Azores and the Castilla navy Active, but as far as he knows these ships have other missions, including the attack on the French coast along the name of British ships.

Of course, this matter is very secret. Except for Manuel and the parties on the ship, even his ministers did not know the details. They only knew that the French who originally watched the drama on the border suddenly became nervous. And, at the end of August, the French suddenly sent a special envoy to meet Manuel.

Although the meeting between the king and the Frenchman was secret, the content of the meeting was quickly leaked out.

The content of the negotiations between the two parties was very exciting. What surprised the Portuguese was that the trade union between Italy and France, which was said to be fighting with Italy, suddenly had a peace talk with Louis XII.

If this is not too strange, then a series of alliance agreements signed by the Trade Union represented by the Queen of Naples and the French completely stunned the whole of Europe.

This was a completely unexpected agreement. The two sides had almost fought with blood but suddenly let go of all hate hands and peace, and the French generously agreed to open to the trade union including Marseille, Brest, Ka Ang also has important cities such as Metz and Amiens in the hinterland as trade union cities, and the French get a low-cost exchange plan for Ladia gold coins from the trade union.

The trade union promised to complete the smooth exchange of Ladia gold coins within one year. This promise undoubtedly relieved the French who had been entangled with Ladia gold coins for too long.

Louis XII has decided to withdraw his troops. In fact, because of domestic troubles, the French mainland has not sent him enough military resources for two consecutive months. After losing a large number of troops and equipment, the French army is now in a situation no different from that of Charlie. How much better did VIII's Lombard defeat after the defeat, even worse because of various domestic troubles.

The rebellion in Montpellier made the southern France turbulent, which forced Louis XII to return home as soon as possible to quell the rebellion. At the same time, Maximian ’s threat made him have to seriously consider the olive branch from the trade union, especially When he heard from some of the trade unions that some German city-states had close ties with the trade union, Louis suddenly felt that it might also be good to deal with these countries that are united by doing business.

So two opponents who appeared to be enemies suddenly became allies in this way. When everyone heard that they could not help shouting "The world is changing fast", Ruosha had already acted as an agent of the Trade Union in Italy to Louis X. Second, they signed on the alliance agreement.

According to this agreement, the trade union is obliged to help the French get rid of today ’s economic difficulties, and France has to assume the order and security of the trade union in Western Europe. This is an agreement that seems to be necessary for both parties, but Anyone who knows a little about the insider knows that the enemy targeted by this agreement is the emperor Maximian who has extended his tentacles into the Lombardy region.

It is precisely because of this alliance agreement that the French army was able to slowly withdraw from the Tyrrhenian Sea, and even some French logistical weights and wounded persons were able to withdraw from Pisa to Genoa, which made Maximian and the Venetians extremely angry. They sent messengers to Ruosha and Barenti respectively. The emperor even warned in the letter in a very harsh tone: "No one can tolerate such betrayal, although I consider myself a fairly generous person, but such a result My patience has been completely ruined, so if you ca n’t stop continuing to destroy our alliances as soon as possible, then I will consider personally helping you correct this wrong decision. "

The threat of the emperor was obvious, not only in his letter, but his army also moved quickly.

It was just this time that the Trade Union and the French were on the side, and Ruosha simply announced the so-called "La Spezia-Parma-Po River Armistice Line" declaration.

This was an action that many people thought was against the French before. The boundaries of the Gompati Northern Army, which focused on the defense of La Spezia to Palma, have now become the border of the trade union's declaration of "neutral".

In the response of Ruo Sha to the emperor, this border was slightly modified. The northeast side of the border was extended to the south bank of the Po River. According to Ruo Sha ’s response, as long as the French and the emperor ’s army did not cross this border, trade The Alliance will not intervene in the next war.

But if any party crosses the border, the trade union will have to intervene in this war that may damage its own interests.

But what everyone noticed is that Ruosha seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally ignored the ports along the Tyrrhenian Sea, so that the French could quickly evacuate the French troops stranded in central and southern Italy. They are truly sad, while getting enough supplies from central and southern Italy through these ports.

If possible, their war in northern Italy did not even need to rely on logistics from the homeland, which not only greatly shortened the logistics supply line of the French army, they can even go directly from Genoa if necessary, along the so-called "La Spey" The Zia-Palma-Po River Armistice Line "advances to the rear of their enemies without worrying about possible threats to the entire right wing.

This of course made Maximilian violently violent. He called his chief palace minister to scold him fiercely. According to the descriptions secretly revealed by some people present at the time, the emperor even unkindly accused the chief palace minister of being a "traitor and Traitor ".

Such severe accusations made Kotzczah resign because he felt insulted and angry, and then the mammoth mammoth curled up and patted and left Vienna.

But the emperor did n’t know that the Kotzach ’s carriage immediately turned around and headed north as soon as it left the city of Vienna, where the Fugger ’s house in Augsburg had opened its doors to welcome the arrival of the former mausoleum. .

In short, the French did not find anything cheap in Italy, but if you think about it, it is not a big loss. Louis XII even met with Skop who has arrived in Palma. For the newly-received Earl of Palma, Louis XII is quite As a courtesy, because he knows that maybe for a long time to come, he will deal with this Alexander spokesperson in Northern Italy.

However, there were also things that annoyed Louis XII. In the battle in Pisa, the presence of a large number of Catalan mercenaries made the French King extremely angry. He felt that this was a direct proof of Ferdinand's betrayal.

Apparently Ferdinand, while withdrawing from Italy in exchange for the French to stop intervention in Iberia, sent a large number of Catalan mercenaries to support the trade alliance, although the French defeat in Italy was not entirely due to Catalan The Ronians participated in the war, but such unbridled abandonment of the agreement made Louis XII hate Ferdinand to the extreme.

More importantly, after learning that the British threatened the French coast, Louis XII suddenly realized that maybe this was the ghost of the twin kings and their British relatives.

So when the queen sent someone to suggest that perhaps I should consider interfering again with Iberia, Louis XII hardly made a decision.

When Manuel met the French messenger, it was already full of fruits in September. The fragrance of the osmanthus tree fluttered on the streets of Lisbon, which masked the unpleasant stench on the street, and also caused the original construction. The church and the dusty city seem to be less rushed and full of anticipation.

There are two pieces of news brought by the French messenger. Among them, the most talked about in Lisbon is the marriage proposal that the French king proposed, although not yet established, but quite exciting.

Although there are no sons yet, Louis XII hopes that his future heir to the throne can win a Portuguese princess. In return, he is willing to matchmaking for the son of King Navarre today, and can also marry a Portuguese princess.

Manuel is still very interested in this suggestion. Just imagine that one of his daughters can become the future queen of France, and the other daughter can become the queen of Navarre, he thinks this idea is really good, not to mention The French army now gives him direct help.

Manuel's consideration of this suggestion is also very short. He is now more concerned about how to get rid of Maria as soon as possible.

Maria has become impossible to become Queen of Castile, and the marriage originally used to maintain the relationship between Portugal and Spain has also fallen into desperation with the death of his son Miguel.

But what made Manuel determined was the maritime conflict in the Azores, which made him realize that there was no way to avoid fierce conflicts with Spain in order to compete for a new colony. Then at this time there was a couple of double kings The daughter's queen seemed too outdated.

This may even shake the support of the domestic nobles. In this case, Manuel publicly took Enrique's daughter Juana into St. John's Castle.

This obvious move quickly made his reputation in the country almost reach its peak. The Portuguese knew that their king was coming this time.

After entering September, there was another news that surprised and rejoiced Manuel. The noble council of the old capital of Castile, Toledo, suddenly announced that Juana was recognized as a blood descendant of Enrique IV. The fact that Isabella did the right thing not only removed his last obstacle to marry Juana, but also showed him the fierce contradictions within Castile that could no longer be concealed.

Also in September, a large number of French troops began to appear on the north bank of the Ebro River at the border between the Kingdom of Navarre and Castile.

This army was originally a French army stationed on the north side of the Pyrenees. This army had to throw away a lot of heavy equipment over the Pyrenees, so when they reached the north bank of the Ebro River, this The French army had to resort to the help of the Navarre army to barely get a foothold.

Even so, the emergence of this French army still caused a huge impact.

Upon hearing this news, Isabella had to hold a pre-conference due to illness. After asking the Gonzalo-based generals repeatedly, the Queen of Castilla finally made a very difficult for her. Have to choose the decision.

"I will send someone to negotiate with Don Bavi, as long as he remains loyal to the king and the royal family, I will forgive him for his crimes," Isabella said hard to the clerk who recorded the meeting. "Write down here, I personally cannot forgive him Yes, but I am willing to give him a chance to defend myself as a queen. This is my official promise to him. "

When Isabella solemnly announced the decision, Ferdinand sat beside him looked dull and silent.

"All I can do for you is this. I even gave up my dignity in order to be able to earn you precious time, so tell me now can I trust you?" Isabella looked at Gonza Lowe, of course, believes in the loyalty of Ai Jiang, but she is somewhat worried about whether she can defeat two powerful enemies, France and Spain, on the battlefield.

"I will bring you the beautiful peacock feathers on the helmet of the French general, as long as you don't feel disgusted because they came from France."

Gonzalo's clever answer made Isabella laugh, she likes this arrogant and arrogant soldier who seems to others to be arrogant, even because she knows that this person is loyal to her, this loyalty comes from Gonzalo The chivalrous spirit full of romantic thoughts, but more is to repay her gratitude.

Isabella sometimes even worried that this kind of loyalty of Gonzalo might produce bad results because it was too strong. For example, if he devoted all his loyalty to her, would he still be loyal to her in the future? Heir.

Only now she really needs this kind of unreserved allegiance, especially after hearing about the changes that took place in Toledo, Isabella feels that perhaps this kind of allegiance is only the safest.

In early September, in accordance with the orders of the Kings, Castilla and Aragon ’s coalition forces drove to the north under the direction of Gonzalo. His task was to first resist the French army on the north bank of the Ebro River, and then wait for the west to retreat Portugal army.

This decision was made because both Isabella and Ferdinand believed that the key to whether the French would intervene deeply is the situation of the Portuguese in this war. If the Portuguese army can be defeated first, then the French Naturally, it will withdraw from this war that does not belong to them, so the ability to quickly defeat the Portuguese has become the key to preventing France from continuing to intervene in Liberia.

Gonzalo is not very worried about whether he can successfully defeat the Portuguese and the French. Whether it is in Italy or in Crete, he has confidence in the army he trained, especially in Crete and Ottomans. Engagement gave him the opportunity to apply new tactics that he had studied for a long time to the battlefield, and a series of battles made him quite confident in his tactics.

If it were not for the Venetian defeat at sea, he believes that the situation in the eastern Mediterranean today is likely to be completely different.

It was only when he left Bariaridot that Gonzalo was inexplicably worried.

Although the Queen has decided to negotiate with the Andalusian rebels, and as far as he knows, this seems to be what the rebels have always expected, but somehow Gonzalo always feels that things do not seem so simple.

From time to time, the figure of Alexander flicked away from him. He always believed that this young man might become his enemy in the future. This idea was very clever, because when he first met, Alexander was still a small and unremarkable person, and he At that time, he was already a well-known coalition commander.

But at that time, Gonzalo had a strong hunch that they would meet on the battlefield one day, and this young man would be a rare opponent in his life.

This is not just because it was this young man who inspired him to create new tactics, but more importantly, he always felt that Alexander seemed to know what it would bring from the beginning.

This kind of idea is very wonderful, but he still entangles Gonzalo so that he can't get rid of this absurd thought.

It seems that the young man was deliberately promoting him to establish a new tactic that is now being perfected ~ ~ and all this seems to be as expected.

But why is he doing this?

With this puzzled thought that puzzled him, Gonzalo embarked on a journey to the north.

It was also at the same time that the team of the Pope who visited the diocese of Castile finally arrived at the old capital of Toledo after a long journey.

Regarding the arrival of the Pope, Archbishop Toledo led all the senior priests out of the city to greet the Pope, and the noble council also sent noble veterans.

This made the Pope obviously feel the enthusiasm of the Toledo people, but watching the respectful and humble greet team, Pope Alexander VI sitting in the car whispered to Alexander who was accompanied by horseback: "I think someone must Love seeing us. "

"You're right," Alexander said with a smile on his face as they greeted the team standing far under the roadside umbrella. "But rest assured, I believe they will soon have to like us."

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