Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 144: "black beard"

Through a tall stone wall, Alexander appeared in front of a simple and sturdy palace built of the same gray linen stone.

This building with a clearly early barbarian style is arguably one of the oldest ruins in Liberia to date.

Alexandria knew that many years later there was a heated debate among archaeologists about the actual time the ruins were built, and the result was that the building was likely to be longer than his historical record.

In fact, long before the Christian teaching spread to Iberia, it became the capital of the Kingdom of Lotomes, one of the many kingdoms on the peninsula at the time. This kingdom, which is said to have many years of history, has not conquered Ibe Leah had already existed, and the ancient castle of Toledo was built at that time.

Because of such a long history, the Toledo people are treated with contempt for any other city, and until it becomes the capital of Castile, the Toledo people are even more proud.

But this pride was completely abandoned by Isabella after moving to Valladolid, and now the noble council of Toledo has become synonymous with the stubborn old forces and has become the representative of the defeat of the old and new forces.

However, now they apparently seized the opportunity once again, which can be felt from the arrogant arrogance of Toledo's nobles.

Alexander did not know whether the nobles intended to show them the seemingly fearless attitude, but he knew that this interaction with the Toledo noble council should not be so easy to fight.

The noble council believes that Juana is now in their hands, and another Juana is also worth a hundred times because of their reasons. This gives them enough chips to negotiate with Isabella. Of course they do not I would like someone to stand up and share the benefits with them, not to mention that this person is still a pope from Aragon.

The light in the castle seemed a bit dark, and the melodious singing of the choir from the church in the distance caused reverberations in the empty castle. Looking up, the sky at the end of the tall patio was slightly pungent. Sunlight shined from that gap and projected on the ground of the patio, forming a boxy light spot.

Alexander accompanied the Pope slowly through the patio, with two men with strange faces standing under a small porch in front of him.

One of the elders had guessed the identity of the man from his clothes and the huge ruby ​​inlaid on his chest, inscribed with rubies inlaid on his chest. Don Julio Mando, of the Castilla Noble Council The chief veteran is also the planner and active promoter of the Toledo nobles' confrontation with Isabella.

Julio Mando is the oldest family in Castile. Compared to them, the Don Bavi family is not even an upstart. Even the Astamara family has a long history. Julioman contends because his family is one of the ancient clans that has left traces in Iberia since ancient Roman times.

The influence of such a family is a bit terrible for a long time, and Alexander believes that the people of the Astamara family are obviously unwilling to see them swaggering in their own kingdom.

Especially in places like Toledo, the influence of this family is too great. No royal family would like to see someone threaten their status so much. Since this family cannot be erased from the world, then it is this kind of use. The method to eliminate the impact of Julio Mando became the only means.

"Your Majesty, it is an honour for you all to come to Toledo." Don Julio Mando salutes respectfully, and at the same time speaks of impeccable polite words, but Alexander always feels that he There is obvious alienation and even a little hostility in his attitude. "Your help to us in Barriado is unforgettable all our lives. For this reason, Toledo is willing to offer you the highest respect."

Alexander VI looked at this noble veteran interestingly. He knew the meaning of this person's words. Obviously, the Toledo were trying to kick them out of the game. They attributed all their gains to their own plans and gave Alexander VI was only a so-called tribute, and the pope knew that if he accepted it happily here, it would mean that he had already defeated the nobles before he had officially faced them.

This was something Alexander VI did not want to see.

"We have two Juana now, but the Queen ’s daughter seems to be in a bad situation. We all know that her mental state is very poor. The Archbishop Badia Lidod once held a secret exorcism ceremony for her, but The result is disappointing, I hope God will give us this opportunity to help her in the future. "

The chief veteran's expression sank slightly. He knew that the pope was reminding him not to deliberately occupy the **** of Juana alone. After all, if the pope announced that Juana could not inherit the throne because of his mental state, then all their previous calculations would have failed.

The threat of Alexander VI was somewhat too straightforward, but Don Julio Mando had no way to refute it. He was very clear that the Pope firmly grasped the right to decide the inheritance of Juana ’s throne. The reason why the Redo people had to take this matter seriously.

Although the prestige of the church has been under great pressure from the royal family in Iberia, the beliefs for many years have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If the pope stubbornly tries to destroy their plans, the Toledo nobles must face The dual pressure of Isabella and Alexander VI.

This is what they did not want to see, and because Alexander VI was born in Aragon, it made them more taboo. They did not know whether he had any deal with Ferdinand. If that was the case, they would face too much power. Enemy.

Seeing the two parties in a deadlock before officially confronting the noble council, Alexander, who always stood aside in silence, finally spoke: "Dear veteran, since Toledo is the Castilian noble council, then all The Castilian nobles are eligible to participate in the discussion of future heirs to the throne, so I would like to ask you if there are any messengers sent by the Adan Lucia nobility, or have you followed Queen Isabella ’s order to announce them They are castilla traitors, have they been expelled from this council? "

Don Julio Mando looked at Alexandria vigilantly, and he had heard about the duke of Rome Theseia. In fact, the things about the duke were heard from the nobles of Andalusia, although I do n’t know the reason why this Italian nobleman is so passionate about Iberian affairs, but the chief veteran disagreed with Don Bavi from the beginning to allow this person to participate. He even strongly opposed Andalusian nobles who placed their hopes on this Negotiations between foreigners and Gonzalo.

Now listening to this obviously provocative, Don Julio Mando immediately became alert.

"All that happened in Andalusia was just a misunderstanding between the nobility and the king. No one declared them a traitor, and even the queen did not deprive them of their identity," Don Julio Mando refuted Alexander. "I do n’t know how you are. What is the purpose of that, but in Toledo, in this temple behind me, there are places that nobles in all regions should have. This is the rule of Castile, and even the king cannot intervene. "

Alexander seemed to nod his head in approval. In fact, he had long known that such verbal provocation would not cause conflict between Toledo and the Andalusians. If he did not guess wrong, the noble parliament and the Andalusian coalition even There are certain transactions behind it, otherwise when Don Bavi announced in Sevilla to take over the ruling power, the noble council would not publicly declare this to be a dispute between nobles.

From the very beginning, this attitude of the aristocratic parliament has clearly exposed their protection of the Andalusian aristocracy, or at least they feel that they can use this matter to threaten Isabella.

Don Julio Mando noticed a flash of disappointment that flashed across the pope ’s face after he had said those words, which made him secretly complacent. The provocation of the Duke of Rome Thesia not only failed to get any results from him, but let him He took the opportunity to show Toledo ’s detached position in today ’s complex and chaotic situation in Castile, not to mention that they are now holding two Juana trump cards, Don Julio Mando feels that this contest is even It has already been doomed to the result before it has officially started.

"Your Majesty, we have been standing here for too long. All the people are waiting for you. They hope to see your respect as soon as possible." Don Julio Mando stood respectfully to Alexander VI Stretching out his hand to make an invitation gesture, since he has already won, he does n’t mind politely satisfying the pope, but his gaze to Alexander shows a little bit of playfulness, which is quite windy for this supposedly mixed in Italy The young man from the raw water, Don Julio Mando is actually very insignificant from the bottom of my heart.

He felt that he was a complete upstart. Compared with the nobles with a long and ancient tradition, these little nobles who depended on the development in the war are just like the mercenary family with the surname Sforza. Some nasty adventurers.

Don Julio Mando did n’t mind teaching the arrogant young man in the face of the pope, and he could also take the opportunity to show Alexander VI their determination, so as to at least warn this renown The pope should not make excessive demands.

Looking at Don Julio Mando who walked with the Pope in front, Alexander tilted his head slightly, and then he realized that the action seemed to be done frequently by Sophia.

Every time when she is happy, confused, or angry, she likes to tilt her head like this, and it looks like she is thinking about where to rest because her head cannot bear the weight.

However, Alexander was not angry. He just wanted to take a closer look at the chief veteran, but he did n’t wait for him to move forward, and was always with Don Julio Mando, but the person who did n’t say a word suddenly lowered. The voice said to him: "Duke, Brother Tangomad let me thank you."

Alexander looked at the man slightly unexpectedly. He knew that the people of the Jewish Congress should have established a deep foundation in Toledo, otherwise they would not want to pin their hopes on the old nobles of Toledo. Obviously These people are more in line with the needs of the Jewish Assembly, and since they are destined not to make public appearances, there must be a group of powerful people who can speak for them on the bright side.

It's just that Alexander still didn't expect the influence of the Judea Conference to have reached the chief veteran of Don Julio Mando. Although he doesn't know the identity of this person, it can be seen that the Judea Conference is indeed not to be underestimated.

"We just take what we need, so are you?"

"I'm just a secretary next to the chief veteran," the man looked at Alexandria carefully, unlike Don Julio Mando. He didn't underestimate the young duke, the congregation of the congregations distributed throughout Europe They have a more detailed and reliable source of information than many nobles, and it is precisely because of this that for the power and influence of Alexandria, the Jewish Assembly should make it clear that "Olibe Grissarro is willing to serve you."

Alexander smiled and responded to the respectful person in front of him. In fact, this is one of the reasons why he is quite optimistic about this trip to Toledo.

The old nobles of Toledo may not agree with the arrival of the pope, but this is clearly not the case with the Judean Assembly.

The moment Tangomad came to the door, Alexander realized what a rare opportunity it was, and the Judean even did what he couldn't, even though they hijacked Juana, which seemed to upset Alexander. The plan, but the preaching of the Pope before made them have to accept compromise.

Toledo is obviously not as rigid as Don Julio Mando himself imagined, at least closely related to the Jewish Assembly, and even those nobles who themselves are believers in the Jewish Assembly, will inevitably become Toledo into a split The main source.

In addition, even without the Jewish Assembly, Alexander has prepared a surprise enough for the Toledo Parliament, or for the couple of kings.

In September, the banks of the Guadalville River were covered with fruit-rich orange forests. The large orange forests covered with golden yellow fruits looked pleasing to the past and were attracted by the tempting fruit.

The channel leading to the Atlantic port from the lower Guadalville River has been restored to its previous busyness, and as Gonzalo rushed back to Barrialido, the Andalusian noble coalition finally had a breathing opportunity in Don Bavi ’s Under the leadership of them, they quickly launched a counterattack against the Wang Jun. Although they have not recovered their initiative so far, at least the siege of Seville has been lifted, and they have also opened up links with ports along the Atlantic Ocean.

A paddle sailboat went upstream, and as the row of paddles extending from both sides of the boat gang struck the surface of the water, the paddle sailed on the river at a speed not much slower than that of downstream sailing.

On the deck ~ ~ James Columbus looked at a map in his hand, surrounded by several partners who specialized in doing "overseas business" with him.

These "gentlemen" who do n’t look like good people have different nicknames. If you say their real names, no one may know, but if you say their flower names, many people who live in the sea will be scared. Terrified.

"We have a big business this time," James said to his folks. "Listen, this time I don't want to have any surprises, and I don't want to hear anyone say" not expected ". Success is more developed for us than grabbing ten ships, so if anyone is bad for me, I will sink him to the Guadalville River. "

Looking at James's ruthless expression, several people responded quickly, and no one knew better than them the horror of this terrible "black beard". They just felt a little bit why they had come to the mainland because they had been doing business at sea. doubt.

Regarding the questions of the guys, James did not hide it intentionally, looking at the waterway in front of him, he slowly said, "The business we are going to do this time is to rob individuals."

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