Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 145: The origin of the spirit legend

The Guadiaze Marsh is still so misty, even when it is just autumn, the daytime and evening are always covered by smog. This is caused by the humid climate in the swamp, but it is entering the swamp To the outsiders of the earth, it seems that there are always some terrible monsters hidden in the misty darkness.

The icon on the road into the swamp has been destroyed before, and Don Bavey made people destroy the obvious signs before leaving his territory, although they must have kept some secrets to contact the monastery in the swamp. , But if no familiar person leads the way, walking in this swamp becomes a very dangerous thing.

Most of the swamps look like semi-dry mud pits, but many places are bottomless traps. In such places, every step forward is an adventure, especially for those wearing armor and carrying heavy weapons For people, this is their hell.

In the Balkans, Alexander ’s army officially relied on the special terrain of the swamps to delay the Ottoman elite troops with less force. Although the final defeat in the battle, the Altmans who had the advantage of strength and weapons also paid a lot. The price.

This is the victory of being able to use the terrain flexibly, and now James Columbus is also facing problems like the Ottomans.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to face the enemy armed with teeth, but only needs to think about how to cross this terrible swamp.

Guadiaze Marshes are low-lying, and a large river that is often flooded always floods this muddy wetland from time to time. Every time the river floods, Guadiaze will completely turn into a sea, even if it is barely Can also be submerged by the flood.

It ’s September now, when the floods are flooding. From afar, Guadiaze is completely submerged in the muddy and muddy floods. Large and large sections of bare tree trunks stand on the surface of the water, seemingly unspeakable. Strange.

It is impossible to see the monastery deep in the swamp from the place where James stood. Except for the mist that drifted through, the trunks in the swamp became the only "view", just how it looked like It looks like a weird picture, without any beauty that is worth looking forward to.

"The people who live here are crazy," a man drank the last rum in the mouth of the hip flask in his hand, and then he dropped the leather jug ​​on the ground and wiped it indiscriminately. The drink on the lips said to James, who had been looking at the swamp, "I don't know who gave you the job, but I said that this place looks a bit evil."

"It's really not a good place, but our money is there." James nodded. He also felt that the person who lived here was really having a brain problem, but think about it is this person who is very important, so that Tang · The Duke of Bavi only hid her in such a ghostly place where a little timid person would not want to come.

"If you can guarantee that we can get a lot of money, it can still be risky," the companion murmured, these pirates who have created a huge reputation at sea have become almost paranoid about the attachment of money, they When pursuing every gold coin, there is often no need to trade one's own life for that opportunity to get wealth again and again. Now that I heard that I can get a lot of money, the swamp becomes instantly less terrible.

"Some people don't want us to find her, but they absolutely can't think of a group of pirates who came to her."

James smiled. He already loves this kind of life. Although he can have the opportunity to open up the new world that Alexander said with Columbus, he hopes to continue the free and exciting pirate life. This is not It ’s just wealth, but a kind of enjoyment, so he even thinks that even if he finds the magical land that is not found in the legend, he probably wo n’t stay on the land for too long, because it will make him feel that he is firmly Bound to the ground at his feet, and what he likes is that standing on the deck is always full of the unknown, horror, and the sea that also makes him relaxed and happy.

James looked at the companions who came with him. These people are the ones he trusts the most, and they are also a group of hands and feet with flexible brains. Of course, they are stupid and stupid. They have already died. He ordered the companions next to him to prepare things: "Go find some clothes suitable for young women, don't be too gorgeous and ordinary, after all, it is too dazzling to take a nun so far."

"So what we are going to grab this time is a nun, is she beautiful or not?" The companion cracked his mouth and exposed a black and yellow bud. This is the face of Zhang Chang who has been drinking and blowing the sun on the sea for a long time. The red nose of the vinasse looks funny.

"I don't know. I haven't told everyone to be honest after seeing the woman. I don't want to cut their necks because of who did stupid things."

James ’words changed his companion ’s face slightly. He knew that the boss was not kidding. Not many people knew the name of James Columbus. People are more familiar with his brother Christopher Columbus, but if The mention of "black beard" is another matter.

Cruel, cruel, ruthless, and greedy, this is the description of the black beard of the pirate, but as the companions who are familiar with him know, these words cannot really describe the horror and terror of James Columbus.

Under a group of pirates who seem to be in a hurry, but have a clear division of labor, several wooden row-like things are quickly formed. These wooden rows are made of local cut-out tree trunks and connected to the trunks. It is a vine that can be found everywhere. This is a very simple job, but it is not easy to complete in such a short time.

The pirates under James are obviously accustomed to the panic rhythm of working in a hurry, they even have fun to make fun of each other, but after listening to James ’s order, these people are silent. Quite a lot.

As he pushed down the shore, he watched it fall into the water, and then sank down first, and then he steadily floated on the raft. James showed a satisfied smile.

The roads in the swamps are indeed secret and dangerous, which is enough to stop a large number of troops from invading this place, but the swamps cannot stop the floods, nor can they stop the people who use the rafts to enter the floods.

James did n’t know what special place that Sister Alft had so special that Alexander ordered that she must be hijacked, but he only spent a short time after understanding the terrain of the Guadiaze Marsh This plan was made.

This can be said to be due to the coincidence of the seasons, but James himself is more inclined to seem to have already thought of this method before Alexander.

Don Bavi should not have thought that someone might use the opportunity of flooding the swamp to enter this area, but probably when he wanted to come. If someone really knew the existence of that Alfred, it should not be that big. His patience will not start until this season, and once he attempts to enter the swamp forcibly, the swamp will not only devour the uninvited guests, but also give him time to hear the news and come to support him.

When he disclosed the news about the nun to Alexander, he hoped that he could get more support from the pope through Alexander, but he obviously did not expect that this vital ace in his hand became Alexander. The goal.

Pieces of rafts broke through the muddy water and faced the depths of the swamp. As the haze gradually broke open, the outline of a looming tall building appeared in the distance. The pirates seemed to smell the gold coins. They knew this. Trading will get a large sum of money, which is enough for them to spend a lot of time enjoying.

As for their leaders, many people find it impossible to understand what Black Beard James is thinking. It is said that he is studying hard now. This is not like a pirate, but it has nothing to do with them.

James is indeed learning. He feels he needs to enrich his knowledge more and more. From Alexander, he already knows that the Duke has huge ambitions. The most typical manifestation of this ambition is the desire to possess the future magical land. .

It's just that James knows that if there is really a vast land as Alexander said, it will inevitably cause competition among various maritime powers. James hopes that he will have a place in this competition in the future, then now he is just a pirate The leader is obviously not capable of such a heavy load.

James is eager to lead a fleet. If the Duke can give him this opportunity, then he may become another person in the Columbus family who left a name and footnote in history.

Naval Commander James Columbus, not the pirate Black Beard James, is the dream he is now pursuing, so he spares no effort to play for the Duke of Rome Theseia in order to one day be able to fulfill this long-cherished wish.

The monastery in the distance was clearly visible, and James raised his hand to stop.

The raft was docked in a forest on the water, because the gloomy weather was not easy to find, which also gave him the opportunity to observe the monastery carefully.

"Boss, it's not very easy to deal with," the companion who led the lees nose muttered next to him. "Even if some women stand on it, they can drive us down with a cane."

"You think that gold coins are so easy to get," James said angrily. He still hopes that he will be able to take these already-successful associates to become a real navy, but he also knows that this is not realistic, and many people are doomed I will part ways in the future, but at least these people now have to listen to him. "We wait until night. This is a monastery, not a castle. Rest assured, there will be opportunities."

The wait always seemed so long. When the sunlight covered by the clouds finally turned westward, James woke up the dozing pirates. He brought the raft closer and carefully observed the monastery on the edge of the forest. .

The monastery was built on a raised highland among the swamps. The flood has already submerged the dry land that used to be a small pier extending into the swamp. Now the wave of the flood is slightly larger and can directly hit the closed monastery gate. Even where the terrain is slightly higher, most of it has been flooded.

In this way, the raft can be drawn almost all the way to the bottom of the wall of the monastery, but in this way, they have almost no place to settle.

"We have to find a way to climb up," James whispered.

"I don't care if it's a mast, but this wall is not easy to climb," said Dionysal. "I used to think that you can enter as long as you knock on the door. Now it seems really troublesome."

"If it's as simple as entering a brothel in San Diego, do you think we will still have money to take it?" James mocked while letting people paddle a raft, watching quietly around the monastery until he finally I discovered a large stone wall that was obviously darker than the walls in other places.

In the dim light that was about to be seen, James tried to observe the stone wall carefully, and finally he saw a small hole in the wall open about three or two people high.

"It's there, did you see it?" James pointed to the hole in the wall that was slowly running down the wall through the gap between the walls. "You can go in there."

"That place is quite enough," said rosacea, a little embarrassed. "Probably the whole monastery's droppings will be poured out from there."

"This is the only way. What do you want to do, wait for the people inside to open the door and invite you?"

James said, groping his chin, wondering what to do. After a while, he waved to the people around him to draw the raft further away.

"Listen, as soon as you enter, you will occupy the front courtyard wall. As far as I know, the gate of this monastery is sealed, so do n’t try to open the door."

"What's going on in this monastery, what oath did the people inside swear, or what treasure did they hide? It actually sealed the gate."

Someone asked questions but couldn't get answers from James.

In fact, James did n’t know who Alexander S. Alfred was, but he remembered the words in Alexander ’s letter: "Complete this task, you can get the reward you want most."

What James wants most is his armed fleet.

Although Alexander had promised him that he and Columbus would each lead a fleet to explore the secrets of the new colony, but he hoped to have a fleet under his command.

James believed in Alexander's promise.

At the beginning, he only came to Iberia in the light of Temporary Belief, according to Alexander's meaning, and now he has enough wealth to despise the possessions of many nobles.

The night finally came. Several rafts crossed the water silently. The sound of the raft head hitting the shore appeared a little loud. The people above bent involuntarily. When they found nothing abnormal, these people immediately followed the wet carefully. The slippery muddy **** leaned under the wall of the monastery.

Stroking for a while on the wall, rosacea signaled a tall companion to squat down, and then climbed up on his shoulder.

"Be careful not to get stuck inside," James urged. "But it should be wide enough."

"Maybe it's wide enough, but the smell is really choking." The rosacea grumbled up while struggling to climb up, his cloth-wrapped hands grasping the stone covered with urinary erosion, which was corroded by feces and urine, After exhausting his strength, he finally grabbed the edge of the hole in the wall.

Seeing the figure of rosacea struggling to gradually disappear at the entrance of the gutter, James waved to the others and gestured to wait.

The sewer entrance of the monastery is often not very delicate. Some places are even a big big hole directly leading to the outside. James believes that this convent is no exception.

The wait is long. Someone besides has become anxious because of impatience, but James has always maintained enough patience.

This is the result of his pirate career over the years. In the sea full of unknowns and dangers, in addition to nature, what is more terrifying is the threat from opponents. Sometimes the result of being unable to breathe out is that it is likely to change from a hunter. Into prey.

An inaudible sound came from the wall above him, and James immediately looked up and saw half of the figure protruding from the dark wall.

"Okay, come on."

After confirming that the road could indeed pass through, the pirates began to climb up the shoulders of the big man.

Looking at the figures disappearing into the holes in the wall, James smiled with satisfaction in the night.

The dark night concealed too much, and the women ’s congregation deep in the Guadíaz Swamp was completely enveloped in the darkness. The flood made the swamp become a sea of ​​oceans, which left The nearest people also had to leave here.

So no one noticed what happened in the swamp in the middle of the night, nor did anyone smell the night breeze blowing that night, in addition to the unique smell of the swamp, there was the lingering **** breath.

It wasn't until a long time later, when those people who usually delivered food to the monastery arrived on schedule, they found that the gate of the monastery could not be opened anyway, and the whole monastery was like a dead tomb.

When they finally could not bear to take the risk to climb the wall and enter, these talents found that there was no one in the entire convent except for the huge black and dry, stunned blood stains.

All the people in the convent seem to disappear from the world overnight, which makes this mysterious monastery that was originally in the minds of the locals even more confusing.

Gradually, the legend about the Guadiazze Marsh Monastery became a creepy and scary story.

Until many years later ~ ~ There was also a young oriental man who had a strong interest in this ancient Spanish legend and planned to visit this famous haunted monastery in the Iberian hinterland.

On this night in September 1501, a group of people were driving a raft into the upper reaches of the Gwadar River from a river channel that had been penetrated by flooding.

A few long ladders were immediately dropped on the ship that had been docked on the shore for a long time, and a group of people climbed onto the paddle sailboat. One of the large burly men carried a long strip of blankets on his shoulders.

Then the rafts were destroyed and dismantled, looking at the trunk running down the river, James exhaled gently.

Everything was done secretly, and he believed that no one would know her whereabouts before sending that Alfred to Alexander.

The paddle sailboat quickly left the shore and gradually disappeared into the night.

This is the upper reaches of the Dar River flowing through Seville, far from Toledo.

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