Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 147: Who? !

A carriage filled with hay drove down the mountain road to the city. Toledo was a small mountain city. The highest point of the city was the Gant Palace, which has now become the seat of the noble council.

This original old Castilian palace was built on a hill with a half-sided cliff. From the palace, you can see the tributary of the Tahoe river flowing below. The city of Toledo is divided into two halves by the small river. Among them, the old city mainly built by the Royal Palace is the center of Toledo.

Most of the nobles of Toledo live near the Gantt Palace, which has built many luxurious residences around the palace, but these houses are not built very well, so the old city seems to have rugged roads and alleys.

The carriage stumbled towards the top of the mountain, the old horse was pulling the cart, the pace was very slow, and the feet were very difficult. Even if the cart was only filled with hay, it still looked like it was not heavy. of.

The guard standing at the gate of the city waved a spear in his hand towards the carriage. The carriage stopped, and the two people sitting on the carriage showed a flattering smile. One of the chubby guys sounded strange. Actively greeted the guards: "God bless you kind people."

"May God bless," a guard responded very piously, and then he smashed the car with his fist. "What's in it?"

"You all saw it. It was hay. I heard that a old man's house was going to renovate his house. I'll give him the fodder for roasting the house." The fat man explained that the guard was using his fists again. After hitting the car twice, his eyebrows wrinkled inconspicuously, but then he seemed to say casually, "I heard that the house of the old man ’s house is not small, it seems to be just south of Gantt Palace, but I have to enter The city will inquire again. "

Wei Bin originally wanted to smash his two punches again. He glanced at the fat man and grumbled a little unpleasantly. Then he took several Gobi taxes from the fat man and waved them to let them pass. .

It wasn't long after the carriage entered the city gate that James, who was sitting in front of him, signaled that rosacea drove the cart to a secluded corner, and then the two of them immediately scrambled to open the haystack covering it, revealing the one below Empty wooden boxes.

"I wish she had nothing to do," rosacea clenched her fists and tapped twice on the box. He heard a slight but rapid sound inside, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. "It's okay, I said, boss, what are we doing so carefully, is n’t it good to let her sit in the car and enter the city with us? "

"Don't be stupid, although you don't know who she is, but don't you think it's a trouble to see her, but here is Toledo, who knows what those soldiers do when they see her?"

"So I'm wondering why we have to work so hard to bring a Moorish woman here, although it looks like a beauty, but those lords are too ridiculous." Going back and complaining, "Or do those old men like this one?"

James was working quietly. He had already thought about the job and after looking for the opportunity to send away the rosacea, obviously this person was not suitable to continue to work with himself, especially as he might get more and more in the future Mostly because of the unknown things for the Duke, such a guy who likes to nag an endless and curious person is not very reliable.

The carriage continued to move forward, but James had not lied at the gate before. He did not know where Alexander lived.

Olibe Grisaro walked hurriedly along the sloping street. He has an important appointment today. If he can't make an appointment as scheduled, he may be in trouble.

Years of hard work have enabled the Jewish Congress to develop a solid foundation in Toledo. In this regard, the Iberian Jewish Congress is more fortunate than its counterparts in most parts of Europe.

This is because there is still a relatively simple and innocent faith, which is used by the church, but it also provides the soil for the development of the Jewish Assembly.

Moreover, the Jewish Assembly here can also be said to maintain more early religious beliefs. Compared with other small groups that have gradually turned this organization into a profit for their own group, the Iberian Jewish Assembly is still more or less You can still see the things that they insisted on swearing to believe and protect.

Grissarro is going to meet a very important person today. This man is from northern Europe, to be precise, from the German saxophone electorate.

This man brought news that made the members of the Iberian Jewish Assembly very interested, but because this man was just going to Portugal via Toledo soon, Grisaro must see him as soon as possible.

Because this sloped street was built according to the mountain, it was a little steep, but when it turned over an alley and the terrain finally slowed down a little, a carriage came suddenly.

Grissaro suddenly appeared on the street and let a frightened horse sigh, then raised his front hooves violently, but the horse was a little too old. Obviously it was impossible to complete such a difficult movement, so after a while After shaking, the old horse stumbled to the side before waiting for the front hoof to land.

The carriage shook and crashed like a corner of the roadside. The car wheels were pinched fiercely in the cracks of the stone roadside. As the people on the car screamed, the hay of the car was flying all over the street. Yes.

Grissaro was obviously frightened by the accident as well. He watched the pile of hay rising in front of his eyes and the flowers were flying everywhere. At the same time, he seemed to see something rolling down and falling in the haystack. It seemed to be accompanied by a cry of exclamation that seemed to be suppressed.

Grisaro looked around in a panic. He was worried that the accident would attract people's attention, so although there seemed to be something strange on the carriage, he couldn't care about it and immediately lifted up the huge collar Go through the gap between the side of the car and the wall and run away into the distance like an escape.

A series of cursing sounds came out of James ’s mouth. He did n’t know where he came from. Such a daredevil. Now the carriage fell to the ground, and Sister Alft who was hiding under the haystack was thrown on the street. This was him. I never thought of it.

"Don't be stupid, be a fool," James murmured rosacea on his face that had been smeared and bleeding up. "We have to take that woman away quickly, and if we are found, we're done."

"What about the carriage?"

"Who cares about the carriage now ?!" James was so angry that he wanted to kick some rosacea. He thought he had never found this guy so stupid.

"I mean there seems to be a guy who saw it." Rosacea pointed at the back of the man who was running away. "He seemed to see something in the car, and he heard the woman's cry. I was worried that he might To call someone. "

"This is really bad," James whispered again. He really thought that the nun might be a witch at this time, otherwise how would she know that she would be in trouble before her eyes. "Quick leave here, even if the guy doesn't Whistleblowing, waiting for him to recognize us is also a hassle. "

"Boss, I saw his face." The rosacea licked his lips, and a cruel smile appeared on his face. "This place is not big. It is not difficult to find him."

"Leave here first."

James greeted the rosacea. The two of them hurriedly carried the wooden box that made noise from time to time and ran into the alley. At this time, the people who heard the sound of the street looked at the street from their home windows .

Only what they saw was an overturned carriage on the street and messy hay all over the floor.

The two people carrying the boxes are very conspicuous. James knows that this is not a good way to go, but it is not easy to find Alexander.

He didn't worry about handing this nun Moore to the rosacea alone. Although he didn't know who this woman really was, it was obvious from Alexander's special attention to her that this woman must be very important.

It is unreliable just to let the rosacea inquire about the news. After all, none of the pirates who followed him so far knew about his relationship with the Duke of Rome Theseia.

In desperation, James had to decide to find a place to settle down, and then find a way. Just when he was thinking about finding an unoccupied house to be settled first, the rosacea carrying the box in front suddenly turned back and yelled. He gave a cry.

"Boss, it's that person, the one who just hit our carriage."

James immediately looked over the shoulders of rosacea, and he saw a middle-aged man hurried out of an alley opposite, which made him a little strange, because even if he was not familiar with Toledo ’s road, That person should not appear in the opposite direction.

Unless he deliberately made a big circle and came back.

What does this person want to do?

If he was reporting something because he found something, he is now only one person. If he is curious, he now looks left and right but he is more afraid of being noticed by others.

Maybe this guy himself had a little secret that he didn't want others to know, the thought flashed in James's mind.

After watching the man look around for a while, it seemed certain that no one was staring, he walked to a house and knocked on the door gently. The door just opened a gap and the person immediately flashed in, and then the door slammed. It's tight.

"It seems a bit interesting," James said to rosacea. At this time, he didn't want to cause extra trouble, but it seemed that the man had just pointed him to a place to stay.

"But how do we get in," rosacea already knew James's plan. "This woman is really in trouble."

"This woman can make you rich, well, hide her."

James said rosacea to put the wooden box on a corner of the alley. He did n’t know how many people there were in the house, but he guessed it would n’t be too much, because he just noticed that when the person knocked on the door, There was only one person flashing in the window, and the person you looked at was cautious, apparently doing something inhuman. If you have a large number of people in the other party ’s house, there should be several people appearing in the room at this time. Near the door.

James intends to be very clear that since he can't rest assured of rosacea, he will find a place where the nun can be accommodated, and then the two of them go to the street together to inquire about Alexander's whereabouts.

The man had just seen them, which made him very dangerous. Now he happened to find his whereabouts. James thought that this should be God's signal to him what to do.

"Let's go and see, if there are not many people in it, then ..." James made a throat wiping gesture and saw nods in tasting rosacea, he began to think that this guy might be useful.

The two went around the alley behind the house, quietly came under the window, and carefully looked inside after listening for a while.

The man who fled the street just now was standing in the middle of the house. He seemed to be talking about something. Was the dancing movement making him look very excited, and then after a while he stopped and looked at the corner of the house very respectfully Opened his hands and made a formal bow.

Because the window is closed, James can't hear what the people inside are saying, but he can be sure that there are really not many people inside, about 2 to 3 people at most.

This makes them enough to deal with. In addition to tempering the will of these pirates, the cruel life on the sea has also trained them to kill more effectively. They can often use a much smaller number of people than the other. His style of wanton looting of those ships is not a problem now with a few people in this house.

James made a gesture to the rosacea. The two men checked the weapons on their bodies in a tacit understanding. They did not carry long swords for the convenience of entering the city. A pack often can't see anything, maybe these guys can't play any role on the battlefield now, but it is just right now.

Prepare, gesture, and suddenly open the window and flip in!

The two robbers had seen the situation in the house when their feet fell to the ground.

Three people, in addition to the one on the street just now, there are one old and one young.

The people in the room were completely stunned by this sudden change, and they never expected that someone would suddenly break in from the window, and even Grissarro could not recognize this sudden intrusion. The two people met on the street.

If it were n’t for their clothes, he did n’t know who killed him until he died, and he did n’t suddenly think of these two until he stretched out his **** hands and grabbed the dry grass on the corner of his robe. Who is the individual.

But he could no longer make a sound, and James' short knife cut his throat brutally, which made him unable to make a sound until he died.

The target of the rosacea was the young and the old. After he broke into the house again, he threw at the old man without waiting for the other side to react, because he noticed a sword hanging on the wall behind the man.

But he was obviously too worried. Until he rushed in front of the other person, the elderly man gave a horrified scream. He did n’t even have time to turn around and glance at the weapon on the wall behind him, and he fell to the ground. The short sword in the hands of rosacea was raised high, and fell down fiercely, accompanied by the spitting blood and the man made a miserable cry.

At this time, the young man who stood staring at the scene dumbfounded followed by a scream. He first looked back at the sword on the wall, and then suddenly turned and ran to the door.

Just waiting for him to run out of the door, the short sword in James's hand flew towards his back!

With a puff, the dagger plunged fiercely into the young man's back. He swooped forward and slammed into the door of the tube, and then he struggled to push the door open to escape. In the corridor, it was only then that the rosacea had dropped the old man he had killed and rushed over.

Grabbing mercilessly to the shoulder of the young man who had rushed halfway down the hallway, dragging him back hard, rosacea fell to the ground with the young man.

There was another scream of pain, and the pain that was stabbed in the back again by the short knife lying on the ground caused the young man to roll on the ground in pain. There was a cry of pain in his mouth, which James could not understand Screamed in his language, but from a few words he could hear that the young man seemed to be asking God for help.

The rosacea's hand paused slightly, he looked up at James and saw the gloomy look on the face of "Captain", he murmured "forgive me" to the young man who was struggling with him on the ground ", And then stabbed fiercely into the young man's heart.

The slightly childish face suddenly froze. The young man's body first bowed like a shrimp, and then slowly relaxed like a deflated ball. His eyes were wide open. The fear and disbelief that appeared in it seemed that he didn't believe that his life was over.

The rosacea didn't seem to want to see those eyes. He reached over and covered the young man's eyes, and then slightly under his eyelids.

"Go and see if there are anyone else," James hurried out of the room. He came to the corridor and searched carefully. He soon found out that there were only three people in the house, which made him relieved. "We have to find the person we are looking for quickly."

"Boss, this guy doesn't seem easy."

The rosacea, which was turning several corpses, was a little worried to show James what was turned out of Grissarro ’s pocket. It was a finely crafted cross, and the shape inlaid with oblique cross stones was easy to think of. It ’s just decoration and I do n’t realize the deeper meaning, but the preciousness of the cross is enough to prove his identity, and as an experienced pirate, rosacea soon discovered that although his hands are not wearing jewelry, he can take care of it The traces on my very good fingers can still detect the clues.

"You will be in big trouble."

Looking at the corpse, James couldn't help thinking of the nun's prophecy. He couldn't help licking some dry tongue, but then he threw a little ridiculous thought aside.

The two did not have time to clean up the body in the room, but first carried the wooden box hidden in the dark of the alley into the house.

When they opened the wooden box, it was a little relieved to see the woman with her hands and feet **** and her mouth closed, and in order to prevent her from pouring a small half of the bottle of rum and even half awake now. .

"Okay, let's go to the street to find someone now." After making sure that the nun would not wake up for a while, James re-covered the wooden box and went out with rosacea.

In this way, it is much more convenient to inquire about things, and the Pope's visit to Torreto is also a simple message that can easily get more details, so after seeing Alexander shortly afterwards, James finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just an adult. We're in a little trouble. The nun is now put in a house in the city. You may have to go and see it yourself." James explained to Alexander helplessly.

The rosacea next to him said in a daunting manner: "Master Duke, we didn't have to work hard for that woman."

Some helpless James, Alexander, decided that he was indeed in trouble, and he decided to follow along to see how bad things were.

On the grounds that the Pope had checked the goods delivered, Alexander followed James and left the Gantt Palace. Fortunately, the house was not very far from the Gantt Palace, so they quickly reached the nearby street in Jim After Sis and Rosacea went in to see what had happened, Alexander took Schell into the house.

There was a strong **** smell in the house, but fortunately, the sanitation of the whole street was worrying, so it didn't appear particularly obvious.

But before he could see the nun Alft, Alexander was taken aback by Grisaro among the corpses lying in the room. He looked at the dead face with amazement. Look at James, and then look at that face. After confirming that it is the secretary of chief veteran Don Julio Mando, he was stunned when he was in Toledo's undercover.

"You killed him?" Although I already knew ~ ~, I still felt that some big head Alexander asked first, and then he immediately asked several people to check who the other young and old were.

Soon some of the things found from the two people were scattered on the floor.

Alexander picked up a notebook beside the young man who had been stained with blood for half, and looked at the unfamiliar German, he frowned.

"It's German," he said as he was about to put the book down, and a few familiar words caught his attention. Looking at those words, Alexander's eyes gradually became dull, as he had just seen Gresa before. Luo Shi also looked at the book, the young man, and then the book and the corpse.

Finally he looked up at James with an incredible look and asked, "Do you know who you killed?"


"His name is Martin." Alexander groaned.

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