Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 148: New Outline

A solidified face is facing upwards towards the roof, and the closed eyes make this face look more peaceful, although it cannot be said that it is asleep, at least it is cursing silently with the one next to it as if staring at the murderer. The old man is much more pleasing to the eye.

Alexander sat on the chair and looked at the face for a long time without opening. Even though the Alvt Sister had been lifted out of the box and placed on the bed, he still did not take a look.

In addition to some typical Latin expressions, the manuscripts written in German are incomprehensible in many places, but he is very familiar with the name.

Now this young man is just called Martin, and even with the surname behind him, few people know who he really is.

But as long as another 15 years, he will become famous throughout the Christian world for a great treatise that shakes the entire continent.

In a few years, he will become a representative of the era, a standard bearer, a spiritual leader and a guide.

The already crumbling Christ world will be completely split by his voice, and this split will be even more divided than the original East and West, and it will be more profound and more influential.

Because this will completely tear the entire Christian world represented by the Vatican into two halves.

Protestantism, a sect that pretends to be a religious reformer will completely abandon the authority of the Vatican, and they will lead nearly half of Europeans to seek a different world of faith.

Along with this separation of new ideas and old beliefs, there will be a tragic religious civil war, whose cruel, ruthless and barbaric even more terrible than the war with pagans.

All this comes from this young man lying on the ground now. If he remembers correctly, he should be only 18 years old. In the next few decades, the first 18 years of his life are actually just a scene for him. Dreamlike dreams.

After he was old, he even told his friends that his youth was spent in numbness, because at that time, he could not distinguish between faith and truth, and the difference between ignorance and reason.

But now, he was lying on the floor so alone, his body was gradually stiff and cold, and his young but lifeless face was covered with a terrible death.

Alexander carefully looked at the face, as if to make sure that this person was indeed the "Martin" he imagined.

But he really ca n’t think of anyone other than that person, Martin Luther, maybe there are people with the same name and surname, but this young man is a student of the seminary, which can be found in his manuscript I saw various graffiti notes, and the manuscript clearly wrote the "Austin monastery" handwriting, indicating that the young man was from the electoral country of Saxony, far north.

Alexander didn't quite remember where Martin Luther traveled and studied in his early years, but he knew that Austin's monastery had played a very important role in this person's life.

Martin Luther once regarded his experience of swearing to seek refuge in the protector of the civilian protector Santa Ana in a terrifying storm as a turning point in changing his beliefs in life. Once mentioned, this also became a very mystic page in his legendary life.

Although many opponents suspected that he was making a false statement or even lying, the time he subsequently attended the Austin monastery did indeed pave the way for Martin Luther's later thought changes.

It ’s just that all this no longer exists, no matter what he has experienced before, no matter what kind of revelation he had received on that stormy night, he is now a dead man, and the one who killed him is standing The two pirates next to Alexander looked completely ignorant of this.

Alexander wanted to tell the two people in front of him "Congratulations on changing history", but then he could only make a wry smile.

Even if alive, whether the future Martin Luther can elaborate his 95 shocking syllabuses, or whether it will trigger a religious split, it now seems to be very vague.

The German princes are now clearly different from history. They no longer need to rely on the wings of the empire, or as their strength gradually increases, they can even send a different voice to Vienna.

The backing of all this comes from the support of a free trade union. The strong economic pillar gives the German nobles a stronger determination and confidence than in history.

In fact, the ultimate goal of religious wars is still interest. Perhaps this is a battle of faith for the small nobles and the lower class, but for the big nobles such as the Elector of Saxony, it is just a means for them to solidify the hearts of the people.

So even without the guidance of a priest, will there not be that huge earthquake that shakes European beliefs?

Alexander felt that this did not seem to require doubt. Even without the 95 thesis, he did not worry about the stagnation of history, because it was the wealth that made countless people more eager to replace it.

The German nobles have long been dissatisfied with the rule of Maximia, especially with the joining of the trade union, the huge conflict of interest has made this dissatisfaction even more fierce than the conflict that took the faith as a breakthrough in the later Martin Luther era .

Alexander's real headache now is not Martin Luther, who has not yet become a legend, but the unlucky Grissaro.

After listening to James explain the cause and effect, Alexander felt that this is really a speechless result.

The indomitable chief veteran secretary and leader of the Judean Congress was so inexplicable because he hit two pirates and gave his life. By the way, he also ruined a character who was supposed to be Liu Ming's annals. Alexander said that it is not a coincidence or a will, but After he heard James ’unforgettable mention of Sister Alft ’s so-called prophecy, he had to start thinking of ways to solve the troubles he was facing now.

It's just how these two people get together. Isn't Martin Luther now studying further in the monastery of his old home in Saxony?

Alexander stood up and walked around the three corpses. He also noticed the old clothes Grisaro had apparently put on in order not to attract attention, which made him guess that the member of the Jewish assembly was probably not Feng Tang. Julio Mando's order, but quietly came out to meet the two men.

Or even if he was assigned by the chief veteran, it seems that his sneaky appearance should not want to be discovered by others.

Since this kind of thing is much easier to handle.

Although there are some regrets for the deaths of these three people, it is more the troubles caused by the following troubles. There are too many terrible things in this era. Soon after, as the religious civil war in continental Europe breaks out, there will be More and more Protestants fled overseas because of fear of persecution.

This will be one of the driving forces behind the vigorous development of a great maritime era, but with this dynamic tide coming, it will be the nightmare of the indigenous peoples of the New World, and this nightmare will last for centuries, compared with , The deaths of these people seem insignificant.

"Find a way to hide their bodies, and we can't stay here too long," Alexander looked at the layout of the room. This is a very ordinary house, there is no decoration in the room, and the bed is also bare wood. The bed had no other furniture than an old chest of drawers.

The windows are closed, but from the curtains covered with mottled patches, it is clear that the owner of the house is not wealthy. This should not be a place frequented by nobles, but more like an underground organization such as the Jewish Congress that is always secretly active Good place for joint meetings.

So Alexander was a little worried that someone would come to the door. Maybe these people just used this as a temporary stop, but it might also be used as a meeting place.

"What about this woman?" Rosacea tentatively asked, and since they knew that their "customer" was the Duke of Rome Theseias, Rosacea was particularly enthusiastic.

He met the Columbus brothers with the Duke in Malaga. As one of the few powerful men around James, he also knows how much the Duke has done a lot. Apparently, he and the Columbus brothers recruited crew members in Malaga. Preparing to sail has a lot to do.

Now being able to personally work for the duke makes the rosacea a rare opportunity, especially after seeing this pretty face of Sister Alfred, he is even more happy from the bottom of his heart.

"how is she?"

Sure enough, the Duke finally noticed the groggy nun, and watched Alexander walk to the bed and looked down at the seemingly awake Sister Alft. The rosacea wanted to speak, but was interrupted by James on the side.

"This woman is a witch," James said uncomfortably. "It must have been cursed by her."

"If you can be careful you won't have these troubles," Alexander shook his head. He felt that James was really a little nervous, but he was comforted by his contribution to Sister Alft. He "be careful, everything will be fine next, I will arrange someone to send her away, as for these few people ..."

Speaking of which, Alexander stopped to look at the three corpses lying in the room, then suddenly waved his hand.

"Leave them here, and leave their things back where they are," he stuffed the manuscript found in the young Martin into James ’hands, and then looked at the two who were puzzled. Say "As long as you don't leave traces that may find you, don't move anything."

James froze and nodded silently. Although he didn't know what Alexander was going to do, he knew that he must have his own purpose.

"What about this woman?" James asked again.

Alexander looked at Sister Alft on the bed.

The bedridden nun looked very special, her closed eyes seemed to be struggling to open, but she was dizzy because of the strength of the rum, so it was just a fan from time to time but blurred Her vision made her look weak and helpless, and a layer of abnormal blush appeared on the slightly dark skin, which was caused by the hotness caused by alcohol.

This made Alexander unable to associate, and it may be the case that the Queen of Portugal, Maria, was drunk.

Looking at the drunk young nun, Alexander suddenly smiled.

This Sister Alfred is of course a valuable bargaining chip for Don Bavey, but in fact he does not have much value.

However, if it is used well, it may not be useless.

At least he asked James to try his best to rob the woman, not just to get Don Bavey out of his way.

"You are optimistic about her, maybe it will be useful soon." Alexander glanced at the three bodies that had been moved to the corner of the room, and then gave a sigh and walked Sher out of the house.

Alexander walked along the street, the sun in the autumn afternoon was still hot, but he didn't care.

Martin Luther, the man who started an era, died inexplicably. It was funny to think about it, but Alexander didn't think much about it now.

He wondered how Grisaro would appear in that house, and what was his relationship with the dead Martin Luther.

Although he did not believe that Martin Luther was a member of the Jewish Assembly, Alexander could not help but think that it was not impossible to think about what happened later in history.

Regardless of whether it was indeed caused by him, Martin Luther is undoubtedly the cause of the 16th-century division of the Christian world. Even if this cause has already planted the seeds, it is after all that he broke the ground for this split seed. The first shovel was excavated.

Thinking of this, Alexander suddenly had an inexplicable thought in his mind. Although the thought was only fleeting, he seemed to have grasped a key to solve the problem that always troubled him.

Alexander hurried back to the Gantt Palace, and the thought was now in his heart, so that he could not grasp the context and the key for a moment. Until he saw the pope, he finally clarified his clues.

"Your Majesty, I have something to tell you."

"I also have something to tell you," the pope looked a little excited. He rubbed his hands and walked over to stand in front of Alexander to look at him. Then the pope stretched out his arms and hugged the arms of his son-in-law. "You did Yes, that Don Julio Mando took the initiative to hand us the olive branch. "

"is it?"

"Yes, he obviously cares about Ferdinand's support for me, so he has offered to provide a very generous amount of money for my villa in Valencia."

"That's really congratulations to your majesty," Alexander laughed. He originally made the pope's treasurer deliberately cause the illusion that the funds for the construction of the villa came from Ferdinand. This is the result today. Of course, his purpose is not to help the elders. Extorting a bribe, but to make the nobles of Toledo aware of the importance of Alexander VI.

And now a new plan is slowly brewing in his heart, which makes him feel that the pope seems to be not important enough.

"This is what I want to tell you. I want to let you know that there may be many facts that you find difficult to accept, but I believe you can understand how important this is to us."

Alexander ’s words made the pope look at him in a daze, but it was only for a short while. Alexander VI reached out and signaled his son-in-law to walk slowly into the courtyard with him: "Well, tell me, except you are There are no other secrets besides the illegitimate children of Enrique IV. Rest assured, even if you tell me that you and Sultan are brothers, I wo n’t be surprised, so let ’s say, what is it? ”

In a house in the city of Toledo, several dead bodies have been found for a long time. Among them, what is surprising is that there is Grisaro, the secretary of Chief Elder Don Julio Mando.

This made the chief veteran irritated. While strictly ordering the murderer to be caught, he couldn't help wondering why Grissarro died in that house.

What surprised the Chief Elder even more was that a manuscript that appeared to have just been written was found on the young body of the other two.

Although these manuscripts are completely different from the other documents he carries, regardless of the writing language, but the content of them is so that everyone who sees them can't help but be stunned by surprise and shock.

"1. When the Lord Christ **** said," People should confess and atone for their sins ", it means to confess for life."

"2. This confession does not come from a confession ritual, that is, a ritual not presided over by the priest."

"3. The power to forgive crimes can only come from the Lord, not people, so the church represented by the Pope and its priests have no right to forgive ..."

One by one, paragraph by paragraph, as he saw the content listed in the manuscript, anyone who saw the content couldn't help but dumbfounded, and even frightened by fear.

Even though the royal family has unparalleled prestige, the influence of the church in Iberia over the years is still profound and huge. This is why Ferdinand still uses Alexander VI ’s sermon to create doubts about Juana ’s ruling in order to establish himself. The future legitimacy of Castile Regency creates momentum.

But now, a syllabus-style interrogative question appears in front of people. Looking at the line above is enough to directly question the depths of the souls of the priests, everyone who sees the content of this manuscript can't help it. Feeling unspeakable fear in my heart.

Such a bizarre and outrageous article has something to do with the chief veteran's secretary. Even just thinking about it is enough to cause a huge uproar in Toledo.

Don Julio Mando was really frightened when he saw the content of the manuscript. He even heard Archbishop Toledo tremble like a drumstick trembling on the ground because of his anger and wandering wand.

That manuscript is like a red hot iron in everyone's hands, everyone wants to send this terrible thing to others as soon as possible.

And when people were uneasy, the pope's appearance made this embarrassing and even terrifying scene even stronger.

Alexander VI turned to the manuscript paper from a trembling assistant bishop. He narrowed his eyes and placed the manuscript paper very close, carefully watching it, while his lips moved slightly in silence.

Everyone, even the chief veteran, was silent, looking at the look on the pope's face nervously, but they didn't see the expected anger. On the contrary, the pope seemed interested in the content of the manuscript.

"Look at this paragraph," the Pope said to Alexander who was beside him. "'The Pope cannot forgive any sin debts, but can only declare and affirm that the sin debts have been forgiven by God. Those who leave him to judge, of course, can Forgiveness. If he crosses this thunder pool, the debt of sin will still exist ', I said, who of you can tell me what this means? "

The cunning words made all the people present look uneasy and looked at each other.

For the first time, the arrogant Toledo nobles lowered their heads in front of Alexander VI.

"There is this," Alexander VI raised the manuscript high with his forehead, and then said aloud, "If there is anyone to avoid all punishment, then there is only the most complete person, that is, the fewest people, In order to be able to get rid of all punishment, most people are inevitably deceived by this indiscriminate and exaggerated promise of exemption from punishment. "

Thinking of this, he stopped to look at the silent people standing around.

The pope ’s eyes were calm and not angry, but at this moment no one dared to meet his gaze. All the people bowed their heads in fear, even the guards who were far away, because of the infection The suffocating atmosphere quietly receded into the distance.

"I want to say that this is an article that I do n’t know what kind of vocabulary to use. From this way of writing, we may be able to call it a doctrinal syllabus, but I want to say that this is what I have seen. The most terrible and the most evil words. Every word in it is vivid because of its evil, "Alexander VI opened his mouth unhurriedly to the people in front of him, his tone was not because of anger. Looks higher than usual, but still calm and peaceful, just like the populated exiled pope when he first arrived in Toledo, but the extreme anger and the contagion in his words The **** coldness made no one doubt, and then there will be a terrible storm that may sweep Toledo and then Castilla.

"Where did these things come from?" The pressure of Alexander VI glanced at Archbishop Toledo who was standing not far away, and noticed that the bishop looked at Don Julio Mando's eyes as if he were Some unexpectedly looked at the Chief Elder "I think you can tell me."

Don Julio Mando's face was glaringly greeted by Alexander VI. He believed that the pope should have known what happened here before he came, but now he wants to be in front of everyone. Forcing himself to admit that these terrible things are related to his dead secretary, which makes Don Julio Mando feel like he is actively sending his head under the butcher's knife raised high.

"Excuse me, is that some German?" Alexander, who had been watching the good show, finally spoke. He took the manuscript from the pope and turned it several times, and took out several manuscripts with different writings. After reading "It's a pity that I don't understand these words, but I believe this should be German, so the person who wrote these things is from the north?"

Alexander ’s words made Don Julio Mando seem to grab the life-saving straw all at once. He even rudely grabbed the manuscripts and kept turning them, and then took out more German manuscripts from it. He kept saying: "Yes, this is German. I know what these things are written in. I'm going to find someone who understands. We need to know where these heresy and confusion come from. ! "

People who knew German were quickly called, and as a manuscript was translated, people finally knew that these things might come from an Austin seminary far away in the electoral country of Saxony, called Martin Lu After German monk's handwriting ~ ~ Everyone was relieved first, and then was shrouded in a larger suspicion.

"Dear Don Julio Mando, I believe in your piety and justice, and I believe you will never allow this kind of thing, but we all know that this is not a trivial matter, especially because it involves An electorate country needs to know where it is ruled by the emperor, and as far as I know, it seems that the emperor's son Philip is in your hands, so this thing ... "

Watching the chief veteran gradually turn white with his own words, Alexander VI, who was sympathetic and understanding, gave a chuckle, and then accompanied by Alexander, the people who bent down and bowed around Walk slowly.

Don Julio Mando looked at the backs of Wengsuo's face with anxiety. At this moment, he only felt cold on his body, and the sweat slowly ran down his forehead.

And in front, Alexander is whispering applause to Lao Zhangren's performance.

"You really surprised me," Alexander said loudly. "It's not your attitude towards them, but you can write such a good summary."

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