Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 170: Double King Battle (4) Deadline

Noto Port is a very small place. In the south of Sicily, because the coastline is rugged and complex, there are many places that form a natural good port, so Noto Port is not so conspicuous among these ports.

Moon Bay is a beautiful plain outside Noto Port. Every summer, locals hold a grand ceremony in Moon Bay to commemorate the earliest ancestors who left their mark in Noto Port in the early years.

At that time, Moon Bay was beautiful.

But now, this plain is full of thick smoke and pungent **** smell.

When it was discovered that the enemy from the road on the side of the port of Noto exposed unusually fierce firepower, Count Don Sandhud did not order an attack on the enemy on the high ground, but ordered the left wing to continuously attack the enemy. Decisive order to continue to approach the port of Noto.

At the time of this order, Earl Don Sandhud sighed with some emotion. He felt for the first time that he might have really underestimated the Wallachia who came from afar.

The count was very clear about the number of troops in the Wallachia army, but it was because of this that he felt that the female prince was much more courageous than he thought.

It has always been impossible for the army with a weaker force to defend. It is a normal choice to wait for defense. Although knowing this may mean completely abandoning the initiative, but really can take the initiative to attack when the situation is not good. Courage is not something ordinary people can possess.

The grand duke is obviously a very brave person. She even gave up the port of Noto with better defense conditions, and chose to attack herself in the open field, but this has made Earl Don Sanchod I admire her very much.

Only in spite of this, the count knew that her bravery was only a quicker defeat, and even thinking about it seriously, the granddaughter's actions were obviously unbelievable.

"Take the port of Noto before dark."

This is the order that Don Sanchod gave to his subordinates. Although the time he gave was not ample, it was not harsh. At least for his men, it seemed that this time was enough to drive the Balkan barbarians out of Noto. Too.

As for the next step, as long as you chase the sheep from behind, you can easily harvest their loot along the way.

The first to attack was the central unit that had arrived not far from the port of Noto and crossed a fishing net and a large string of dried fish fishing grounds, but the number of this unit was already comparable to that of the entire Wallachia , And their purpose is to break into the town outside the port of Noto.

"Occupy the town and you can drive out the Wallachia who are hiding in the port. They have only a few hundred troops in the town. After all, they have already put almost all of them on the road." Tang · Sanchod did not forget to carefully tell his officers what to do when he arranged the attack.

In this regard, Don Sandhud is a very rigorous person. What he likes is to follow the steps, even if the enemy is at a disadvantage, but he will also plan each step closely, and then let his men complete it step by step according to his intentions. The whole plan.

Stepping on the sand under the feet, every step forward seems to sink downwards. The strong smell on the fishing ground is uncomfortable. The spear in the hand of the Aragonese soldiers walking in the front row pierced the blocks in front of him. Tattered fishing net.

The discomfort at the feet and the large debris on the ground caused the advancing team to stagnate a little, and the team officer at the end of the row issued a loud cry to restrain the advancing soldiers.

There are also several rows of fishing nets hanging on the upright wooden poles in front, and the sparse figure can be seen vaguely behind the fishing nets.

The Aragonese soldiers clenched their spears and they were ready to fight the enemy.

A violent and screaming roar sounded at this moment, and the fishing nets hanging and hanging were suddenly headed towards the soldiers by two huge forces. Two artillery shells covered the Aragonese with a huge wall.

The violent tearing of the nets intertwined with the fishing net almost pulled the body of the Aragonese soldier covered in flesh and blood in a blink of an eye. In the Kung Fu, a terrible huge gap appeared in the queue of the Aragonese.

"Ah ~"

Sophia standing behind a stone wall uttered a "self-talk" without knowing what it meant. The people next to her didn't know it. She was actually a bit sorry.

Sophia firmly believes that she has the talent to command the army. At least this idea of ​​using fishing nets instead of hinged shells makes her feel really smart.

Although this idea was not actually her creation, it was a kind of artillery shell mentioned by Alexander when she was chatting with her in the Bucharest palace, but at that time Alexander also said helplessly to achieve that kind of artillery shell. What is called a "shotgun" still requires very harsh conditions.

But now Sophia feels proud to say to Alexander that the "fishing net bomb" she invented also achieved the effect he hoped for.

As the Qingqi artillery fired, the fierce battle began.

Earl Don Sanchod did not guess wrong. Years of experience and keen judgment on the battlefield made him estimate the number of enemies facing Noto Town.

Sophia's strength in the town is less than 700.

This is the elite of Sophia's "Dragon Cavalry". Unlike other troops that are composed of new and old soldiers, this Sophia's guard is composed entirely of veterans retired from the previous Balkan regiment of Montina. Powerhouse, or to be more precise, should be an army formed from the Montina army.

At the time, Alexander had told her to hand over the army to Sophia. Do not let the guard leave her at any time, because these soldiers had already received land and rewards in Montina, and they had become The leaders of Montina, so they are the most loyal army.

The dragon cavalry is almost entirely an army built by the veterans of the Balkan regiment. They are strictly trained and battled in the manner of the Balkan regiment. This makes many Wallachia nobles dislike these new troops, but they know this army. It is the elite of His Royal Highness.

As for the performance of such an army on the battlefield, many Wallachians feel that it is open to question, even though the Duke of Rome Thesia, who was the Count of Montina, led his army to beat the incompetent Ottomans, but Whether an army composed only of Wallachia can be as brave as the Montina army is another matter.

Now, Sophia has let all these speculations prove on the battlefield.

Fill, aim, shoot, and retreat.

Hundreds of dragon cavalrymen completed their tasks mechanically. When the horn sounded, the sound of a uniform gun shot could be heard from afar. Shooting does not need to aim at a target, but only according to the respective team. The officer ’s order is focused on a certain point, and then the trigger is pulled to complete the task.

This is a completely different way of fighting from the proud Ottoman marksman, and compared to the new Ottoman army who claimed to be able to shoot down the target of running immediately, Alexander never asked his soldiers how good the marksmanship is. They are not required to bother to shoot a certain officer or noble of the enemy, as long as they obey the orders, or even repeat the boring actions mechanically.

There may be accidents on the battlefield that change the situation because of the miracle created by the sharpshooter, but more often still rely on strong firepower.

Round after round, it was only Sophia ’s Guard that the Dragon Cavalry was fully equipped with firearms, so she arranged this unit in the town of Noto, and with the light cavalry, the Wallachia were in A terrible "dead line" was built in the southwest of Noto Town.

Earl Don Sanchod stared at the front with a solemn expression, he knew that he finally met his opponent, or still underestimated his enemies.

The Earl had seen the new army of Gonzalo. Although he never underestimated the army with the hot and cold weapons, he still felt that he still had a way to deal with such enemies.

At least he believes that the type of phalanx advocated by Gonzalo that pays too much attention to thickness may not be able to exert its power because of the obstacles of the terrain. Even because the Iberian army is not good at using cavalry on a large scale, it may cause inter-phalanx Unable to coordinate with each other, so as to give the enemy various opportunities to break through.

But he still admits that Gonzalo ’s phalanx vision has amazing power, especially that the Castilian actually genius put forward the idea of ​​allowing artillery and phalanx to attack at the same time, which can be said to completely subvert any previous use of artillery. The previous practice.

But now the count has found that he still does not really understand the actual power of Gonzalo's model army, and it is another opponent who completely surprised him that made him think.

The gunshot on the left is farther away, it should be that his army is chasing the Wallachia, but Count Don Sanchod is vaguely disturbed because he heard from time to time in the intermittent gunshots The sound of gunfire made him think that things might be very different from his previous guess.

The artillery is best known since the Ottomans captured the Urban Cannon of Constantinople.

But in Europe, it was the first Czech peasants in the Hussite War who did not follow the usual rules to put artillery on a carriage and pull it to the battlefield to compete with the enemy.

Unlike the artillery built on the turret, the Czech peasant army made the artillery truly a pioneer in establishing artillery positions anywhere on the battlefield.

Nevertheless, once faced with retreat in combat, those artillery became a great burden, retreating one side or discarding the spoils of the enemy, or directly destroying.

But now, although Earl Don Sanchod has heard that the left front seems to be getting further and further away from him, but under the fierce pursuit of his army, the enemy can still use artillery to shoot continuously?

Thinking of this, the count felt something disturbing.

The battle in front of the town continued, and under the fierce attack of the Aragonese, the enemy seemed to gradually retreat into the town.

This should have been a good thing, but looking at the formation of the town that was gradually chaotic due to the intricate terrain in the town, Earl Don Sandhud frowned secretly.

"We are about to win, sir." An officer said with a little excitement. "The enemy is brave, but we are better. As long as we continue to pursue, the next thing is to clean up the loot."

Don Sanchod glanced quietly at the officer. He didn't want his people to know his worries, which would make his people think.

He should not change the original plan for a victory that he is about to see.

But somehow, the count became more and more intense as he watched the troops disappearing in the town.

Sophia left Port Noto before the Guards retreated. She withdrew from the other side of Port Noto under the protection of a small group of guards, and then quickly retreated northeast along the coast of Moon Bay.

But she stubbornly refused the request of her followers to retreat farther, but stopped on the coast not far north of Port Noto.

Sophia rode on a black horse, and the horse was given to her by Alexander. It is said that the horse was brought by Pagasos from the current King of Bosnia, and then Alexander took the horse. Give it to Sophia.

Sophia loves this horse very much, except that it runs so fast, there is another reason that she thinks this horse will choose "husband" like her.

The retreating Balkan dragon cavalry once again stood on the beach. In fact, they retreated behind a temporary piled up low wall, and what constituted the low wall was a shallow half-deep pit dug on the beach In the sand.

The rifle was erected again, and the shallow pits and low walls formed a comfortable height that allowed the soldiers to comfortably aim at the Balkans who had poured out from several intersections in the town.

Sophia smiled proudly.

The crowded and intertwined roads of the town became an insurmountable obstacle, or the Aragonese who could have avoided all of them chose to go this way because they tried to defeat the female duke.

Because the Aragonese army had to be dispersed into a group to cross the town. At this time, there was no formation at all. When they came out of the other side of the town, they faced the Wallachian Dragoons who had been waiting.


Even the Guards as the Grand Duchess of Wallachia, all the commanders of the Dragon Cavalry Commanders who still retain the style of the Balkan regime have issued orders in accordance with the rules of the "former Montina Army".

The Dragoons were also accustomed to pulling the trigger again according to the order. The gunshots rang on the other side of the port of Noto, and everything seemed to be back to the beginning.

Earl Don Sanchod ’s hand slightly pulled the reins. His look at this time was already very unsightly. The sound of shooting again from the other side of the town made him suddenly seem to be going like this. The illusion of being dragged down.

Don Sanchod had this idea because he saw several horses in the town who had their legs broken because they didn't have time to take it away.

Looking at the horses who were struggling and trying to stand up on the ground, but only to whine in the end, the count suddenly realized a problem that he had neglected.

"Those Wallachians," Don Sanchod looked at the people around him and asked "How many cavalry do they have?"

The people who were asked this question showed a surprised look. According to their information, apart from a part of cavalry, the Wallachia mostly landed directly on the coast of Noto Port by boat, and because of this, they not only compared The Naples coalition arrived at the port of Noto earlier and was able to take a short break here.

And Don Sanchod took advantage of the Wallachia's premature advancement and chose them first after making various break-through decisions.

But now, Don Sanchod's problem makes him and his people suddenly feel like they have made a huge mistake.

The sound of the guns on the left wing was always on, and it seemed that the two sides were constantly shifting their positions from the beginning. Listening to the sparse and dense gunshots at that time, Don Sandhud gripped the reins and slowly tighten .

"Recall all troops immediately and withdraw to the port of Noto."

The earl's order surprised the people around him, but no one questioned it. With the horns, the Aragon army began to gradually withdraw to the town.

With a "bang", an Aragonese soldier fell to the ground. His shield was hit by a huge impact of lead bullets, and the edge swept **** his forehead. The blood immediately ran down his nose.

However, the soldier climbed up and backed away with difficulty, and on the beach behind him, the Aragonese were dying or injured.

The Wallachia did not chase. In fact, they were also very tired at this time. At least many people's eyes were already smoked with gunpowder and could not be opened.

Sophia looked to the west, the high ground in the distance blocked the setting sun, and the sea to the east was already covered with a layer of darkness.

The early arrival of winter night brought the battle to an end earlier than expected, but for Sophia, it was just the beginning.

Until he saw that the Wallachias were riding on horses and pulling away from each other in the distance, Earl Don Sanchod said nothing. ~ The first team withdrew from the highlands to God The Gong army looked very tired. They even stopped on the road not far from the town, and a group of Andorra cavalry further away changed from a fast run to a slow walk.

The Earl already knew from the report of the officers of the left-wing troops that they were fighting with a light cavalry armed with sabers and short muskets and equipped with a portable horse-drawn artillery that could be carried quickly.

Now he already knows that army, known as the "Dragon Cavalry" by the Wallachia Grand Duke.

The tumultuous battlefield has quieted down, and both sides of the day have paid a great price.

But Count Don Sanchod knew that he had actually failed in this first confrontation because his enemies were less than half of him.

"It's just at the Port of Nottingham." Earl Don Sandhud stood on the pier and looked at the sea that had been completely enveloped by darkness. Hearing the sound of the waves like a low roar in the distance, the earl smiled leisurely. You still have to fight. "

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