Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 171: Double King Battle (5) Valkyrie on the battlefield

The tragic battle is so terrible, it seems that the undulating "hills" on the open ground far away from the beach of death are the result of this battle.

The bodies of 212 Aragonese soldiers were buried in the open space, and the erected cross looked like a dry arm protruding from the ground, so terrible in the night.

Earl Don Sanchod personally presided over the requisition mass for the soldiers who died in battle. This was a rare act of kindness for a noble. Although his move was also questioned by other nobles, at least the army with low morale Somehow got angry.

After consulting with the army priest, Earl Don Sanchod ordered to gather up the limbs that no longer belonged to, and dug a large pit on the beach, then poured the large barrel of olives found in the town of Noto After the oil, a large fire turned these broken bodies into ashes.

212 were killed in battle and 47 were missing. This is the price paid by the Aragonese in today's battle. Although knowing that the enemy will certainly lose a lot, this is undoubtedly a very bad result for the Aragonese army with superior strength.

What ’s more troublesome is that the Wallachians obviously do n’t want to fight an upright battle with them. With the speed and firepower of the musketeers and light cavalry, the price paid by the Wallachia in this battle is obviously to be Much less than the Aragonese, which made Earl Don Sanchod aware of the seriousness of the situation.

According to the count ’s plan, he should have defeated the Wallachia first, and then waited for the arrival of the Naples coalition.

But the unusual toughness of the Wallachia caused his plan to be frustrated, and now the Aragonese are facing a very troublesome situation.

Withdrawing Kalibo was impossible, but the count did not think it meant that his plan had failed.

The location of the port of Noto is a bit strange, and the mountains on both sides are not suitable for the army to pass through, so a avenue passing through the port of Noto has become the only way to connect the east and the west of southern Sicily.

Earlier, when I heard that the Wallachia occupied Port Noto, Earl Don Sanchud was secretly surprised that the other party had occupied this key place in the south of Sicily so quickly, but now, seeing the Wallachia so He happily gave up the port of Noto, especially the occupation of that avenue, but the count was somewhat grateful that the enemy was too dependent on cavalry.

Although the night was already deep, the Aragonese army had no camp. According to the order of the count, they all occupied the road along the highland east and west in front of the town. In order to take the initiative in the battle on the second day, the count even came in person. At the front, the soldiers were urged to dig trenches all night.

A ray of dawn floated on the eastern sea, and the originally dark sky and earth suddenly appeared as bright as the light, but the winter sun was red and icy, even though it was blowing from the sea on this originally warm Mediterranean Sea The wind blew on his face and seemed cold and biting.

A red sphere slowly floated from the water, the dark blue water gradually stained with rose red, the bright light across the beach, the pier, the port and the highlands extended towards the inland direction, and gradually the darkness receded, the light arrival.

Earl Don Sanchod brushed the dew off his body. He was not too young, even a few years older than Ferdinand, so the hard night spent in the wilderness was a big torment for him.

But looking at the trenches that had been dug out in haste, the count was somewhat relieved.

Yesterday ’s setbacks did not discourage the Earl, and no one knew he had sent someone to Kalibo, where he left a guard of more than 100 people, but that was not the purpose of the unit to defend Cari. The port of Po, but to get in touch with the returning Aragonese fleet.

According to the report of the fleet transporting the Expeditionary Forces, the Aragonese fleet is on the way back, so as long as they divert to Noto, the situation may be more favorable than before.

Earl Don Sanchod thought this way and the servant next to him took a sip of coffee. Although he did n’t like this bitter drink very much, it seems that nowadays Castilla ’s court is gradually drinking it. thing.

Maybe you should follow along to study the so-called exquisiteness, or maybe you will soon be more elegant in the luxurious court of Bariardo.

Earl Don Sanchod thought with a slight smile on his lips. The failure of the previous day did not affect his emotions. When he got the report that the Aragon fleet was about to return, he already knew that it was not land that decided the victory of the expedition. Battle, but a battle at sea.

The coalition forces have no strength to compete with the Aragonese fleet at sea, so the final victory or defeat of this war is actually doomed at the beginning.

Perhaps the Queen of Naples could withdraw from Sicily early on the opportunity, but then she would pay for the stupid behavior before, probably she would be ordered to lead the expedition to Naples, but now it seems that she may not wait for that time. , Everything can be solved on Sicily.

Earl Don Sanchod pondered this, and his gaze looked to the Wallachia army that had appeared faintly in the distance.

Several heavy rifles were mounted on the wooden frame that was planted in front of the trench, and the shooter behind waited patiently.

The transposition of the offensive and defensive sides has restored the morale of the Aragonese army. Looking at the Wallachians running back and forth in the distance, Count Don Sanchod is more looking forward to.

Although he feels that the enemy will not take the initiative to attack when the military is at a disadvantage, the count still hopes for a "miracle".

What the Aragonese did not expect was that as the cavalry lined up in the distance gradually lined up, there was a continuous horn among the Wallachia.

"Adult, are they going to ... attack?"

Because he was so unbelievable that even when he asked this sentence, an officer with a sceptical face looked at Don Sanchod with a stunned face, and when he saw the Earl ’s eyes narrowed slightly, the officer could n’t help but look back into the distance. The Wallachia looked away.

From the Aragonese, you can vaguely see that the Wallachians on the opposite side seem to be preparing for the attack. A team of cavalry runs back and forth. Between the gap of the team.

The sharp saber shone in the morning light, and the Wallachia's queue stretched into a long horizontal line in front of the position, but apparently in order to expand their frontage, they inevitably became very shallow.

Earl Don Sanchod raised his finger and pointed to what appeared to be prominent on the right side of the enemy front.

From behind the Wallachia, people could see that some artillery cars that had unloaded their pack horses moved forward slowly.

An officer immediately issued a sharp whistle, and his men heard the whistle begin to follow him in that direction.

"Remember to stare at that place once the battle begins. The Wallachia seem to want to attack us from that direction with artillery."

The count told his men to try to make him look as relaxed as possible, but somehow, the unusual behavior of the Wallachia still made him feel a little uneasy.

Even the most mediocre general knows how unwise it is to attack an enemy who is superior in strength, or that it can no longer be said to be crazy but purely stupid, but the Wallachias in front of them are so remote.

Don Sanchod felt that there should be something neglected by him, or a conspiracy by the enemy, but he could not remember what it was for a while.

Even though a great price has been paid, the overwhelming strength of the Aragonese is sufficient to lose, and the situation of the Wallachia is bound to get worse.

Don Sanchod looked in the direction of the enemy's position, his eyes puzzled and puzzled, and then he secretly pressed the uneasiness in his heart.

The Wallachia began to move, and there was a little commotion on the Aragonese position, but the front stabilized.

Don Sanchod arranged his army on the side of the road. With the curved terrain of the Moon Bay behind him, the Aragonese front was like a slightly raised arc.

"Don't let them confuse," Don Sandhud told the subordinates to tell his subordinates, "If they retreat, follow them, don't chase them easily, but don't let any enemies approaching the front let them escape."

When such an order was given, Don Sanchod could not help looking in the direction of the enemy. He believed that the Wallachia used their speed to destroy their front line, and then took the opportunity to destroy them separately.

"Not this time," Don Sanchod whispered to himself as he watched the Wallachia gradually form an offensive formation in front of his front and slowly raised his hand.

The heavy musketeers were ready immediately. They had been told that they might face the Wallachian light cavalry charge today. Although this sounded a bit dangerous, they saw the formations in the trenches that were already ready to move forward. The spearman and the heavy musketeer all settled down slightly.

The ground was shaking, and the Wallachia light cavalry began to run back and forth along the edge of the farther position.

The Aragonese soldiers clenched their weapons in their hands, and they stared at the enemy opposite, guarding against their actions with vigilance.

When the cavalry attacked the infantry formation, most of them were more harassing and using their powerful mechanical power to affect the enemy's formation, and then took the opportunity to find a gap to quickly divide the enemy.

This style formed from the time of Alexander the Great once became the only method of European cavalry tactics, but with the advent of the Cavaliers era, the fearless charge against the enemy became the only manifestation of bravery.

This so-called courage, which was exerted by the French to the extreme, did not change dramatically until Akincourt was knocked down with the knights.

A team of Wallachia finally started to attack the Aragon position. They did not directly rush towards the enemy, but first swept diagonally along the edge of the enemy position, and then suddenly with a protruding corner, toward their movement because of their inability to be involved The gaps in the shaky Aragonese position were inserted fiercely!

"Shooting ~"

One after another the order rang from the position, and the roar of the heavy rifle immediately rang through the position.

Several Wallachia fell to the ground with their guns, and the losing horseman still ran forward along with the team. When they saw the spears standing in front of them, they instinctively stood up because of the fear of danger, but This cannot change the fate of being pierced by the oncoming blade.

"The spearmen march!"

Such orders began to sound on the battlefield, and as the Wallachia encountered setbacks during the offensive, the Aragonese began to fight back.

Violent artillery sounds rang from the Wallachia position, shells flew through the open space between the two sides and penetrated into the Aragonese position, hitting a series of shallow pits on the ground.

However, this did not pose a great threat to the Aragonese. At the same time, a group of Aragonese soldiers who had been waiting impatiently according to the orders of Don Sanchod began to face the artillery of Wallachia under the cover of their companions The position approached.

"The barbarians don't seem to be much worse than the Catalans, at least we are dealing with an enemy who is worthy of the opponent." Don Sanchod said to his men, looking at Wallachia The man finally launched an attack, and the count was relieved at this time.

The battle has already begun, just as if the horse raced and ran for nothing, nothing could stop it.

A fight is inevitable.

The Wallachia apparently still want to find the enemy ’s weak parts through rapid movements. They run on the position and try to hit the gap of the enemy position again and again, but the result of this is in addition to being encountered. The Aragonese faced a head-on attack, and there was no gain anymore.

Several shells fell in the Aragonese queue. The screams of the people who were hit were frightening, but the Wallachian artillery finally had to start retreating in the Aragonese approaching. .

Don Sanchod let out a breath, then remembered his previous worries and couldn't help laughing at his nervousness.

At Wallachia's position, Sophia stared closely at the battlefield, her hands hidden under the cloak trembling slightly, and a book that had already been deformed by her made a soft tear in her hand.

"His Royal Highness, you should leave here quickly." The attendants around me anxiously dissuaded, and at the same time looked at the advisor next to him, they were waiting for Bodped's hint that once the old Greek man allowed them, they would Will desperately take Sophia away from the battlefield.

Seemingly aware of the thoughts of the attendants, Sophia turned her head to look at Bodped and then looked back at the battlefield.

No one knew what was written in the book she was holding, and even Sophia couldn't understand it at all.

This book was given to her by Alexander. Before that, although she was determined to want to study the content of the book, but every time she listened to the person reading it for her, Sophia ended up sleepy. This painful experience.

But at this time, a sentence in the long article called "Yu Zhushu" appeared in her mind very miraculously.

"Once the determination to fight cannot be shaken easily, the key to a triumphant battle victory may be who can stick to the last five minutes."

"Ah ~" Sophia finally raised her hand with determination, seeing her move, the people around her couldn't help but look different.

Bodepede's body moved, and he noticed that the several attendants beside him were already eager to try, but the Greeks couldn't help but hesitant to watch the eyes of the Grand Duke staring at the battlefield motionless.

At this moment, Sophia turned to him.

"Have you decided?" Bodped asked in a low voice. Seeing Sophia nodded silently, the Greeks reluctantly took a step back.

As Sophia's raised arm waved down steadily, waiting for the nearby Dragoon Guards to mount, they first carefully inspected the short muskets they carried. With the whistle, the guards began to slowly Before moving.

"Sir, look!"

A follower standing behind the position suddenly pointed to a distant cloud of smoke and shouted to Don Sanchod, "Those Wallachians!"

Although there are a lot of Wallachia, this person's words immediately caught everyone's attention.

They all know that the Wallachian who was said to be the follower was the same Wallachian force who had been hit hard by the day before at the port of Noto and outside the town.

"They are about to charge, sir." The good-eyed follower shouted again, and many people stood on tiptoes towards the enemy who suddenly entered the battlefield.

"This is probably the last bargaining chip of the granddaughter," Don Sandhud smiled to his men. "Okay, let's see if they can stop our attack again."

The horn sounded, and the Aragonese troops began to emerge from the trenches one after another.

The long queue gradually contracted inwards from the crescents that arched outwards. The Andoraut cavalry on both sides had begun to eagerly prepare to attack the enemy's flanks. Their eyes flashed with excitement. As the honor of cavalry, they hungered The powerful enemies confront each other.

The dragon cavalry guards started to jog, and their speed was not fast. When the front team leader couldn't stop blowing their unique whistles, everyone raised their short muskets neatly. They began to change direction gradually, all muskets In one direction, the coverage of firepower reached its peak at this moment.

The fierce gunfire rang through the battlefield in an instant, and the side of the Dragon Cavalry Guards was almost completely shrouded in gunpowder from the muzzle, waiting for the gunpowder to disperse. They rushed towards the Aragonese.

"Won." Don Sanchod laughed. Although the round of shooting almost made a gap in the front of the Aragonese soldiers, the troops behind him immediately blocked it.

"Let's attack." Don Sanchoud gave the order. He knew that with this elite investment, the Grand Duke of Wallachia had put all the chips in her hand, and it was time for him to harvest the fruits of victory.

Drumming sounded on the Aragon position, and the last team of sword shields also carried the heavy shield and one-handed sword on their backs, and then took off the heavy heavy sword and started to move forward.

Aragon ’s full-line offense started ~ ~ Ah ... "

Seeing Aragon ’s flag moving, Sophia standing behind her position sighed softly, her hand hidden in the cloak stretched out, looking at the book that had been squeezed in her hand, her face appeared Distressed look.

"The key to determining the victory of an arduous battle may be who can stick to the last five minutes."

Sophia silently carried the only thing she remembered in her heart, a smile on her tired face.

In the last five minutes, I did it. Sophia raised her head proudly and looked towards the high ground in the distance.

The golden sun was shining, and under the dazzling sunlight, a flag slowly appeared on the high ground.

Immediately afterwards, the continuous horn sounded.

A coalition of trade unions appeared behind the Aragonese.

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