Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 204: 1503: The Battle of Europa (2) Prologue

Nikolai Machini hurriedly crossed the street, trotting under his feet, the mess of various documents and papers in his arms was clattered by the wind.

Machini passed through the crowd, squeezed through several street vendors, and ran across a small wooden bridge.

Then stop at the door of a street-facing house behind the chapel of St. Doni.

This is a small 2-storey building. Compared with the neighbors, this house looks much smaller.

Mackney knocked **** the door, and hurriedly squeezed in as soon as the door opened.

"My uniform, hat, belt, and boots, find me out quickly."

As soon as he ran into the room, Mazzini hurriedly commanded the servant, and then he quickly ran back to his room and put the things in his arms on the table.

"What happened to Nikolay," Mazzini's mother came from another room and watched the son who was in the room and was messing up and packing up. "Where are you going, isn't it good tonight?" Do you want to have dinner with the Poloranti family? You know that your father has decided to announce with old Poloranti that you and his daughter are engaged."

"Oh, then you announce it," Mazzini responded casually while tucking a few pieces of tights into her bag. "Anyway, as long as I am engaged with the woman, it doesn't matter if I am myself." "

"How can you talk like this?"

Old Macheney came over and scolded his son with dissatisfaction: "You now have a decent errand at the Duchess, and you will soon inherit the family business, but people like ours are not real enough if they don't have good family ties. Decent, getting married to the Poloranti family did not shame you."

"Okay, I admit that it's an honour to be married to this family, but now I have something more important to do, my father please tell me old Poloranti and his daughter-in-law if they are not afraid of her A fiancé who is dying at any time, I am not opposed to this matter."

"What, are you going to fight?"

Hearing here, he found that his son was preparing military uniforms. Mazzini immediately panicked. He ran over and wanted to take away the saber he took off from the wall. Son, old Macheney kept complaining.

"Duke, I mean that the Duchess of Lucrezia has appointed you a clerical office, or is she on duty in the court, but why would you suddenly want to be a soldier again?"

"Father, I have been the company captain of the Pisa Regiment of the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany, so I have to return to active service now," Mazzini said, slamming his foot on the floor with a hard bang, and then I twisted my toes in my boots to make myself more comfortable. "If you have nothing else, I have to rush to the barracks now, but don't move the things in my room, especially the manuscripts I just got back. precious."

Having said that, before waiting for his parents to ask anything, Mazzini hurried out of the house again.

In April 1503, just as the Iberian peninsula was full of battle clouds, also in Italy, the smell of smoke had become stronger and stronger.

In fact, at the end of March, as the Austrian army crossed Milan and moved towards Palma, the signal of war was already very strong.

On March 31, Skope, Duke of Palma, appealed to the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany.

On April 5, the Regent of the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany, the Duchess Valenti de la Gumbre wrote a personal letter to the Emperor Emperor Maxim.

In the letter, Barendi unequivocally stated that the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany has an obligation to protect Palma’s independence and security. If the Imperial Army insists on threatening the security of Palma, a member of the Confederation of Rome, the Principality You will have to be forced to fulfill your promise to the alliance.

This is the first time that the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany has officially announced the name "Roman Thesia Confederation".

This effect is even stronger than the Austrian threat to Palma.

On April 7, two days after the letter was sent out, Barenti announced as a regent that the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany entered war mobilization.

The next day, the Duchess of Estres in Pisa announced preparations.

On the same day, the Florence government announced the sending of volunteers to join the Pisa regiment.

On the same day, Constantine, Duke of Ferrara, who claimed to be the Duke of Milan, declared the Austrian army entering the Milan area an intruder.

On April 10, Bishop Marimo of Romagna departed from Bologna, patrolling the Archdiocese, and at the same time publicly held a blessing mass for all Roman Thesia troops.

Macheney rushed to Montina with his company on the afternoon of April 10.

He was the first unit of the Pisa regiment to reach Montina, but his purpose was not to simply meet with the Montina army, but to "list in".

In Alexander’s vision, the future imperial army was flexible and loose, yet had a unified command.

In peacetime, the armies of various principalities and territories will station and maintain the security of their own countries, but in wartime, these armies need to quickly form a unified command of the joint army.

This requires that these troops can often learn from each other and participate in joint joint exercises.

When the war comes, at least one country must be able to have a unit to act with the forces of other countries to form a complete Confederate armed force.

The company of Mazzini was the force directly transferred to this Confederate Armed Forces in the Pisa Regiment. Most of them had participated in Bucharest and the Second Romagna War.

So when Machini arrived, he did not feel any strangeness and discomfort, but the entire company quickly joined the battle sequence of the Roman Thesia army.

In Italy, no one knows what is happening on the Iberian side. It will take a long time for the messenger to reach the news. Perhaps by then many things have already come to fruition.

However, no matter which side of the two sides communicated with friends in another peninsula in advance, the two peninsulas on the European continent almost invariably opened up in April 1503.

On April 12, this was originally a very common day, but this day was destined to be recorded in the history of Italy.

At noon, a horse-drawn carriage drove along the avenue along Lake Garban, which was occupied by the Austrians from Piacenza to Palma.

In the car were several Austrian soldiers who were dizzy by the sun above them.

When the carriage moved to a place not far from a small bay in Lake Garban, they were blocked by the Parma City Defence Force who had set up a clamp here.

I don't know if the hot weather makes people feel irritable, or it will happen sooner or later, no one can remember which side started first.

Soldiers on both sides launched a small-scale **** clash on the side of the river, which was destined to have a huge impact.

The battle was very short from the beginning to the defeat of the Palma, but the subsequent changes were unexpected.

Just before the Austrians were cut down and the cheers of the Parma City Defense Army had not stopped, a team of light cavalrymen who suddenly ran from the direction of Palma broke into the scene of the conflict.

Xueliang's sharp saber almost did not hesitate to the Austrian soldiers who had not responded, and then just before their bodies had fallen, the light cavalry had swept past them, towards them behind them The companion who was running over to help rushed over.

The emergence of Bohemian light cavalry was completely unexpected by these Austrians, or they never thought that the war was coming without warning.

What happened next was completely unexpected by the Austrians.

With Palma as the center, the Roman Thesia army quickly appeared at both ends of the already famous "Genoa-Parma-Po River" defense line.

The Western Corps under the command of Gompati and the Eastern Corps under the command of Aufrei appeared at various positions on the defense line almost overnight.

This surprised the Austrians who had been advancing slowly like an outing, especially the Earl of Graz, who was at the forefront of the entire force, was completely stunned by this sudden change.

The reason why Earl Graz will become the striker of the entire Austrian army is not because of his bravery and warfare, but because his territory is under the northern **** of the Alps that borders northern Italy.

After crossing this natural border mountain range, the Earl of Graz’s troops could enter Northern Italy smoothly.

Because of this, in the previous wars that invaded Italy, Maximilian made the earl a vanguard to fight for himself.

In the past experience of Earl Graz, the war has always been slow, and even if the two sides may have exchanged fire at any time on the battlefield, it may still be a few days.

Or even if it has reached a point where there is nothing to talk about, it may still take a long time to really fight.

Because this requires the establishment of a camp, hoarding supplies, and waiting for follow-up troops. If it is in winter, it may be that both parties have to spend the winter before seeing the true chapter.

This was the case with previous wars. Procrastination may take months or even years, so no one on the Austrian side thinks that they might have to fight the enemy's life and death as soon as they declare war.

But this time they were obviously wrong.

As early as March, when it was determined that the war was inevitable, Alexander clearly stated in his letter to Barendi that he would wage a "new and true war."

This will be a brand new war carried out with completely different strategies and tactics.

Quickly and decisively, once the strategic determination was made, the unwavering implementation of the action was confirmed in February when Gompati and Offrei were appointed commanders of the two armies of the northern line of defense. Down.

This is a war that can be said to be a real long-planned war. For nearly two months, the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany prepared everything for the war with a speed and efficiency that no one else could understand.

When Barendi wrote to Maximian, the eastern and western legions of the northern defense had entered a forward position only a few miles from the defense.

At this time, the Austrians are still enjoying the warmth and comfort brought to them by the Italian spring in Milan.

In all this, one person played a very important role.

The rumors that the former Prime Minister Kotzach spread in the Vienna court became the fog of war that blocked the eyes of the Austrians.

With the large number of gold coins at the expense of the Fugor family at their expense, many people believe Kotzach’s statement that “despite the boldness of the Duke of Rome Theseia, he is not a lunatic”.

They are more willing to believe that the threat of war is just the poor diplomatic means of the upstart Duke, and he just wants to keep his current territory.

Perhaps when necessary, he would swing a few sharp claws like an irritated cat, but in the face of the emperor, he would still obediently withdraw his nails.

Therefore, some friction between the two sides on the border is inevitable. There may even be one or two battles of some scale, but a real war will not erupt.

At least, the Duke of Rome Thesia had neither the courage to provoke war nor the strength.

The Austrians believe that this statement is too much.

This includes both the nobles in the court and generals in the army.

But most importantly, the emperor himself believed this statement.

Maximian believed that the reason that Alexander dared not wage war was because he saw the treatment of his old rival Louis XII.

He believes that since Alexander did not dare to actually offend the French king, even after winning, he still politely signed an agreement with the French, so he must have the same attitude towards the emperor.

It took Barendi nearly a week from receiving Skop's request for a response, and even convinced the Austrians who occupied Milan that the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany was a pretentious scarecrow.

Some people even suggested that it would be better to go south all the way, invade Romagna, and capture Montina.

So when the Austrians heard that there was a conflict with the Defense Forces of the City of Palma, the troops of the Earl of Graz, who was stationed in Piacenza as a striker, immediately mobilized and advanced in the direction of Palma.

But Earl Graz was a cautious man. Instead of sending only one company to avenge the Palma, he sent his entire unit directly to the battlefield.

He believes that only this scale of mobilization is enough to allow the Parma to make the due compensation.

As the striker of the Austrian troops in Northern Italy, the Earl of Graz has about 1,100 troops.

Then his unit hit the front of the Gompati Corps, which was located on the left wing of the northern defense.

When he saw the Bohemian cavalry behind the rolling hills in the distance, the Earl of Graz just began to feel a little surprised, but he still did not realize the changes in the situation.

He ordered the troops to stop advancing in a neat array of spears, and wondering whether they should wait until the enemy cavalry approached, and ordered few musketeers in the troops to shoot them away.

But in this way, it is likely to scare the enemies behind, if that is the case, the opportunity to punish the Palma people will be lost.

So the Earl considered taking out the nasty cavalry with bows and muskets after contacting the enemy short soldiers, and then launched a massacre of the enemy's infantry.

"This should be enough for those Parma people to know how to respect others."

After the earl told his plan to his men, he received a compliment and flattery on his well-planned plan.

Then the Austrians saw the cavalry rushing far to the flanks of their positions, when the count felt vaguely wrong.

The purpose of the cavalry seems obvious, and they intend to cut off the retreat of the Austrians.

This made the earl realize that in addition to these cavalry, there is likely to be an enemy army on the front that may not be inferior to his own.

The count immediately ordered all the troops to form a battle formation. He needed to set up his position first, while occupying favorable terrain.

But soon he discovered a terrible truth.

He is not facing an enemy of the size he imagined, but a whole army of enemies.

With the core of the Montina Regiment, it has formed a force of 4,400 troops from the Western Army of the Northern Defense Line formed by the troops that have been previously drawn from Pisa and Florence.

From the east of Palma to the Po River, two Balkan regiments commanded by Ofrei were the main force, and at the same time, they joined the Eastern Corps of nearly 5,300 men of most of the Bologna regiment.

This arrangement is because Alexander always has great vigilance against the Venetians, so he put the main force of the legion on the right wing of the entire line of defense. .

There are 9,700 people, which is almost all the strength that Alexander can invest in Northern Italy. Of course, there are many veterans who have been fighting with him for many years, but more of them are new recruits who have just recruited.

Just like the original army of Montina and Naples, Alexander needed to use a war to temper his almost completely new army.

"Either rise with the Duke of Rome Theseia, or sink together, we have no way out."

The word that Nomelo told Skop once again appeared when Alexander VI was sent away, but this time it was in a letter written by Skop to Nomelo.

Smart choice Nomelo, who jumped aside when the great ship of Alexander VI will sink, is now the protector of Rome.

When I received the almost hesitated and made a decision.

He began to live in the city of Rome. With years of operation and the close relationship he has now established with the old Cardinal Rovere, Nomelo raised a large amount of supplies in a short time.

Then these materials were quickly transported to Northern Italy through the forces of the land and sea parties through the trade union.

"This is a new war in a true sense, a way that has never been used before. This war will change the form of future wars. But the first thing to change is the future European pattern."

Alexander described this in his letter to his wife.

Later, this letter became the future guide for the war of the Roman Confederacy.

On April 12th, on the shore of Lake Garban, about fourteen miles from Palma, the Roman Thesia army wiped out the troops commanded by the Earl of Graz in Austria.

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