Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 205: 1503: The Battle of Europa (3) My sister...

Rio Town is a real town.

This small town of only a few hundred people sits on a hillside in the southern plains of Seville.

The whole town stretches along the hillside in the direction of Seville.

From the top of the highest mountain, almost all the roofs of the town can be seen.

There are two trails leading from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, one of which extends to the plain in the direction of Seville, and the other leads from behind the mountain to a forest.

The location of Leo Town is not very dangerous, at least because of years of peace, a camp on the top of the town where soldiers once stood was deserted, and it has become a meeting place for people in the town.

As the Andalusian noble masters suddenly ran out of trouble and rebelled, the camp was reopened.

Several soldiers stood on the barracks of the barracks and looked at the plain below. The faint sound of gunfire from the distance from the city of Seville was disturbing.

These soldiers were secretly thankful that they could escape the fighting that was erupting in Rio. Although some of them hated to win their heads, most of them still hoped to escape the scourge of peace.

A soldier jumped on the fence to untie his pants and wanted to make it easier. In fact, he did this more because he saw several young women passing by in the gap in the house below.

Just after he untied his belt, the man suddenly made a strange cry. He beckoned his companion and pointed them at a distance on the plain below the mountain, but it did not mean that the companions came over, and his cry was louder.

"Someone is coming, there is an army!"

The soldier shouted indiscriminately, pulling his belt, and then he waited for the companion beside him to see clearly. He jumped from the head of the wall, grabbed a trombone poked in the corner, and blew up with great strength.

The sound of the horn immediately stunned the wild birds in the bird's nest on the roof of the town. The birds in the nest screamed, and a large number of birds circulated around the town.

"It seems that we have been found," Kurash pulled out the saber from the saddle beside him a little helplessly. He rubbed the blade on the greasy shiny sleeve, and then slashed in the air. "Occupy this town!"

With his orders, the soldiers who were not marching fast started to run, and as Kurash issued the order again, many people threw away the messy things that were carried on their bodies while running.

"Throw away those useless bottles and jars. If I see any unlucky ghost still carrying a pot or a spoon, I will hang him upside down and hang it in the town until it rots."

Kurash yelled at the soldiers, and when he heard several running soldiers clashing with dingers, he waved the saber sparingly and cut off one of the heavy backpack straps.

"If you let me see you dare to pick up those tatters, the next knife is your neck."

Kurash's warning obviously worked, although he was angrily, but the soldiers had to endure the pain and threw the bits and pieces with them, and followed the brigade to the distant hill.

"Listen, I don’t know why the queen must occupy that town, but if you haven’t finished the work before dark, you know what will happen."

Kurash's words startled the soldiers, and some people looked back involuntarily.

"Those gunners who kill thousands of knives will use us as targets. If you don't want to be pushed forward by the shells, just occupy the town before the artillery arrives."

Kurash kept pushing, and urging himself.

Kurash participated in the **** battles of the Ottomans and once fought against the Poles under the Grand Duke Stefan of Moldova. He considered himself a veteran with rich war experience.

But since he came to the army of Queen Naples, he discovered that the wars he had fought in before were equally brutal, but compared with the fighting style of the Naples army, it seemed that there was a feeling of playing in the game.

He never imagined that one day he would take the soldiers and charge the cannonball forward.

He still remembers the shock when he saw the Naples army doing this for the first time in Siena, and after joining the Naples army, he was even more impressed by the Queen's almost crazy fighting style.

So now Kurash only hopes to get the town before the artillery enters the shooting position, otherwise, as he said, they may have to be rushed forward by the shells.

However, Kurash is not ignorant of the importance of the town of Rio. Before the departure, the queen had summoned him and explained to him how important this town is for the upcoming Seville battle.

The town of Rio is located on the southern plains of the city, and the dominance of the terrain has strangled the main road to the south. If the Andalusian nobles want to retreat south, they must pass by near the town of Rio.

Especially after the royal army had blocked the Guadalville River to the Atlantic Ocean, the plains south of the city became the only way for the Andalusian nobles to escape Seville.

In Alexander’s conception, he did not want to wipe out the Andalusian nobles in the city of Seville. This is not a good idea. If he wants to completely end the Castile problem in the next short time Instead of letting Iberia fall into a long civil war, killing all the nobles is really the worst choice.

But for the siege of Seville, the occupation of Rio Town also played a crucial role.

When the Kurash sent back to report that the town of Leo had been occupied, the news about the king's army happened to be delivered to Ruosha.

The spring flood made the water level of the Guadavier River so much, and the extremely turbulent water caused a lot of trouble for the ships traveling on the river. Rare opportunity.

Following the water, there was little chance for the Seville garrison to rush over the fortress of the river bank. A royal army quickly found a tidal flat and landed smoothly. Then the royal army was clever and did not stay in place. Instead, he turned his head and attacked the defenders along with the troops that were besieging the fortress on the river bank.

The battle ended unexpectedly and smoothly. Before noon, the two fortresses on the banks of the Guadalville River had been lost, and the ships carrying the royal soldiers began to advance along the river into the city of Seville.

"Gonzalo is really not very good to deal with," Alexander handed the report to the frowning Rosa, seeing her unhappy look, Alexander smiled lightly. "But isn't that what we need?"

"But you yourself said that Gonzalo was not easy to deal with."

Ruosha's eyes stayed between Seville and the east of a red line marked with the main force of the king's army, and then she tapped the red line gently with the baton in her hand.

"He is waiting for our response, and he has not used the model army so far, which is obviously intended to be used against us at the end."

"It's normal, just as if you were thinking of using grenadiers against him." Alexander smiled indifferently.

Today, this situation reminds him of the similar history that happened in later generations, which makes him lament the only lesson that mankind has learned. Sure enough, he never learned from it.

"But can the Catalans block Gonzalo's attack?"

Russa was worried. If Sevilla was occupied by Gonzalo, it would be very bad for the Sicilian army.

As the largest city in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, Seville has not only accumulated wealth for many years, but more important because it is the center of Andalusia, and its significance is no less than Milan and Lombardy.

Occupying Sevilla not only received sufficient supplies, but also meant the occupation of Andalusia in name.

"Now we must believe in Tiego," Alexander whispered comfortably to Rusha's ear while squinting quickly at the generals who were not far away. "You are the queen and the commander-in-chief. If you are not confident at this time , It may affect the entire army."

"I know," Ruosha responded, her hands behind her clenching with Alexander, while keeping her face as calm as possible. "But we are in a decisive battle with Ferdinand, if we fail..."

"Don't think about it, it will distract you, and then you will lose your calmness because of tension."

The slight pain from his fingers made Alexander feel nervous from Ruosha, which made him wonder if it would be possible for her to withstand this huge pressure if she accepted Ruosha's suggestion to take over the command of the army.

But he immediately dismissed the idea.

In today's situation, it is unrealistic for him to directly command the Sicilian army, so they may have lost before the war.

"Listen, you are the unified queen of Sicily and the future monarch of Aragon, and what you will rule in the future may be an empire. Now everything is just a test for you. Calm down and think about what you used to do in Siena and San Gimignano, how do you direct."

Zuosha, who was originally short of breath, slowly panted, her **** gradually calmed down, because the tense and depressed expression slowly returned to nature.

"Sorry brother, I was scared," Ruosha whispered. "You said that the strategic battle is to bet on the fate of all of us. I think I was really scared before."

"We are all scared," Alexander clung to Rusha's hand secretly. "But this gamble is a must. Believe me, believe in yourself, you are my sister, and you are not like any woman. Yours Wise and brave, even men can’t compare, and they are the army you built by yourself, and are the most powerful armed forces in the world today."

"No, you are wrong," Rusha suddenly smiled mischievously. "They are indeed the most powerful, but they are your army. I will personally lead them to build your Alexander empire."

Seeing Ruosha's confidence gradually recover, Alexander's heart finally let go.

In fact, he would come to Andalusia precisely because he was worried about Rusha.

Despite having experienced the war in Sicily, Italy, Alexander knew that Rusha was still a young girl after all.

She may have extraordinary talents that girls of the same age never possess, but she undoubtedly also bears the pressure that most peers cannot imagine.

Even Isabella is not like Ruosha. She has not personally been on the battlefield, nor has she ever directed a strategic decisive battle that may determine the destiny of the entire Europe in the tens or even hundreds of years.

Change to any one, this time will not be better than Ruo Sha.

Even Alexander deeply doubted that if it is himself who is commanding the decisive battle now, can he perform better than Rosa?

So when the people of Kurash happened to send the report to capture the town, Alexander couldn't help but blurt out because of the good news at the right time: "Kurash can use this good news to change Earl Leo."

I don’t know that Kurash, who has been promised by the Duke’s Lord, did not stop after occupying the town of Leo. He quickly sent a scout to the plain and began to guess which of the Andalusian nobles would be the first Unlucky eggs from the net.

The sound of gunfire in the direction of Seville was even stronger, and Kurash rubbed the saber in his hand against the stone wall of the camp.

In fact, when attacking Leo town, he did not use this knife at all, but Kurash knew that it might be useful for the knife soon.

Gonzalo also closely followed the movements of the Sicilian army. When his men reported to him that the forward troops had captured the fortress along the river, the city just responded at random.

All his attention was focused on the Sicilians, especially the Grenadier Corps, which was said to be personally commanded by the Queen of Sicily, which caused great interest in Gonzalo.

"I heard that the Queen trusted her grenadier very much, and even even gave the royal family the title," said a general around with interest. "And I heard that they defeated Caesar Borgia on the outskirts of Rome."

Gonzalo only smiled at his opponent. He never regarded the illegitimate son of Alexander VI as an opponent, just as he never put the pope in his eyes.

Alexandria is different.

"It's a pity that it wasn't the Roman Thesia army that was going to confront me," Gonzalo said to the generals around him. "Trust me, if it is his army, you may face a real test, but Sicilians are also good, at least they beat the French."

Speaking of which, he added another sentence: "There are those Aragonese."

A burst of laughter sounded, and no Castilians who had satirized the Aragonese were amused by the humor of their generals, but as Gonzalo gradually became more serious, they also realized that he was serious.

"Don't underestimate the generals. We are in front of an army with rich combat experience. Don't take it lightly because they obey a woman. Know that there are more than one general defeated by that woman."

"Adherence to the Lord."

Listening to the solemn response of his generals, Gonzalo nodded with satisfaction.

Gonzalo Cordova is indeed a very arrogant person, but he never arrogantly self-esteem.

On the contrary, on the battlefield, he never underestimates any opponent, not to mention the person on the opposite side, whom he thought some years ago might one day compete with him on the battlefield.

A team of royal soldiers advanced on the corpse-filled street.

The spears of the soldiers walking in the front protrude through the crevices of their companions' shields, and the sun shines on the sharp spears from time to time with a dazzling light.

Some stumbling under their feet, it was too late to escape the dead body of the rebels, which forced them to slow down and regroup.

Although it is not a model army that Gonzalo personally trained, but this king army that rebelled in the south is undoubtedly the elite of the Castilian army.

Compared with their counterparts, these troops are more disciplined, more courageous and tenacious.

So with a little contact with these Wang Jun who had just landed, the rebels who had the advantage of military strength retreated one after another, giving these rare forwards who were actually lonely soldiers a rare breathing opportunity.

"Those cowards are gathering in front. What are they going to do, do they still fight us?"

A Wang Jun squad leader shouted and brought a man to the front to see what the rebels who seemed to be pushing and shoving at the end of the street but not attacking were doing.

Soon, the soldier hurried back, his face full of excitement: "They seem to be blocked by a river behind, I think it should be the Guadalville River."

"Oh, they are too unlucky," the captain swung his sword into the air. "Since God arranged for them to die here, we will help them go to hell."

This cry became a signal of the beginning of the massacre. The soldiers of the Wang Jun gradually accelerated their feet, breathing quickly, sweat sweating like rain. At this moment, they just wanted to find the outlet of the catharsis.

The enemies in the distance seemed to be agitated by seeing the soldiers of the Wang army. They crowded together and tried to point the weapon in their hands to the enemies approaching.

It's just that it looks daunting and frightening at all.


The captain shoved the sword in his hand and commanded loudly.

The street is very narrow, and the spearman in the front row can only poke directly at the two or three people he sees, without making big moves.

Someone vaguely saw the muzzle of a few black holes that seemed to stick out of the enemy, which caused a little But the shields erected in front of them in time made them slightly relieved.

It was so close that it was possible to see the enemy on the other side with a frightened face.

At the same time, he vaguely saw a wide river behind the enemy.

But what surprised him was that there seemed to be a bridge behind the enemy.


By this time, the captain had no time to think about why these enemies did not escape the bridge. He shouted a command from his mouth, and then he first rushed towards the enemy.

Someone in the rebels uttered a cry of despair and fear, which made Wang Jun already cheer for victory before he rushed in front of them.

Then, they heard a shouting killing sound with a clear Catalan accent, the sound of a musket shooting, and the roar of a close shot of an artillery that sounded so frightening that it would only be so shocking to shoot at a close distance.

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