Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 230: Amphora's ambitions

Although Alexandria is one of the few, but among the officers who have used it quite smoothly, Ofrei is his true "father."

When the nephew of the stone mason in the Agri Mountains joined the army, it was only because his uncle wanted him to see the world, and by the way, he reduced the burden on the family.

At that time, no one thought that Auflaire would have any great future.

At most, it is to fight for some years to survive luckily, and then take home these years of savings to buy a piece of land, and become a wealthy little landlord.

Even though I heard later that my nephew was lucky to be the captain of the army next to the lord, he just thought that he would upgrade from a small landlord to a big landlord in the future.

And Aurei never thought that he would come to this step.

At least looking at the gray church not far away, Aufrei somewhat distrusted that he actually came to this place.

This is the city of Padova in Veneto, and the church opposite is the Clovini church with the work of the famous master Giotto.

It is also the oldest church in Padua today. The church is filled with religious murals on the entire wall, making this church a holy place in the mind of the Venetian school. It is regarded as the Venetian school here. Place of origin.

One of the most famous is the "Judah and Jesus" drawn by Giotto.

However, the reason why O'Freil lamented was not because of the artworks, he would feel incredible, but because he actually made the decision to march to Venice.

As the commander-in-chief of the Montina army, and later the chief of staff of the Roman Thesia army, Ofrei was still highly trusted and expected by Alexander.

Aufrei is a person who pays great attention to details and plans. When Alexander began to implement a variety of new military systems in his army, he actually faced many resistances and was actually an executor.

From training sloppy soldiers to being like standard parts in the entire war machine, whether traveling or shooting, to deeply etched Montina-Roman Thesia soldiers in a nearly harsh manner from military uniforms to manners Branding, all this is done by Alfred at a glance.

According to Alexandria, Ofrei will be so serious. In addition to his due diligence, the more reason is that he himself is interested in these systems that are full of rules and regulations.

If Alexander had built the army of Roman Thesia, then Aufrei was the midwife who let this brand new army fall to the ground.

But despite this, Alexandria never let Aufrei lead alone.

This is of course not because of trust issues, but because he knows that the character of Aufrei is actually very difficult to be alone.

Whenever he needs to make a major decision of his own, Aufrei will inevitably be indecisive. This is why this character is different from the offensive spirit of Gompati. When Gompati has become Alexander’s deputy in Italy When facing strong enemies on the battlefield, Ofrei was still responsible for the distribution and mobilization of the entire army in Montina.

It was actually a very risky decision to let Aufrei command the Eastern Army.

Especially when aiming at the possibility that the Venetians of Lombardy may intervene at any time, before making this decision, Alexander had repeatedly considered.

But now the Roman Thesia army can not only cooperate with Gompati, but also have the prestige to command the entire legion, only Aufrei.

Obviously, neither Busaco of today's Bologna group nor Nicola Macheni of the Pisa group had high hopes from Alexandria, but neither prestige nor authority could be compared with Aufrei and Gompati ratio.

And although it is hoped that there will be a few such generals as Hannibal and Sipiah, Alexandria also knows that at least for a long period of time, the officers trained at the Bologna Military Academy can not be expected. .

"We actually arrived in Padova," Aufrei said to Nicola Macheni, who was standing beside him. Seeing that his companion was perfunctory, he still insisted and continued to ask, "Don't you think Unbelievable, we are now less than 10 miles from Venice."

10 Fares may be a long distance for other armies, but for the Romans, the distance is not so unreachable.

With much more rigorous training than any other army, the soldiers of Roma Thesia have higher endurance. The experience of marching from Montina to Rome in 2 days has become the pride and characteristics of the army of Roma Thesia.

Now the 10 phas made O'Freuie's heart burst into a strange impulse. It seems that the famous city is so close to himself that he only needs to stretch his hand forward to reach it.

This made O'Fly reveal his excitement.

Macheney shrugged secretly. He was actually more familiar with Aufrei than Gompati. His expedition to the Balkans made him admire the brave commander. As for the chief of staff, he was as much Somewhat strange.

However, after crossing the Po River this time, Macheni somewhat understood the character of the chief of staff.

Cautious, meticulous and meticulous, but it seems that he is not good at making decisions.

Macheney secretly commented to his boss.

Because of this, Aufrei was a bit too excited about being able to break through to Padova.

"I think it's because our actions are too bold," Mazzini looked at a group of Venetian generals who were not far away waiting for the launch, and there was a trace of doubt. "But what are the Venetians doing now?"

Of Maffini's doubts, Ofrei was obviously puzzled.

After the breakthrough of the Po River from the downstream, the Roman Thesia army went all the way to Padua, and then made a direct threat to Venice.

Although making this decision was not easy for O'Leary, everything was still in his grasp.

According to previous plans, the Eastern Army should cooperate with the Western Army after crossing the river, and try to enclose the Venetian field troops near the front line of the border on the border of Lombardy.

The ultimate goal of this is to force the Venetians to sign a contract and have to withdraw from the Lombard War.

It was only after crossing the river that O'Leary accidentally discovered that there were too few opponents in front of them.

In other words, because the enemy accidentally spread the force too broadly, he simply had no chance to surround the enemy's frontline main force at once.

Rondoba Babarig's troubles have now become Aofrei's troubles.

The difference between the two is just that they are worried that they do not have enough troops to form a powerful defense group, but they can only helplessly distribute an army of less than 3,000 troops in a large hilly area.

O'Leary was annoyed that the enemy's strength was too large, so that every time he was surrounded by only a little bit of troops, he wasted his and his army's time in vain.

So when he was sure about the situation he faced, Ofrei finally made a bold decision to march directly to Venice.

"10 Fares is not very far for us, maybe..." Mazzini looked at Ofrei, his eyes gleaming warmly, and even the most dull people could look like that. Out of the hope and enthusiasm.

"Attack on Venice?"

Ofrei's heart jumped.

Neither the Duke himself nor the Duchess had revealed to him the intention to attack Venice directly.

After all, this idea is indeed too risky and crazy, especially now that the battle situation in Lombardy is still unclear. When the Austrian army may invade again at any time, what consequences will it have to take the risk of attacking Venice, so that Aufrei hesitated .

"This is too risky."

"This opportunity may no longer be there," Mazzini said excitedly. "Our mission is to defeat the troops sent by the Venetians to force them to negotiate. But if we go directly to Venice, isn't it more threatening?"


Mazzini's words made Ofrei's heartbeat even more intense. He knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once he succeeded, what awaited him would be wealth and honor.

In the army of Roman Thesia, Ofrei and Gompati were Alexander's left and right hands, but everyone knows that although the two are equal, they are still somewhat different.

Gompati can be the duke's partner on the battlefield, while Aufrei is the duke's assistant, which is somewhat different.

What if you take the initiative to attack Venice, and then force the Venetians out of the war, or even surrender?

This thought made O'Fairy's heart burst into flames.

It may be a good idea to attack Venice, force them to surrender, and even occupy the city of wealth known for its wealth.

O'Fairy couldn't stop flashing this thought. He knew that he always wanted to prove his worth with a victory, and now he has a great opportunity that may never appear again in the future.

"Bring those officers over," O'Freil suddenly commanded the guards who escorted the Venetians in the distance and watched them come to him. He looked at those men's faces. "Tell me how many troops are in Venice now." "

The problems of O'Freil made the Venetians immediately surprised. They never thought that this Roman general Theta had dared to threaten Venice, which made them overwhelmed by surprise for a while.

"Isn't anyone willing to tell me?" Aufrei waved to the guard standing not far away. "Maybe my soldiers can help you make a decision."

Looking at the soldier who came with the axe and axe, some of the Venetians could not help showing a panic look.

This scene fell in the eyes of O'Freil, so he quickly found a target that could pry his mouth open.

"Separate those people alone," he told the guards, and then looked at the others. "Suppress these people, rest assured, and let you go home until the end of the war, but before that you can only I have wronged you first."

The Venetians stared at Aufrei unwillingly. Although they did not know what this Roman Thesia did, it was obvious that he was playing the idea of ​​Venice.

This makes these people startled and afraid, but there is no way at all.

What surprised O'Feuilly was that the Venetian army led by Rondoba Barbarig was only 6,000 from the Venetians.

"The Venetians are crazy, they actually think that 6000 people can achieve their goals?"

O'Leary felt unbelievable, but the results of repeated interrogations proved that the news was reliable.

"If the army sent by Venice was 6,000, what was the defender they left behind?"

Macheney asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Auflaire couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Rondoba Barbarage’s reaction was quick. When he heard that the Roman Thesias had crossed the Po River, he immediately ordered the troops that had been sent to Lombardy without any hesitation.

At the same time, while he was sending people to send an alarm to Venice, he ordered the rapid assembly of all troops distributed along the upper reaches of the Po River and other parts of Veneto, preparing to intercept enemies who did not yet know the movement.

For a while, Rondoba Barbarage thought about not going back to Venice first, but waiting for the abominable aristocratic elders to take him back when they had to ask him for help.

Maybe then the aristocracy will know how important he is?

This thought moved him.

But he soon dismissed the idea.

Because he knew that it was not the noble house or even Venice that needed to be saved, but his army.

He must reconvene the scattered army as soon as possible, otherwise he may be annihilated by the Romans.

And if this kind of thing really happened, neither the aristocratic court nor Rondoba Babarige could forgive himself.

It was just that Rondoba Barbarig hadn’t thought that the messenger he sent brought him back. In addition to the good news that the army invading Lombardy was being ordered to return, there was also bad news that he did not expect. And here.

After defeating the French and occupying the Pavia City, which was already close to Milan, the Western Army led by Compatiti continued to attack, but suddenly turned around and followed the withdrawn Venetians and approached Veneto.

Rondoba Babarig suddenly fell into a difficult choice.

Should the troops in the direction of Lombard continue to retreat and meet with themselves, or should they be defended in place to block the Roman and Thesias who are about to invade Veneto.

On April 20, a message sent by the local garrison made Rondoba Barbarig who was in a difficult choice to make a decision.

"Rometesians occupied Padua?"

When he heard the report, Rondoba Barbarig was stunned for a He did not expect that the enemy would be so bold that he wanted to directly press Venice, and then he suddenly issued after pondering for a while Excited cheers: "Thank God!"

After shouting this, he ignored the Venetian officers panicked by the bad news and gave orders one after another.

"Order the front-line troops to defend on the east bank of the Mincho River and be sure to block Gompati's army.

"Order that the defensive forces they are arranged should be mobilized as much as possible, do not manage those cities and towns, I want them all to be concentrated."

"Send someone to warn Venice, they must keep the city."......

After issuing this series of orders, Doba Babarige ordered to his entourage: "Be prepared, we are leaving here."

"Where are you going?"

"Vicenza, we are waiting for that Aufrei and his army there."

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