Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 231: The temptation of Venice

There is no doubt that Aufrei has great ambitions.

This included not only the idea of ​​having his wife Ashley give him a few more sons, but also the hope of becoming the top few on the roster of the duke.

Since the announcement of the coronation of the Duke of Rome Theseia, the next thing everyone is looking forward to is the knighthood.

So many people were born and died, what did you follow, and why did everyone sell their lives for you?

The lordship has become the biggest goal of the courtiers of Roman Thesia.

It was just that the Duke left the Principality, which made the prince have to be delayed, followed by the French and then the Austrians. The provocations and challenges that followed the new Principality of Rome Thesia were suddenly involved in continuous wars in.

The prince was postponed indefinitely, but this gave the generals a new idea.

In the Roman Thesia army, although not so obvious, it is still vaguely perceptible to traces between different factions.

Among them, there are new and old military officials headed by Aufrei and Gompati, and there are ladies’ military schools based on the women of Alexandria to represent their own interests. There are also a group of people from the Balkans, Catalonia and others Foreign soldiers dominated by local soldiers.

Of these people, Ofrei certainly has an unparalleled prestige, but now he is certainly not worried that he will be forgotten when he becomes a lord, but whether he will be behind Gompati.

Although Alexandria is far away in Iberia, everyone knows that once the Duke returns to his country, the matter of the prince will also be settled.

As for what kind of status each person will eventually get, maybe it depends on the last performance of this knight.

Aufrei is no longer the nephew of the former stonemason, so he cannot be satisfied with seeing the world or making a fortune.

And now more and more people are standing behind him, everyone's eyes are looking at him, and his status will undoubtedly affect the people around him.

Another thing that makes Alfredi care more is that he is different from other people in that he is always a follower of Alexandria, regardless of whether it is Gompati, Macheney, Machiavelli or even the Kurash brothers. In fact, behind them, there are actually the figures of the women of Alexandria.

As for Uliu, Aufrei felt that no one could learn his ability to take a few boats and ride around.

So Aufrei knew that he had to plan for himself.

A very low voice sounded from a distance, the sound was not very loud, and then he saw a black line with an arc, and then landed on the open space some distance away from his army.

The shell hit a pit on the ground and jumped forward a few more times.

Ofrei glanced at an officer next to him.

The officer is an artillery liaison officer.

The establishment of this position is somewhat inexplicable.

According to Gompati’s suggestion, he sent such a soldier in each regiment in order to coordinate the connection between the artillery and the infantry regiment.

When he put forward this proposal, it was met with strong opposition from some officers. They believed that Gompati was actually interfering with their command power in disguise. After a lot of noise and noise, the position of the artillery liaison officer was ultimately decided by Alexander made his determination.

Now, there is such an artillery liaison officer around O'Leary, but the chief of staff more often uses this officer as his artillery interpreter.

"Sir, this should be the Esmery Falcon," the artillery officer replied immediately after seeing Aurei's signal. "If the Venetians are equipped with all this artillery, we might not need to worry too much."

"Don't worry too much?"

Noting the artillery officer's words, Aufrei frowned.

"I mean this kind of artillery is not very powerful, of course if they are too many..."

Aufrei waved his hand to stop the artillery officer. He already knew what the opponent meant. Obviously, the opposing Venetian army might not have much strength, but their armament was sharp.

"It's really a Venetian." Ofrei said with some envy.

The Venetians are rich, and they are not ordinary rich, but special rich.

Therefore, their armed forces are also stronger and more sophisticated than other countries.

There were several dull artillery sounds, and the shells that flew were obviously more accurate than the previous test shot.

In particular, one of the shells fell directly on the artillery position not far in front of the Roman Thesia army, smashing the cracked ground into a deep ditch.

"It seems that there are a lot of Venetian artillery."

Aufrei glanced at the artillery officer again, and when he saw that officer gently pouted his lips, he made an inaudible "hum".

Then he gave the order: "Offense."

The sound of the horn began to ring through the positions, and with the successive orders of various companies, the Roman Thesia army began to advance slowly in the direction of the enemy.

This is a hilly area not far from Westerly, the gateway to Venice.

The surrounding hills are slightly uplifted, and many places are divided by large and small lakes.

Westerly is in a small, slightly concave basin surrounded by these lakes.

If the weather is good, just cross the streets of Westerly, you can see the Venetian island in the distance from the coast.

Now, the Roman Thesia army is less than half a mile outside of Westerly.

The city of Venice is close at hand.

The distance from Padua to Westerly is about 10 miles. The army that departed in the morning went through a march. When the day was darkened, the army of Roman Thesia arrived in the suburbs of Westerre.

On this road, apart from the sporadic Venetian scouts, they did not encounter any enemy forces.

But it wasn't until the town of Westerly was approached that there was a continuous line in front, like a defensive trench built by man on a naturally formed dry **** dam, before a Venetian army appeared.

But what O'Fleui didn't expect was that such an army that seemed to be only stationed locally in the town of Westerly would actually have something like the Esmery Falcon.

"The Venetian is really rich." Aufrei murmured again.

Although not really envious of the Venetians, the thought of the enemies on the opposite side had such a sharp firepower that Orpheus could not help but feel envious and annoyed by the wealth of the Venetians.

A roar of artillery came from a short distance, and the troops of the Roman Thesia army began to counterattack. At the same time, Aufrei saw the left wing led by Macheney approaching the enemy's dam.

Machini stared closely at the enemy behind the front dam.

He was actually a little nervous.

Like Ofrei, he also did not expect that he would finally come to this step.

Now in front is the Venetian garrison, in the west is the town of Westerly, and in the back is the Venice of water wonders.

"Go forward!" Mazzini shouted. He raised his sword and waved it, listening to the rumbling footsteps of the soldiers around him. He took a deep breath and glanced in the direction of the Central Front. Go ahead.

Although he couldn't see it at all, Mazzini could imagine how Aufrei waved his staff when he gave the order.

Like Ofrei, Mazzini also has his ambitions.

His goal is to have his own command staff one day.

With the gradual improvement of the military system, the Roman Thesia army already has a military system that is very different from that of other countries.

But in this brand new military system, Alexander also borrowed some things from ancient Rome.

One of them is the commanding stick, which is inherited from the Roman army and symbolizes authority.

And now with the honor of using the command stick, in addition to Alexander himself, only Compati and O'Lei.

An enemy shell landed not far away, but fortunately the shell directly smashed into the mud pond, and after two rolls, nothing happened.

Macheney wiped off some of the painful mud on his face, and was startled secretly.

"Go ahead, don't stop!"

He commanded loudly, and looked back anxiously. He didn’t know why Aufrei hadn’t ordered the artillery to counterattack. He watched that there were non-stop artillery shells falling near his team, even in the formation, Mache Nepal couldn't help but sore his throat and cursed secretly.

The musketeers who were at a distance from the front row of the brigade raised their guns one after another, and the advancing formation seemed to slow down at this moment.

The commanding sound of the musketeer’s commander with a long sound rang out on the battlefield, and a gunshot instantly enveloped the empty front position.

In the smoke, the Roman Thesia army, which seemed to have slowed down, suddenly accelerated its pace of advancement.

The Roman Thesias launched a charge.

Starting with the suppression of the musketeers' firepower, followed by the fierce attacks of the spears and sword shields, the Roman Thesia-style bayonet charge began.

Artillery sounded again on the position in Venice, almost direct shots instantly ripped a terrible gap in the army of Roman Thesia, but the people who rushed up quickly filled it up, and the firearms and spears echoed The light shone in the evening light.

"They have more artillery than I thought," Aufrei said a little impatiently and glanced at the artillery liaison officer. "So, hasn't it been determined yet?"

"Wait a minute, my lord." The liaison officer measured again with the trigonometer in his hand, and issued a series of orders to the herding soldiers who were waiting, before saying to Alfred, "It's okay, our The troops are now in this position just to avoid shooting"

Aufrei nodded, looked at the front again, and gave the order calmly: "Fire."

There were loud noises, and the hot shells flew toward the enemy's sloping **** with terrifying destructive power.

For a while, the smoke was rolling, and then the fire was skyrocketing.

The sudden smoke from the **** dam made the troops on both sides of the battlefield stagnate.

"It seems that it exploded the gunpowder..."

Looking at the enemy's position, the artillery liaison officer murmured the report.

Alfred nodded.

He actually doesn't like the person of Gompati. He thinks that Gompati's character is too reckless. He likes to take risks in everything. One day he must suffer.

However, for Gompatti's insistence on developing artillery, Ofrei still agrees.

According to Gompati, the only thing that can destroy enemy artillery is artillery.

So when both sides have enough artillery to threaten each other, Gompati always puts the enemy's artillery position first.

Now it seems that Compati is not useless.

Oflai secretly gave Gompati a fair evaluation.


Mazzini, who is in front, sees more clearly.

He clearly saw a mess on the enemy's position, and suddenly the detonated gunpowder even exploded the **** dam directly.

From the gap there, he could vaguely see the Venetian who was rushing to escape.

Mazzini couldn't help but roared, and he led the team to the gap quickly, almost instantly, the flag of the Roman Thesia army had been raised on the levee.

But then, Mazzini suddenly found a scene that surprised him.

In the rear, there was no horn that sounded the entire line of attack!

As the smoke from Westerly's defender's position dispersed, O'Freuil discovered that the enemy seemed to be retreating.

"Do they want to retreat?" Aufrei asked the people around him strangely.

"It seems like an adult, but it seems that the Venetians have less courage than their money."

The attendant next to him laughed.

Listening to the follower's ridicule, Aufrei frowned.

He thought about it, and simply greeted the people around him to help him stand on his horse, looking at the Venetian army that could not move in the distance, Aufrei couldn't help but hesitated.

He participated in the Pisa defensive battle, and even participated in the first Romagna war. It can be said that the number of times he dealt with the Venetian was second only to Alexander in the Roman Thesia army.

Because of this, Aufrei has never looked down on the Venetian.

Now the enemy began to retreat after only one round of shelling, which made Alfred feel unbelievable.

"Master, are we going to attack?" the entourage around him asked excitedly.

Looking at the enemies that had begun to retreat, Aurelai raised his hand instinctively, but he paused again before putting it down.

He looked at the Venetian army in the distance, thinking over and over again, but his raised hand never fell.

Finally, he said slowly: "Wait a second, look again."

The faces of the entourage around them showed anxiety. Some of them wanted to say something but tried to hold back. They stared eagerly at Aurei, with an eager expression in their eyes.

But Aurei never spoke again. He just fixed his eyes on the enemy in the distance until Mazzini hurriedly ran on horseback.

"God, why not attack?"

Mazzini almost shouted. He jumped off the mount and came to Aurelai. His face was flushed and his voice was low. He asked anxiously, "Isn't it the best opportunity now, one charge, only one charge?" We can capture Westerly!"

"and then?"

Ofrei glanced at Macheney and asked coldly.

"Then?" Mazzini was a little stunned.

"Yeah, I asked you what we should do, don't forget that we don't have a boat, even if you think you can beat the Venetian on the water?"

"But at least in this way we can directly threaten Venice," Mazzini argued eagerly. "We can cut off traffic between the Venetians and the land. For them, this is definitely intolerable. By then we can follow the Duke's The intention is to force them to sign a truce."

"Nikola, you forgot that the Venetians have a navy, so even if we block Westley, they can still get in touch with the land."

Aufrei looked in the direction of Westerly. Today the weather is very good. From here, you can even vaguely see the outline of the town of Westerly. It really seems that you can get the town as long as you reach out. Of course, this made Aufrei secretly lick the corner of his mouth.

"Could it be that We are here already," Muccini looked at O'Leary in disbelief. "So what are we doing here to venture here?"

"In order to win the battle," Aufrei said to beckon Mazzini to signal him closer, and then he lowered his voice in Mackney's ear and said, "Listen, I know you are not satisfied, but look at the town It’s all around, it’s all highland. If we attack, we might get stuck in it, understand?"

"However, there is only one point, it's almost!" Macheney said, lowering his voice severely.

"You're not my Nikolai, I'm responsible for the entire legion," Aufrei lowered his voice lower. "So listen, no matter whether you are satisfied or not, you have to obey my orders, understand?"

Mazzini looked at Alfrei with a sullen face, and after a while he replied mutely: "Observe, my lord."

"Let our people immediately occupy the **** dam and build a fortification before nightfall," Aufrei ordered to look back and looked at the distance, muttering to himself, "I must be responsible for the entire army. Rondo Barbara, where are you?"

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