Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 169: Schedule

When a ray of morning light was cast on the high window sill, Alexander was already up.

In the early spring, it was still cold. The faint mist from the fields enveloped the town, and the Sunderland Monastery not far away enveloped it. It looked mysterious and quiet.

Alexander was walking slowly on the street in a long cloak, the Aggris had already got up one after another, these soldiers who inherited the habits of mountain farmers were obviously not used to wasting good time in a hooded sleep, and Compared with them, the Bohemians are much lazier. As long as they allow, many Bohemians will not get up until noon.

According to the arrangement of Old Rovere, Genoa reinforcements will join the Alexandria Congress within 2 days. After the confluence, they will march north along the coastal road and then turn in the direction of Montina when they penetrate the edge of Romagna.

The reason for this arrangement is that the old Rovere realized that the Venetians might quickly go west when the Pope's army hadn't had time to respond, and entered the Romagna region while seeking to meet the Milanese.

If so, no matter what the future situation is, with the Venetian habits, unless they are destroyed by the devastation, they will not easily give up as long as they occupy the place, this will undoubtedly be equivalent to let the Venetians in Romagna A nail was wedged.

This situation, whether it is Rovere or Pogia, is unwilling to see.

Alexander walked while pondering the situation in front of him. He understood the old Luo Weilei's intentions, and knew that Alexander VI was willing to accept a temporary alliance with the Luo Weilei family, but only because he had not received a response from Naples.

This is an embarrassing situation where they can't help each other but can't help each other. In fact, both sides are not satisfied. Because of this, Alexander is very doubtful whether he can get the support of the Pope's army.

Before leaving, Alexander met Giovanni.

In addition to praising Alexander ’s bravery when faced with Gonzalo, Duke Gandino did not give any substantive commitment. He even avoided talking about how many troops he could provide, which made Alexander confirm this "Mongolian" again. The "Tina League" is really unreliable.

In fact, except for the parties themselves, almost no one thought that the alliance could persevere. Some even doubted that perhaps the Venetians would be disintegrated if they were driven away from the alliance. As the vanguard of the coalition between the two parties, it was nominally because of the fiancee Alexander, who had become the earl of Montina, was already a victim of this doomed alliance in the eyes of many people.

Alexander VI wanted a solid and strong ally, and the Genoese clearly did not meet his requirements.

Although strong enough, the alliance with the Genoese can only be an expedient measure, and even to guard against the old Rovere at any time, and what annoys Alexander VI is that Giuliano de la Rovere obviously wants to use this Opportunity to realize his desire to be promoted to Cardinal, which clearly made Alexander VI uneasy.

So now for Alexander, it is not when the reinforcements of the Pope will arrive, but whether they can come.

If not, Alexander would face a situation where the Milan-Venice coalition would resist nearly 40,000 troops with less than 2,000 troops.

As long as anyone whose brain is not broken knows, this is not war, but death.

Alexander was walking forward along the stream, and he thought about the situation that seemed almost impossible.

It is undoubtedly a self-defeating way to fight the coalition forces with thin strength. Not to mention the Earl of Montina, even the throne of the Duke of Romagna, it is meaningless to enjoy it alive.

And Alexandria did not think that it would be so easy to get the crown of the count. As long as you think about Caesar's endless battle for the title of Duke of Romagna, Alexander thought that the count of Montina was really a bit hot.

It ’s obviously not possible to fight with less than 2,000 people. Alexander does n’t think he ’s a great military genius, nor is he an amazing talent like Alexander Caesar Hannibal, although he and one of them It is the same name, but if he can, he would rather have more troops than to play for the fictitious name of a famous general to win less.

However, the current situation was clearly against him, and even he doubted whether Genoa could send more troops besides the 1,000 people.

After all, for Genoa, if the Pope ’s army cannot fulfill its promise to engage the Milan-Venice Allied Forces, then the Genoese will run the risk of facing an attack by the Pope ’s army immediately after the victory, even if they can defeat the enemy alone.

What a troublesome time, a troublesome place.

Alexander squatted down with a headache, washed his face with the cold stream, trying to calm down his rising head.

The stream was clear and cool, letting the fevered forehead refresh for a while, and Alexander bent over to hold a handful of water with his hand. When he raised his head and dipped the water on his head, he opened his eyes and saw that the other side of the stream was using a mallet Maid slapping clothes.

Alexander recognized it as the maid beside Lucrezia.

The maid seemed to see Alexander too. The wooden stick she was holding paused in the air. She seemed hesitant to know what to do. After a while, she put down the wooden stick and made a salute gesture in a panic. Then she took it. The wooden stick lowered his head and slapped the clothes hard.

Alexander looked at the maid thoughtfully. He walked slowly along the stream, and at the same time a sudden thought sprang up in his mind.

Then he suddenly turned around and walked up to the town, leaving only the work that stopped in his hand, and looked at his maid with a daze.

Alexander returned to the house where he lived temporarily and, while ordering someone to call Carlo, took out a few sheets of paper from the purse he carried and began writing.

The letter was addressed to Count Modillo. In the letter Alexander described his current situation carefully, and then he wrote: "Dear Count, at this time I think it is necessary to make the Pope aware of the alliance with the Genoese Is important, because this is the only way to ensure that he can fulfill his promise to send an army. It is because of his illusions about Naples that he is hesitant about this matter. Probably the best ending for him is of course to quickly conclude a contract with Naples. Then he can unite with Naples against Milan and Venice, but this will be a very bad situation for me or the Genoese, so if you can, I hope you can play a role in this matter, at least let them The time for concluding the contract was postponed for a period of time, so as to prompt our Pope to focus on the affairs of Romagna as early as possible. ”At this writing, Alexander paused for a moment to take a closer look, and then continued to write“ Also please allow I report to you that King Ferdinand ’s purpose of sending Gonzalo did not seem to be simple. Gonzalo was not there Sri Lanka's move proved his king of Naples also has big ambitions with two Sicily Ferdinand is likely to make the coveted crown of Naples to the fact that Tara Kos family descendants. "

Alexander folded the letter he wrote and sealed it carefully. He watched the seal on the wax gradually cool and solidify. He patted the letter gently in his hand.

This is a letter asking Modillo for help, but it is also a letter for temptation.

Alexander had always suspected that it was King Ferdinand of Aragon who drove Modillo to the north. Because of the situation of Modillo at the time, he should be farther away from the French than anyone, but he did not at that time. Scrupulously delivering food to the French, it is unreasonable to think about it.

After all, Modillo is not an old Rovere, and he must always have some scruples about such unscrupulous leaders.

It is actually more in line with Ferdinand's intention to let the French persist for a while, and even he may even think of staying in Italy forever.

This can be seen from Ferdinand's connivance of Gonzalo in Naples.

It's just that Modillo cannot be so simple to know, so what Modillo thinks becomes a problem.

So this letter is a warning and a temptation. He needs to understand what Modillo thought.

If Modillo heeded his warnings and requests, then he would find a way to be alert to the Aragonese while destroying the alliance between Alexander VI and Naples, otherwise things might get complicated.

Thinking this, Alexander pulled out two more stationery, and he felt the need to write another letter to Mahimo.

Although the monk was too unreliable in many cases, his cleverness and proficiency in observation were indeed impressive. When he thought about what he wanted to do, it was really only Mahimo.

"Take care of my sister seriously," after thinking about it, Alexander wrote, "I believe in your loyalty, and I also believe that you have a good enough vision. I am now the earl of Montina, but you should know By no means the end, my future will go further than now. As long as my luck is not bad enough to die halfway, there will always be a more brilliant prospect waiting for me in the front, and you will follow me, Also enjoy the status and wealth you deserve, and all you have to pay is your loyalty. So remember everything I want you to do and be loyal to me, you will get enough return. "

When Alexander finished his last sentence, the door of the room happened to be knocked, and then Carlo walked in.

"Send these two letters to find the most trustworthy person."

Carlo received the letter, but did not leave immediately, but looked at what Alexander seemed to say.

"Is there anything?" Alexander asked.

"Sir, our soldiers are a little uneasy," Carlo pondered what to say, and then whispered, "I heard some soldiers talking, they were all worried, or they were a little afraid of Milan and Venetian.

Alexander bit his lip lightly, he could understand the meaning of Carol's words, in fact, even he was not as calm as he was.

Karma Shanda also knew that this fear must be inevitable before meeting with the Genoese.

After all, although they are going to go to a castle that is famous for its solidity, there is really a great disparity between them and the enemy.

In fact, even if the Genoese arrived as scheduled, Alexander did not think he could block Milan and the Venetians, even if there was a Castel Monti as a backing.

"People who tell us that we will not confront the enemy directly." Alexander felt the need to let the soldiers understand his intentions, at least the current intentions.

"Adult, what are you going to do?"

Carlo ’s mood is somewhat better because of Alexander ’s statement. Obviously, the Agrigal captain is also not optimistic about the upcoming battle.

"Do you know how Gonzalo dealt with the French before?" Alexander asked, and then waited for Carlo to speak. He continued: "He did not rush to avenge the French immediately after the initial failure, but kept harassing him. The French, he destroyed the French temporary camps and attacked their supply team, or found an opportunity to eliminate the small French army. He not only used this method to teach the French hard ~ ~ More importantly, he has earned time for others. "

"Are you prepared to deal with Milan and the Venetians this way?" Carlo asked excitedly.

To Carlo's surprise, Alexander shook his head slightly.

"No, Gonzalo can deal with the French because they came from afar, and no one welcomes them. The French are fighting in the enemy's country, but Milan, especially the Venetians, are different. Venice is far from Romagna. It's near, and they are not without support in Romagna, so it is not so easy to cut off their supplies. "

Alexander said that he took the map from the side and spread it on the table, his eyes fixed on the position of Montina on the map.

"The real key now is the Vatican," Alexander's finger tapped on the map. "Only the Vatican sends troops to solve everything, otherwise we can't compete with the enemy."

Carlo showed a disappointed look in his eyes. He always thought that Alexander was almost omnipotent. He always solved all problems, so even if some of the soldiers panic, he did n’t care much, but now it seems that Alexander seemed helpless about the current situation.

"Sir, don't the Vatican send troops?" Carlo asked anxiously.

"No, they will send troops." Alexander whispered whether he was comforting Carlo or comforting himself, but his eyebrows had coagulated.

How can I force the Vatican to send troops?

Alexander's hand tapped unconsciously on the table.

Suddenly, he stopped to look at his hand, and then flicked a few times on the table as if to imitate something.

Carlo saw that Alexander's almost frowned eyebrows were suddenly evacuated, and then he heard Alexander whisper a name: "Lucrezia."

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