Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 170: Failed night raid

O'Fairy walked across the creek with a humbling tone. He carried a few dirty clothes in his hand, but his eyes were somewhat unhappy.

Aufrei did n’t quite understand why Alexander repeatedly ordered the soldiers to change their clothes frequently, even for this, people once used two Bohemian whips, although the smell of the two Bohemians smelled. It didn't look very good, but Aufrei still felt that Alexander's order was a little too much, even superfluous.

According to Alexander ’s order, every soldier must change the clean underwear once every three days as long as conditions permit, and the foot covering of the boots must be changed frequently. As for the coat, it is required to be clean and tidy.

Aufrei did not understand why Alexander so insistently demanded that the soldiers must be dressed decently, which was obviously a bit embarrassing for the nephew of the mason, at least now he was a little worried about the clothes he had changed.

Even in poor families, men rarely do housework. As long as they can sell their energy in the field or find ways to make money in the city, it is enough for women to do housework, but now Aufrei must not only learn to wash Clothes, and even hang the beard on his face as prescribed by Alexander, which makes O'Frei a little worried whether the family will feel like a woman instead of a man after returning home in the future .

Aufrei squatted by the water and rubbed his **** with yellowish trousers. He looked at the dirty stains on his face, and he couldn't help thinking of the scene he had dreamed of the night before.

Somehow, he actually dreamed of the woman he met two days ago. Of course, he didn't dream of the fat woman, but the maid of Lucrezia.

Aufrei didn't know how to think of that woman, and the maid looked good, but it was a lot worse than her mistress, only that Affrei didn't dare to think about the pope's daughter.

A figure walked not far away, Aufrei looked up habitually, and then saw a young man leading a horse along the path under the fence opposite the stream to the side of the monastery.

Although he felt a little familiar, O'Leary didn't care too much about the young man. He only looked at it curiously when the man stopped outside a small door in the corner of the monastery.

At this time, Aufrei had recognized that he was the young man who came out of the monastery through the window the day before in the room of the deacon.

The wicket opened, and a figure that made O'Lei a little surprised came out.

The maid of Lucrezia.

Ofrei can clearly see that the maid seems to be very happy because of the young man's arrival. She cheerfully grabbed the young man's arm and pulled him towards the wicket. When the wicket had not been closed completely, it gradually narrowed The gap in the woman immediately saw that the woman's arms had already reached the man's shoulder.

O'Leary suddenly felt a little upset in his heart, and he began to exhale the clothes in his hand, so that when he returned to the camp, Carlo looked at the underwear in his hand and pouted slightly, saying, "I can't see You really love cleanliness. "

As Carlo said, O'Freil walked towards Alexander's house.

When seeing Alexandria, O'Freil saw he was fascinated by a mess of things on the table. Although it was not clear, O'Freil soon realized that it should be a map, and the table The flasks and cups on the table should represent certain places.

"Come and see," Alexander beckoned to Aufrei. "We are still not far from Rome, and the Genoese still have one day to meet us."

Alexander pointed to the Roman city marked with a leather bag, and then a little further away.

"Now we are here, the Milanese are in our northwest, and the Venetians are coming from the northeast to meet the Milanese. What do you think we should do?"

"Adult, is it only us?" Aufrei asked a bit hesitantly. In fact, this question has already begun to be discussed among the Agri people. Because the reinforcements were not seen in time, the Agri people have started to feel a little uneasy.

"It's only us for the time being," Alexander glanced at Aufrei and smiled. "There are less than 2,000 people in total, and our enemies are about 40,000."

"Adult, we have too few people, and even the Genoese cannot block them," Aufrei's face was a little pale, he felt that it was necessary to dissuade Alexander, but he didn't know what to say. "Maybe we You should be careful or not go to Montina ... "

"That won't work," Alexander interrupted Aufrei. He felt it necessary to let Affrei know the importance of Montina. "The Genoese are willing to send troops because Montina is an excuse. If we do n’t Go to Montina, then everything will be meaningless. "

Ofrei made an "Oh" sound, he didn't really understand why he had to go to Montina, but this was no longer important. Their question now was how to deal with so many Milan-Venice joint forces.

40,000 to 2,000, O'Freil heard Carlo's heavy breathing sound next to him, which made him feel that even the commander of Agri seemed to have been scared by the 20-fold gap.

And what Alexander wanted was their response.

Only when they realize that there is no way out, people will take risks and do bold things.

"We need reinforcements from the Vatican," Carlo finally said. Although he had understood the situation he faced before, he still felt nervous when he thought of the enemy he was facing. "Master, you should already have a solution, would you tell us? What should I do, I don't want to use just such a few people to die. "

Alexander nodded, and then he looked at Aufrei and asked, "Tell me, if you are allowed to lead the team at night, will you get lost?"

O'Leary froze for a moment and did not answer immediately. After thinking about it, he said cautiously, "Adult, then I must observe the terrain in advance, but even then I must be prepared, otherwise it is easy to go in the wrong direction at night. . "

"Then go to explore now," Alexander instructed, "Now you will take a few people to search north along this road, it doesn't need you to go far, as long as it can be a night away, then you will come back immediately. , We have to do something when the Genoese arrive. "

Despite some doubts, Aufrei immediately led away. He brought in several Agris and a Bohemian who had been previously selected as helpers. Immediately after the dry food.

When there were only two people left, Carlo thought about it and finally couldn't help but ask: "Adult, what are you going to do, it is really a bit disadvantageous for us now, if you have any way, no matter what I am willing to do it. "

Alexander looked at Carlo, who was slightly anxious, and when he saw that his face had become a little black because of his anxiety, he said: "I do have a way, but this is a bit dangerous." Seeing Carlo wants to speak, Alexander did Waving his hand stopped him. "I said you might be in danger."

Carlo couldn't help but stunned. He looked at Alexander with a strange smile, wondering what to say for a while.

"Listen, what I want you to do is actually very simple," Alexander beckoned Carlo to his side, although he didn't think it would happen so that someone would overhear something, but he still used to lower his voice "I want What you do is to help me comfort those Genoa people, especially after I leave ... "

Carlo first listened a little confused, and then his face turned from black to pale.

He stared at Alexandria blankly, and after a while he asked blankly, "Master, do you really want to do this?"

"This is the only way," Alexander said with a helpless lip. "Trust me, as long as everything goes well, the Vatican will have to send troops, but before that you have to make sure that those Genoese can get there, otherwise I might be really in danger."

Carlo swallowed hard. Only then did he feel a little chill in his back, or that he was really scared by Alexander's plan.

In the evening, a Genoese messenger came to the town, and the letter from the old Rovere brought him to prove Alexander's previous worries.

Alexander VI did not send the army according to the agreement. Giovanni, who had already returned to the army at this time and was ready to go, was still refusing to leave in his Gilpitts palace, and the entire pope army did not have the slightest The intention to go to the battlefield.

Although he did not want to admit it, Old Rovere mentioned in his letter a mistrust of the "Montina League", but at the end of the letter, he suggested that Alexander should rush to Montina as soon as possible, because "the Genoese army will not Keep supporting you. "

Looking at the letter, Alexander doubted whether the old Luo Weilei was at the same time stacking his index finger and **** at the same time to dare to lie so unscrupulously, but it also made him have to make up his mind to plan.

In addition to the letter from Old Rovere, the messenger also brought news about the 1,000 Genoese troops. According to the previously agreed plan, the Genoese army will arrive in Sunderland the next morning, which made Alexander realize that it was left to His time is running out.

As the night fell, the dark buildings of the St. Deran monastery were shrouded in darkness.

But this night is destined not to be quiet. With the rapid pace, a small group of figures quickly approached the monastery quietly along the stream.

Alexander stood by the creek. Today's evening breeze is very warm, even with a hint of sweet warmth, it seems to indicate that spring will soon pass.

Looking at the figure looming in the darkness, Alexander gently stroked the sword handle around his waist.

Tonight, he is going to hijack Lucrezia!

Whatever the real reason, at least the origin of this war is because of Lucrezia.

Whether it is the Pope ’s daughter, Giovanni Sforza ’s wife, or the future marriage to Naples, Lucrezia has reasons for everyone to pay attention.

One can imagine what it would mean if Lucrezia fell into the hands of Milan or the Venetians. He believes that this is definitely not what the people of the Pogia want to see!

Alexander knew that this was a bold and even crazy plan. Even if the plan succeeded and finally forced the Vatican to send troops, then the Borgia family must retaliate against him like crazy, but now he has no way.

If he wants to get the title of Count Montina, he must face Milan and the Venetians at all costs. Once he withdraws, it means that he will lose the power announced in the name of Barondi ’s fiance, and he does not know what better Ways to help him achieve his goal.

"In crazy times, we have to do crazy things." Alexander laughed a little self-deprecatingly. He felt that he was as crazy as he was in this era.

The creek was very quiet. Alexander was slightly disappointed and did not see Lukreziya, but he was not annoyed.

In fact, after making this decision, he had already thought that it might not be possible to see Lucrezia outside the monastery so smoothly, so he had carefully surveyed the terrain of the monastery, and fortunately he noticed the wall not far from the monastery gate There is a small door that seems to come and go often.

Alexander had flowed through the creek, and the water was still a bit cold at this time, but because of the plan to be executed, he felt hot.

Hijacking Lucrezia is probably a bold move that no one has thought about.

The wicket was not far away, and Alexander waved to his prepared man, because he didn't know if the door lock was strong, he even got a hand axe.

"Listen, do n’t hurt anyone after you go in ~ ~ and do n’t let anyone recognize you," Alexander whispered. "All you have to do is take Lucrezia out of the monastery safely, know ?"

"Of course, find the woman and take her out," a Bohemian nodded triumphantly "rushed to the enemy to kill them, pounced on the woman and snatched them. This is what we are best at."

Looking at the bohemian face with excitement, Alexander gently opened his mouth to say something, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said nothing.

Because there is no cloud, the moonlight looks very bright on the small door, and the reflection of the hand axe is even dazzling.

The sharp axe tip gently wedged into the gap of the wooden door, and when the Bohemians tried to pry the wooden door hard, the sound of pulling the bolt suddenly came from inside.

Then the wooden door opened with the sound of "squeak"!

A young face appeared in the door. He held the horse rein with one hand and kept the door open with the other hand, but he looked at the bohemian in amazement.

Everything was so sudden that the young man didn't even have time to scream, he only saw what the person in front of him suddenly lifted high, and then a sharp and sudden fall in front of him, accompanied by a sound resounding through the monastery at night Screaming sternly, the young man's head and neck have been severely split by the hand axe!

At the same time, another scream of madness from panic came from behind the fallen young man!

That was Luclezia's maid.

"grown ups……"

The **** Bohemian looked back at Alexandria, but what he saw was an unexpected and annoying face in front of him.

"Still stunned!" Alexander's eyes showed a sharp flash, and with his sword drawn, he first rushed into the monastery "Do it!"

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