Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 13: Oral's War (5)

When Chasquina heard the shouting from outside, she was holding a pot of finely chopped meat berries, and she hadn't eaten such a good thing in a long time.

The tribe used to stay in some places for a long time, but they will soon be driven away, and they will not get any help from the locals. Even if they are willing to pay for it, they are often suspected of being stolen.

Chasquina is used to this kind of life, so she has the opportunity to eat the second best, and of course she will not let go.

Chassina, who was running around outside, did not pay attention. The Gypsies never cared about the killing and killing of the local lords, so when he heard the sudden shouting of killing sounds, Xia Skinna couldn't help but stopped looking at the door in a daze.

She first raised her ears and listened, then suddenly pushed away Rong Rong in panic and rushed out of the door in panic.

At this time, the Venetian striker had already crossed the center of the town. They were crowded on the road and approaching the town, but what made them strange was that they didn't find any enemies along the way, although the street on the opposite side seemed to be far away. It has been blocked, but except for the shield soldiers who erected the shield carefully in the front, the army behind them only followed slowly.

Sometimes when you pass some alleys that run through the houses on both sides, you can see the companions passing by on the side street. This made the Venetians who were still worried about being attacked relieved. Their pace began to speed up. The front cut off the road. As the barricade became clearer, the Venetian stopped with a horn behind him.

They know that this will be the last time the whole team will attack before launching the attack, and then they will rush to the enemy desperately.

But the gunshots sounded at this time!

The Venetian at the front of the team didn't even have time to react to the sudden blast of the sky-shattering gunshots. Projectiles like storms were rushing towards us!

The sound of "poo poo" projectiles penetrating the flesh was mixed with the "jingle" noise from the shield armor being hit, but at this moment they were covered by the roaring echo of the firearm shooting, even when the front people were When he was shot in pain and screamed, the people behind the team didn't notice what was happening.

The team gathered on the street is so close, in front of the muzzle of the muskets, this sudden attack instantly became the prologue of a feast of death licking blood!

When the **** breath suddenly rushed from the front, the Venetian behind was even a little dazed

The Venetian did not know what happened.

The enemy is still so far away, and there are solid shield walls in front.

Even if the Genoans on the opposite side are good at using heavy crossbows, it is unlikely to pose any threat to them because of the distance.

Everything is taken for granted, so some veterans of the Venetians even whispered and laughed, but then accompanied by a musket roar, there was a terrible scream in front!

A taller soldier was looking at the front with his toes, then his head suddenly flicked back, and then his head collapsed to the ground in a weird way.

The companion next to him habitually dragged his arm, but he was almost dragged down. Because of this tug, the tall man could not help turning sideways, his face twisted upward, and then the companion saw him beaten. After rotten, it turned into a **** nostril.

When Chasquina ran out of the house, she saw a large piece of smoke rising from the barricade in the distance. She hurriedly looked around, but was quickly knocked upside down by someone who hurriedly ran by.

The men yelled at her infrequently, and some of her who obstructed her simply pushed her aside, and Chasquina couldn't help but followed the soldiers who ran to the barricade before she saw that there was someone who seemed to be fine. , I hurried to the past and asked aloud, "What happened here?"

Carlo was standing at the barricade with a stone staring at the front. This was the second line of defense temporarily built on the road according to Alexander's order.

Now Carlo is standing on the wall of this second line of defense. He can't see the scene in front of him. He can only judge whether the team in front is still calm by the interval between the two rounds of rifle shooting.

Carlo ’s forehead was covered with sweat. This was the first time the Agri took part in a real large-scale battle. The tension was enough to suffocate everyone. What ’s worse was the retreat of the Genoese. Positive!

The sudden appearance of Chasquina surprised Carlo. He looked at the woman who didn't know where she came from, and saw her dress. Carlo recognized that this was a Bohemian woman. This made Carlo I was even more surprised.

It was unlucky to meet a Bohemian woman. This thought made Carlo almost mad for a moment. He grunted in his throat and stared at Chasquina in the dark, although the Bohemian woman seemed very Beautiful, but now Carlo has the urge to give this woman a knife.

At this moment, they heard the roar of the blasting artillery!

Chasquina rushed forward with a pale face. She had never heard such a terrible sound. It was more terrifying than the legendary devil's snore. She forgot everything and wanted to hide in which corner. So when she crashed into the man's arms in front of her, Chasquina desperately tied her head tightly to Carlo's chest, and at the same time made a hysterical cry in her mouth.

The sudden change made Carlo stunned. He instinctively put his arms around the woman who threw him into his arms, and at the same time raised his head involuntarily, as the whizzing past the top of the head, accompanied by a piercing loud sound, looked away. .

The Venetians also raised their heads at this time, and they noticed something flying past their heads. The speed of the thing was very fast and it also carried a chilling howling.

For a moment, many people in the team could not help but bent down one after another, but soon they realized that the whistling sound seemed to just go over the top of their heads, which made them helplessly turned their heads and looked backwards in a dazed voice.

Then the Venetian stunned to see a few dark things crossed the head and fell not far behind the church.

A loud bang was heard. The tallest building in the town of Aural, the church bell tower with a history of several hundred years, was unfortunately shot in the first round of artillery shooting.

Several shells hit the bell tower one after another, and the lower half of the bell tower was smashed to less than half of the bell tower, which was still connected to the upper part. The flat roof persisted for a few seconds, and finally it could not bear to start tilting.

Looking at the tip of the bell tower falling obliquely, the Venetian talent woke up in a daze, and as someone shouted loudly, the team gathered on the street was immediately chaotic.

"Captain, we seem to have blown up the church."

On the platform, a gunner said to the same dazed Gompati.

"Yeah, we seem to have blown up the church," Gompati nodded hummingly. He didn't understand how the first round of shooting just happened to send the church bell tower to the sky, and if it was just a shell It ’s enough for the Chinese church, but it ’s not a coincidence that several shells hit at the same time.

Looking back at the weird eyes of the gunners throwing at him, Gompati suddenly remembered that the artillery had been corrected by himself beforehand.

Looking again at the direction of the bell tower that was once the tallest building in the whole town, Compati vaguely realized that it was he who used the method of the bell tower to calculate the shooting target repeatedly according to the method that Alexander gave him before. This result.

But he never thought that the first shot actually blasted the church into the sky!

"God, forgive my crimes," Gompati made a cross in a panic on his chest, and then shouted at the gunners who were still in a daze. "What are you doing, hurried to work, don't you know this? It is war! "

Carlo finally "get rid of" the bohemian woman who appeared inexplicably. When he rushed up the barricade with his men, he saw a miserable face not far away.

There were a lot of corpses lying on the street, some people were not dead, but just fell to the ground and screamed for help. The scarlet blood had stained the stone pavement black and red, and the **** smell of choking people permeated every street. Corners.

The spearmen stood nervously behind the barricades. Among them, the Agris had participated in the battles in the Bruini Valley and outside Rome, and the Genoese were all experienced.

But standing behind the barricades, they were a little dazed.

Carlo looked to the houses on both sides, and through the open windows, he could see the shaking figures in the house and the attic, which were the Agrigan Musketeers and the Genoa Crossbowmen.

Carlo clenched the short axe in his hand, and the long sword was more useful and terrible than an axe at this time.

Carlo looked at himself again. He looked at the soldiers' tense expressions and heard the rapid breathing of someone around him.

One of the Genoese mercenaries next to him gasped with his mouth wide open, but ignored the sweat that had dripped from the tip of his nose and slid into his mouth along his lips.

For a while, Carlos turned his gaze to the opposite side.

At the same time, there was a dull sound from countless steps as the ground stepped.

The Venetian finally started to attack after the chaos of the head-on blow.

The front shield soldiers approached slowly and cautiously. They were not allowed to walk carefully on the corpses of their companions on the ground, which made their speed much slower.

When they finally crossed the "obstacle", they paused a little, and with a cry from the team, the Venetians' pace was faster and faster, and then a group of holding axe and small shield rushed out from behind the shield. Mercenary.

After a long stalemate, the cruel short soldiers finally broke out!

When the first round of firearms sounded, Alexander quickly came to the attic of the house closest to the barricade. From here, he could see most of the streets. Because of this, when he saw the church bell tower collapse, Alexander could n’t help but stand Afflé, a little dull next to him.

"Sir, I just painted the map of the town to that Compati. You know the height of the bell tower of the church, which can help him find a goal, but I didn't say that he should directly use the church as the goal."

O'Leary argued with a pale complexion, he wondered how the Pisa had so happened to blow up the church in the first round of shooting, watching the smoke rising from the town, O'Leary even I dare not imagine what kind of afterimage the church should be.

"Don't do this stupid thing next time," Alexander said with a disturbed look at the marching commander. After he paused, he said another sentence. of."

Having finished speaking, Alexander's eyes turned to the barricade in the distance again.

Aufrei's face was even more ugly. At this time, he began to feel that the army commander was not very good. When he thought of fighting in the future, he had to worry about the feelings of the adults and the women.

Moving forward, charging, Alexander looked at the Venetians who were approaching quickly. Only he knew that when he seemed to discuss easily which of his women would be dissatisfied with shelling the church, the fists hidden under the armor were already tight.

The Venetians rushed forward desperately. They crowded together and rushed to the front which was not a solid obstacle. They believed that only one rush forward would scare away the enemies hiding behind the barrier.

The Venetians were right. When the black crushed mercenaries rushed up, both the Agris and the Genoese were indeed terrified, and some even threw their weapons in preparation for the escape.

"No one is a natural hero."

At this moment Carlo turned pale, remembering what Alexander said to him before he came to the position,

"So never put the hope of victory entirely on the bravery of the soldiers. What makes the soldiers brave can only let them know that they can win."

The corner of Carlo's mouth shivered slightly, looking at the enemies rushing towards him. He firmly grasped the already prepared Agrig flag next to him and waved down with all his strength.

As the flag suddenly dropped, the windows of the houses on both sides of the street, the attic, and the balcony that was protruded, a rifle burst into the street.

At the same time, there was also the shadow of the Genoese heavy crossbow that shot through the smoke and hit the enemy through the heavy gunfire.

As if being hit hard by an invisible heavy punch, the Venetian sprinted forward for a moment, and this time, in addition to the frontmost people were shot, even the back was hit by condescending hits and fell to the ground.

"dash forward!"

An officer shouted loudly in the crowd. The vicissitudes and scars on his face seemed to prove that his order was correct. Sure enough, the soldiers in front were hesitant because of hesitation. The second round of flying projectiles They have screamed at them with the gunshots that sounded again!

Someone who was shot down on the ground scared the Venetians. Their footsteps slowed down. On the street only tens of meters away from the barricade, the Venetians almost stopped the previous charge.

"The Venetians dare not come!" An Agry Spearman just screamed in excitement, then suddenly a horrified "Huh".

An officer in armor rushed out of the crowd, carrying a long sword in his hand, and the sound of the armor as he stepped forward seemed to be heard even far away.

"Rush up, only rush up, we have no escape route!"

The scarred Venetian screamed and rushed toward the barricade. His feet were unpleasant, but he was very firm, and the long sword raised high in the hand shone in the sunlight.

A musketeer raised his gun and he was sure to hit the man.

The gun fired, and then the Venetian suddenly saw a stoop down, but then he straightened up again and ran forward, and the people on the barricade saw the darkness on his armor.

Actually did not shoot through!

Agry Musketeers' face changed a lot ~ ~ This was the first time they faced an enemy who was hit and killed.

"Did you see that he was not dead! Rush up!"

Another cry rang out from the Venice team, and in a blink of an eye this kind of cry swept through the already Venetian army that had already shown cowardice.

The charge was launched again, just a few tens of meters, and the two sides collided together in an instant.

The piercing and terrible fighting sound almost broke out almost at the moment of the battle between the two sides. Before the barrage was not strong, there were splattered plasma and severed limbs, and the people who rushed to the front could not even see clearly. The enemy ’s face was stabbed in the chest with a spear protruding from the barricade or pierced the cheek directly, but their body did not have a chance of falling, but was pushed by the people behind to the barricade. Then he was quickly overwhelmed by the crowd.

The slashes, screams and screams of the injured were mixed up at the ends of the barricade. The **** and terrible killing made this obstacle across the road the most terrible **** in the town of Aural.

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