Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 4 Chapter 14: Oral's War (7)

In front of the barrier, under the porch, and behind the suddenly open door, the Venetians fought deadly with these enemies hidden in the fortifications.

Venetians who have never encountered enemies in this way feel that they are being tortured. They do not know how to describe their current enemies and battles. It is even more difficult for them to imagine that this kind of sneak attack comes from the same army.

There is no formation, no order, and no courageous charge and tough defense when facing strong enemies. All enemies try to hide behind the walls and door panels. They only want to spear the spears and muskets from various gaps toward the big. The Venetians attacked on the road, and when the Venetians were ready to fight them, they either immediately retreated behind the bunkers they had evaded, or if they saw too many enemies, they would retreat from the side roads.

But the Venetians who catch up will soon find that there are often barricades waiting for them at the end of these alleys.

Once the retreating enemies retreat to the back of the barricade obstacles, they will not continue with them. They will rely on these obstacles, which are not solid, but at this time they have played a major role in the obstacles to continue fighting with the enemy.

Even before the obstacles that were temporarily piled up with debris, the Venetians had to pay much more than the wildly prepared battlefield in the face of these prepared enemy forces.

Another Venetian bravely rushed up the barricade, which caused cheers behind him.

This is the first time I do n’t know how to launch an attack. Every time I was slightly frustrated, I started to retreat from the Venetian. Under the inspiration of the officer who miraculously did not die under the rifle, I attacked the enemy again and again, but the effect Obviously not very good.

When they first rushed to the barricade, they thought they had seen the victory, so that the commander who had been standing on the street behind the team had ordered the team's flag to move forward.

But no one expected that the enemies who had been driven off the barricades would only retreat slightly, and the soldiers who had just climbed the barricades and cheered loudly became the targets of the enemies hiding in the houses on both sides of the street.

Soldiers with no cover at all were killed by projectiles and crossbows shot from both sides, or even thrown short spears. They all planted on both sides of the barricades. Those who survived happily jumped out. The people who can't take care of them are rushing up to meet them.

The next thing the Venetian faced was the sharp spears from the wall that were greeted by the enemy again. For a time, the two sides fought a deadly battle against the barricade.

Another loud noise of artillery came from behind. Even in a fierce battle, some people looked up involuntarily to the sky. They did not know where the shells overhead would fall. At this time, few people thought about these.

Until the cannonball fell from the sky with a strange noise and directly hit the street, smashing the originally flat stone pavement into a big pit, the scattered rubble directly penetrated the chests of several nearby soldiers, and the cannonball did not Stopped, but pulsing out a scary red alley in the crowd like a child playing pinball along the street!

The Venetians dreaded in fright on both sides of the road. Although they didn't know how to avoid the shelling, the low porch of the road made them feel at least safer.

But shortly after the first shell fell, there were more whistling sounds falling from the sky.

A house was hit badly, and a huge impact force penetrated the roof directly from top to bottom. Thick smoke erupted from the doors and windows. It was also mixed with various pieces of furniture wreckage that had been smashed into pieces.

The Venetians standing under the corridor eaves were screamed by the collapsed bricks. They had to run to the road in a hurry, and the latter was buried directly under the collapsed house.

"Not sure!"

Gompati, who stood on the platform, roared angrily at the gunners. His face was now blackened by smoke, and his body seemed to have just climbed out of the coal kiln.

"Don't hit those houses, it's useless, aim at the street. Isn't it possible to hit such a long street?"

Gompati's thunderous cries were almost catching up with the roar of the artillery. He ran around in front of each gun to help the gunners correct and correct it, and then issued a command loudly again after hope.

"Shoot! Shoot at the Venetians on the street!"

The artillery was roaring, and the huge recoil caused the gun body to shock and then suddenly retreated backward. At the same time, the thick smoke emitted from the muzzle also rose with the air.

"Come on, give me the Venetians!"

Gompatti watched the dark shadows falling on the straight streets and burst into laughter. He greeted the assistant gunners to clear the muzzle, and then ran to the first gun to start correction.

When the roaring shells passed by not far away, Alexander raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes fixed on the opposite street, and he could clearly see the Venetians crowded in the distance from his direction.

The Venetian's strength is indeed very large. If it is in the wild, Alexander knows that his strength may not last for an hour.

But this is in the town, and it happens to be in Olar.

Aural's funnel-like terrain restricts the Venetians. In the face of narrower and narrower roads, fewer and fewer roads, there are not many soldiers who can actually function.

More people have to do nothing on the crowded streets and watch the people in front of them fighting the enemy. If they want to bypass, they will find that in addition to this central road, the obstacles on the narrow alley roads will be them A bigger nightmare.

In those places, in addition to facing the enemies behind the frontal obstacles, they must also be ready to deal with attacks from houses on both ends of narrow streets. Sometimes a narrow alley may only require a few spears and heavy crossbow guns. The Venetians who were able to hold and were blocked in the alleys were often targeted by Genoese who were always ready to help their companions.

"This is a city battle you haven't experienced, Calgino." Alexander murmured softly. He had heard the rumbling of artillery shells falling on the street and the screams that followed.

"It's not enough for Gompati. Fire them." Alexander looked at the platform. The smoke from the muzzle of each shot was clearly seen here, but Alexander doubted whether the Venetians could also notice these. .

Alexander's eyes looked farther away, and when he vaguely saw a swaying figure near the collapsed church wreck, he gave orders to his side Aufrei.

Aufrei was a little stunned. He felt that he might have heard it wrong. When he wanted to confirm it again, he just heard Alexander whisper to himself: "Since it has blown up, it doesn't matter."

O'Leary knew that he had heard it correctly. Although he was suspicious, he immediately greeted people and led the horse to the platform quickly.

When O'Fleui arrived, Compati was happily praising his gunners.

In the first round of shooting, almost half of the shells landed on the road and the nearby house. Looking at the enemies shaking and apparently panicking, Gompati felt that he was simply the messenger of death in Greek legend.

"What?" But the order that O'Freuil sent to him made Gompati a bit strange. He also asked the same as the army commander before looking in the direction of the church that had collapsed in the distance.

"Oh, really." Gompati murmured. From him, he could only roughly see the upper part of the church. As for the small square in front of the church, because there are many houses that block the dead end, they can't see it. .

But that's fine, all towns have churches, don't they, and all churches will have a small square in front of them without exception.

"I've been there," Orfrey took out his pocket book that had drawn many terrains from his pocket. "The square is not large, and you certainly can't see it, but ..." Speaking of which, Orf Ley scratched his forehead and hesitated before continuing. "You just need to target the church as before, but then move forward a little bit."

"Are you talking about increasing the elevation of the muzzle?" Gompati nodded arrogantly when he saw Affléy's blank face, and for those Agri who had followed Alexandria, Gompa Tee didn't have much affection, at least in his eyes, these farmers from the countryside are still very tender "I know what to do, but you have to tell adults, I hope he can protect my artillery."

This time it was Aloflai's turn to show pride. Looking at Gompati, the young future stonemason raised his waist and said with pride:

"Relax, the Aggris never flinch."

Calgino looked suspiciously at the distant town. He didn't know what happened to Olar, but he found that things seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

The Venetians seemed to be redeploying their army. A Milanese who was about to flank him after all was slowly turning around, looking at the direction that their flag was pointing, as if it were Oral.

The coalition forces are adding reinforcements?

Calgino thought this idea was ridiculous, but in fact a Milan army was indeed turning around to Aural.

Did the Gombray really resist the attack of Venice?

An army composed of several different places and less than 2,000 people can resist more than twice as many Venetians. Calgino feels that there can be no more absurd than this.

There must be something wrong, Calgino thought.

But the news from the flanks let him know that things were not an illusion as he had thought before.

Flanking came a request for an attack on the Venetian, because "The Venetian seems to have stopped."

Calgino looked for a closer look, and he soon discovered that the Venetians seemed to have changed due to the movement of the flanking army, especially when a team of Milan cavalry was running along the road that should have been occupied. They are very fast, and even ignoring a Genoese who is behind, they are running close to the edge of those Genoese teams.

It seems that something strange happened in the town of Aural, Calgino couldn't help but wonder.

Just when he considered whether to take the opportunity to let the army try to attack the left wing of Venice, a huge artillery blast came from the town again!

Calgino raised his head, and somehow he felt that the shelling was a little different from before, but why he couldn't speak for a while.

Calgino stared at the direction of the town, and soon he understood why there was the opposite.

The direction of the original church was filled with thick smoke at this time. Some people could be seen running around in a hurry. Some of the horses were scared and ran wildly towards the outside of the town.

"Is that Gombray crazy, he shelled the church?"

Calgino looked at the place where the smoke was rising in amazement. He could be sure that it was the direction of the town's church.

If the first bombardment can be said to be a mistake, then this second round of shooting was obviously intentional.

What Calgino did not expect was that after he was guessing what Alexander was going to do, after a while, the third round of shelling against the direction of the church sounded again!

This time, no one would think it was a coincidence.

Because it may be that the previous two shots have mastered some skills, most of the shells in the third round of shelling almost hit the intended target-the small square in front of the Olar Church.

Even from outside the town, you can see the billowing smoke near the Oral Church, as well as the blazing fire that gradually burned the flammables in the house because of the fire in the collapsed building.

"That Gumbre was really crazy," Calgino gritted his teeth. He did not expect Alexander to be so bold that he dared to bombard the church with artillery, but what made him even more shocked was that the destruction caused by the artillery made him shocking.

Calgino was not unaware of the horror of the artillery. He had heard of the power of the Ottoman's terrible Urban cannon from the Greeks who had escaped from Constantinople. But those were always just hearsay.

Now, when he saw with his own eyes that a century-old sturdy church instantly turned into a pile of ruins under the bombardment of artillery, Calgino was finally completely shaken.

The thick smoke billowed from the distance covered most of the town in an instant, and the ruins of the collapsed church and bell tower were vaguely visible.

But because of the large half of the town, although Calgino was shocked by the tragic image of the church in the cannon, he did not know what kind of human **** was in the square in front of the church that was directly hit by the shells.

The square that was originally used as a gathering place for people on Prayer Day was completely unrecognizable at this time. The ground of the entire square was covered with shallow holes that were smashed and hit by shells.

A pile of wreckage that was originally a carriage leaned diagonally on the corner of the square, and large barrels of wine flowed from beneath the broken horse to the surrounding with blood.

There were corpses and smashed stumps everywhere, some could see who they were, but more couldn't tell who they were at all, nor could they tell who the broken torso belonged to.

Human corpses, horse corpses, and broken limbs scattered around the armor fragments filled the whole square. Obviously, the beautiful and strong Milan armor obviously did not provide any protection.

On the contrary, some people were choked to death by being stuck in the armor because the splashed gravel smashed the armor into deformation.

Gompati did not know that under his artillery bombardment, it was almost the heavy cavalry that the Milanese were gathering.

After the accident that directly collapsed the bell tower of the church for the first time, Gompati's artillery never fired another round of artillery shells near the church, which made the Milanese heavy cavalry think they found a safe place.

They prepared their horse armor here in a hurry, and the heavy cavalry proudly asked them to wipe their armor brighter even before going to the battlefield.

It was at this time that Gompati spoke to the small square in front of the church with all the artillery in his hand at the command of Alexander!

When the shells fell, some Milan knights had just swallowed slowly with the help of Hudong and stepped on the horse, while others knelt on the ground to pray before the war, while a knight was searching for his mistress Letters and words.

Then, the next big block of solid shells fell from the sky, and the whole square turned into a terrible **** in an instant!

The knight riding on the horse was dropped on the ground with his warhorse and then shoved forward along the ground like a cannonball. The human horse instantly became a terrible stir from the huge stone bomb. A pile of crushed bone mash.

The knight who was praying thought that his piety was called when he heard the strange noise, so God gave him some miraculous revelation, but what came to him was a half-shocked moment. The wood was cut directly, and the lower body, who remained on one knee and knelt, was stubbornly supported for a while before falling down softly.

At this time, a broken quill was floating in the air. As for the master who was still worried about how to please her mistress, she was directly smashed into a pile of mud by the shells in the shallow pit on the ground.

The terrible attack came so fast, when the Milanese finally understood what was happening, many people immediately shouted and fled, some of them ran out of the town, and some escaped to the streets and alleys nearby. , Leaving only the people in the square who have not died to mourn and scream at them for help.

The injured people screamed and made a desperate cry for help. Some of them struggled to get up and fled outside the square. Some found that their legs had disappeared when they wanted to stand up, and some were collapsed. The ruins of the houses pressed down below the roar of despair.

The surviving Milanese were completely stunned. They were terrified. They had never experienced such a thing. Even if the enemy ’s face had not been seen, they were so shocked, so that they did not know what was going on. What's wrong!

"Master, please help my master. He was crushed under the stones. I can't move the stones. I beg you to save him. I promise you for my master, and I will repay you!"

A young attendant grabbed the arm of a cavalry and shook it uncontrollably. When he saw that the cavalry was just staring blankly at the front, the attendant ran unwillingly to the next person. Among the people who came down, they begged until they were finally grabbed by a strong cavalry.

"Aren't you a follower of my cousin Mark, what is your kid running around, Mark?

"Master, I know you, you are a relative of my master," the servant yelled like he had grabbed the life-saving straw. "Please, help my master, he was crushed under those stones."

"God, how is that." The strong man's face was pale. "I have to save him."

"You're crazy," the cavalryman next to him grabbed the strong man. "Look at that, you might be killed if you ran like this."

"No, I have to save my cousin. He just got married. He will be the groom in a few months." The strong man shouted to the people next to him, "The **** artillery has been hit twice. Did n’t we call again after a long time, we can rescue many people with this opportunity. "

The strong man yelled and ran towards the square. The heavy cavalry looked at him with fear, when they saw that the cavalry ran to the ruins of his cousin, and began to move the rubble, and the ruins When the cry for help on the road became more and more stern, someone finally shouted intolerantly:

"No artillery, those **** didn't shoot us and hit us at this time to save people!"

The shout finally moved the hesitant Milanese ~ ~ When they looked at the people on the square who were familiar with them among the wounded, the Milanese began to run towards the ruins of the square.

People started running back and forth in the square, struggling to rescue those who were still alive, or who seemed to be saved.

At the same time, they did not know whether they were comforting each other or just to brave themselves. Many people yelled: "No guns, no guns."

Obviously, Milanese with excellent armor and superb swords and guns do not understand what is called intermittent shooting and artillery reset.

Then, when they heard the seemingly familiar horrible sound appearing overhead again, the second round of shells had already smashed down on them!

On the afternoon of May 3, 1497, the army of Count Alexander of Montina gave the Milanese cavalry a near-destructive shelling.

In a short period of time, the Count of Montina conducted a round-robin bombardment against the Milanese heavy cavalry assembly, causing huge damage to the Milanese.

Thus, first of all, it was a precedent for the concentrated use of artillery on the battlefield!

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