Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 39: The hard start of 1,501

Alexander did not know what happened in the palace, but he knew who was the most powerful person in Valladolid today.

It can be known that the news does not come from how much he knows about Castile, but purely because these are the efforts and preparations of Count Modillo over the years.

When leaving Castile with George Anne, Modillo knew that it was just the beginning, his plan was so huge, and the preparation time was so long, this requires not only the rare others. Be patient, and need someone to support him all the time.

Modillo is undoubtedly a very charismatic person, he can let many people choose to stand on his side, not to mention he also has a vision that can see most people, he is very clear who needs money women and various This kind of interest is attracted, and anyone who tells him his ideals and feelings can make him die. This has become the cornerstone of Modillo's paving the way for his plan, even if he goes down this path until he wants to think. The overthrow of Isabella is still very difficult along the way, and may even be in desperation at any time, but this is already the most rare help for Alexander who has just arrived.

The aristocratic forces of Valladolid are much stronger than Alexander imagined. Or, looking at the whole of Castilla and Aragon, the aristocratic forces are stronger than other countries and cannot be ignored.

The aristocratic separatists that have plagued the French royal family for many years have gradually lost their threats with the consumption of the Hundred Years War, especially after the death of bold Charles, there is almost no big feudal separatist force in France that can directly threaten the royal family, even after many years. Henry, the king of Navarre, who became the founder of the French Bourbon dynasty, was also the throne legally inherited after the heir to the royal family of Loire.

As for other European countries, the kings have gradually seen too many harms from the princes ’separatism. They can no longer tolerate the actions of the princes who do not take taxes, keep orders, and even openly disobey the king ’s order. The monarch began to realize how important it was to concentrate power, so they made every effort to withdraw power from those princes. At the same time, the segregation system that had lasted for nearly a thousand years was a huge change since this time.

This kind of change is undoubtedly happening in Iberia too, but it has to admit that compared with other parts of Europe, Iberia has really not changed much.

The nobles still have a huge power that nobles in other places can't match. Even even the monarchs such as Isabella and Ferdinand who have built great reputation through the movement to regain the lost land, the nobles still have unshakable At the same time, their army almost completely obeyed the orders of their lords. In this regard, Castilla is not much different from Italy, which is now falling apart.

It can be said that in Valladolid, the king and his wife are undoubtedly the biggest lords, but they are also "just the biggest lords". In the eyes of many Castilian nobles, the queen is indeed their monarch, but if this monarch Having hindered that in their own territory, then how long they will endure is worth considering.

Isabella is obviously dissatisfied with this situation, which can be seen from her constant creation of miracles trying to make the entire Castilla into a second heaven. Some people may think that this is the same as she thinks. It is irrelevant to reduce the power deprived of noble princes, but Alexander knew that Isabella in fact history used this method to gradually recover power from those nobles.

A noble may have a good territory, but when a sacred site appears on this territory, then it is impossible for this noble to be completely used by this noble.

It will become the glory of the kingdom and part of the Second Heaven that is being sung by countless people, whether it is the royal family or the church will naturally infiltrate this land, unless the noble wants to rebel or publicly express covetousness to this sacred site, Otherwise, he could only watch those characters appear on his own territory, and then gradually this land will become the territory owned by the queen, and the power of the nobles will be invisible by this penetration. Slowly deprive.

Of course, these ideas were conceived by Alexander himself. Count Modillo could not tell Alexander these things, at least he could not see such a long term.

But now the counts of the forces of Lastilia are very clear, which let Alexander know that now in Valladolid, in addition to the royal family, the most powerful is now the queen ’s cousin, with "Moore The Duke of Pamonides Don Bavi, nicknamed "People".

A nickname like the Moor is obviously not a good nickname in Iberia, but this duke unfortunately has dark skin similar to the Moor, and his hair is also the same black as the Moor, which makes it Many people couldn't help wondering who his father was since he was born.

In fact, the mother of Duke Pamonide Dumbawi finally collapsed among these overwhelming suspicions. According to the Duke's family, the mother of the Duke died of a serious illness, but many people are more willing to believe her It was suicide or simply killed by her angry husband.

No matter how to send the Duke of Moned Don Bavi, whether it is because of his succession in the family, the doubtful origin is destined to be missed from the Castile throne from the beginning, but this is not the case. It hindered him from becoming the most powerful man in Castile except the royal family.

The reason why the Duke of Pamuide Dumbawi has such a powerful authority is because he chose to switch sides at a critical moment.

When the incompetent Enrique forced Isabella to marry the then crown prince of Portugal, he was fiercely resisted by Isabella, which angered Enrique completely, and he ordered the arrest of this disobedient sister. The mission is carried out by the Paignide Tambawi, who is trusted by Enrique.

At that time, Isabella was alone in facing Enrique as a king. She didn't even have a decent guard around her, and although many people did recognize her more than Enrique, but Faced with the king's aggressive momentum, no one came forward to speak for her.

It was at this time that the decision of Pioneer Dombawei changed Castile, and even changed too much history.

He released Isabella halfway, and sent someone to **** her to Aragon quickly to meet Ferdinand, and sent Moned Tambovi himself not so stupid as to go back to Enrique empty-handed , But simply fled to his own territory.

Then, after returning to the territory, he immediately rectified his troops and waited for it. This made Enrique, who was so violent after hearing the news, hate to death, but he did not treat him in the end.

Because Isabella who fled to Aragon at that time immediately announced her marriage to Ferdinand, which made Enrique ca n’t help but face the threat from Aragon, he had to temporarily tolerate the opposition Moned Dombavi's dissatisfaction, just want to wait for his hand to clear up this bastard.

Unfortunately, this idea did not materialize in the end. Enrique fell into a fight with Isabella, and Pamonid Don Bavey paid for the rest of his life because of his right bet at the crucial moment. Enough profligate power and wealth.

These are all recorded in the book left by Count Modillo, and the Count obviously does not simply record the development of Castilian dignitaries such as Paimide Tambavi, but also very It is a detailed note of what kind of relationship they all have with whom, and from the earl's record, it is not difficult for Alexander to find that the Duke of Pemmon Dumbawi is obviously a very smart speculator.

Alexander noticed that when Enrique ’s daughter Juana and Isabella fought for the throne, because of the support of Portugal and domestic support for Juana ’s participation, Isabella received Aragon ’s support. The situation is actually quite detrimental to her, especially when the Portuguese reinforcements from the African colonies cross the strait and land from southern Castilla, Isabella is facing a bad situation that may be hit by North and South.

At that time, some of the most steadfast supporters could not help but waver. Someone had already put forward proposals to negotiate with Juana. It was at that time that Pamonid Tambavi stood up and he firmly announced his support for Isabel Pull, and take the initiative to lead the army to meet the enemies in the south.

After a great war, Juana lost her chance to compete for the crown, and Portugal had to withdraw from this Castilian civil war after accepting many disadvantages because of the setbacks.

Pioneer Dombavi became the man who saved Isabella again, and even became the hero of the United Kingdom who saved the future. This made Isabela, even Ferdinand, look at him differently.

Pamonid Tambavi became the most trusted Castilian nobleman before the Kings, especially after he inherited his father's territory and became the Duke of Buharanse. Wei became the most prominent person in Casilitia.

"This is really an enviable big man," Sher sitting in the carriage said in amazement, he was so emotional after listening to Alexander's description of the duke "Master, the duke But it is really sentimental and righteous. After all, at that time, he was willing to take such a big risk to help a powerless princess. This can only be done by a true knight. "

Looking at Scher's respectful expression, Alexander shook his head secretly. He looked out the window. The wind blowing in the bare window made the face numb. It was because of this that he used to talk about the duke's The story allows his face to move, otherwise his face may be frozen after arriving in the place.

"Why don't you think so, sir?" Schell looked at Alexander, who shook his head unconsciously. "The duke is a hero."

"So how do you think he can choose the right side so accurately every time, don't tell me you think this is the right choice for a knight."

Sher was going to say something, but finally he said helplessly.

The Balkans are indeed not good at those things that meander, but this does not mean that they are stupid, especially after spending half a century with the Ottomans, even the most unfamiliar farmers Cunning cunning.

"But don't you think he knew it would be like this in advance?" But Shel still felt a little puzzled. "As you said, when the queen was not married to Ferdinand at the time, she was simply Without strength to compete with Enrique, the Duke of Moned Dombavi would need at least great courage to do this. "

"It does take a lot of courage, so it's not easy to say this person." Alexander's eyes turned to the window again, and there was a gloom outside, and there was a layer of white frost everywhere. The dry branches looked lifeless, many The land was so hard that it cracked with crisscross cracks.

"This is another terrible winter," Alexander said to himself. He had written to Ruosha before, asking her to invest a lot of money to build a large granary that could hold as much grain as possible. It is by no means a short period of time to store enough grain.

This kind of work will take several years, or even more than ten years, to finally see results, but during this period of time, it seems like a bottomless hole and can't see the head.

For the first time this Shao doubted his decision, she was worried that Alexander ’s construction of such a granary might not only cost nothing, but also cause a shortage of money in other places because of the excessive funds occupied. At the same time, she Also wondering how Alexander can be sure that winter will get colder and colder in the future.

In response to these questions, Alexander could only find a way to explain it in the letter again and again. In order to persuade Ruosha, he wrote a long letter to the scholars of Bologna and Pisa-Pavia University and set aside funds to make some of them Weather conducts its own research seriously, and hopes to enable them to theoretically support their claims.

At the same time, Alexander did not forget to write to Sophia as far away as Wallachia, telling her that she might need to call for 1501 Balkan soldiers in advance.

According to the agreement signed by both parties, Wallachia provides a certain amount of troops to the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany in exchange for assistance to Wallachia, although this assistance is actually provided by the Jewish Chamber of Commerce of Joseph Buccini , But the Jews seem to be willing to be this unknown hero.

In the agreement, each year Wallachia will provide Alexander with the Balkan soldiers he needs. During the service, these soldiers will receive their own salary. After three years of service, most of these soldiers can return to their hometowns. , And a smaller part has the opportunity to become a free soldier in the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany.

These soldiers can choose to serve the Duke for another ten years. After ten years, they have the right to apply for retirement. At the same time, they can choose to receive a sum of money or a piece of land rewarded by the Duke.

Last year, in 1500, in addition to the troops brought back from Wallachia, he recruited a total of about 1500 Wallachian soldiers. Most of these recruits were placed in northern Montina and Lombardy border areas. In the direction of the northern Italian legion with Gompati and Ofrei, Alexander can be said to have invested a lot of money.

Now, due to the officialdom against Iberia during this time, he had to consider recruiting 1501 recruits from Wallachia at the beginning of the new year.

And this time, the number will not be too small in his prediction.

Although the Balkans are indeed hard-working and inexpensive, it is worth considering that there are so many things to do at the same time, and these things are so in need of money, it is not difficult for Alexander to understand why he has always supported him. It's time to sing against him.

It's just that the money must be spent.

Alexander ’s deepest impression of the 16th century was not the Renaissance, nor the New World, nor the Protestant movement that Martin Luther, who is still a little boy, has been controversial in later generations, but it is from this period that has been going on The long 150-year glacial period.

It was during this period that the old world of Eurasia changed dramatically, and this is closely related to the arrival of the Little Ice Age.

The excessively cold winter for several years has indeed attracted the attention of many people, but no one will know that this cold weather will last for a long time. With the climate change that this long weather becomes colder, the grain harvest will increase year by year. Less than a year, until widespread hunger in many places.

The population will decrease rapidly within a certain period of time, and more and more people will have to leave their hometowns to find a way to live. The sharp decline in population will bring about barren land and the rapid reduction of various crops.

All countries will be in trouble, and in order to get rid of this dilemma, the only choice for the monarchs of all countries is to wage war to plunder other countries.

It will be a difficult time, and no one knows how long this period is.

Alexander knew that, so he didn't want to see that kind of result, and he didn't want to see his son and grandson wanting to continue to face this dilemma when he was lying in the coffin.

So he hopes to change all this in his lifetime, at least to prepare for the upcoming Little Ice Age.

"It seems that Uliu must be recruited ~ ~ Alexander said suddenly, and when she saw a strange expression on Sher's face, he waved his hand." You don't have to worry about Sher even if Uliu came to him It won't replace you. "

"Master, I'm not worried about this," Schell explained quickly. Then he thought about looking at Alexander's expression and finally asked cautiously, "But lord, can I know which lady you see first, This way I can ask you about it before the director comes. "

"What?" Alexander froze, then immediately angered. "Shel, don't I look like this in your mind, do you think I asked Uliou to pimp me?"

"Isn't it," Xieer was surprised, and then stuttered a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, I'm really confused."

Alexander looked helplessly at Schell, but before he could speak again, a hunting guard who had opened the road appeared by the window of the car: "Master, the Torre Castle of Buharanse has arrived."

Hearing the report of the hunting guards, Alexander was refreshed.

"Let's go and visit that Pioneer Don Bavey."

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