Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 40: Duke Don Bavi and Buharan City

Buharanse is a small town with a typical southern Iberian climate. Like most of these cities, a small river flows through the city, and then joins the famous large river Darville in the south to the Atlantic Ocean.

Buharanse is not a big city and is protected by an early Gothic wall built. This city was one of the earliest places where the Moors used as a stronghold in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, so compared with other places, Buhalanse has a more obvious early Saracen style.

Torre Torre is located on a hillside not far from Bucharanse, where the terrain is more dangerous. From here, you can get a bird's eye view of the entire Bucharan City, and there is a road from Fort Torre to Bucharan City. What is the danger of Buharanse City, the troops stationed in Fort Torre can quickly help.

As the movement to recover the lost ground intensified in Iberia, the area was finally taken back from the Moors by the Europeans about half a century ago. The predecessors of the Don Bavi family who had made credit in that battle got Buhalanse as a reward.

However, because the battle situation was not clear at the time, in order to protect the city of Buharanse, the predecessors of the Don Bavi family built this Torre Fort outside the city.

And after releasing Isabella in private, Pamonid Don Bavi was hiding in the castle, obviously he thought it was much safer than Buharanse.

The reason for Alexander to visit the duke is very reasonable, because a nun who claimed to be able to receive revelation from the angel appeared in his territory.

This nun was born in Buharanse ’s virgin convent. According to the records of the local church, this convent was the first monastery established in Buharanse after the Moors were driven away. This was a bit strange at first. Because it is difficult to imagine that a convent was first built in a place where pagans had just been driven away, not a church.

However, some subsequent news made Alexander almost know the origin of this convent.

The Moors that were driven away left behind not only buildings and cities with pagan styles, but also a large number of mixed races. The centuries of rule have made the places they have occupied for a long time become chaotic, and no one dares to be straightforward. It is said that his family does not have any Moore descent. As the Moors were driven away, the remaining mixed races became a big trouble. In the eyes of the winners, they are even cheaper animals than pagans, although according to the teachings At least nominally, there should be no slaves, but these mixed races, especially those new born mixed races whose fathers and not their ancestors are Moors, have become the biggest victims of the movement to regain the lost land.

Many of the boys were sent to quarries or logging yards in remote areas to work as coolies. No one cared about their whereabouts and life and death, and their mothers suffered from everyone ’s blind eyes, abuse, and even their own past. Severe penalties.

And the girls were sent to the hurriedly established virgin convent, because according to the Castile nobles at the time, they "can't tolerate such dirty descendants contaminating their lineage."

According to this statement, the boys will continue to do those hard labors until they can't do it, and the girls will be forced to stay in the women's convent and let them die on their own.

Such an order was a stern decree signed by the monarch of Castile at the beginning of the movement to recover the land. This decree lasted for more than half a century, until the last Moorish kingdom of Granada fell, and the virgin convent Performing this duty firmly.

Now there is such a nun claiming to have been enlightened by an angel in such a nun, which not only completely violated the original purpose of this nun, but even made things a bit more subtle.

When Alexander was reviewing numerous records of sacred sites, he saw this rather strange record. Although the real purpose of coming to Iberia was not to serve the Holy See at all, this strange incident still aroused his interest. .

And the most important thing is that it was the Duke of Moned Don Bavi who proposed the review of this sacred site.

Alexander can imagine what Isabella will look like when she sees this application, but since she is so keen on creating various sacred sites, it is difficult to refuse and ignore such obvious records, which also makes Alexander involuntary Duke Ned Don Bavi developed a strong interest.

As the largest nobleman who directly betrayed from Enrique's camp and chose to change sides, Duke Moned Don Bavi can not only say that he has already achieved fame, but also already laid a sufficient amount for future generations. Let them squander the huge family business for several generations, but it was at this time that such a duke showed his dissatisfaction with Isabella in such a way, which had to attract Alexander's attention.

The road to Torreborg on the top of the mountain was not very good. Even though the carriage had to be abandoned, the team walked for nearly half an hour under the guidance of the guide before finally reaching the castle gate.

The Duke of Buharan sent Moned Don Bavey to be almost 70 years old this year. The injuries caused to him by many wars in his early years found him in these years, so when someone was pushing a wooden wheelchair When he appeared in front of Alexander, he looked at the gray hair in a wheelchair, and the spirit seemed not to be a good prince. Alexander couldn't help thinking of Sicily's governor, Camille.

The old man is almost 100 years old. This age is almost a miracle in this day and age. Although Camille looks like he will die in his wheelchair at any time, his old body shows Extraordinary vitality.

This made Alexander never take this kind of old man who seemed to be old, and he would never take it lightly, especially if he took the initiative to pick things like the Duke of Moned Don Bavi.

Duke Pamonide Don Bavi has short curly silver-grey hair and a pair of eyes with slightly puffy eyes that are a bit muddy, but his spirit is clearly sober, especially when Alexander asked him about the Nursing School of the Virgin When the sacred thing happened, the duke, who was said to have relapsed from his old injuries, immediately danced with his hands and feet, almost pushing away the wheelchair and standing up.

"Believe me that is indeed a miracle," the Duke waved his thin hands to strengthen his words. "I know that many people who claim to have been enlightened turned out to be liars, but this nun named Elsmiel Not so, she has never been tempted by any outside world, and no one has encouraged her to be instructed, because she was sent to the Virgin Nursing Institution almost from birth, and she has almost never left in the decades so far After the nuns, as for the man she has seen, it can be counted with both hands and feet. "

Alexandria listened with interest. Of course he was not attracted by the story of the Duke, but was curious about the personal performance of the Duke of Pemnide Don Bavi, as Schell said. It really took a lot of courage for Duke Ned Don Bavi to choose to bet on Isabella. After all, at that time, almost everyone was not optimistic about the princess in a bad situation.

But the Duke of Moned Don Bavi seized the golden opportunity. When Isabella was most critical and helpless, his choice not only saved the princess himself, but also gave Ferdinand to watch Castilla's chance.

Then he stood firmly on her side in Isabella's war against the Moors. These two consecutive bets can be said to have played a key role in Isabella's ruling career.

"Master, where is Sister Elsmiel now?" Alexander asked suddenly.

"Where else, in the monastery," Duke Don Bavi waved his hands in a wheelchair and seemed to stand up, but after a long time, he had to sit back again. "For her, the monastery is like an Eden, she is afraid of outside Something that makes angels different can make a person different, but for Sister Elsmiel, it ’s just God ’s test for her and not something to show off. ”

Duke Don Bavi said in a very proud tone. He patted the hand of the servant and signaled him to push himself forward, and at the same time excitedly said to Alexander, who was following, "Duke, you would n’t think of hearing How excited I was about this matter, to know that this is a complete response to the revelation I got back then. "

"What response did you say?"

"It was my revelation that I chose to be on the side of the queen," Duke Don Bavi said as he watched Alexander's "ha" laugh out loud. "Do you think that I would decide on a whim to choose Issa who was then a princess at the time Bella, you know what I was at the time, and the bounty I got for escorting the princess to the king was the most important thing for me. But that time I got the revelation of God.

When I escorted the princess on the road, I suddenly saw a cross of light that came to me, and then I saw him, yes, it is him, and I believe that it must be the image that God showed me.

Then he did n’t speak, but let a voice tell me directly in my heart, what I did was wrong, I should correct it immediately, I should protect this princess, because she would recover the film has been occupied by pagans for too long The leader of the land, she will bring this humiliating era to an end. If I do n’t follow this warning, I will betray him, and if I do according to his revelation, not only can I save this land Hero, but also allows my descendants to be favored by God for my actions. "

Duke Don Bavi said with his hands raised high, as if praying to something invisible above his head.

"Obviously, your choice is right." Alexander looked at the gorgeous decorations around the corridor and nodded. "So what did you say in response?"

"The voice at the time told me that in the future I will get another revelation when I am old. That is my own leader. Because I did good deeds, this leader will appear when I am going to die. He or She will guide my soul to heaven. "

"Do you think this nun Elsmiel is this leader?"

"There is no doubt." The Duke affirmed firmly "God chose this Sister Elsmiel to convey his will to me, so I have an obligation to report all this to the Vatican, don't I?"

"Yes Duke, so I came here." Alexander looked at Duke Don Bavi, he was a little curious at this time, Duke Don Bavi's words sound so sincere, if all this is his Made up, then this duke is really an amazing actor.

But Alexander also knows that the so-called revelation of God does not exist.

Maybe some people will have some illusions in their heads for various reasons, or because of some coincidence they have seen something that is incomprehensible, but even if it cannot be explained, it is impossible to attribute it to any revelation, just like the French country girl Joan of Arc, when she raised the banner and called on the French to resist the invasion of the British, all they saw was a saint who claimed to have been inspired by the angels to save the destiny of France, and few people noticed that it was from the time she appeared In the future, the activities of the nobles dominated by Charles VII became much more frequent than ever, and during the war, she was not a great military commander, but a person who had high hopes from countless people. Spiritual leaders, even those generals who had followed her on the battlefield with blood and blood, and later used victories in the battles under the command of Jeanne d'Or, they also used the "different victory" sounding profound description.

In short, Alexander didn't believe the duke's gibberish at all.

On the contrary, the response that Duke Bawi deliberately emphasized to him attracted Alexander's attention. I don't know why, he had a hunch that everything the Duke said was just to make people notice this so-called response.

"So can I see this Sister Elsmiel right away?" Alexander asked, noticing that the Duke seemed hesitant, he smiled "or is it not appropriate now?"

"Of course not, but you may be disappointed, Duke. Know that the virgin convent is forbidden for men to enter. Even I have never entered this convent, and now the convent is holding the oath of silence, so you To see her, you probably need to wait until the oath period ends, and then the dean of the convent will decide where you can meet Mother Sister Elsmiel. "

Alexander nodded silently. He knew what the oath of silence was. For many monks, silence was not their character but a form of spiritual practice. Silence was used to temper human will in order to abandon worldly thoughts and realize God. The spirit of this is obviously the common understanding of many Eastern and Western practitioners.

Began to hold the oath of silence just after announcing the appearance of the sacred mark, which seems a bit coincidental.

Rethinking the signs that Isabella is now spared no effort to prepare for those big nobles with heavy power, Alexander suddenly felt that this Duke of Don Bavi was really a wise man.

"Duke, you can live in the castle or Buharanse," Duke Don Bavi opened his hands and said to Alexander "I know maybe you are not used to everything here, but we can only provide you with For these things, to know that for us to obtain wealth, we must plunder from the battlefield, and when there is no war, our days will become worse. "

Alexander's uncomfortable smile, he knew that Duke Don Bavi obviously didn't tell the truth. The duke not only has many high-quality farms, but also has a lot of vineyards, mountains and swamps. In addition, he also has a The Chamber of Commerce is not a small business, it can be said that the Duke is one of the richest in Castile today.

As the General Assembly knew so much about his situation, in addition to the duke being too famous, and thanks to the list that Count Modillo left him.

For Iberia, Modillo did spend too much effort, and even most of his life was infiltrated in the vision of this land.

The walls of Buharanse City have been in disrepair, so when the Castilians attacked, the city chose to surrender with little decent resistance.

Now the wall stack destroyed by the artillery has been covered by a large plant growing out, even if only a large clump of yellow branches are left in winter, those original traces are not easy to see.

However, the indelible past can still be seen from the residents who are full of exotic buildings everywhere in the city and the black hair and black pupils in the street.

The presence of Alexander ’s group did not attract much attention. It is a tributary of the Darville River. There are many goods transported from the interior of Castile to the seaports along the Atlantic Ocean by river, and there are naturally many merchants.

Alexander walked on the street, watching the crowd coming down from the eaves on both sides and covering the narrow streets with the messy tent, thinking about the man Duke Don Bavi.

In Isabella's court, Duke Don Bavi, like Gonzalo, are two quite special characters.

They all have a huge influence in the Castilian court, and they are also the ministers on which the queen relies most.

But Alexander did not think that the duke had the same loyalty to Isabella as Gonzalo.

Accurately speaking, Gonzalo's rise was entirely based on Isabela's appreciation, and Duke Don Bavi was because of his original choice.

Alexander actually imagined more than once what would happen if he confessed to Gonzalo his so-called life experience.

However I think it is really dangerous.

Gonzalo may very well say that he bound his five-flowered grandfather to Isabella. If so, his result would be tragedy.

But that ’s only now. Alexander narrowed his eyes slightly. The previous message from Aragon let him know that Thiago had already started the operation, and maybe there would be no change for the time being, but Alexander believed that from time to time, from God The rumor that Gon began to spread against Gonzalo will first gradually erode Ferdinand's trust in this Castilian general, and then this shadow of distrust will gradually affect the Castilian monarchs Originally harmonious relationship.

Maybe there is still a chance at that time, but now it certainly won't work.

Alexander shook his head, and then he thought of Don Bavi again.

The duke was able to choose Isabella, but now?

Alexander did not believe the bizarre story told by Don Bavi.

What he cared about was exactly what caused Don Bavey to make such a decision.

Whether there is a possibility for the Duke of Castilla to make another unexpected decision in the future.

Alexander walked while pondering, until he was awakened by the clamor in front of him.

He looked around and saw a crowd of black crowds appearing on the front street.

Walking at the front were a few soldiers, and the duck-billed helmets on their heads were shining brightly with the sun.

Behind them, a large group of local people shouted, shoving a few pale men, shaking all over, and looking scared men and women walking forward.

A priest holds a cross with two dead wooden sticks in his hand. The cross is walking forward in the same way as the general who leads the army. His plain clothes are even old, and the only boots on his valuable feet are Because long-term trekking has some rough edges.

The priest saw Alexander and his party standing in the middle of the street can't help but slow down, perhaps because the street was quite generous, he simply stopped and turned to raise the cross over his head and waved hard towards the crowd!

The crowd slowly stopped in a burst of shouts, and everyone looked at the cross as if they were looking at the lighthouse for pointing the ship at sea.

The pastor walked to the oldest middle-aged man among those people. He stretched out his hand as if to touch his face, but he retracted it when he was about to touch it.

"Mandosa, you are my brother, I still remember the scene when we grew up together."

"Yes, Cado, we are brothers," the middle-aged man shivered and shouted, "Save me, you know that I am not heresy, I am a devout believer, I love the Duke, I am the most obedient peasant, you Do you know? "

The middle-aged man shouted in panic, but watched his brother slowly back away, and then raised the cross in front of him. The middle-aged man made a screaming out of tune because of fear.

"He is asking for help from the devil, stop him!" Someone started yelling.

"They are all heretics, this family is tempted by the devil!"

"Punish them!"

"Punish these demons!"

"Hang them to death!"

"No, they should be burned to death!"

People swarmed forward, some raised the agricultural tools they brought, and some began to demolish the wood on the street to build sheds.

In the cries of fright and despair of the family, a temporary fire rack piled up with broken wood appeared like this.

Then, as someone ignited some flammable materials and threw them into a pile of broken wood, it didn't take long for the fire to burn.

The hot flames were swaying in the cold wind, as if a hungry beast was licking his tongue, and in a burst of desperation, the family was tied up, and then carried by a group of people towards the fire.

"Gado, I curse you! I will curse you and go to **** with me when I die!"

The middle-aged man struggled to twist his body, but it was useless. After being so horrified, he was thrown directly into the burning fire.

The flames screamed continually. After being burnt out of the tied rope, they struggled to escape from the fire.

But they were thrust back by soldiers and peasants armed with spears and pitchforks, and in the thick smoke and the smell of bad smell, these bodies that had been burned to the shape of men twisted and beat in the flames Until the last curled up slowly, there was no more sound.

"With the sacred duty entrusted by God ~ ~ I declare that this is the punishment and trial of heretics," the priest named Cado declared loudly to the flames, and then he turned to the people and said, "I declare here Give up inheriting all the property left by the Mandoza family, because this is contaminated with evil money, so their property will be confiscated by the church, and the glory of God and **** Christ will wash away all evil. "

"Long live Pastor Cado!"

"May God bless Pastor Kado!"

"Pastor, you should go to Córdoba, you should become the Archbishop of Andalusia!"

People shouted insanely, and even a few people simply lifted the priest up and let him sit on his shoulders, and then the crowd rushed forward with such cheers.

Only the few fires in the middle of the street that were still burning and smoky.

Alexander has been watching this scene silently, even if the crowd cast those few people into the fire.

Instead was Shell, watching the faces of those fires with incredible expressions on their faces.

"Adult, this is ..."

"This is Buhalanse," Alexander turned to glance at the Fort Torre on the hillside outside the city. "Trust me, Sher, there may be more interesting things waiting for us. "

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