Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 41: Sure enough under the sun ...

In a small lookout house in Fort Torre, Duke Don Bavi was sitting in a wheelchair and was looking through the wide window of the lookout room at the city of Buharanse below.

The observation room is located very high. In order to have a better view, the person who built this room originally built the entire observation room to protrude out, and the semi-circular wall is a row of wide windows, so that You can try to observe more things.

But because of this, when looking out of this observation room, there is always a feeling of standing on the side of an overhanging cliff. If a timid person even thinks about the slamming board, it is a steep cliff. You will be trembling immediately and afraid to move.

Duke Don Bavi has been in this observation room for a long time. The wind blowing from the empty window made his mouth blue, but he was stubborn and refused to leave. He even drove the servants around him, only Stay here by yourself.

The city of Buharanse below looks so beautiful. This is the pride of Duke Don Bavi. His family has ruled here for 4 generations. Except for the earliest Duke Don Bavi, it was still a long time. The short-lived father and uncle do not have much time to rule here.

Paimonide Don Bavi is almost 70 years old. He has also been the Duke of Buharanse for almost 30 years. This time is his best time. In these days, he is not only in Castilla The court has the power and power, and it has become the largest feudal lord in the south of the kingdom. Even today when Queen Isabella has shown obvious attempts to seize the power of feudal lords, he still lives among these lords. the best.

He owns large estates and vineyards, owns almost the most fertile land in the kingdom, and has a wealthy chamber of commerce for overseas trade. These wealth is enough to make any European nobility jealous. As for power, although he has not gone to Pakistan for a long time. Liadod, but his influence is still so great that in many important matters, most nobles hope to get advice from him before making a decision.

In Buharan, he is the master and fate, even he is God, no one can violate his will, which is very clear to anyone.

He can choose benevolent **** and brutal exploitation, or he can decide to bring happiness or disaster to any family. In Buharanser, his name is remembered every day by the people who pray, because they are When praying for the Mass, it is not in accordance with the rules. When praying for the royal family, he also prays for the peace of the Duke and Lord. Even his name is only behind the queen and the other members of the royal family.

All this is enough to make him feel glorious, and it is enough to make him satisfied that he does not want anything extravagantly, and Pamonid Don Bavi really thinks so.

He hoped to spend his old age so safely, because there were too many things he experienced in those early years. When he is old, he hopes to live a peaceful life, maybe his limit will come in a few years. If he is lucky, he will see God in his sleep, and if he is unlucky, he might suffer some things before he dies, but this is nothing compared to the blessings he enjoys in this life.

Don Bavi feels that he is really open-minded. He has let his eldest son take over the affairs in the territory. In recent years, he has not left Torreborg for a long time. He even thought about his illegitimate children. Out of the way, he felt he could not treat them badly, so in addition to one he had been arranged to be a monastery, and the other two were arranged to work in the chambers of commerce in Malaga and Ceuta, so that they would also have Protection.

Don Bavi has everything ready, and then he is ready to enjoy the good times of the last few years of his footprints, and then waits for God's call with satisfaction and no regrets.

But this beautiful dream was suddenly destroyed, and the one who destroyed his dream was Isabella, who had taken the risk of supporting his life with his own life.

When Isabella and Ferdinand were married, Don Bavi was keenly aware that the couple might make some moves in the future. He knew that Ferdinand was a very cunning person, and Isabella was It is an unusually firm will. The result of the combination of these two people will definitely increase the power of the royal family.

However, Don Bavi still chose to support Isabella at that time, because his territory was located in the south of Castile, and the Moorish people in Granada, the last country in the Iberian Peninsula, were close to his territory. In order to counter the increasingly unfavorable situation, Granada at that time took a fierce counterattack against Andalusia in the hope of establishing as much buffer zone as possible near its own country before it was finally invaded.

At this time, the army sent by Granada monarch Boabdir threatened many southern regions, including the city of Buhalanse, and at that time everyone knew that Enrique was invading Granada and expelling the infidels. In fact, there is no interest.

For Don Bavi, Granada ’s threat is greater than the future king may seize the power of the nobility. After all, it is a distant and unfounded thing, but the Moorish people brought about by the madness for survival. The threat is real.

Because of these, Don Bavi made the most adventurous life of his life at a critical moment and also returned to see the most rewarding choice.

His choice finally paid off, Enrique was forced to announce the abolition of Juana ’s succession to the throne, and then Isabella took the throne, and the Queen also showed enough support for Don Bavi ’s support for him and her at a critical moment. gratitude.

Everything would have a perfect result. Don Bavi was ready to spend his old age comfortably, but Isabella did this to him, or should be said to all the feudal lords.

When Isabella first preached the sacred site, people did not know the true thoughts of the queen. Many people were purely supported by the fanaticism of faith, and some people were also happy to see the second world for one purpose or another. Heaven appears in Castile.

At that time, many people spared no effort to express their strong support for the Queen ’s promotion of the Second Kingdom. The lords happily asked their people to collect the signs of miracles that may appear in the people, and then sorted them out and sent them to Valladolid. All kinds of auspicious auspiciousness sprang up all over Castilla regardless of true or false. Although many sound incredible and even absurd, but seeing the Queen enjoy it, the nobles still actively report their own fields in their own territory. Those "miracles".

Even Don Bavi was just a little bored by the Queen ’s big fantasies of Xiangrui at first. He thought Isabella probably lived too long in peace. As he got older, he might stay behind. The reputation was considered.

It is obvious that the Queen may not be satisfied with the achievements and prestige of the secular society, so she will encourage the search for auspicious things in order to dress herself up as a devout monarch who revives the heavenly world.

This did n’t look like it originally, and Don Bavi did n’t think there was anything wrong with it, but suddenly, everything changed!

Many reported miracles somehow became heresy, and those men and women who had been envied by people who claimed to be inspired by God became demon and witch.

These people were sent to the church for interrogation, and the priests and priests used torture to torture them severely, forcing confessions.

When a place began to use a desperate way to judge whether a person was heretic, Pandora's box opened.

They tied those poor people to the fire post and lit the fire, and then claimed that if the crimes they accused were not established, then these people can use prayerful prayer to take shelter for themselves from God, and be rescued by a miracle.

The result is self-evident. Many people were burned alive in this ridiculous ruling.

And after they died, they were still treated as heretic ruins.

More people have been enslaved. In order to get rid of prison or more terrible punishment, countless people have to change the seller's property to find ways to clear themselves or their families.

The priests unscrupulously accused someone of heresy, and at the same time they encouraged the public to inform.

For whistleblowers, the church promises to reward and give the opportunity for atonement.

This gives more and more people to see the opportunity, many people try to make a fortune in this way to get rich or get a break.

Others use whistleblowers as a means of retaliation.

And the church ignored this motive, they were more concerned about catching heretics and witches.

The priests in many places simply deprived the local nobles and judges of the right to try these prisoners. They directly instructed the **** army composed of people and soldiers under their command to arrest and detain those whom they thought were heretics. There are some absurd ways to judge whether these people are heretics or witches.

And once so identified, it is almost doomed to be difficult to get rid of the terrible fate, often waiting for the defendant is a terrible variety of penalties.

This kind of arrested people began to be just ordinary urban citizens and farmers, but gradually, some of the bottom nobles were also implicated, and the priests did not pay any attention to the means of these little nobles, even more cruel, which finally shocked The nobles of Castile, they tried to stop the fire that had burned them, but they soon discovered that it was too late.

Castilla is full of priests who catch heresy and burn witches and their **** army, and the encouragement and encouragement of the church makes them unscrupulous. Even the nobles in some places found that they were gradually losing control of the people in their territory.

Then came the news that Isabella's private confession priest Thomas Tongomada suggested to the Queen to establish a church trial court.

Don Bavi noticed the crisis from these signs.

The church ’s frequent acts of interfering with or even penetrating the land of feudal lords in the name of punishing heretics is obviously a dangerous signal. Such frequent actions not only offend the dignity of the nobles, but more seriously, as such things continue to emerge, the power of the nobles It is being replaced by erosion unconsciously.

This sign has already appeared in many places. The church has completely controlled the process from arrest to detention, and finally to the execution of the sentence. The nobility has become an indispensable symbol in the court.

In the name of punishment of heretics, no noble dare to take public risks and blame such behavior.

The priests became more and more daring and more casual, and even some small nobles were unavoidably dragged into court to accept all kinds of offenses from inquiry to trial.

Don Bavi was aware of this unusualness, and when he heard that Thomas Tongomada had proposed the idea of ​​a church court, and Isabella readily agreed to actively promote it, he finally understood the root of all this Where.

First, they vigorously promoted the discovery of miracles, and then when various localities responded to reports of miracles that used real and fake legends and strange things as a miracle, they suddenly turned over and announced that these anomalies were conspiracies of heretics and witches. At the same time, take the opportunity to infiltrate the nobles ’territory and use the church and the people to directly seize the judicial power of those places.

Later, when the time was right, he simply announced the establishment of a church court to completely abolish nobles everywhere.

It is obvious that Isabella is using the seemingly harmless movement of gods and creatures to secretly promote the plan to eliminate aliens and weaken the power of the nobility.

Don Bavi felt unprecedented fear.

Previously, because those trials were only for ordinary civilians, no one cared too much, and did not arouse the vigilance of the nobles, but when the nobles finally realized that things were beginning to develop in their unexpected direction, the changes in the situation had already exceeded him. Imagination.

Thomas Tongomada will openly propose the establishment of a church court because the situation has become very beneficial to Isabella. This is a surprise attack on the nobles by the church and the people. Obviously Isabella is in this A real victory was achieved in the war.

Cold winds blow in from the lookout windows around, but this bit of cold can't be compared with the burst of chill in Don Bavey's heart.

Isabella's spiciness makes Don Bavi creepy.

He didn't think that the princess who was a young girl in his eyes had turned into a dangerous hunter.

She seemed to have an unknown intention behind the fanatical pursuit of faith in the royal palace of Bariado.

Even more terrible is that even if he has understood Isabella ’s intentions, there is no way because Isabella occupies a significant position in promoting Christianity.

This created a favorable situation where no one could compete with her head-on.

Is it so that Isabella cannibalizes step by step, and in the end it becomes the woman's lunch?

Don Bavi was reluctant to hold the leather armrest of the wheelchair. Although he was thin, he still vigorously pinched the armrest with his powerful fingers, but in the end he had to let it go helplessly.

Don Bavey moved his numb body blown by the cold wind. He tightened the deerskin blanket covering his legs again, then picked up the wine glass set aside and took a sip of spirits.

First was cold, and then the feeling of burning his throat revitalized Don Bavi's spirit. He breathed in hard, and then spit out hard, as if to push out the sullen sullenness in his chest.

"Elizabeth ela Rastamara," Don Bavey muttered to his mouth, the name for him was tightly entangled with his fate, and it seemed that fate was destined No matter what happens in the future, the relationship between him and the name is inseparable.

A soft knock on the door came from behind, and an entourage walked in and reported to Don Bavi: "Master, the pastor Gado has just executed a fire in the city, and he declared his half-brother Mandoza as The heretics, then burned on the spot, and the family of Mandosa, they were declared fired for heresy, and then Pastor Gado announced that all the property of Mandosa's family was confiscated and returned to the church. "

"This bastard," Don Bavi threw down his chair fiercely. "He was avenged now. When Mandosa forced him into the monastery, he didn't expect it to be the case one day."

"Master, people in the city are now saying that Pastor Cadogan will become a bishop or even an archbishop in the future." The attendant said carefully. "It is said that he publicly said in front of many people that he would punish all heretics, even nobles. Palliative. "

"What does he want to do, to think of himself as the justice of Buharanse," Don Bavey was furious, seeing that the entourage seemed to have something to say, and the Duke said angrily, "Is there anything else, Say it all, I ca n’t think of anything worse than this. "

"It's such an old man," the attendant licked his lips carefully and said, "Someone said that the Duke of Rome Tesia was nearby when he saw the priest of Gado's fire, and he saw the whole process of the trial."

The words of the entourage made Don Bavi stunned for a while, and then he fell into contemplation.

Then he waved his hand to signal that his followers pushed him out of the observation room. In the hallway of the castle, along with the monotonous sound of the wooden wheel of the wheelchair, Don Bavey's face flashed from time to time.

Finally ~ ~ His wrinkled face showed an imperceptible smile.

He let the entourage push himself to the direction of the hall. After coming to the center of the hall where many weapons and armor stood, he let the entourage push him slowly around the hall.

Looked up at the flags left by the ancestors of the Tang Bawei family hanging from the high beams. Tang Bawei sighed aloud.

"Since my grandfather, the Don Bavi family ruled Bucharan for less than a hundred years," Don Bavi said slowly. "But my family was from the time of Sancho Garcia, Count of Castile. Serving the monarch from the beginning was already centuries ago, so my family, like any family, is the oldest nobleman in Castile. "

Tang Bawei seemed to be talking to himself and the old voice who was telling him echoed in the hall, and the entourage behind him walked slowly in the wheelchair and lowered his eyebrows, as if he didn't hear what the master was saying.

"One hundred years may be too long for a person, but it is too short for a family, so I swear here in the name of Duke Buharanse, Paimonid Don Bavi would be Buha Lanser ’s fourth-generation lord, but by no means the last generation lord, the glory of the Don Bavi family has just begun. "

Listening to the oath of his father's indisputable tone, the follower's inexplicable heart trembled, and his feet were a little messy.

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