Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 42: Confusing murder

Pastor Gado is the priest of St. Barbara Church in Buharanse City. Although it is named after St. Barbara, the history of this church is actually not very long.

At the beginning, after having inherited their father ’s property, the half-brother of the pastor Gado, Mandosa, thought about sending the half-brother to the colony. He was soft-hearted, but he could not tolerate the younger brother dangling in front of his eyes, so he simply donated a church, and by the way, he also stuffed this younger brother in.

In the first few years, Pastor Cadogan was honest in the church, probably knowing that he had no chance to live a secular life in this life, so he died, thinking of using God and **** Christ to pass the years to come, just Within a few years, Pastor Cadogan felt that this kind of life really made him unbearable.

After trying to persuade the priest priest of the church, Pastor Gado received a recommendation, which gave him the opportunity to leave the church of Santa Barbara in Bucaranse and go to the seminary in Cordoba Further study, so that in the next two years, the Buharans did not see Pastor Gado again.

His elder brother Mandosa was quite satisfied with this result. From the point of view of Mandosa, he finally got rid of this half-brother, although it was really a lot of money for this, but at least this matter made He also had a good reputation with Lord Duke Bavi, and the sale was cost-effective.

It ’s just that Mandoza did not expect that Pastor Gado suddenly returned to Buharanse about half a year ago, but this time he looked completely different from the past. He not only brought the Bishop of Cordoba to appoint him as Santa Barbara The church priests priests ordered, and also brought a handwritten letter from Thomas Togomada of Valladolid to him.

In this letter, Thomas Tangomad referred to Pastor Gado as "the brother I admired in Gado", and also spoke highly of the long-term penpal exchange with him.

Obviously, Pastor Gado was not idle in Cordoba. Because of his pious and radical speech, he finally received the attention of Thomas Tangomadama. After several letters with this pastor, Thomas Tongo Madaga believes that this Andalusian priest is the one he needs.

So Thomas Tongomadda used his influence to express a little concern about the future of Pastor Gado in the Church of Cordoba, and then found Pastor Gado, who was supported by the mountain, and went all the way back to Buharanse. .

Regarding the return of Pastor Gado, his brother Mandosa did not pay too much attention to his accident. When he wanted to come to this half-brother, he might have luck and met someone who supported him, but it was just the case. Maybe Gado might be in the future. Will become Archbishop of Andalusia, but it has nothing to do with him.

It was just that Mandosa did not expect it. Not only himself, but also his family members eventually died in the hands of this half-brother, and his property was completely confiscated and confiscated by the church.

Now Pastor Gado looked at a huge wine glass inlaid with a circle of blue enamel on the table in front of him.

This wine glass is his father ’s favorite. He still remembers that his father will not let people take the wine glass out of the locked cabinet until the important date. After using it, the father will carefully wipe the wine glass clean by himself. Before putting it away.

Cado had loved this wine glass since he was a child, but like his father ’s other property, this glass later became Mandoza ’s thing, and he got only one set of coarse robes for the priest to wear for life.

Fortunately, he found a backer cleverly, and now he not only returned to Buharanse to become the priest of the priest, but also directly reported his revenge. Looking at the wine glass in front of him, Pastor Cadogan imitated his father's way to the cup A large glass of wine was poured into it, and then both hands held up the cup and slowly drank it.

I do n’t know if it ’s a psychological effect. Pastor Gado thinks that today ’s wine is much sweeter than usual, so when he drank all the wine in the glass, he was already dazed.

However, Pastor Cado still carefully learned that his father cleaned the wine glass, and then walked to the wall to open the cupboard and put it in. He found one of them from the bunch of keys tied to his belt and confusedly opened the door. Lock it, then turn around and go to bed.

A very slight voice came, like a door opening.

According to Benedict's canon, the pastors in the church are not allowed to have their own personal belongings. Although this kind of rule has been slowly forgotten over time, some of the detailed habits in the canon are still retained. For example, all doors are not allowed to be locked from the inside. This is because the canon holds that the lock is precisely because the user of the room thinks that the room belongs to a personal residence, which obviously violates Benedict ’s rules.

Pastor Gado even drank too much, but his ears were still very sensitive. He turned his head and looked at the door.

Drunken, he seemed to see a dark shadow standing at the door. Somehow, Pastor Gado suddenly felt dangerous. He struggled to wink and wanted to see his predecessors, but in the end came to his eyes, It was a shiny knife raised by the shadow.

Pastor Gado did not have time to call for help, let alone to resist. When he was hit by the knife, the first knife was cut off the artery in the neck, and the blood was almost splashed towards the side wall. The statue of **** crucified on the wall stained red instantaneously, blood flowing down the wooden statue, and finally splashed on the ground along the toes of the statue of Jesus, forming a deep red.

But the assassin seemed dissatisfied. He apparently wanted to make sure that Pastor Gado did go to heaven without concern, so the murderer who raised the knife again waved the knife again without hesitation. In an instant, Pastor Gado ’s head Moved completely.

Then, after the murderer turned around in the room, he opened the door and looked into the aisle. He squeezed out of the door quietly and took the door by the way.

Pastor Gado's death was only discovered the next morning.

When the priests discovered that the priest priest did not participate in the early prayer, they were urged by a priest. At this time, they discovered that their priest priest had moved their heads and their bodies were already stiff.

The pastors were completely scared by this terrible scene, not to mention that when they saw the statue of **** soaked in blood, many people were almost scared by fear.

In a very short time, the death of Pastor Gado and the vision of the statue of **** Christ spread throughout Bucharan. While being accidentally killed by the pastor, people were also scared by all kinds of creepy rumors. Not too light.

For a time, the people in Buharanse were panicked.

Alexander lives in a hotel in Buharanse. The hotel is not large in size. The hotel downstairs is half a pub and half a stable. It smells very bad. Even in the room on the second floor, the smell is really unpleasant. .

However, Alexander did not complain. Compared with the days in Kalibo, this is actually already similar to heaven. Sometimes Alexander even thought that it was compared with those days in the Monastery of Saint Sebaron a few years ago. Probably no worse.

Alexander chose to live in Buharanse because he wanted to know more about Don Bavi ’s reputation on this land, although it ’s difficult for local people to tell him the truth, but He actually doesn't have to ask those people to tell him anything. Most of the time, just look at how people react to a person's name, and they almost know what that person's impression is in the minds of others.

But so far Duke Don Bavi ’s reputation seems to be quite good, although some people seem to be quite afraid of hearing the name of the Duke, but in general this Duke has not been too hated by his leaders and Fear, on the contrary, some people took the initiative to say some of his good words. For example, the duke once personally participated in the wedding of a couple in the territory, and even enjoyed a glass of inferior wine at the wedding.

This made Alexander roughly understand the situation of the duke. Although this may be somewhat false, but there should not be too many deviations.

It was only then that Alexander had a greater interest in the duke.

He remembered the relationship between the revelation that Duke Don Bavi emphasized repeatedly to the nun who was reported to Valladolid and the revelation he had originally decided to choose Alexander, thinking about the sensation he might cause by saying so And influence, Alexander couldn't help thinking what the prince was doing.

For many years, with Isabella's attention to various miracles, churches around the world were naturally keen to report the so-called sacred sites that occurred in their parishes, when a shepherd suddenly declared hysteria in the morning and heard the angel's voice. When some priests suddenly went crazy and stripped off their clothes to whip themselves, they swore that they heard **** Christ whispering to him.

In short, many people are happy to use these broken things to please the queen, and at the same time more people try to profit from it by speculation.

But Duke Don Bavi does n’t need this, and his reputation status is enough to prevent him from relying on these things to build Isabella. So why does this Duke attach so much importance to this so-called sacred site, and he has to deliberately treat this How is the incident related to how many years ago?

Alexander felt some of the hidden feelings that were obviously not simple, and then thinking about Isabella's various actions that he used to promote the faith frequently, he vaguely felt that perhaps the Duke of Don Bavi had noticed some kind of crisis.

Alexander never thought how stupid people were at this time. Isabella was able to use religious cleverness to intervene in the aristocracy's territory, and no one might find any clues from it.

Will this person be Duke Don Bavi?

If he really noticed, what kind of reaction would he have?

Or that the so-called revelation of the nun in the virgin convent is his response?

Alexander heard about the death of Reverend Gado during such doubts.

Was very impressed by Pastor Cadogan, Alexander, of course, because of the unforgettable scene on the street that even made me sick.

And because of this, he already knew that the priest was the priest of the church of St. Barbara. In addition, from some locals who respected the priest, Alexander also knew that the priest "had some people in Valladolid. ".

Although he still does not know what the origin of this so-called person is, Alexander already has some conjectures. He knows that Isabella ’s passion for establishing religious courts is actually more about skipping those nobles to directly intervene in various affairs. Now that I have heard about the actions of the Gadorian pastor after returning to Cordoba's seminary, Alexander can't help but doubt that this person might be one of those pastors who were ranked by Isabella everywhere.

So when he heard that Pastor Gado was suddenly killed, Alexander's first reaction was "Duke Don Bavi started."

He would think this way because according to news from locals, the half-brother of Reverend Gado, Mendoza, was a businessman serving Don Bavi. Many of Don Bavi ’s business was through What he did, and now Mandoza was tortured, for Don Bavi, not only did he lose a business helper, he was also seriously threatened.

Because people think that even the Duke cannot protect their safety, the only thing they can do is to succumb and please the church and the pastors of the church courts sent by the queen.

As the Vatican ’s messenger, it is impossible for Alexander to ignore the death of Pastor Cadogan. If he had n’t revealed his identity before, he could ignore the churches everywhere, but now that such a big thing happened, he not only had to come forward , And must also identify, and pay more attention to this matter.

So when Alexander came to the church of St. Barbara, the priests of the church already knew that a Vatican messenger had arrived in Buharanse, which surprised many people. If it was n’t for the death of Pastor Cadogan, they were already in the church. We welcome the arrival of the Holy See messenger.

But even so, seeing a team coming from afar, there was still a priest instructed to lead the team of the Pope's messengers into the church, but not long after entering, just walking into the corridor leading to the backyard, Alexander smelled though Not so heavy, but still quite disgusting **** breath.

"Sir, you wouldn't think of anything, what happened to the priest priest," said the priest with a pale face. His lips were bluish, and the steps under his feet were a little flustered. There was no energy. "That kind of scene is terrible. I really don't know who can do that kind of thing."

To Alexander's surprise, the person sent by Duke Don Bavi has arrived.

Saw Alexander walking into the room, and the herald of Duke Don Bavi immediately walked over to respectfully bow and salute, and then aside with a weird look on his face.

Although I have heard a lot about the death of Pastor Gado, after seeing his tragic head move, Alexander was still a bit surprised.

For those who have seen too many miserable situations on the battlefield, the scene before them does not cause any discomfort, but because the murdered is not only a priest, but also a priest priest of the parish, this makes the whole thing Becomes very important.

"Master, the killer is a good hand," Sher standing behind Alexander looked at the wound on the side of the head and the body without the head and whispered, "There are only two times. The first time, the priest will actually be dead. Now. "

"But even though he died, the murderer cut off his head, right?"

"Yes, it seems that the person who killed him must hate him, otherwise there is no need to cut off his head again," Schell nodded, but when he turned around accidentally and saw the dark red **** on the wall At first, the calm Balkans were immediately scared and pale. He drew a cross in a panic on his chest, and then looked at the dead body on the ground above the ground with some fear. "God, this is really terrible."

Alexander ignored the seemingly frightened Sher. He walked around the body of Pastor Gado, and then looked at the herald who was standing aside silently, "Does the Duke have any orders?"

"Master, the Duke and Master asked me to write down everything I saw here, and then report it to him," the herald replied carefully. "The master has sent someone to report what happened here to the Parish of Córdoba. I believe that the Parish will soon Will send someone here. "

Alexander nodded lightly, such a big thing happened, of course, we must inform the parish as soon as possible, but I do n’t know who caused the death of Pastor Cadogan.

Before I heard the news, I intuitively determined that the doubts of Don Bavi's handwriting are now somewhat changed. After all, Mandoza is the effective man of Don Bavi. Many people know that Alexander will not think that even in his heart Pastor Gado was very annoyed, but Don Bavi would be so stupid that he would take revenge so quickly, and still in such a direct way.

Of course, this does not exclude that the duke believes that even if he did this kind of thing, others think that he has no way to do it. After all, Duke Moned Don Bavi is the most powerful in Castile. Great nobleman.

Just if this is done, will it affect his use of the nun of the virgin convent to deliver revelation?

Obviously, Pastor Gado ’s revenge on his half-brother at this time should not have occurred to many people, so Pastor Gado ’s own death should not be a premeditated plan, then Duke Don Bavi would Does this not risk killing Pastor Gado at the risk of ruining your plan?

Because of this, Alexander had doubts about who the real murderer was.

Alexander squatted down to carefully look at the headless body, and then looked at the head next to it.

Pastor Gado's blue face was slightly distorted. It can be imagined that it should be how the fear of death at the last moment of his life condensed on his face.

"Did you lose something?" Alexander asked the pastors next to him.

"No adult ~ ~ The assistant priest answered immediately, and when he saw Alexander looking at him, the priest quickly explained," Seeing that Pastor Cado is killed, we are worried that the murderer may still be hiding here, so it is Looked around aside. "

Alexander nodded recklessly. He stood up and walked to the closet against the wall. When he saw the half-open door, he opened it.

Then his eyes fell on the striking wine glass placed on the cabinet shelf.

The wine glass is very large. If it is full of wine, you need to use two hands to hold it. Looking at the wine glass, Alexander gave a slight sigh in his heart.

He had heard about this wine glass from the locals, and now watching this glass appear in Pastor Cado's room, Alexander Nature knew what was going on.

Alexander was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly noticed something seemed to be in the translucent wine glass.

He tilted the cup carefully, and took out a piece of paper that looked like it was deliberately put inside.

As the paper opened, Alexander's eyes instantly froze.

That paper is a cross.

But this is not important. What is important is that he is very familiar with this cross. This is exactly what he said in Transylvania to those of the Brotherhood, which is a metaphor for the anti-cross Templars.

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