Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 46: The puzzle of Duke Don Bavi

Was surprised when he saw the face.

He knew that there must be a reason why Don Bavey paid so much attention to this Sister Alft, but he did not expect it to be such a reason.

A face that is exactly the same as Maria. Alexander didn't think there would be such a coincidence. Even if there is a certain person somewhere in the world, there must be a person who looks exactly the same.

May indeed have similar appearances, but unless a facelift has been done, there can be no such an approximation that is completely poured out of a mold.

Unless they are twins.

Maria is the fourth or fifth child of Isabella and Ferdinand.

The reason for this is that, in addition to her old brother Ann and her two older sisters who were known to have died shortly before, when Mary was born, there was a twin sister who was announced to have died just after she was born. The child's luck is said to be very bad, and he lost his life as soon as he was born. He didn't even have time to baptize and name.

In this era, even in the royal and aristocratic families, women ’s birth is extremely dangerous. There is no shortage of queens who have died because of childbirth. Even Maria herself died because of the difficulty of her sister Isabella of Aragon. The vacancy became Queen of Portugal.

Therefore, Isabella died a child because of dystocia. This is not new, and it is common for aristocratic families to encourage childbirth in order to prevent the birth of a heir. Therefore, if a woman does not have seven or eight children in her life, It seems that they have not fulfilled their duties.

Thinking about this, this true identity of Sister Alft is coming out.

It was only this Sister Alfred. What surprised me was that although her appearance was exactly the same as Maria's, her dark skin was completely unlike sunbathing skin, but it was too surprising.

In appearance, Alexander can be sure that this is the most common mixed race in places like Iberia!

If there are two places on the European continent that claim to be the most mixed race, it is none other than the two southern peninsulas of Apennine and Iberia.

Due to historical and geographical reasons, these two places have become the most mixed place for European ethnic groups. Different skins, different hair colors, different eyes and different languages ​​have made these two places the most ethnic in the world. Messy place.

It is just that this may have no purpose for centuries in the future, but in the present, it is fatal.

Especially for the Castile and Aragon royal families who regained lost ground and expelled the Moore, what would happen if a child appeared in the royal family that looked like a typical Moorish look?

Of course, Alexander did n’t think Isabella was born with such a Moor, who would have had such a child, otherwise it would be impossible to explain Maria. After all, the two people are exactly the same, but Maria is a typical European. .

So what's going on with Sister Alft?

Alexander thought of the seemingly magical theory of 'return to ancestor'.

Perhaps before knowing how many generations, the ancestors of the Astamala family were indeed mixed with Moorish ancestry. It's too common.

But perhaps the origin of this lineage is thin, or simply luck, Astramara's descendants have not shown such signs of mixed blood, but when she arrived at Maria and her twin sisters, she was very lucky. A big prize.

And Don Bavi conceals such a nun who looks like Mary from this deep in the marsh in the nun, what is the intention?

Alexander looked at the closed window slightly, and he turned to look behind him, and saw that Sher was looking at him with a look of "you are such a master".

Thinking about it, it is indeed a bit unreasonable. After all, even nuns take advantage of it. This is too much.

But Alexander believed that he would also be surprised if Shear was seen with that face, but now he did n’t want to explain, just wanted to see Don Bavey again soon.

Alexander wanted to meet the nun Alft, but the dean of the monastery refused to agree.

She said that Sister Alfred was greatly stimulated, which made her a little distracted because she was too excited.

And for a monastery such as the Nuns Convent, even a little mistake in daily life may be severely punished, and now Sister Alft is obviously able to withstand the stimulation and temptation from outside the monastery Too.

"So after the monastery was built, the first dean threw away the unlocking key, because when I walked in the door, everything outside was nothing to do with us."

Is really irrelevant?

Alexander certainly did not believe it.

Following the convoy leaving the Guadíaz wetlands, Alexander rushed to Buhalanse, where all the answers were.

At this time, Alexander discovered that the Duke of Buharanse was not simple. Thinking about the history of Mary having a twin sister who was born and died, he felt that the Duke and Count Modillo even Comparable.

Maybe they played the same idea, or at least Don Bavi held such a favorable bargaining chip in order to negotiate with Isabella when necessary in the future.

But at that time, Don Bavi probably did n’t expect Isabella to be so powerful. In just 20 years, he had already developed the power of the royal family to a formidable level. The powerful power of the Queen ’s husband and wife made all noble lords Secretly anxious but unable to do anything.

And for Don Bavi, he might have prepared this piece for himself in the early years, but now this seems to have become a big burden.

However, Alexander believed that Don Bavey would not give up this Sister Alft, she was too important, and it can even be said to completely subvert the meaning of the royal family in people's minds.

Think about it, holding up the banner of Christ to drive away the heretics, and then launching the royal family of Castile or Aragon in the name of faith to the cruel retaliation against heresy and heresy, but gave birth to a mixed-race child, as long as this news Spread out, it is enough to set off an uproar on the Iberian Peninsula.

May even cause people to question the legality of the Astamala family's rule over these two countries.

This is really deadly, just think about it enough to make people tremble.

But Alexander was not shaking at this time, he was thinking.

Don Bavi, after having planned and endured for so many years, wants to reveal this secret to the Vatican at this time, what is his purpose.

Any sacred sites finally reported to the Vatican must be clearly confirmed by the Cardinals and sent to perform the sacrament ceremonies, which means that this Sister Alft must finally appear in front of all people.

By then her secrets were completely revealed.

Is this Don Bavey ’s plan, he wants everyone to know this secret?

Alexander didn't think that Don Bavi would be so stupid. The so-called secrets only made sense in the dark, and once they were made public, they were worthless.

So what did the Duke want to do so much?

Alexander was thinking about these things that puzzled him, and at the same time he was alert to the duke.

Tambawi is obviously the kind of patient person. He can hide this matter so tightly for so many years, which shows that his plan is very ambitious.

Now he suddenly wants to make all of this public. Is this because he thinks the time has come, or is Isabella disrupting the original steps and has to make trouble in advance?

Alexander knew that Isabella ’s move to regain power of the nobles in recent years has become more and more obvious and tougher. Relying on the great prestige and the power of the church, Isabella has packed up a large number of small and medium noble , Has begun to look at those powerful nobles.

In fact, with the real arrival of the great maritime era in the future, the royal power is becoming more and more powerful. By the time of Juana ’s son Charles V, a truly unified Spanish kingdom will appear in the southwest corner of Europe.

This kingdom will become the world's first real world empire. In the next two centuries, this empire will have a huge impact on the entire world.

Don Bavi certainly wouldn't know this, but he obviously knew that now he, like other big nobles, had become Isabella's target.

So, is he trying to make up for his destiny before the bones eaten by Isabella?

And he obviously considered that with Isabella's prestige nowadays, he is unlikely to contend with it, then the power of the church can play an important role at this time.

Faith is obviously a terrible double-edged sword that can be used to kill enemies or may hurt yourself.

The Isabella couple can use this as a tool to eradicate dissidents, then his enemies can also use this to deal with them.

And the Vatican is obviously a good collaborator.

Isabella made auspicious things in Iberia, self-proclaimed the second heaven, this kind of behavior, the Vatican obviously has other thoughts.

So if such a surprisingly mixed-race child appears at this time, what will happen to the **** of the two royal families?

What kind of reaction will the Vatican have?

Imagine if this kind of thing really happened, even if it would not shake the ruling foundation of the two royal families, it would be enough for the Isabella couple to be in a hurry. .

Even if they still insisted on arbitrarily, they might anger the big nobles who were threatened, and the appearance of this Alfred nun could be their best reason to openly fight the couple.

Linshan felt that he had roughly understood Tang Bawei's calculation, and had to admit that this chess piece was really good.

It was only this way that Don Bavey ’s actions made Alexander feel threatened as well.

The so-called "Moore descent" was publicly disclosed, although Isabella's descent and rule of law will be hit, but this obviously includes Alexander himself. Even if this matter becomes fierce, it will also be against him in the future. Castile's claims form a huge obstacle.

If you try to dump this pot to Aragon, how about this sudden appearance of the Moorish characteristics of Ferdinand?

As soon as this thought appeared, Alexander remembered that Castile and Aragon seemed to be an ancestor ...

This is really embarrassing.

But then another thought suddenly flashed over his mind, and Alexander felt that he seemed to have grasped another equally important thing.

Count Modillo was so obsessed with the rule of the Sicilian kingdom because his ancestors were once rulers of Sicily.

And the original Aragonese King Ferdinand I not only snatched Sicily, but also divided a country into two and gave it to two sons.

For Count Modillo, perhaps regaining and reunifying the two Sicily was his lifelong dream.

So, what if the Astamala family ruling these two countries loses the law governing the kingdom?

Although Ruosha is now the Regent Queen of Naples, the reason she can wear the crown is because she was the queen of Naples. Even now, her identity is for many people to rule Naples in the name of the queen.

Then there is a problem.

If one day the Aragonese royal family proposes to send someone to marry Ruosha to inherit the throne, it is reasonable to say that this cannot be rejected.

Although the result of the so-called jurisprudential claim is ultimately due to the density of the rifle and the range of the cannon ~ ~, it does not mean that these things are useless.

At least Alexander found it useful.

To Alexander's surprise, Duke Don Bavi was not in Torreborg.

And as unexpectedly as he was the Duke ’s men, according to those people, the Duke has not left Bucharan for many years, especially after his bad legs and behavior, it has been a long time since the castle Haven't been out yet.

But shortly after Alexander left, Duke Don Bavi ordered the person to pack up and leave the castle with his personal entourage and a group of guards.

Fortunately, he did not just go away, Tang, Duke left a text message and an address to Alexander.

"Please forgive the Duke, for safety I have to say goodbye, I believe you have guessed something after seeing Sister Alft, but not all. So if you want to know more, you can come to me. Of course You also have another option, tell the queen what you see, and you will definitely get a very generous reward. But if you choose the former, then come to Seville, where you can get the answer, as long as it is at noon every day Ring the bell of the bell tower of the Giralda in Seville Cathedral, and you will know what you want to know. "

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