Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 47: noon

The Dalville River in the south of Castile is a large river that spans Andalusia from east to west. Before being injected into the Atlantic Ocean, this river will flow through the most famous cities in the south of Castile. This includes Cordoba and Seville.

Due to the terrain, the Darville River will form different sizes of river bays and deltas formed by confluence with other rivers in several different sections. These places have developed large areas of fertility due to abundant water sources and geographical locations. The land has gradually formed the most high-quality grain production area in Castile.

Alexander first knew the name Sevilla thought it was a comedy called "Sevilla's Barber", so whenever he saw this place name, he would always have a apron flashed in his head A towel on his shoulder, a tin basin full of hot water in his hand, and the image of a shaky hanger on the belt that can be used for haircuts or razors on the neck.

In fact, Seville ’s first specialized barber shop actually appeared more than a century later. The earlier barbers also worked part-time as doctors, and some were grave diggers.

Seville is the lower reaches of the Dalville River and the largest city in the south of Castile. Compared with Cordoba closer to the north, Seville was recovered from the Moors earlier. After the Moors were driven away in the late 13th century, Sevilla was once the capital of the Kingdom of Castile, until the Astamala dynasty inherited the kingdom's rule.

The Royal Palace of Seville has now become the Andalusian ruling residence in the south, and the consul sent by Valladolid to Andalusia is stationed here.

The Andalusian consuls have always been vain, and in the powerful feudal lords of Castilla, such consuls sent by the king to various places are actually more just to prove the royal family ’s sovereignty over these areas. Neither the lords themselves nor the successive governors have ever really believed that they are here to perform their power.

People think so because the power of Andalusian lords and nobles is huge and stronger. Over the years, the confrontation with the Moors has made them not only combative, but also very sturdy. Almost every lord is in control. An army of its own, even Isabella, had to endure hardships to appease the nobles who were reckless for fighting for the sake of recovering the lost ground.

But these were just a few years ago. Just about 5 years ago, Isabella sent another her consul, and this person began to gradually get from the little nobility soon after arriving in Andalusia. At the same time, Isabella gradually penetrated through the church forces into the territory of the little nobles. When the little nobles finally understood what was happening, they found that there was not much they could take out. The bargaining chip against Valladolid.

Perhaps it was this victory in the first battle that made Isabella see hope, so she began to strengthen control of those noble territories, and as her control of the church became stronger and stronger, her eyes also looked away from those inconspicuous. The little noble gradually turned to the big noble with a decisive position.

Don Bavey, Duke of Buharanse, is undoubtedly the fattest piece of these fats, but this piece of fat is obviously not so easy to eat, so for Duke Buharanse, Severi The ruling government of Asia has been cautious but stared at the needle.

The purpose of the consul is very clear, as long as he finds an opportunity, he must bite a fatal bite on the key point of the Duke of Don Bavi.

So when news came from Cordova about the sudden murder of the priest priest of Buharanse, it did n’t take long for the Andalusian consul himself to be alerted.

Andalusian Consul Bernardo Carole is a middle-aged man who is not tall and has some fatness. The most obvious thing about him is that belly that always looks chubby and smiles, and bows his head to see his toes. This kind of clumsy and clumsy look was very deceptive, so that when Carole first arrived in Seville, many people thought that he was also received by the king like the nobles from Valladolid in the past. The re-emergence of the rich and powerful.

However, this view disappeared after Carole cleaned up a group of nobles through several means, and after confiscating their territory and dedicating it to the queen.

Instead of this view, the nobles secretly feared the Andalusian ruler.

Especially after Isabella set off the god-creating movement, as Caroline took the opportunity to extend the tentacles of intersecting feudal lords ’territories with Andalusia to the church, people suddenly discovered that this consul was always laughing In fact, it is a hunter who hates but also fears.

He hid his fat body under the eaves of the official residence, staring at his prey as if harmless to humans and animals, waiting patiently.

Until those prey lost their defenses, completely exposed themselves to the fangs he had exposed.

However, it was not that easy for the Archon to catch Don Bavey's handle, so after hearing the news of the priest and priest of Buharanse, Caroline immediately found a group of his powerful men to discuss countermeasures.

Carol hopes that through the death of the priest and priest of Buharanse, he will penetrate his tentacles into the territory of Don Bavi. After all, although he has successfully affected the local church of Buharanse for several years, Tang Bawei's precautions are also very strict. of.

It seems that this old man has been staying in the castle because of his poor health, but he is firmly in control of his territory. Now that he has such a good opportunity, Carole believes that he cannot let it go easily.

"The investigators who sent the church to investigate the truth of the murder, but I believe that no matter what the result is, you know who to direct the matter to," Carole said his purpose unabashedly. "The stubborn old man has already It's been too much time for us. The queen is about to lose patience. It's best to get him some trouble directly this time. Believe me to let it go, even if I can't bring him down this time, as long as he can be met Trouble becomes angry. Just move and move. There are many things we have to do. "

Caroline's urging voice echoed in the tall room. Although he was fat, he was very flexible at the moment because of the excitement. He quickly turned around in circles, and his face flushed with excitement even sweated, and then he Suddenly stopped and asked a few people in front of you: "You think if I write to invite him to Sevilla, at least he has a responsibility to explain clearly what happened."

"This may not be a good idea," said Archbishop Fangda of Andalusia, looking at the fat and grinning face of the Archbishop. He can be said to be the firmest supporter of the Archbishop, but as a diocese The highest-ranking priesthood and a cardinal, but Archbishop Fonda has to consider the impact that the fierce actions of Carol may have on the Diocese of Andalusia. "You know that the families of Duke Don Bavi have been It has a deep influence in the Andalusian parish, and many of his family have priesthood. If you directly link the murder of a high-priest priest with him, it will cause terrible trouble. "

Caroline frowned, his eyes squeezed because of obesity were about to become a seam.

But then he smiled again.

"It's nothing. Believe me, maybe it's a good thing. If so, I have more reason to send messengers to his territory to investigate this matter," said the consular officer saluted the archbishop Fangda slightly. Thank you Archbishop, you have solved a problem for me. "

As he said, he ordered to the clerk next to him, "Go and write a circular requesting Duke Don Bavi to come to Seville, telling him that he hopes to come to Seville. The wording should be respectful, but remember this Not an invitation, but an order. "

Watching the clerk nodded immediately, Caroline ’s chubby face showed a smile to Archbishop Da: “Archbishop, let ’s guess what the Duke would react to seeing such a command, I believe his The expression must be wonderful. "

In the west of Seville, near the McGrin lowlands, there is a shantytown full of criss-cross alleys and low-rise houses built by various private parties.

Because of the low terrain, whenever it rains, it will be completely flooded with rainwater that has been discharged from other parts of the city. At that time, the sloppy garbage will float on the water, and the only one is spacious. The dotted V-shaped streets are stinking.

In front of a house in front of the top of the V-shaped corner of this street, Alexander stood and looked up at this humble two-story building.

This is a small house with a large area. It looks very strong. Below the first floor is a long porch formed by semi-circular arches and columns, while the second floor has a whole row of windows.

The style of this house is actually not special, although it seems that it should not be built for a long time, but perhaps because the environment around it is really bad, so this house feels dirty.

The outer wall of the house is made of large pieces of lead-gray granite, which makes the house look even less flattering. Looking at a sign hanging on the side of the house that is still stained with garbage, The look on Alexander's face was a little strange.

It was really not easy to find this place. After avoiding the stinking garbage and feces in the street, and then carefully walking across the street, a mouse came out to play in a family, Alexander finally found it in this shantytown. This place.

"Master, where is this?" Schell asked a little curiously. The place was so dirty that even the Balkans who did not pay much attention to sanitation in the past couldn't bear it, not to mention that they were with Alexander The time is getting longer, and now shel has considered herself a decent person.

"The sign says." Alexander pointed a wand in his hand. When the wand came and heard that he wanted McLean lowland, the boatman who sent them all the way gave them.

Didn't know what this wand was for at the time, but now it is very clear what it is used for.

Along the way is used to dispel the garbage that can't hide and the rats that pop out from time to time. The role of this cane is not small.

"But lord ..." Shear's face was embarrassed, he obviously didn't recognize the seemingly local text.

"This is the merchant exchange." Alexander said, and then looked around with interest.

He never imagined that the famous Seville merchant exchange would look like this.

In a few decades, this inconspicuous building will become the most lively place in Seville, and at the same time the original ruined McGrinn Lowland will become the most prosperous place in the city. One.

And all this changes are huge profits from the New World.

This will become a distribution center of wealth from the New World. From here to Spain, and then gradually distributed throughout Europe, the trade routes will quickly impact the old world economic system.

The golden age centered on the Mediterranean Sea will be officially ended.

Is just standing here now, but Alexander has other ideas in mind.

Merchant Trade Office, this seems to be a very good place.

Alexander laughed.

The bell tower of the Hilada Tower of Seville Cathedral was transformed from the chanting tower built by the Moors in the early years.

This building with a clear mix of Saracen and Gothic style is the center of Seville, and the spire of the Senson Tower facing the sky looks full of fearful oppression from below, it seems that the sharp top of the tower will always be Pierce the sky above.

Standing in the woods not far in front of the cathedral ~ ~ Shear carefully observed the surroundings, his men have spread out, staring at the movement around the cathedral at any time.

Although it was winter, the sun at noon was still a little hot on the head. Sheer wiped the sweat from her face and then patted her chest to calm herself.

Has been Alexander ’s bodyguard for some time, which gradually made him know that the master is not a reckless person, so although sometimes Alexander ’s actions seem risky, Schell knows that the master is actually prepared.

It ’s just different this time. The note left by Duke Don Bavi asked the Duke to ring the bell on the bell tower of the Cathedral of Hilada, which means that Alexander must enter the bell tower with only one exit. At this time there was danger, and Shell didn't know if he could protect the lord.

The shadow under 's feet is getting shorter and shorter, and noon is coming.

Alexander followed the small door under the bell tower into the bell tower, stepping on the wooden stairs while making the thumping sound also knocked Alexander's heart.

Finally, a ray of sunlight from the top of the head of the clock tower just dropped into the circular hole in the center of a stone timer in the clock tower. It was noon.

Alexander pulled on the swaying heavy rope, then struck the big bell hard.

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