Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Unparalleled queen

Royal Palace of Valladolid.

Isabella sat quietly in her chair, with two reports in front of her. One was a secret report about the situation in Seville sent by a spy she had planted in Andalusia, and the other was Don Bavi's statement under oath to take over the power of the Andalusian Archon.

Opposite her, several ministers watched the Queen silently, they were waiting for a thunderstorm to come.

Isabella is an amazing queen, which people have known for many years, and her most obvious character is her stronger will than men and the tenacity to face tribulation. This extraordinary solution is decisive. She was able to make timely decisions when facing major choices several times, and once she made up her mind, no matter what she was waiting for, she could go on without hesitation.

So in the past, Isabella may have made wrong judgments and decisions, but she has never hesitated. From the beginning, she resolutely decided her own future destiny through marriage, and even knowing the situation of the treasury. Not optimistic, but the firm support for Columbus's feat of exploring new routes can still be seen.

So the ministers are not worried about what kind of decision the queen will make, they just need to be responsible for fulfilling the orders issued by the queen.

"Don Bavey, did he do it in the end?" Isabella's face showed no surprise. It seemed that Tang Bawei's behavior had long been her expectation. "Probably you won't believe it. From the time he decided to take the risk to help me, I knew this person would be a big problem in the future. "

Isabella stood up and walked slowly around the table. She came to the window and looked at the garden outside. At that time, the flower garden was already colorful. In the middle of March, it can be said that it is actually a little late, Iberia The geographical climate of the peninsula allows this land to appreciate the arrival of spring earlier than anywhere in Europe. Now there are even signs of silk fever in the south at this time.

"Don't you think you don't understand?" Isabella looked back at a few people and chuckled. "You all know how bad the situation I was facing at that time. I remember very well that even the most loyal to me The lords also chose to be silent. After all, if I continue to follow me, I will face the anger of the king, "Isabella groaned contemptuously, and when she mentioned Enrique, she would involuntarily express contempt. After all, in her mind, Enrique was a complete and complete loser. As for his daughters Juana, Isabella did n’t even consider her as an opponent. · Bawei stood up and supported me. What kind of person do you think this is? "

The ministers were silent, they knew that the queen was not asking them, so they just listened.

"An out-of-the-box careerist, someone who is brave enough to go crazy," Isabella walked back to the table and sat down. "He was able to choose to support me at that time, not because of loyalty but because he knew he could be on me What Enrique ca n’t give him, just like now, he would rather take the risk and betray me because there are greater benefits waiting for him. "

"Your Majesty, we are now preparing to go to war with Portugal," a minister whispered, "we may not be able to bear the burden of waging two wars in both the north and the south."

"But I want a war!" Isabella's hand clapped **** the table and made a "snap" loudly. "I can't allow someone to challenge my authority, and you know that if you don't respond as expected, it will bring What kind of consequences? The nobles in other places will imitate his behavior. They will even ask for a noble meeting to redefine their rights. Do you think I should succumb to the so-called Under the Charter, let them ask for it? "

The queen's question echoed in the hall, and the ministers' faces became dignified and even difficult to look at.

Valladolid is a brand-new city coming over. This is so because the city does have a long history, which can even be traced back to the time of the Roman Empire, but the time when the city became the capital of Castile Not long after, Isabella had decided to move the palace from the original city of Toledo to Valladolid in order to eliminate the influence of the Enrique era after successfully fighting for the throne with Enrique. Duo is still nominally the first capital of Castile, and so far the Metropolitan Palace of the Archdiocese of Castile is still set up in the city of Toledo, but everyone knows that the real center of the kingdom has followed The migration of the Queen was transferred to Valladolid.

With the relocation of the capital, the nobles who followed the Queen to the palace of Valladolid and the old palace of Toledo also invisibly split two distinct camps, the new and the old.

The old nobles who stayed in Toledo became the banners of the lords everywhere. They knew that there were still people supporting their feudal system in the court, and the new noble who followed the queen to Valladolid was Isabella. Revitalize the royal family and build a firm follower of a unified kingdom.

In the past, although the battle between the royal family and the lords never stopped, but now with the action of Don Bavi, the original contradiction of the dark tide was finally fully exposed.

Isabella refused to recognize the identity of Don Pavi's Andalusian Archon. After the news came out of the palace, the atmosphere in the city of Valladolid changed instantly.

Everyone knows that this means war, and the Queen will make such a decision on the eve of the war with Portugal. Although many people are stunned by the Queen ’s spirit, some people cannot help but secretly worry about the coming difficulties.

At the same time, the war was launched in both directions, north and south. Even if there was news that the queen had ordered Gonzalo to return home, the situation was still not optimistic.

What really worries many people is the reaction of the lords elsewhere in Castile.

Especially the meeting of the nobles who remained in the old capital of Toledo, at this time, they will choose who to stand on.

"I know what to do," Isabella announced to the ministers. "This will be a war to quell the rebellion."

After the elimination of Granada, the last fortress of the Moors, Castilla ’s prosperous state has made this country in the southwestern corner of the European continent a force that cannot be ignored throughout Europe. However, compared with the status of becoming a European power, Toledo, which still has the name of the capital, looks a bit less compatible.

Toledo is a small city, and the cities built on the mountain are scattered on a few low mountains.

Some of the buildings in the city are very old. From the Gothic era to the Moorish period, many parts of the city still retain traces of different styles.

Because it was built according to the mountainous landscape, the streets of Toledo are mostly rugged and complex. The narrow and narrow streets and lanes are distributed throughout the city like a cobweb. The city is surrounded by a wide but turbulent river on three sides. From a distance, it looks like a huge mushroom forest growing on a mountain.

The most magnificent building in the city of Toledo is the Old Palace. As a famous fortress that has survived centuries of wind, rain and war, the Toledo Old Palace is a near-perfect interpretation of the work of combining the military castle with the royal palace.

The old palace of Toledo is located at the highest point of this mountain city. The boxy buildings are magnificent and magnificent. At the four corners of this palace with hundreds of rooms, four steep towers pointing directly at the sky stand like four sharp sharp spears. The old palace is surrounded by an unusually strong city wall, and only a not-wide road leads to the city below.

An old man in a plush robe was walking along a slightly upward stone road. His hair was gray, and a scar on his face made him look more majestic because of the scars left by the early war.

But at this time the look on his face showed a faint gloom.

When he saw a person waiting for him on the upper steps, the old man's eyebrows were already twirled, but he didn't stay under his feet and continued on.

"Adult, I know it's rude to disturb you at such times, but things are really urgent."

Waiting on the steps early was a man wearing a monk's coarse robe. His head was sparse, and a strand of hair fluttered in the wind.

The old man did not respond to this person's apology. He ignored this person but passed by him and walked forward.

"Sir, we don't think the Queen may compromise with Andalusia because of the current situation," the monk immediately followed, walking beside him. "The Archbishop thinks that we should probably propose to the Queen Her Majesty at this time. Suggest."

The old man stopped, he slowly turned his head to look at the monk standing aside, and asked in a hoarse and low voice, "What kind of advice are you talking about?"

"Adult, Thomas Tangomad is a real minister. Although he is the queen's personal priest, his influence on the queen is obviously very bad. We even suspect that he is confusing the queen with some rhetoric and some kind of magic. "The monk said quickly." And it ’s clear that the change in Andalusia is also because of him. He used a lie to convince the queen that Don Bavi tried to oppose himself, and this person used the queen ’s trust in him in Castilla All over the world are frantically collecting money. These charges are enough to get him on the gallows. "

The monk's eager expression fell on the old man's eyes, but his face did not change because of his words.

He moved forward and continued to move forward, as if he hadn't heard those words before.

"Adult, this is an opportunity, a great opportunity to get rid of the trouble of Thomas Tongomad ..."

The monk immediately followed up and talked nonstop, but the old man ignored him until he was blocked by the guard standing in front of the gate of the old palace, and could only watch the old man walk into the tall palace arch from the outside. .

The old man walked through a slightly dark corridor. When he came to a round room, he looked at the few people who had sat there around a huge round table and coughed loudly.

"The queen has decided to quell the Andalusian rebellion."

The old man's words caused a slight uproar from those people. They looked over at him. Some people opened their mouths slightly and seemed to say something, while others looked at the people next to them with interrogative eyes. They seemed to get answers from their companions.

"Has it been declared a rebellion," a tall, middle-aged man with a long face stood up, and when he saw the old man nodded slightly, the middle-aged man's gaze looked at the others at the round table. Is n’t it resolute? She did n’t even give us any room to discuss with her. ”

"I didn't seem to discuss it with her husband," another person said, and when he saw the other person looking over, the person shrugged slightly. "Isn't that the case? She had always decided with Ferdinand before." Everything, but this time she seems a little too anxious. "

"The Queen is responsible for making it clear to all of us in this matter that Pamonide Don Bavi is a noble," some of them said bitterly. "Although he is actually a shameful traitor, this is his Rights, even the queen has no right to prohibit him from making representations to the noble council. "

Listening to the discussion among the people in the seat, the old man slowly tapped on the table in front of him. Hearing the sound of "Boom", several people stopped to look at the old man.

"There is no doubt that the Queen clearly believes that Don Bavi has offended her majesty, so she has announced the abolition of all the noble rights of Don Bavi and declared him a traitor."

"This is not allowed!" Some of the people immediately refuted loudly, "The rights of the nobility cannot be taken away casually. Although Don Bavi is indeed a traitor to all of us, it is related to the entire Casti The dignity and rights of the noble class of Leah, even the monarch cannot trample on this rule at will. "

"We should support Tang Bawei, don't we, but maybe we should also get in touch with the Archbishop's Palace." Someone suggested.

"Actually, the Archbishop ’s Palace has sent someone to contact me," the old man looked at several others. "The Archbishop ’s adult seemed to think that all this was the fault of Thomas Tongomad. I do n’t know if they were going to announce his Will he be sent to the torture rack after the crime, but I do n’t think this is a very smart move, because they obviously blame the wrong person. "

The old man's words made the room quiet, and everyone looked at each other in this way. They all saw the same thing in each other's eyes, but they did not want to admit it.

"Okay, let's not play the dumb mystery anymore." The old man stood up impatiently from the chair. "We all know what the queen's purpose is, and we even know that Thomas Tongomada is just her puppet, but we have never been Opportunity to rebel against her, Isabella la Astamara is too powerful, she even turned a blind eye to our noble meeting, easily deprived other nobles of their rights and despised them at will, which is absolutely not allowed, we want Let her know that all this must be changed, so I suggest sending a messenger to Andalusia to mediate in the name of a noble meeting. "

The old man's suggestion made those people stunned first, and then they all agreed.

"The noble meeting has the right and obligation to mediate disputes, which is the tradition of Castile."

"Following traditions and laws, any saboteur will be the enemy of all nobles."

After listening to several people's comments, the old man's eyes were looking out to the Bishop's Palace on a hill opposite the city of Toledo.

He did n’t know what the Archbishop of Castile was always hiding in the room of the Bishop ’s Palace, but he also apparently sent someone who did n’t look very reliable to try to convince him, but he did n’t believe it. The cunning archbishop could not see Isabella's attempts to infect the church.

Now it is a rare opportunity for both the old nobility and the church.

"Then let us see what Isabella will do." The old man said to several others in the same noble meeting. "As we all said, ancient traditions and rules must be followed, even the monarch cannot Violation, because this is the grace that God has given us, and God can only withdraw it if God gives it. "

In mid-March 1501, the meeting of the Castilian nobles in Toledo suddenly announced the dispatch of envoys to Andalucia, and this decision immediately caused an uproar among the nobles of Castile.

People were keenly aware of the gap between the noble meeting and the queen, and the day after the noble meeting was announced, an event announced by the Archbishop ’s Palace of Castilla, also in Toledo, made The Castilians fell into a daze or even anxiety.

"The Archbishop's Palace announced the expulsion of the messengers in order to examine whether a trial of heresy by Buhalanse was doctrinal, and to investigate the possible death of Pastor Gado, the priest of St. Barbara Church . "

When looking at the autograph letter from the Archbishop of Toledo City ~ ~ Isabella's complexion suddenly became difficult to look at, and she looked a bit scary, even the servants on the side People dare not make a noise.

The previous announcement issued by the noble meeting had made Isabelle extremely angry, and now the archbishop ’s palace directly implied that she was indulging the priests in the aristocracy, and Isabella felt the implication hostility.

But this undoubtedly also deeply stimulated the Queen of Castile.

Just thinking a little bit, Isabella has already made a decision.

"Follow me or stand on the side of my enemies," Isabella resolutely and decisively gave orders regardless of the ministers' concerns. To quell the Andalusian rebellion, "said Isabella looking to the court clerk on the side" to write to Gonzalo and order him to return home as soon as possible. "

Hearing the Queen ’s words, the ministers could n’t help but stare at each other. They knew Isabella had clearly made up her mind. The moment when Gonzalo returned, it was the beginning of the Castilian civil war.

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